Funktions- und Methodenverzeichnis
Verzeichnis aller Funktionen und Methoden im Handbuch
- a
- abs - Absolutwert bzw. Betrag
- acos - Arkuskosinus
- acosh - Areakosinus Hyperbolikus
- addcslashes - Stellt bestimmten Zeichen eines Strings ein "\" voran (wie in C)
- addslashes - Stellt bestimmten Zeichen eines Strings ein "\" voran
- apache_child_terminate - Beendet einen Apacheprozess nach der Anfrage
- apache_getenv - Liefert eine Apache-Subprocess_env-Variable
- apache_get_modules - Liefert eine Liste der geladenen Apachemodule
- apache_get_version - Liefert die Apacheversion
- apache_lookup_uri - Führt eine Teilanfrage für einen angegebenen URI durch und liefert
alle Informationen darüber zurück
- apache_note - Setzt und liest Apache Request Notes
- apache_request_headers - Liefert alle HTTP-Requestheader
- apache_reset_timeout - Setzt den Apache Write-Time zurück
- apache_response_headers - Liefert alle HTTP-Responseheader
- apache_setenv - Setzt eine Apache-Subprocess_env-Variable
- APCIterator::current - Get current item
- APCIterator::getTotalCount - Get total count
- APCIterator::getTotalHits - Get total cache hits
- APCIterator::getTotalSize - Get total cache size
- APCIterator::key - Get iterator key
- APCIterator::next - Move pointer to next item
- APCIterator::rewind - Rewinds iterator
- APCIterator::valid - Checks if current position is valid
- APCIterator::__construct - Constructs an APCIterator iterator object
- APCUIterator::current - Get current item
- APCUIterator::getTotalCount - Get total count
- APCUIterator::getTotalHits - Get total cache hits
- APCUIterator::getTotalSize - Get total cache size
- APCUIterator::key - Get iterator key
- APCUIterator::next - Move pointer to next item
- APCUIterator::rewind - Rewinds iterator
- APCUIterator::valid - Checks if current position is valid
- APCUIterator::__construct - Constructs an APCUIterator iterator object
- apcu_add - Cache a new variable in the data store
- apcu_cache_info - Retrieves cached information from APCu's data store
- apcu_cas - Updates an old value with a new value
- apcu_clear_cache - Clears the APCu cache
- apcu_dec - Decrease a stored number
- apcu_delete - Removes a stored variable from the cache
- apcu_entry - Atomically fetch or generate a cache entry
- apcu_exists - Checks if entry exists
- apcu_fetch - Fetch a stored variable from the cache
- apcu_inc - Increase a stored number
- apcu_sma_info - Retrieves APCu Shared Memory Allocation information
- apcu_store - Cache a variable in the data store
- apc_add - Cache a new variable in the data store
- apc_bin_dump - Get a binary dump of the given files and user variables
- apc_bin_dumpfile - Output a binary dump of cached files and user variables to a file
- apc_bin_load - Load a binary dump into the APC file/user cache
- apc_bin_loadfile - Load a binary dump from a file into the APC file/user cache
- apc_cache_info - Retrieves cached information from APC's data store
- apc_cas - Updates an old value with a new value
- apc_clear_cache - Clears the APC cache
- apc_compile_file - Speichert eine Datei im Bytecode Cache unter Umgehung aller Filter.
- apc_dec - Decrease a stored number
- apc_define_constants - Defines a set of constants for retrieval and mass-definition
- apc_delete - Removes a stored variable from the cache
- apc_delete_file - Deletes files from the opcode cache
- apc_exists - Checks if APC key exists
- apc_fetch - Fetch a stored variable from the cache
- apc_inc - Increase a stored number
- apc_load_constants - Loads a set of constants from the cache
- apc_sma_info - Retrieves APC's Shared Memory Allocation information
- apc_store - Cache a variable in the data store
- apd_breakpoint - Stops the interpreter and waits on a CR from the socket
- apd_callstack - Returns the current call stack as an array
- apd_clunk - Throw a warning and a callstack
- apd_continue - Restarts the interpreter
- apd_croak - Throw an error, a callstack and then exit
- apd_dump_function_table - Outputs the current function table
- apd_dump_persistent_resources - Return all persistent resources as an array
- apd_dump_regular_resources - Return all current regular resources as an array
- apd_echo - Echo to the debugging socket
- apd_get_active_symbols - Get an array of the current variables names in the local scope
- apd_set_pprof_trace - Starts the session debugging
- apd_set_session - Changes or sets the current debugging level
- apd_set_session_trace - Starts the session debugging
- apd_set_session_trace_socket - Starts the remote session debugging
- AppendIterator::append - Appends an iterator
- AppendIterator::current - Gets the current value
- AppendIterator::getArrayIterator - Gets the ArrayIterator
- AppendIterator::getInnerIterator - Gets the inner iterator
- AppendIterator::getIteratorIndex - Gets an index of iterators
- AppendIterator::key - Gets the current key
- AppendIterator::next - Moves to the next element
- AppendIterator::rewind - Rewinds the Iterator
- AppendIterator::valid - Checks validity of the current element
- AppendIterator::__construct - Constructs an AppendIterator
- array - Erstellt ein Array
- ArrayAccess::offsetExists - Prüft, ob ein Offset-Punkt existiert
- ArrayAccess::offsetGet - Gibt den Wert eines Offset-Punkts zurück
- ArrayAccess::offsetSet - Zuweisen eines Wertes an angegebenen Offset
- ArrayAccess::offsetUnset - Löschen eines Offsets
- ArrayIterator::append - Append an element
- ArrayIterator::asort - Sort array by values
- ArrayIterator::count - Count elements
- ArrayIterator::current - Return current array entry
- ArrayIterator::getArrayCopy - Get array copy
- ArrayIterator::getFlags - Get flags
- ArrayIterator::key - Return current array key
- ArrayIterator::ksort - Sort array by keys
- ArrayIterator::natcasesort - Sort an array naturally, case insensitive
- ArrayIterator::natsort - Sort an array naturally
- ArrayIterator::next - Move to next entry
- ArrayIterator::offsetExists - Check if offset exists
- ArrayIterator::offsetGet - Get value for an offset
- ArrayIterator::offsetSet - Set value for an offset
- ArrayIterator::offsetUnset - Unset value for an offset
- ArrayIterator::rewind - Rewind array back to the start
- ArrayIterator::seek - Seek to position
- ArrayIterator::serialize - Serialize
- ArrayIterator::setFlags - Set behaviour flags
- ArrayIterator::uasort - User defined sort
- ArrayIterator::uksort - User defined sort
- ArrayIterator::unserialize - Unserialize
- ArrayIterator::valid - Check whether array contains more entries
- ArrayIterator::__construct - Construct an ArrayIterator
- ArrayObject::append - Appends the value
- ArrayObject::asort - Sort the entries by value
- ArrayObject::count - Get the number of public properties in the ArrayObject
- ArrayObject::exchangeArray - Exchange the array for another one.
- ArrayObject::getArrayCopy - Creates a copy of the ArrayObject.
- ArrayObject::getFlags - Gets the behavior flags.
- ArrayObject::getIterator - Create a new iterator from an ArrayObject instance
- ArrayObject::getIteratorClass - Gets the iterator classname for the ArrayObject.
- ArrayObject::ksort - Sort the entries by key
- ArrayObject::natcasesort - Sort an array using a case insensitive "natural order" algorithm
- ArrayObject::natsort - Sort entries using a "natural order" algorithm
- ArrayObject::offsetExists - Returns whether the requested index exists
- ArrayObject::offsetGet - Returns the value at the specified index
- ArrayObject::offsetSet - Sets the value at the specified index to newval
- ArrayObject::offsetUnset - Unsets the value at the specified index
- ArrayObject::serialize - Serialize an ArrayObject
- ArrayObject::setFlags - Sets the behavior flags.
- ArrayObject::setIteratorClass - Sets the iterator classname for the ArrayObject.
- ArrayObject::uasort - Sort the entries with a user-defined comparison function and maintain key association
- ArrayObject::uksort - Sort the entries by keys using a user-defined comparison function
- ArrayObject::unserialize - Unserialize an ArrayObject
- ArrayObject::__construct - Construct a new array object
- array_change_key_case - Ändert die Groß- oder Kleinschreibung aller Schlüssel in einem Array
- array_chunk - Splittet ein Array in Teile auf
- array_column - Return the values from a single column in the input array
- array_combine - Erzeugt ein Array, indem es ein Array für die Schlüssel und ein
anderes für die Werte verwendet
- array_count_values - Zählt die Werte eines Arrays
- array_diff - Ermittelt die Unterschiede zwischen Arrays
- array_diff_assoc - Berechnet den Unterschied zwischen Arrays mit zusätzlicher
- array_diff_key - Berechnet den Unterschied zwischen Arrays, indem es die Schlüssel vergleicht
- array_diff_uassoc - Berechnet den Unterschied von Arrays mit zusätzlicher Indexprüfung, welche durch eine benutzerdefinierte Callback-Funktion vorgenommen wird
- array_diff_ukey - Berechnet den Unterschied zwischen Arrays mittels einer Callbackfunktion
für den Vergleich der Schlüssel
- array_fill - Füllt ein Array mit Werten
- array_fill_keys - Befüllt ein Array mit Werten mit den übergebenen Schlüsseln
- array_filter - Filtert Elemente eines Arrays mittels einer Callback-Funktion
- array_flip - Vertauscht alle Schlüssel mit ihren zugehörigen Werten in einem Array
- array_intersect - Ermittelt die Schnittmenge von Arrays
- array_intersect_assoc - Ermittelt die Schnittmenge von Arrays mit Indexprüfung
- array_intersect_key - Ermittelt die Schnittmenge von Arrays, indem es die
Schlüssel vergleicht
- array_intersect_uassoc - Ermittelt die Schnittmenge von Arrays mit Indexprüfung;
vergleicht Indizes mit einer Callbackfunktion
- array_intersect_ukey - Ermittelt die Schnittmenge zweier Arrays mittels eines durch eine
Callbackfunktion durchgeführten Schlüsselvergleiches
- array_keys - Liefert alle Schlüssel oder eine Teilmenge aller Schlüssel eines Arrays
- array_key_exists - Prüft, ob ein Schlüssel in einem Array existiert
- array_map - Wendet eine Callback-Funktion auf die Elemente von Arrays an
- array_merge - Führt zwei oder mehr Arrays zusammen
- array_merge_recursive - Führt ein oder mehrere Arrays rekursiv zusammen
- array_multisort - Sortiert mehrere oder multidimensionale Arrays
- array_pad - Füllt ein Array bis auf die angegebene Länge mit einem Wert auf
- array_pop - Liefert und entfernt das letzte Element eines Arrays
- array_product - Ermittelt das Produkt von Werten in einem Array
- array_push - Fügt ein oder mehr Elemente an das Ende eines Arrays an
- array_rand - Liefert einen oder mehrere zufällige Einträge eines Arrays
- array_reduce - Iterative Reduktion eines Arrays zu einem Wert mittels einer
- array_replace - Ersetzt Elemente von übergebenen Arrays im ersten Array
- array_replace_recursive - Replaces elements from passed arrays into the first array recursively
- array_reverse - Liefert ein Array mit umgekehrter Reihenfolge der Elemente
- array_search - Durchsucht ein Array nach einem Wert und liefert bei Erfolg den
zugehörigen Schlüssel
- array_shift - Liefert und entfernt das erste Element eines Arrays
- array_slice - Extrahiert einen Ausschnitt eines Arrays
- array_splice - Entfernt einen Teil eines Arrays und ersetzt ihn durch etwas
- array_sum - Liefert die Summe der Werte in einem Array
- array_udiff - Ermittelt den Unterschied zwischen Arrays mittels einer Callbackfunktion für
den Datenvergleich
- array_udiff_assoc - Ermittelt den Unterschied zwischen Arrays mit zusätzlicher
Indexprüfung, vergleicht mittels einer Callbackfunktion
- array_udiff_uassoc - Ermittelt den Unterschied zwischen Arrays mit zusätzlicher Indexprüfung,
vergleicht Daten und Indizes mittels einer Callbackfunktion
- array_uintersect - Ermittelt die Schnittmenge von Arrays, vergleicht Daten mittels einer Callbackfunktion
- array_uintersect_assoc - Ermittelt die Schnittmenge von Arrays mit zusätzlicher Indexprüfung, vergleicht Daten mittels einer Callbackfunktion
- array_uintersect_uassoc - Ermittelt die Schnittmenge von Arrays mit zusätzlicher Indexprüfung, vergleicht Daten und Schlüssel mittels separaten Callbackfunktionen
- array_unique - Entfernt doppelte Werte aus einem Array
- array_unshift - Fügt ein oder mehr Elemente am Anfang eines Arrays ein
- array_values - Liefert alle Werte eines Arrays
- array_walk - Wendet eine vom Benutzer gelieferte Funktion auf jedes Element eines Arrays an
- array_walk_recursive - Wendet eine Benutzerfunktion rekursiv auf jedes Element eines
Arrays an
- arsort - Sortiert ein Array in umgekehrter Reihenfolge und erhält die
- asin - Arkussinus
- asinh - Areasinus Hyperbolikus
- asort - Sortiert ein Array und erhält die Index-Assoziation
- assert - Prüft ab, ob eine Zusicherung FALSE ist
- assert_options - Setzt oder liefert die Assert-Optionen
- atan - Arkustangens
- atan2 - Arkustangens-Variante mit zwei Parametern
- atanh - Areatangens Hyperbolikus
- b
- base64_decode - DekodiertMIME base64-kodierte Daten
- base64_encode - Kodiert Daten MIME base64
- basename - Gibt letzten Namensteil einer Pfadangabe zurück
- base_convert - Konvertiert einen numerischen Wert zwischen verschiedenen Zahlensystemen
- bbcode_add_element - Fügt ein bbcode Element hinzu
- bbcode_add_smiley - Fügt dem Parser ein Smiley hinzu
- bbcode_create - Erstellt eine BBCode Ressource
- bbcode_destroy - Schliesst eine vorhandene BBCode_container Ressource
- bbcode_parse - Parst einen String anhand einem vorgegeben Regelsatz
- bbcode_set_arg_parser - Attach another parser in order to use another rule set for argument parsing
- bbcode_set_flags - Set or alter parser options
- bcadd - Addition zweier Zahlen beliebiger Genauigkeit
- bccomp - Vergleich zweier Zahlen beliebiger Genauigkeit
- bcdiv - Division zweier Zahlen beliebiger Genauigkeit
- bcmod - Modulo zweier Zahlen mit beliebiger Genauigkeit
- bcmul - Multiplikation zweier Zahlen beliebiger Genauigkeit
- bcompiler_load - Reads and creates classes from a bz compressed file
- bcompiler_load_exe - Reads and creates classes from a bcompiler exe file
- bcompiler_parse_class - Reads the bytecodes of a class and calls back to a user function
- bcompiler_read - Reads and creates classes from a filehandle
- bcompiler_write_class - Writes a defined class as bytecodes
- bcompiler_write_constant - Writes a defined constant as bytecodes
- bcompiler_write_exe_footer - Writes the start pos, and sig to the end of a exe type file
- bcompiler_write_file - Writes a php source file as bytecodes
- bcompiler_write_footer - Writes the single character \x00 to indicate End of compiled data
- bcompiler_write_function - Writes a defined function as bytecodes
- bcompiler_write_functions_from_file - Writes all functions defined in a file as bytecodes
- bcompiler_write_header - Writes the bcompiler header
- bcompiler_write_included_filename - Writes an included file as bytecodes
- bcpow - Potenz einer Zahl beliebiger Genauigkeit
- bcpowmod - Potenz einer Zahl beliebiger Genauigkeit, vermindert um ein
angegebenen Modulo
- bcscale - Setzt die Genauigkeit aller BCmath-Funktionen
- bcsqrt - Ermittelt die Quadratwurzel einer Zahl beliebiger Genauigkeit
- bcsub - Subtrahiert zwei Zahlen beliebiger Genauigkeit
- bin2hex - Wandelt Binär-Daten in ihre hexadezimale Entsprechung um
- bindec - Umwandlung von binär zu dezimal
- bindtextdomain - Setzt den Pfad für eine Domain
- bind_textdomain_codeset - Gibt das Encoding an, in dem Texte aus der Übersetzungstabelle der DOMAIN
zurückgegeben werden
- blenc_encrypt - Encrypt a PHP script with BLENC.
- boolval - Get the boolean value of a variable
- bson_decode - Deserializes a BSON object into a PHP array
- bson_encode - Serializes a PHP variable into a BSON string
- bzclose - Schließt eine bzip2-Datei
- bzcompress - Komprimiert eine Zeichenkette in bzip2-encodierte Daten
- bzdecompress - Dekomprimiert bzip2-kodierte Daten
- bzerrno - Gibt eine bzip2-Fehlernummer zurück
- bzerror - Gibt die bzip2-Fehlernummer und die -Fehlermeldung in einem
Array zurück
- bzerrstr - Gibt eine bzip2-Fehlermeldung zurück
- bzflush - Erzwingt das Schreiben aller gepufferten Daten
- bzopen - Öffnet eine bzip2-komprimierte Datei
- bzread - Binär-sicheres Lesen aus einer bzip2-Datei
- bzwrite - Binär-sicheres Schreiben einer bzip2-Datei
- c
- CachingIterator::count - The number of elements in the iterator
- CachingIterator::current - Return the current element
- CachingIterator::getCache - Retrieve the contents of the cache
- CachingIterator::getFlags - Get flags used
- CachingIterator::getInnerIterator - Returns the inner iterator
- CachingIterator::hasNext - Check whether the inner iterator has a valid next element
- CachingIterator::key - Return the key for the current element
- CachingIterator::next - Move the iterator forward
- CachingIterator::offsetExists - The offsetExists purpose
- CachingIterator::offsetGet - The offsetGet purpose
- CachingIterator::offsetSet - The offsetSet purpose
- CachingIterator::offsetUnset - The offsetUnset purpose
- CachingIterator::rewind - Rewind the iterator
- CachingIterator::setFlags - The setFlags purpose
- CachingIterator::valid - Check whether the current element is valid
- CachingIterator::__construct - Construct a new CachingIterator object for the iterator.
- CachingIterator::__toString - Return the string representation of the current element
- Cairo::availableFonts - Retrieves the availables font types
- Cairo::availableSurfaces - Retrieves all available surfaces
- Cairo::statusToString - Retrieves the current status as string
- Cairo::version - Retrives cairo's library version
- Cairo::versionString - Retrieves cairo version as string
- CairoContext::appendPath - Appends a path to current path
- CairoContext::arc - Adds a circular arc
- CairoContext::arcNegative - Adds a negative arc
- CairoContext::clip - Establishes a new clip region
- CairoContext::clipExtents - Computes the area inside the current clip
- CairoContext::clipPreserve - Establishes a new clip region from the current clip
- CairoContext::clipRectangleList - Retrieves the current clip as a list of rectangles
- CairoContext::closePath - Closes the current path
- CairoContext::copyPage - Emits the current page
- CairoContext::copyPath - Creates a copy of the current path
- CairoContext::copyPathFlat - Gets a flattened copy of the current path
- CairoContext::curveTo - Adds a curve
- CairoContext::deviceToUser - Transform a coordinate
- CairoContext::deviceToUserDistance - Transform a distance
- CairoContext::fill - Fills the current path
- CairoContext::fillExtents - Computes the filled area
- CairoContext::fillPreserve - Fills and preserve the current path
- CairoContext::fontExtents - Get the font extents
- CairoContext::getAntialias - Retrives the current antialias mode
- CairoContext::getCurrentPoint - The getCurrentPoint purpose
- CairoContext::getDash - The getDash purpose
- CairoContext::getDashCount - The getDashCount purpose
- CairoContext::getFillRule - The getFillRule purpose
- CairoContext::getFontFace - The getFontFace purpose
- CairoContext::getFontMatrix - The getFontMatrix purpose
- CairoContext::getFontOptions - The getFontOptions purpose
- CairoContext::getGroupTarget - The getGroupTarget purpose
- CairoContext::getLineCap - The getLineCap purpose
- CairoContext::getLineJoin - The getLineJoin purpose
- CairoContext::getLineWidth - The getLineWidth purpose
- CairoContext::getMatrix - The getMatrix purpose
- CairoContext::getMiterLimit - The getMiterLimit purpose
- CairoContext::getOperator - The getOperator purpose
- CairoContext::getScaledFont - The getScaledFont purpose
- CairoContext::getSource - The getSource purpose
- CairoContext::getTarget - The getTarget purpose
- CairoContext::getTolerance - The getTolerance purpose
- CairoContext::glyphPath - The glyphPath purpose
- CairoContext::hasCurrentPoint - The hasCurrentPoint purpose
- CairoContext::identityMatrix - The identityMatrix purpose
- CairoContext::inFill - The inFill purpose
- CairoContext::inStroke - The inStroke purpose
- CairoContext::lineTo - The lineTo purpose
- CairoContext::mask - The mask purpose
- CairoContext::maskSurface - The maskSurface purpose
- CairoContext::moveTo - The moveTo purpose
- CairoContext::newPath - The newPath purpose
- CairoContext::newSubPath - The newSubPath purpose
- CairoContext::paint - The paint purpose
- CairoContext::paintWithAlpha - The paintWithAlpha purpose
- CairoContext::pathExtents - The pathExtents purpose
- CairoContext::popGroup - The popGroup purpose
- CairoContext::popGroupToSource - The popGroupToSource purpose
- CairoContext::pushGroup - The pushGroup purpose
- CairoContext::pushGroupWithContent - The pushGroupWithContent purpose
- CairoContext::rectangle - The rectangle purpose
- CairoContext::relCurveTo - The relCurveTo purpose
- CairoContext::relLineTo - The relLineTo purpose
- CairoContext::relMoveTo - The relMoveTo purpose
- CairoContext::resetClip - The resetClip purpose
- CairoContext::restore - The restore purpose
- CairoContext::rotate - The rotate purpose
- CairoContext::save - The save purpose
- CairoContext::scale - The scale purpose
- CairoContext::selectFontFace - The selectFontFace purpose
- CairoContext::setAntialias - The setAntialias purpose
- CairoContext::setDash - The setDash purpose
- CairoContext::setFillRule - The setFillRule purpose
- CairoContext::setFontFace - The setFontFace purpose
- CairoContext::setFontMatrix - The setFontMatrix purpose
- CairoContext::setFontOptions - The setFontOptions purpose
- CairoContext::setFontSize - The setFontSize purpose
- CairoContext::setLineCap - The setLineCap purpose
- CairoContext::setLineJoin - The setLineJoin purpose
- CairoContext::setLineWidth - The setLineWidth purpose
- CairoContext::setMatrix - The setMatrix purpose
- CairoContext::setMiterLimit - The setMiterLimit purpose
- CairoContext::setOperator - The setOperator purpose
- CairoContext::setScaledFont - The setScaledFont purpose
- CairoContext::setSource - The setSource purpose
- CairoContext::setSourceRGB - The setSourceRGB purpose
- CairoContext::setSourceRGBA - The setSourceRGBA purpose
- CairoContext::setSourceSurface - The setSourceSurface purpose
- CairoContext::setTolerance - The setTolerance purpose
- CairoContext::showPage - The showPage purpose
- CairoContext::showText - The showText purpose
- CairoContext::status - The status purpose
- CairoContext::stroke - The stroke purpose
- CairoContext::strokeExtents - The strokeExtents purpose
- CairoContext::strokePreserve - The strokePreserve purpose
- CairoContext::textExtents - The textExtents purpose
- CairoContext::textPath - The textPath purpose
- CairoContext::transform - The transform purpose
- CairoContext::translate - The translate purpose
- CairoContext::userToDevice - The userToDevice purpose
- CairoContext::userToDeviceDistance - The userToDeviceDistance purpose
- CairoContext::__construct - Creates a new CairoContext
- CairoFontFace::getType - Retrieves the font face type
- CairoFontFace::status - Check for CairoFontFace errors
- CairoFontFace::__construct - Creates a new CairoFontFace object
- CairoFontOptions::equal - The equal purpose
- CairoFontOptions::getAntialias - The getAntialias purpose
- CairoFontOptions::getHintMetrics - The getHintMetrics purpose
- CairoFontOptions::getHintStyle - The getHintStyle purpose
- CairoFontOptions::getSubpixelOrder - The getSubpixelOrder purpose
- CairoFontOptions::hash - The hash purpose
- CairoFontOptions::merge - The merge purpose
- CairoFontOptions::setAntialias - The setAntialias purpose
- CairoFontOptions::setHintMetrics - The setHintMetrics purpose
- CairoFontOptions::setHintStyle - The setHintStyle purpose
- CairoFontOptions::setSubpixelOrder - The setSubpixelOrder purpose
- CairoFontOptions::status - The status purpose
- CairoFontOptions::__construct - The __construct purpose
- CairoFormat::strideForWidth - Provides an appropiate stride to use
- CairoGradientPattern::addColorStopRgb - The addColorStopRgb purpose
- CairoGradientPattern::addColorStopRgba - The addColorStopRgba purpose
- CairoGradientPattern::getColorStopCount - The getColorStopCount purpose
- CairoGradientPattern::getColorStopRgba - The getColorStopRgba purpose
- CairoGradientPattern::getExtend - The getExtend purpose
- CairoGradientPattern::setExtend - The setExtend purpose
- CairoImageSurface::createForData - The createForData purpose
- CairoImageSurface::createFromPng - Creates a new CairoImageSurface form a png image file
- CairoImageSurface::getData - Gets the image data as string
- CairoImageSurface::getFormat - Get the image format
- CairoImageSurface::getHeight - Retrieves the height of the CairoImageSurface
- CairoImageSurface::getStride - The getStride purpose
- CairoImageSurface::getWidth - Retrieves the width of the CairoImageSurface
- CairoImageSurface::__construct - Creates a new CairoImageSurface
- CairoLinearGradient::getPoints - The getPoints purpose
- CairoLinearGradient::__construct - The __construct purpose
- CairoMatrix::initIdentity - Creates a new identity matrix
- CairoMatrix::initRotate - Creates a new rotated matrix
- CairoMatrix::initScale - Creates a new scaling matrix
- CairoMatrix::initTranslate - Creates a new translation matrix
- CairoMatrix::invert - The invert purpose
- CairoMatrix::multiply - The multiply purpose
- CairoMatrix::rotate - The rotate purpose
- CairoMatrix::scale - Applies scaling to a matrix
- CairoMatrix::transformDistance - The transformDistance purpose
- CairoMatrix::transformPoint - The transformPoint purpose
- CairoMatrix::translate - The translate purpose
- CairoMatrix::__construct - Creates a new CairoMatrix object
- CairoPattern::getMatrix - The getMatrix purpose
- CairoPattern::getType - The getType purpose
- CairoPattern::setMatrix - The setMatrix purpose
- CairoPattern::status - The status purpose
- CairoPattern::__construct - The __construct purpose
- CairoPdfSurface::setSize - The setSize purpose
- CairoPdfSurface::__construct - The __construct purpose
- CairoPsSurface::dscBeginPageSetup - The dscBeginPageSetup purpose
- CairoPsSurface::dscBeginSetup - The dscBeginSetup purpose
- CairoPsSurface::dscComment - The dscComment purpose
- CairoPsSurface::getEps - The getEps purpose
- CairoPsSurface::getLevels - The getLevels purpose
- CairoPsSurface::levelToString - The levelToString purpose
- CairoPsSurface::restrictToLevel - The restrictToLevel purpose
- CairoPsSurface::setEps - The setEps purpose
- CairoPsSurface::setSize - The setSize purpose
- CairoPsSurface::__construct - The __construct purpose
- CairoRadialGradient::getCircles - The getCircles purpose
- CairoRadialGradient::__construct - The __construct purpose
- CairoScaledFont::extents - The extents purpose
- CairoScaledFont::getCtm - The getCtm purpose
- CairoScaledFont::getFontFace - The getFontFace purpose
- CairoScaledFont::getFontMatrix - The getFontMatrix purpose
- CairoScaledFont::getFontOptions - The getFontOptions purpose
- CairoScaledFont::getScaleMatrix - The getScaleMatrix purpose
- CairoScaledFont::getType - The getType purpose
- CairoScaledFont::glyphExtents - The glyphExtents purpose
- CairoScaledFont::status - The status purpose
- CairoScaledFont::textExtents - The textExtents purpose
- CairoScaledFont::__construct - The __construct purpose
- CairoSolidPattern::getRgba - The getRgba purpose
- CairoSolidPattern::__construct - The __construct purpose
- CairoSurface::copyPage - The copyPage purpose
- CairoSurface::createSimilar - The createSimilar purpose
- CairoSurface::finish - The finish purpose
- CairoSurface::flush - The flush purpose
- CairoSurface::getContent - The getContent purpose
- CairoSurface::getDeviceOffset - The getDeviceOffset purpose
- CairoSurface::getFontOptions - The getFontOptions purpose
- CairoSurface::getType - The getType purpose
- CairoSurface::markDirty - The markDirty purpose
- CairoSurface::markDirtyRectangle - The markDirtyRectangle purpose
- CairoSurface::setDeviceOffset - The setDeviceOffset purpose
- CairoSurface::setFallbackResolution - The setFallbackResolution purpose
- CairoSurface::showPage - The showPage purpose
- CairoSurface::status - The status purpose
- CairoSurface::writeToPng - The writeToPng purpose
- CairoSurface::__construct - The __construct purpose
- CairoSurfacePattern::getExtend - The getExtend purpose
- CairoSurfacePattern::getFilter - The getFilter purpose
- CairoSurfacePattern::getSurface - The getSurface purpose
- CairoSurfacePattern::setExtend - The setExtend purpose
- CairoSurfacePattern::setFilter - The setFilter purpose
- CairoSurfacePattern::__construct - The __construct purpose
- CairoSvgSurface::getVersions - Used to retrieve a list of supported SVG versions
- CairoSvgSurface::restrictToVersion - The restrictToVersion purpose
- CairoSvgSurface::versionToString - The versionToString purpose
- CairoSvgSurface::__construct - The __construct purpose
- cairo_create - Returns a new CairoContext object on the requested surface.
- cairo_font_face_get_type - Description
- cairo_font_options_create - Description
- cairo_font_options_equal - Description
- cairo_font_options_get_antialias - Description
- cairo_font_options_get_hint_metrics - Description
- cairo_font_options_get_hint_style - Description
- cairo_font_options_get_subpixel_order - Description
- cairo_font_options_hash - Description
- cairo_font_options_merge - Description
- cairo_font_options_set_antialias - Description
- cairo_font_options_set_hint_metrics - Description
- cairo_font_options_set_hint_style - Description
- cairo_font_options_set_subpixel_order - Description
- cairo_font_options_status - Description
- cairo_format_stride_for_width - Description
- cairo_image_surface_create - Description
- cairo_image_surface_create_for_data - Description
- cairo_image_surface_create_from_png - Description
- cairo_image_surface_get_data - Description
- cairo_image_surface_get_format - Description
- cairo_image_surface_get_height - Description
- cairo_image_surface_get_stride - Description
- cairo_image_surface_get_width - Description
- cairo_matrix_create_translate - Alias von CairoMatrix::initTranslate
- cairo_matrix_invert - Description
- cairo_matrix_multiply - Description
- cairo_matrix_rotate - Description
- cairo_matrix_transform_distance - Description
- cairo_matrix_transform_point - Description
- cairo_matrix_translate - Description
- cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgb - Description
- cairo_pattern_add_color_stop_rgba - Description
- cairo_pattern_create_for_surface - Description
- cairo_pattern_create_linear - Description
- cairo_pattern_create_radial - Description
- cairo_pattern_create_rgb - Description
- cairo_pattern_create_rgba - Description
- cairo_pattern_get_color_stop_count - Description
- cairo_pattern_get_color_stop_rgba - Description
- cairo_pattern_get_extend - Description
- cairo_pattern_get_filter - Description
- cairo_pattern_get_linear_points - Description
- cairo_pattern_get_matrix - Description
- cairo_pattern_get_radial_circles - Description
- cairo_pattern_get_rgba - Description
- cairo_pattern_get_surface - Description
- cairo_pattern_get_type - Description
- cairo_pattern_set_extend - Description
- cairo_pattern_set_filter - Description
- cairo_pattern_set_matrix - Description
- cairo_pattern_status - Description
- cairo_pdf_surface_create - Description
- cairo_pdf_surface_set_size - Description
- cairo_ps_get_levels - Description
- cairo_ps_level_to_string - Description
- cairo_ps_surface_create - Description
- cairo_ps_surface_dsc_begin_page_setup - Description
- cairo_ps_surface_dsc_begin_setup - Description
- cairo_ps_surface_dsc_comment - Description
- cairo_ps_surface_get_eps - Description
- cairo_ps_surface_restrict_to_level - Description
- cairo_ps_surface_set_eps - Description
- cairo_ps_surface_set_size - Description
- cairo_scaled_font_create - Description
- cairo_scaled_font_extents - Description
- cairo_scaled_font_get_ctm - Description
- cairo_scaled_font_get_font_face - Description
- cairo_scaled_font_get_font_matrix - Description
- cairo_scaled_font_get_font_options - Description
- cairo_scaled_font_get_scale_matrix - Description
- cairo_scaled_font_get_type - Description
- cairo_scaled_font_glyph_extents - Description
- cairo_scaled_font_status - Description
- cairo_scaled_font_text_extents - Description
- cairo_surface_copy_page - Description
- cairo_surface_create_similar - Description
- cairo_surface_finish - Description
- cairo_surface_flush - Description
- cairo_surface_get_content - Description
- cairo_surface_get_device_offset - Description
- cairo_surface_get_font_options - Description
- cairo_surface_get_type - Description
- cairo_surface_mark_dirty - Description
- cairo_surface_mark_dirty_rectangle - Description
- cairo_surface_set_device_offset - Description
- cairo_surface_set_fallback_resolution - Description
- cairo_surface_show_page - Description
- cairo_surface_status - Description
- cairo_surface_write_to_png - Description
- cairo_svg_surface_create - Description
- cairo_svg_surface_restrict_to_version - Description
- cairo_svg_version_to_string - Description
- CallbackFilterIterator::accept - Calls the callback with the current value, the current key and the inner iterator as arguments
- CallbackFilterIterator::__construct - Create a filtered iterator from another iterator
- call_user_func - Aufruf der Callback-Funktion die als erster Parameter übergeben wurde
- call_user_func_array - Call a callback with an array of parameters
- call_user_method - Ruft eine benannte Methode eines Objekts auf
- call_user_method_array - Call a user method given with an array of parameters
- cal_days_in_month - Gibt die Anzahl der Tage eines bestimmten Monats in einem bestimmten Jahr in einem bestimmten Kalender zurück
- cal_from_jd - Konvertiert von Julian Day Count zu einem unterstützten Kalender
- cal_info - Gibt Informationen zu einem bestimmten Kalender zurück
- cal_to_jd - Konvertiert von einem unterstützten Kalenderformat in Julian-Format
- ceil - Aufrunden
- chdb::get - Gets the value associated with a key
- chdb::__construct - Creates a chdb instance
- chdb_create - Creates a chdb file
- chdir - Wechseln des Verzeichnisses
- checkdate - Prüft ein Gregorianisches Datum auf Gültigkeit
- checkdnsrr - Prüft DNS-Einträge auf Übereinstimmung mit einem gegebenen
Internet-Host-Namen oder einer IP-Adresse
- chgrp - Wechselt die Gruppenzugehörigkeit einer Datei
- chmod - Ändert die Zugriffsrechte einer Datei
- chop - Alias von rtrim
- chown - Ändert den Eigentümer einer Datei
- chr - Gibt ein einzelnes Zeichen zurück
- chroot - Wechselt das Root-Verzeichnis
- chunk_split - Zerlegt einen String in Teile gleicher Länge
- classkit_import - Import new class method definitions from a file
- classkit_method_add - Dynamically adds a new method to a given class
- classkit_method_copy - Copies a method from class to another
- classkit_method_redefine - Dynamically changes the code of the given method
- classkit_method_remove - Dynamically removes the given method
- classkit_method_rename - Dynamically changes the name of the given method
- class_alias - Creates an alias for a class
- class_exists - Checks if the class has been defined
- class_implements - Return the interfaces which are implemented by the given class or interface
- class_parents - Return the parent classes of the given class
- class_uses - Return the traits used by the given class
- clearstatcache - Löscht den Status Cache
- cli_get_process_title - Returns the current process title
- cli_set_process_title - Sets the process title
- closedir - Schließen eines Verzeichnis-Handles
- closelog - Schließt die Verbindung zum System-Logger
- Closure::bind - Duplicates a closure with a specific bound object and class scope
- Closure::bindTo - Duplicates the closure with a new bound object and class scope
- Closure::call - Binds and calls the closure
- Closure::__construct - Constructor that disallows instantiation
- Collator::asort - Sort array maintaining index association
- Collator::compare - Compare two Unicode strings
- Collator::create - Create a collator
- Collator::getAttribute - Get collation attribute value
- Collator::getErrorCode - Get collator's last error code
- Collator::getErrorMessage - Get text for collator's last error code
- Collator::getLocale - Get the locale name of the collator
- Collator::getSortKey - Get sorting key for a string
- Collator::getStrength - Get current collation strength
- Collator::setAttribute - Set collation attribute
- Collator::setStrength - Set collation strength
- Collator::sort - Sort array using specified collator
- Collator::sortWithSortKeys - Sort array using specified collator and sort keys
- Collator::__construct - Create a collator
- Collectable::isGarbage - Determine whether an object has been marked as garbage
- Collectable::setGarbage - Mark an object as garbage
- compact - Erstellt ein Array mit Variablen und deren Werten
- com_create_guid - Generate a globally unique identifier (GUID)
- com_event_sink - Connect events from a COM object to a PHP object
- com_get_active_object - Returns a handle to an already running instance of a COM object
- com_load_typelib - Lädt eine Typelib
- com_message_pump - Process COM messages, sleeping for up to timeoutms milliseconds
- com_print_typeinfo - Print out a PHP class definition for a dispatchable interface
- Cond::broadcast - Broadcast a Condition
- Cond::create - Create a Condition
- Cond::destroy - Destroy a Condition
- Cond::signal - Signal a Condition
- Cond::wait - Wait for Condition
- connection_aborted - Überprüft, ob die Verbindung zum Client beendet wurde
- connection_status - Liefert den Verbindungsstatus als Bitfeld
- constant - Liefert den Wert einer Konstante
- Constants for PDO_4D - Constants for PDO_4D
- convert_cyr_string - Konvertiert Strings von einem kyrillischen Zeichensatz in einen anderen
- convert_uudecode - Dekodiert eine uukodierte Zeichenkette
- convert_uuencode - UU-kodiert eine Zeichenkette
- copy - Kopiert eine Datei
- cos - Kosinus
- cosh - Kosinus Hyperbolikus
- count - Zählt alle Elemente eines Arrays oder etwas in einem Objekt
- Countable::count - Anzahl der Elemente eines Objekts
- Counter::bumpValue - Change the current value of a counter.
- Counter::getMeta - Return a piece of metainformation about a counter.
- Counter::getNamed - Retrieve an existing named counter.
- Counter::getValue - Get the current value of a counter.
- Counter::resetValue - Reset the current value of a counter.
- Counter::setCounterClass - Set the class returned by Counter::getNamed.
- Counter::__construct - Creates an instance of a Counter which maintains a single numeric value.
- counter_bump - Update the current value of the basic counter.
- counter_bump_value - Change the current value of a counter resource.
- counter_create - Creates a counter which maintains a single numeric value.
- counter_get - Get the current value of the basic counter.
- counter_get_meta - Return a piece of metainformation about a counter resource.
- counter_get_named - Retrieve an existing named counter as a resource.
- counter_get_value - Get the current value of a counter resource.
- counter_reset - Reset the current value of the basic counter.
- counter_reset_value - Reset the current value of a counter resource.
- count_chars - Gibt Informationen über die in einem String enthaltenen Zeichen
- crack_check - Führt eine Überprüfung des übergebenen Passwortes durch
- crack_closedict - Schließt ein CrackLib-Wörterbuch
- crack_getlastmessage - Gibt die Nachricht der letzten Überprüfung zurück
- crack_opendict - Öffnet ein CrackLib-Wörterbuch
- crc32 - Berechnet den polynomischen CRC32-Wert eines Strings
- create_function - Erzeugen einer anonymen (Lambda-Stil) Funktion
- crypt - Einweg-String-Hashing
- ctype_alnum - Auf alphanumerische Zeichen überprüfen
- ctype_alpha - Auf Buchstabe(n) überprüfen
- ctype_cntrl - Auf Steuerzeichen überprüfen
- ctype_digit - Auf Ziffern überprüfen
- ctype_graph - Auf druckbare Zeichen (außer Leerzeichen) überprüfen
- ctype_lower - Auf Kleinbuchstaben überprüfen
- ctype_print - Auf druckbare Zeichen überprüfen
- ctype_punct - Prüft auf Sonderzeichem, d.h. auf druckbare Zeichen die weder Buchstaben
noch Ziffern noch Leerzeichen sind.
- ctype_space - Auf Leerzeichen überprüfen
- ctype_upper - Auf Großbuchstaben prüfen
- ctype_xdigit - Auf Hexadezimalziffern überprüfen
- cubrid_affected_rows - Return the number of rows affected by the last SQL statement
- cubrid_bind - Bind variables to a prepared statement as parameters
- cubrid_client_encoding - Return the current CUBRID connection charset
- cubrid_close - Close CUBRID connection
- cubrid_close_prepare - Close the request handle
- cubrid_close_request - Close the request handle
- cubrid_column_names - Get the column names in result
- cubrid_column_types - Get column types in result
- cubrid_col_get - Get contents of collection type column using OID
- cubrid_col_size - Get the number of elements in collection type column using OID
- cubrid_commit - Commit a transaction
- cubrid_connect - Open a connection to a CUBRID Server
- cubrid_connect_with_url - Establish the environment for connecting to CUBRID server
- cubrid_current_oid - Get OID of the current cursor location
- cubrid_data_seek - Move the internal row pointer of the CUBRID result
- cubrid_db_name - Get db name from results of cubrid_list_dbs
- cubrid_disconnect - Close a database connection
- cubrid_drop - Delete an instance using OID
- cubrid_errno - Return the numerical value of the error message from previous CUBRID operation
- cubrid_error - Get the error message
- cubrid_error_code - Get error code for the most recent function call
- cubrid_error_code_facility - Get the facility code of error
- cubrid_error_msg - Get last error message for the most recent function call
- cubrid_execute - Execute a prepared SQL statement
- cubrid_fetch - Fetch the next row from a result set
- cubrid_fetch_array - Fetch a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or both
- cubrid_fetch_assoc - Return the associative array that corresponds to the fetched row
- cubrid_fetch_field - Get column information from a result and return as an object
- cubrid_fetch_lengths - Return an array with the lengths of the values of each field from the current row
- cubrid_fetch_object - Fetch the next row and return it as an object
- cubrid_fetch_row - Return a numerical array with the values of the current row
- cubrid_field_flags - Return a string with the flags of the given field offset
- cubrid_field_len - Get the maximum length of the specified field
- cubrid_field_name - Return the name of the specified field index
- cubrid_field_seek - Move the result set cursor to the specified field offset
- cubrid_field_table - Return the name of the table of the specified field
- cubrid_field_type - Return the type of the column corresponding to the given field offset
- cubrid_free_result - Free the memory occupied by the result data
- cubrid_get - Get a column using OID
- cubrid_get_autocommit - Get auto-commit mode of the connection
- cubrid_get_charset - Return the current CUBRID connection charset
- cubrid_get_class_name - Get the class name using OID
- cubrid_get_client_info - Return the client library version
- cubrid_get_db_parameter - Returns the CUBRID database parameters
- cubrid_get_query_timeout - Get the query timeout value of the request
- cubrid_get_server_info - Return the CUBRID server version
- cubrid_insert_id - Return the ID generated for the last updated AUTO_INCREMENT column
- cubrid_is_instance - Check whether the instance pointed by OID exists
- cubrid_list_dbs - Return an array with the list of all existing CUBRID databases
- cubrid_load_from_glo - Read data from a GLO instance and save it in a file
- cubrid_lob2_bind - Bind a lob object or a string as a lob object to a prepared statement as parameters.
- cubrid_lob2_close - Close LOB object.
- cubrid_lob2_export - Export the lob object to a file.
- cubrid_lob2_import - Import BLOB/CLOB data from a file.
- cubrid_lob2_new - Create a lob object.
- cubrid_lob2_read - Read from BLOB/CLOB data.
- cubrid_lob2_seek - Move the cursor of a lob object.
- cubrid_lob2_seek64 - Move the cursor of a lob object.
- cubrid_lob2_size - Get a lob object's size.
- cubrid_lob2_size64 - Get a lob object's size.
- cubrid_lob2_tell - Tell the cursor position of the LOB object.
- cubrid_lob2_tell64 - Tell the cursor position of the LOB object.
- cubrid_lob2_write - Write to a lob object.
- cubrid_lob_close - Close BLOB/CLOB data
- cubrid_lob_export - Export BLOB/CLOB data to file
- cubrid_lob_get - Get BLOB/CLOB data
- cubrid_lob_send - Read BLOB/CLOB data and send straight to browser
- cubrid_lob_size - Get BLOB/CLOB data size
- cubrid_lock_read - Set a read lock on the given OID
- cubrid_lock_write - Set a write lock on the given OID
- cubrid_move_cursor - Move the cursor in the result
- cubrid_new_glo - Create a glo instance
- cubrid_next_result - Get result of next query when executing multiple SQL statements
- cubrid_num_cols - Return the number of columns in the result set
- cubrid_num_fields - Return the number of columns in the result set
- cubrid_num_rows - Get the number of rows in the result set
- cubrid_pconnect - Open a persistent connection to a CUBRID server
- cubrid_pconnect_with_url - Open a persistent connection to CUBRID server
- cubrid_ping - Ping a server connection or reconnect if there is no connection
- cubrid_prepare - Prepare a SQL statement for execution
- cubrid_put - Update a column using OID
- cubrid_query - Send a CUBRID query
- cubrid_real_escape_string - Escape special characters in a string for use in an SQL statement
- cubrid_result - Return the value of a specific field in a specific row
- cubrid_rollback - Roll back a transaction
- cubrid_save_to_glo - Save requested file in a GLO instance
- cubrid_schema - Get the requested schema information
- cubrid_send_glo - Read data from glo and send it to std output
- cubrid_seq_drop - Delete an element from sequence type column using OID
- cubrid_seq_insert - Insert an element to a sequence type column using OID
- cubrid_seq_put - Update the element value of sequence type column using OID
- cubrid_set_add - Insert a single element to set type column using OID
- cubrid_set_autocommit - Set autocommit mode of the connection
- cubrid_set_db_parameter - Sets the CUBRID database parameters
- cubrid_set_drop - Delete an element from set type column using OID
- cubrid_set_query_timeout - Set the timeout time of query execution
- cubrid_unbuffered_query - Perform a query without fetching the results into memory
- cubrid_version - Get the CUBRID PHP module's version
- CURLFile::getFilename - Ermittelt den Dateinamen
- CURLFile::getMimeType - Ermittelt den Mime-Typ
- CURLFile::getPostFilename - Ermittelt den Dateinamen für POST
- CURLFile::setMimeType - Setzt den Mime-Typ fest
- CURLFile::setPostFilename - Setzt den Dateinamen für POST fest
- CURLFile::__construct - Erstellt ein CURLFile Objekt
- CURLFile::__wakeup - Benutzerausführung
- CURL Kontextoptionen - Liste der CURL Kontextoptionen
- curl_close - Eine cURL-Session beenden
- curl_copy_handle - Kopieren eines cURL-Handles inklusiver aller Voreinstellungen
- curl_errno - Gibt die letzte Fehlernummer zurück
- curl_error - Gibt einen String zurück, der den letzten Fehler der aktuellen Session enthält
- curl_escape - URL-kodiert den angegebenen String
- curl_exec - Eine cURL-Session ausführen
- curl_getinfo - Informationen zu einem bestimmten Transfer abfragen
- curl_init - Eine cURL-Session initialisieren
- curl_multi_add_handle - Fügt ein reguläres cURL-Handle einem cURL-Multi-Handle hinzu
- curl_multi_close - Eine Gruppe von cURL-Handlern schließen
- curl_multi_exec - Führt die Unter-Verbindungen des cURL-Handles aus
- curl_multi_getcontent - Den Inhalt des cURL-Handles zurückgeben, falls CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER gesetzt ist
- curl_multi_info_read - Informationen über die aktuellen Transfers abrufen
- curl_multi_init - Gibt einen cURL-Multi-Handle zurück
- curl_multi_remove_handle - Einen Multi-Handle von einer Menge aus cURL-Handles entfernen
- curl_multi_select - Alle Sockets abfragen, die mit der cURL Erweiterung assoziiert sind und ausgewählt werden können
- curl_multi_setopt - Setz eine Option für das cURL multi-Handle
- curl_multi_strerror - Gibt einen den Fehler beschreibenden String zurück
- curl_pause - Pausiert und setzt eine Verbindung fort
- curl_reset - Reset all options of a libcurl session handle
- curl_setopt - Eine Option für einen cURL Transfer setzen
- curl_setopt_array - Mehrere Optionen für einen cURL-Transfer setzen
- curl_share_close - Close a cURL share handle
- curl_share_init - Initialize a cURL share handle
- curl_share_setopt - Set an option for a cURL share handle.
- curl_strerror - Return string describing the given error code
- curl_unescape - Decodes the given URL encoded string
- curl_version - Gibt die cURL-Version zurück
- current - Liefert das aktuelle Element eines Arrays
- cyrus_authenticate - Authenticate against a Cyrus IMAP server
- cyrus_bind - Bind callbacks to a Cyrus IMAP connection
- cyrus_close - Close connection to a Cyrus IMAP server
- cyrus_connect - Connect to a Cyrus IMAP server
- cyrus_query - Send a query to a Cyrus IMAP server
- cyrus_unbind - Unbind ...
- d
- data:// - Data (RFC 2397)
- date - Formatiert ein(e) angegebene(s) Ortszeit/Datum
- DateInterval::createFromDateString - Bildet ein DateInterval aus relativen Teilen des Strings
- DateInterval::format - Formats the interval
- DateInterval::__construct - Erstellt ein neues DateInterval Objekt
- DatePeriod::getDateInterval - Gets the interval
- DatePeriod::getEndDate - Gets the end date
- DatePeriod::getStartDate - Gets the start date
- DatePeriod::__construct - Erstellt ein neues DatePeriod Objekt
- DateTime::add - Addiert einen Wert von Tagen, Monaten, Jahren, Stunden, Minuten und Sekunden
zu einem DateTime-Objekt
- DateTime::createFromFormat - Parses a time string according to a specified format
- DateTime::diff - Returns the difference between two DateTime objects
- DateTime::format - Returns date formatted according to given format
- DateTime::getLastErrors - Gibt die Warnungen und Fehler zurück
- DateTime::getOffset - Returns the timezone offset
- DateTime::getTimestamp - Gets the Unix timestamp
- DateTime::getTimezone - Return time zone relative to given DateTime
- DateTime::modify - Ändert den Zeitstempel
- DateTime::setDate - Sets the date
- DateTime::setISODate - Sets the ISO date
- DateTime::setTime - Sets the time
- DateTime::setTimestamp - Legt Datum und Zeit basierend auf einem Unix-Zeitstempel fest
- DateTime::setTimezone - Legt die Zeitzone für ein DateTime Objekt fest
- DateTime::sub - Subtrahiert eine Anzahl von Tagen, Monaten, Jahren, Stunden, Minuten und
Sekunden von einem DateTime-Objekt.
- DateTime::__construct - Returns new DateTime object
- DateTime::__set_state - Der __set_state Handler
- DateTime::__wakeup - The __wakeup handler
- DateTimeImmutable::add - Adds an amount of days, months, years, hours, minutes and seconds
- DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat - Returns new DateTimeImmutable object formatted according to the specified format
- DateTimeImmutable::createFromMutable - Returns new DateTimeImmutable object encapsulating the given DateTime object
- DateTimeImmutable::getLastErrors - Returns the warnings and errors
- DateTimeImmutable::modify - Creates a new object with modified timestamp
- DateTimeImmutable::setDate - Sets the date
- DateTimeImmutable::setISODate - Sets the ISO date
- DateTimeImmutable::setTime - Sets the time
- DateTimeImmutable::setTimestamp - Sets the date and time based on an Unix timestamp
- DateTimeImmutable::setTimezone - Sets the time zone
- DateTimeImmutable::sub - Subtracts an amount of days, months, years, hours, minutes and seconds
- DateTimeImmutable::__construct - Returns new DateTimeImmutable object
- DateTimeImmutable::__set_state - The __set_state handler
- DateTimeZone::getLocation - Returns location information for a timezone
- DateTimeZone::getName - Returns the name of the timezone
- DateTimeZone::getOffset - Returns the timezone offset from GMT
- DateTimeZone::getTransitions - Returns all transitions for the timezone
- DateTimeZone::listAbbreviations - Returns associative array containing dst, offset and the timezone name
- DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers - Returns a numerically indexed array containing all defined timezone identifiers
- DateTimeZone::__construct - Erstellt neues DateTimeZone Objekt
- date_add - Alias von DateTime::add
- date_create - Alias von DateTime::__construct
- date_create_from_format - Alias von DateTime::createFromFormat
- date_create_immutable - Alias von DateTimeImmutable::__construct
- date_create_immutable_from_format - Alias von DateTimeImmutable::createFromFormat
- date_date_set - Alias von DateTime::setDate
- date_default_timezone_get - Gets the default timezone used by all date/time functions in a script
- date_default_timezone_set - Setzt die Standardzeitzone, die von allen Datums- und Zeitfunktionen benutzt wird.
- date_diff - Alias von DateTime::diff
- date_format - Alias von DateTime::format
- date_get_last_errors - Alias von DateTime::getLastErrors
- date_interval_create_from_date_string - Alias von DateInterval::createFromDateString
- date_interval_format - Alias von DateInterval::format
- date_isodate_set - Alias von DateTime::setISODate
- date_modify - Alias von DateTime::modify
- date_offset_get - Alias von DateTime::getOffset
- date_parse - Returns associative array with detailed info about given date
- date_parse_from_format - Get info about given date formatted according to the specified format
- date_sub - Alias von DateTime::sub
- date_sunrise - Returns time of sunrise for a given day and location
- date_sunset - Returns time of sunset for a given day and location
- date_sun_info - Returns an array with information about sunset/sunrise and twilight begin/end
- date_timestamp_get - Alias von DateTime::getTimestamp
- date_timestamp_set - Alias von DateTime::setTimestamp
- date_timezone_get - Alias von DateTime::getTimezone
- date_timezone_set - Alias von DateTime::setTimezone
- date_time_set - Alias von DateTime::setTime
- db2_autocommit - Returns or sets the AUTOCOMMIT state for a database connection
- db2_bind_param - Binds a PHP variable to an SQL statement parameter
- db2_client_info - Returns an object with properties that describe the DB2 database client
- db2_close - Closes a database connection
- db2_columns - Returns a result set listing the columns and associated metadata for a table
- db2_column_privileges - Returns a result set listing the columns and associated privileges for a table
- db2_commit - Commits a transaction
- db2_connect - Returns a connection to a database
- db2_conn_error - Returns a string containing the SQLSTATE returned by the last connection attempt
- db2_conn_errormsg - Returns the last connection error message and SQLCODE value
- db2_cursor_type - Returns the cursor type used by a statement resource
- db2_escape_string - Used to escape certain characters
- db2_exec - Executes an SQL statement directly
- db2_execute - Executes a prepared SQL statement
- db2_fetch_array - Returns an array, indexed by column position, representing a row in a result set
- db2_fetch_assoc - Returns an array, indexed by column name, representing a row in a result set
- db2_fetch_both - Returns an array, indexed by both column name and position, representing a row in a result set
- db2_fetch_object - Returns an object with properties representing columns in the fetched row
- db2_fetch_row - Sets the result set pointer to the next row or requested row
- db2_field_display_size - Returns the maximum number of bytes required to display a column
- db2_field_name - Returns the name of the column in the result set
- db2_field_num - Returns the position of the named column in a result set
- db2_field_precision - Returns the precision of the indicated column in a result set
- db2_field_scale - Returns the scale of the indicated column in a result set
- db2_field_type - Returns the data type of the indicated column in a result set
- db2_field_width - Returns the width of the current value of the indicated column in a result set
- db2_foreign_keys - Returns a result set listing the foreign keys for a table
- db2_free_result - Frees resources associated with a result set
- db2_free_stmt - Frees resources associated with the indicated statement resource
- db2_get_option - Retrieves an option value for a statement resource or a connection resource
- db2_last_insert_id - Returns the auto generated ID of the last insert query that successfully
executed on this connection
- db2_lob_read - Gets a user defined size of LOB files with each invocation
- db2_next_result - Requests the next result set from a stored procedure
- db2_num_fields - Returns the number of fields contained in a result set
- db2_num_rows - Returns the number of rows affected by an SQL statement
- db2_pclose - Closes a persistent database connection
- db2_pconnect - Returns a persistent connection to a database
- db2_prepare - Prepares an SQL statement to be executed
- db2_primary_keys - Returns a result set listing primary keys for a table
- db2_procedures - Returns a result set listing the stored procedures registered in a database
- db2_procedure_columns - Returns a result set listing stored procedure parameters
- db2_result - Returns a single column from a row in the result set
- db2_rollback - Rolls back a transaction
- db2_server_info - Returns an object with properties that describe the DB2 database server
- db2_set_option - Set options for connection or statement resources
- db2_special_columns - Returns a result set listing the unique row identifier columns for a table
- db2_statistics - Returns a result set listing the index and statistics for a table
- db2_stmt_error - Returns a string containing the SQLSTATE returned by an SQL statement
- db2_stmt_errormsg - Returns a string containing the last SQL statement error message
- db2_tables - Returns a result set listing the tables and associated metadata in a database
- db2_table_privileges - Returns a result set listing the tables and associated privileges in a database
- dbase_add_record - Hängt einen Datensatz an eine Datenbank an
- dbase_close - Schließt eine Datenbank
- dbase_create - Erzeugt eine Datenbank
- dbase_delete_record - Markiert einen Datensatz als gelöscht
- dbase_get_header_info - Liefert Informationen des Dateikopfs einer Datenbank
- dbase_get_record - Liefert einen Datensatz aus einer Datenbank als indiziertes Array
- dbase_get_record_with_names - Liefert einen Datensatz aus einer Datenbank als assoziatives Array
- dbase_numfields - Liefert die Anzahl der Felder einer Datenbank
- dbase_numrecords - Liefert die Anzahl der Datensätze einer Datenbank
- dbase_open - Öffnet eine Datenbank
- dbase_pack - Entfernt die als gelöscht markierten Datensätze aus einer Datenbank
- dbase_replace_record - Ersetzt einen Datensatz in einer Datenbank
- dba_close - Schließt eine DBA-Datenbank
- dba_delete - Löscht den zum angegebenen Schlüssel gehörigen DBA-Eintrag
- dba_exists - Überprüft, ob ein angegebener Schlüssel existiert
- dba_fetch - Liest die Daten zu einem angegebenen Schlüssel aus
- dba_firstkey - Liefert den ersten Schlüssel
- dba_handlers - Listet alle verfügbaren Handler auf
- dba_insert - Fügt einen Eintrag ein
- dba_key_split - Zerlegt einen Schlüssel in Zeichenketten-Darstellung in eine Array-Darstellung
- dba_list - Listet alle offenen Datenbank-Dateien auf
- dba_nextkey - Liefert den nachfolgenden Schlüssel
- dba_open - Öffnet eine Datenbank
- dba_optimize - Optimiert eine Datenbank
- dba_popen - Öffnet eine persistente Datenbank-Verbindung
- dba_replace - Ersetzt einen Eintrag oder fügt ihn ein
- dba_sync - Synchronisiert eine Datenbank
- dbplus_add - Add a tuple to a relation
- dbplus_aql - Perform AQL query
- dbplus_chdir - Get/Set database virtual current directory
- dbplus_close - Close a relation
- dbplus_curr - Get current tuple from relation
- dbplus_errcode - Get error string for given errorcode or last error
- dbplus_errno - Get error code for last operation
- dbplus_find - Set a constraint on a relation
- dbplus_first - Get first tuple from relation
- dbplus_flush - Flush all changes made on a relation
- dbplus_freealllocks - Free all locks held by this client
- dbplus_freelock - Release write lock on tuple
- dbplus_freerlocks - Free all tuple locks on given relation
- dbplus_getlock - Get a write lock on a tuple
- dbplus_getunique - Get an id number unique to a relation
- dbplus_info - Get information about a relation
- dbplus_last - Get last tuple from relation
- dbplus_lockrel - Request write lock on relation
- dbplus_next - Get next tuple from relation
- dbplus_open - Open relation file
- dbplus_prev - Get previous tuple from relation
- dbplus_rchperm - Change relation permissions
- dbplus_rcreate - Creates a new DB++ relation
- dbplus_rcrtexact - Creates an exact but empty copy of a relation including indices
- dbplus_rcrtlike - Creates an empty copy of a relation with default indices
- dbplus_resolve - Resolve host information for relation
- dbplus_restorepos - Restore position
- dbplus_rkeys - Specify new primary key for a relation
- dbplus_ropen - Open relation file local
- dbplus_rquery - Perform local (raw) AQL query
- dbplus_rrename - Rename a relation
- dbplus_rsecindex - Create a new secondary index for a relation
- dbplus_runlink - Remove relation from filesystem
- dbplus_rzap - Remove all tuples from relation
- dbplus_savepos - Save position
- dbplus_setindex - Set index
- dbplus_setindexbynumber - Set index by number
- dbplus_sql - Perform SQL query
- dbplus_tcl - Execute TCL code on server side
- dbplus_tremove - Remove tuple and return new current tuple
- dbplus_undo - Undo
- dbplus_undoprepare - Prepare undo
- dbplus_unlockrel - Give up write lock on relation
- dbplus_unselect - Remove a constraint from relation
- dbplus_update - Update specified tuple in relation
- dbplus_xlockrel - Request exclusive lock on relation
- dbplus_xunlockrel - Free exclusive lock on relation
- dbx_close - Schließt eine offene Verbindung/Datenbank
- dbx_compare - Vergleicht zwei Reihen für Sortierzwecke
- dbx_connect - Öffnet eine Verbindung/Datenbank
- dbx_error - Liefert die Fehlermeldung des letzten Funktionsaufrufes in dem Modul
- dbx_escape_string - Maskiert einen String, so dass er sicher in einem SQL-Statement verwendet
werden kann
- dbx_fetch_row - Liest Zeilen aus einem Abfrageergebnis, das das
- dbx_query - Sendet eine Abfrage und holt alle Ergebnisse (falls vorhanden)
- dbx_sort - Sortiert das Ergebnis eines dbx_query mittels einer benutzerdefinierten Sortierfunktion
- dcgettext - Überschreibt die gesetzte Domain für eine einzelne Abfrage
- dcngettext - Pluralversion von dcgettext
- debug_backtrace - Erzeugt Daten zur Ablaufverfolgung
- debug_print_backtrace - Gibt die Daten für eine Ablaufverfolgung aus
- debug_zval_dump - Dumps a string representation of an internal zend value to output
- decbin - Dezimal zu Binär Konvertierung
- dechex - Dezimal zu Hexadezimal Umwandlung
- decoct - Dezimal zu Oktal Umwandlung
- define - Definiert eine benannte Konstante
- defined - Prüft, ob eine benannte Konstante existiert
- define_syslog_variables - Initialisiert alle SysLog-bezogenen Variablen
- deflate_add - Incrementally deflate data
- deflate_init - Initialize an incremental deflate context
- deg2rad - Rechnet einen Winkel von Grad in Bogenmaß um
- delete - Siehe unlink oder unset
- dgettext - Überschreibt die aktuelle Domain
- die - Entspricht exit
- dio_close - Schließt eine Datei
- dio_fcntl - Modifiziert einen Dateideskriptor
- dio_open - Öffnet eine Datei (falls nötig, wird diese erzeugt) auf einem niedrigeren
Level als es die C-Bibliotheks Ein-/Ausgabe-Stream-Funktionen erlauben.
- dio_read - Liest von einem Dateideskriptor
- dio_seek - Setzt den Dateizeiger
- dio_stat - Liefert Statusinformationen über einen Dateideskriptor
- dio_tcsetattr - Sets terminal attributes and baud rate for a serial port
- dio_truncate - Schneidet eine Datei ab
- dio_write - Schreibt Daten in eine Datei
- dir - Gibt eine Instanz der Directory Klasse zurück
- Directory::close - Schließt das Verzeichnis-Handle
- Directory::read - Liest einen Eintrag vom Verzeichnis-Handle
- Directory::rewind - Setzt das Verzeichnis-Handle zurück
- DirectoryIterator::current - Return the current DirectoryIterator item.
- DirectoryIterator::getATime - Get last access time of the current DirectoryIterator item
- DirectoryIterator::getBasename - Get base name of current DirectoryIterator item.
- DirectoryIterator::getCTime - Get inode change time of the current DirectoryIterator item
- DirectoryIterator::getExtension - Gets the file extension
- DirectoryIterator::getFilename - Return file name of current DirectoryIterator item.
- DirectoryIterator::getGroup - Get group for the current DirectoryIterator item
- DirectoryIterator::getInode - Get inode for the current DirectoryIterator item
- DirectoryIterator::getMTime - Get last modification time of current DirectoryIterator item
- DirectoryIterator::getOwner - Get owner of current DirectoryIterator item
- DirectoryIterator::getPath - Get path of current Iterator item without filename
- DirectoryIterator::getPathname - Return path and file name of current DirectoryIterator item
- DirectoryIterator::getPerms - Get the permissions of current DirectoryIterator item
- DirectoryIterator::getSize - Get size of current DirectoryIterator item
- DirectoryIterator::getType - Determine the type of the current DirectoryIterator item
- DirectoryIterator::isDir - Determine if current DirectoryIterator item is a directory
- DirectoryIterator::isDot - Determine if current DirectoryIterator item is '.' or '..'
- DirectoryIterator::isExecutable - Determine if current DirectoryIterator item is executable
- DirectoryIterator::isFile - Determine if current DirectoryIterator item is a regular file
- DirectoryIterator::isLink - Determine if current DirectoryIterator item is a symbolic link
- DirectoryIterator::isReadable - Determine if current DirectoryIterator item can be read
- DirectoryIterator::isWritable - Determine if current DirectoryIterator item can be written to
- DirectoryIterator::key - Return the key for the current DirectoryIterator item
- DirectoryIterator::next - Move forward to next DirectoryIterator item
- DirectoryIterator::rewind - Rewind the DirectoryIterator back to the start
- DirectoryIterator::seek - Seek to a DirectoryIterator item
- DirectoryIterator::valid - Check whether current DirectoryIterator position is a valid file
- DirectoryIterator::__construct - Constructs a new directory iterator from a path
- DirectoryIterator::__toString - Get file name as a string
- dirname - Gibt den Pfad des übergeordneten Verzeichnisses zurück
- diskfreespace - Alias von disk_free_space
- disk_free_space - Gibt verfügbaren Platz auf Dateisystem oder Partition
- disk_total_space - Gibt die Gesamtgröße eines Dateisystemes oder einer Partition
- dl - Lädt eine PHP-Erweiterung (Extension) zur Laufzeit
- dngettext - Pluralversion von dgettext
- dns_check_record - Alias von checkdnsrr
- dns_get_mx - Alias von getmxrr
- dns_get_record - Den DNS Resource Record für einen gegebenen Hostname finden.
- DOMAttr::isId - Checks if attribute is a defined ID
- DOMAttr::__construct - Creates a new DOMAttr object
- DOMCdataSection::__construct - Constructs a new DOMCdataSection object
- DOMCharacterData::appendData - Append the string to the end of the character data of the node
- DOMCharacterData::deleteData - Remove a range of characters from the node
- DOMCharacterData::insertData - Insert a string at the specified 16-bit unit offset
- DOMCharacterData::replaceData - Replace a substring within the DOMCharacterData node
- DOMCharacterData::substringData - Extracts a range of data from the node
- DOMComment::__construct - Creates a new DOMComment object
- DOMDocument::createAttribute - Create new attribute
- DOMDocument::createAttributeNS - Create new attribute node with an associated namespace
- DOMDocument::createCDATASection - Create new cdata node
- DOMDocument::createComment - Create new comment node
- DOMDocument::createDocumentFragment - Create new document fragment
- DOMDocument::createElement - Create new element node
- DOMDocument::createElementNS - Create new element node with an associated namespace
- DOMDocument::createEntityReference - Create new entity reference node
- DOMDocument::createProcessingInstruction - Creates new PI node
- DOMDocument::createTextNode - Create new text node
- DOMDocument::getElementById - Searches for an element with a certain id
- DOMDocument::getElementsByTagName - Searches for all elements with given local tag name
- DOMDocument::getElementsByTagNameNS - Searches for all elements with given tag name in specified namespace
- DOMDocument::importNode - Import node into current document
- DOMDocument::load - Load XML from a file
- DOMDocument::loadHTML - Load HTML from a string
- DOMDocument::loadHTMLFile - Load HTML from a file
- DOMDocument::loadXML - Load XML from a string
- DOMDocument::normalizeDocument - Normalizes the document
- DOMDocument::registerNodeClass - Register extended class used to create base node type
- DOMDocument::relaxNGValidate - Performs relaxNG validation on the document
- DOMDocument::relaxNGValidateSource - Performs relaxNG validation on the document
- DOMDocument::save - Dumps the internal XML tree back into a file
- DOMDocument::saveHTML - Dumps the internal document into a string using HTML formatting
- DOMDocument::saveHTMLFile - Dumps the internal document into a file using HTML formatting
- DOMDocument::saveXML - Dumps the internal XML tree back into a string
- DOMDocument::schemaValidate - Validates a document based on a schema
- DOMDocument::schemaValidateSource - Validates a document based on a schema
- DOMDocument::validate - Validates the document based on its DTD
- DOMDocument::xinclude - Substitutes XIncludes in a DOMDocument Object
- DOMDocument::__construct - Creates a new DOMDocument object
- DOMDocumentFragment::appendXML - Append raw XML data
- DOMElement::getAttribute - Returns value of attribute
- DOMElement::getAttributeNode - Returns attribute node
- DOMElement::getAttributeNodeNS - Returns attribute node
- DOMElement::getAttributeNS - Returns value of attribute
- DOMElement::getElementsByTagName - Gets elements by tagname
- DOMElement::getElementsByTagNameNS - Get elements by namespaceURI and localName
- DOMElement::hasAttribute - Checks to see if attribute exists
- DOMElement::hasAttributeNS - Checks to see if attribute exists
- DOMElement::removeAttribute - Removes attribute
- DOMElement::removeAttributeNode - Removes attribute
- DOMElement::removeAttributeNS - Removes attribute
- DOMElement::setAttribute - Adds new attribute
- DOMElement::setAttributeNode - Adds new attribute node to element
- DOMElement::setAttributeNodeNS - Adds new attribute node to element
- DOMElement::setAttributeNS - Adds new attribute
- DOMElement::setIdAttribute - Declares the attribute specified by name to be of type ID
- DOMElement::setIdAttributeNode - Declares the attribute specified by node to be of type ID
- DOMElement::setIdAttributeNS - Declares the attribute specified by local name and namespace URI to be of type ID
- DOMElement::__construct - Creates a new DOMElement object
- DOMEntityReference::__construct - Creates a new DOMEntityReference object
- DOMImplementation::createDocument - Creates a DOMDocument object of the specified type with its document element
- DOMImplementation::createDocumentType - Creates an empty DOMDocumentType object
- DOMImplementation::hasFeature - Test if the DOM implementation implements a specific feature
- DOMImplementation::__construct - Creates a new DOMImplementation object
- DOMNamedNodeMap::getNamedItem - Retrieves a node specified by name
- DOMNamedNodeMap::getNamedItemNS - Retrieves a node specified by local name and namespace URI
- DOMNamedNodeMap::item - Retrieves a node specified by index
- DOMNode::appendChild - Adds new child at the end of the children
- DOMNode::C14N - Canonicalize nodes to a string
- DOMNode::C14NFile - Canonicalize nodes to a file
- DOMNode::cloneNode - Clones a node
- DOMNode::getLineNo - Get line number for a node
- DOMNode::getNodePath - Get an XPath for a node
- DOMNode::hasAttributes - Checks if node has attributes
- DOMNode::hasChildNodes - Checks if node has children
- DOMNode::insertBefore - Adds a new child before a reference node
- DOMNode::isDefaultNamespace - Checks if the specified namespaceURI is the default namespace or not
- DOMNode::isSameNode - Indicates if two nodes are the same node
- DOMNode::isSupported - Checks if feature is supported for specified version
- DOMNode::lookupNamespaceURI - Gets the namespace URI of the node based on the prefix
- DOMNode::lookupPrefix - Gets the namespace prefix of the node based on the namespace URI
- DOMNode::normalize - Normalizes the node
- DOMNode::removeChild - Removes child from list of children
- DOMNode::replaceChild - Replaces a child
- DOMNodelist::item - Retrieves a node specified by index
- DOMProcessingInstruction::__construct - Creates a new DOMProcessingInstruction object
- DOMText::isWhitespaceInElementContent - Indicates whether this text node contains whitespace
- DOMText::splitText - Breaks this node into two nodes at the specified offset
- DOMText::__construct - Creates a new DOMText object
- DOMXPath::evaluate - Evaluates the given XPath expression and returns a typed result if possible
- DOMXPath::query - Evaluates the given XPath expression
- DOMXPath::registerNamespace - Registers the namespace with the DOMXPath object
- DOMXPath::registerPhpFunctions - Register PHP functions as XPath functions
- DOMXPath::__construct - Creates a new DOMXPath object
- dom_import_simplexml - Ermittelt ein DOMElement-Objekt aus einem
- doubleval - Alias von floatval
- Ds\Collection::clear - Removes all values.
- Ds\Collection::copy - Returns a shallow copy of the collection.
- Ds\Collection::isEmpty - Returns whether the collection is empty
- Ds\Collection::toArray - Converts the collection to an array.
- Ds\Deque::allocate - Allocates enough memory for a required capacity.
- Ds\Deque::apply - Updates all values by applying a callback function to each value.
- Ds\Deque::capacity - Returns the current capacity.
- Ds\Deque::clear - Removes all values from the deque.
- Ds\Deque::contains - Determines if the deque contains given values.
- Ds\Deque::copy - Returns a shallow copy of the deque.
- Ds\Deque::count - Returns the number of values in the collection.
- Ds\Deque::filter - Creates a new deque using a callable to
determine which values to include.
- Ds\Deque::find - Attempts to find a value's index.
- Ds\Deque::first - Returns the first value in the deque.
- Ds\Deque::get - Returns the value at a given index.
- Ds\Deque::insert - Inserts values at a given index.
- Ds\Deque::isEmpty - Returns whether the deque is empty
- Ds\Deque::join - Joins all values together as a string.
- Ds\Deque::jsonSerialize - Returns a representation that can be converted to JSON.
- Ds\Deque::last - Returns the last value.
- Ds\Deque::map - Returns the result of applying a callback to each value.
- Ds\Deque::merge - Returns the result of adding all given values to the deque.
- Ds\Deque::pop - Removes and returns the last value.
- Ds\Deque::push - Adds values to the end of the deque.
- Ds\Deque::reduce - Reduces the deque to a single value using a callback function.
- Ds\Deque::remove - Removes and returns a value by index.
- Ds\Deque::reverse - Reverses the deque in-place.
- Ds\Deque::reversed - Returns a reversed copy.
- Ds\Deque::rotate - Rotates the deque by a given number of rotations.
- Ds\Deque::set - Updates a value at a given index.
- Ds\Deque::shift - Removes and returns the first value.
- Ds\Deque::slice - Returns a sub-deque of a given range.
- Ds\Deque::sort - Sorts the deque in-place.
- Ds\Deque::sorted - Returns a sorted copy.
- Ds\Deque::sum - Returns the sum of all values in the deque.
- Ds\Deque::toArray - Converts the deque to an array.
- Ds\Deque::unshift - Adds values to the front of the deque.
- Ds\Deque::__construct - Creates a new instance.
- Ds\Hashable::equals - Determines whether an object is equal to the current instance.
- Ds\Hashable::hash - Returns a scalar value to be used as a hash value.
- Ds\Map::allocate - Allocates enough memory for a required capacity.
- Ds\Map::apply - Updates all values by applying a callback function to each value.
- Ds\Map::capacity - Returns the current capacity.
- Ds\Map::clear - Removes all values.
- Ds\Map::copy - Returns a shallow copy of the map.
- Ds\Map::count - Returns the number of values in the map.
- Ds\Map::diff - Creates a new map using keys that aren't in another map.
- Ds\Map::filter - Creates a new map using a callable to determine which pairs to include.
- Ds\Map::first - Returns the first pair in the map.
- Ds\Map::get - Returns the value for a given key.
- Ds\Map::hasKey - Determines whether the map contains a given key.
- Ds\Map::hasValue - Determines whether the map contains a given value.
- Ds\Map::intersect - Creates a new map by intersecting keys with another map.
- Ds\Map::isEmpty - Returns whether the map is empty
- Ds\Map::jsonSerialize - Returns a representation that can be converted to JSON.
- Ds\Map::keys - Returns a set of the map's keys.
- Ds\Map::ksort - Sorts the map in-place by key.
- Ds\Map::ksorted - Returns a copy, sorted by key.
- Ds\Map::last - Returns the last pair of the map.
- Ds\Map::map - Returns the result of applying a callback to each value.
- Ds\Map::merge - Returns the result of adding all given associations.
- Ds\Map::pairs - Returns a sequence containing all the pairs of the map.
- Ds\Map::put - Associates a key with a value.
- Ds\Map::putAll - Associates all key-value pairs of a traversable object or array.
- Ds\Map::reduce - Reduces the map to a single value using a callback function.
- Ds\Map::remove - Removes and returns a value by key.
- Ds\Map::reverse - Reverses the map in-place.
- Ds\Map::reversed - Returns a reversed copy.
- Ds\Map::skip - Returns the pair at a given positional index.
- Ds\Map::slice - Returns a subset of the map defined by a starting index and length.
- Ds\Map::sort - Sorts the map in-place by value.
- Ds\Map::sorted - Returns a copy, sorted by value.
- Ds\Map::sum - Returns the sum of all values in the map.
- Ds\Map::toArray - Converts the map to an array.
- Ds\Map::union - Creates a new map using values from the current instance and another map.
- Ds\Map::values - Returns a sequence of the map's values.
- Ds\Map::xor - Creates a new map using keys of either the current instance or of another map, but not of both.
- Ds\Map::__construct - Creates a new instance.
- Ds\Pair::clear - Removes all values.
- Ds\Pair::copy - Returns a shallow copy of the pair.
- Ds\Pair::isEmpty - Returns whether the pair is empty
- Ds\Pair::jsonSerialize - Returns a representation that can be converted to JSON.
- Ds\Pair::toArray - Converts the pair to an array.
- Ds\Pair::__construct - Creates a new instance.
- Ds\PriorityQueue::allocate - Allocates enough memory for a required capacity.
- Ds\PriorityQueue::capacity - Returns the current capacity.
- Ds\PriorityQueue::clear - Removes all values.
- Ds\PriorityQueue::copy - Returns a shallow copy of the queue.
- Ds\PriorityQueue::count - Returns the number of values in the queue.
- Ds\PriorityQueue::isEmpty - Returns whether the queue is empty
- Ds\PriorityQueue::jsonSerialize - Returns a representation that can be converted to JSON.
- Ds\PriorityQueue::peek - Returns the value at the front of the queue.
- Ds\PriorityQueue::pop - Removes and returns the value with the highest priority.
- Ds\PriorityQueue::push - Pushes values into the queue.
- Ds\PriorityQueue::toArray - Converts the queue to an array.
- Ds\PriorityQueue::__construct - Creates a new instance.
- Ds\Queue::allocate - Allocates enough memory for a required capacity.
- Ds\Queue::capacity - Returns the current capacity.
- Ds\Queue::clear - Removes all values.
- Ds\Queue::copy - Returns a shallow copy of the queue.
- Ds\Queue::count - Returns the number of values in the queue.
- Ds\Queue::isEmpty - Returns whether the queue is empty
- Ds\Queue::jsonSerialize - Returns a representation that can be converted to JSON.
- Ds\Queue::peek - Returns the value at the front of the queue.
- Ds\Queue::pop - Removes and returns the value at the front of the queue.
- Ds\Queue::push - Pushes values into the queue.
- Ds\Queue::toArray - Converts the queue to an array.
- Ds\Queue::__construct - Creates a new instance.
- Ds\Sequence::allocate - Allocates enough memory for a required capacity.
- Ds\Sequence::apply - Updates all values by applying a callback function to each value.
- Ds\Sequence::capacity - Returns the current capacity.
- Ds\Sequence::contains - Determines if the sequence contains given values.
- Ds\Sequence::filter - Creates a new sequence using a callable to
determine which values to include.
- Ds\Sequence::find - Attempts to find a value's index.
- Ds\Sequence::first - Returns the first value in the sequence.
- Ds\Sequence::get - Returns the value at a given index.
- Ds\Sequence::insert - Inserts values at a given index.
- Ds\Sequence::join - Joins all values together as a string.
- Ds\Sequence::last - Returns the last value.
- Ds\Sequence::map - Returns the result of applying a callback to each value.
- Ds\Sequence::merge - Returns the result of adding all given values to the sequence.
- Ds\Sequence::pop - Removes and returns the last value.
- Ds\Sequence::push - Adds values to the end of the sequence.
- Ds\Sequence::reduce - Reduces the sequence to a single value using a callback function.
- Ds\Sequence::remove - Removes and returns a value by index.
- Ds\Sequence::reverse - Reverses the sequence in-place.
- Ds\Sequence::reversed - Returns a reversed copy.
- Ds\Sequence::rotate - Rotates the sequence by a given number of rotations.
- Ds\Sequence::set - Updates a value at a given index.
- Ds\Sequence::shift - Removes and returns the first value.
- Ds\Sequence::slice - Returns a sub-sequence of a given range.
- Ds\Sequence::sort - Sorts the sequence in-place.
- Ds\Sequence::sorted - Returns a sorted copy.
- Ds\Sequence::sum - Returns the sum of all values in the sequence.
- Ds\Sequence::unshift - Adds values to the front of the sequence.
- Ds\Set::add - Adds values to the set.
- Ds\Set::allocate - Allocates enough memory for a required capacity.
- Ds\Set::capacity - Returns the current capacity.
- Ds\Set::clear - Removes all values.
- Ds\Set::contains - Determines if the set contains all values.
- Ds\Set::copy - Returns a shallow copy of the set.
- Ds\Set::count - Returns the number of values in the set.
- Ds\Set::diff - Creates a new set using values that aren't in another set.
- Ds\Set::filter - Creates a new set using a callable to
determine which values to include.
- Ds\Set::first - Returns the first value in the set.
- Ds\Set::get - Returns the value at a given index.
- Ds\Set::intersect - Creates a new set by intersecting values with another set.
- Ds\Set::isEmpty - Returns whether the set is empty
- Ds\Set::join - Joins all values together as a string.
- Ds\Set::jsonSerialize - Returns a representation that can be converted to JSON.
- Ds\Set::last - Returns the last value in the set.
- Ds\Set::merge - Returns the result of adding all given values to the set.
- Ds\Set::reduce - Reduces the set to a single value using a callback function.
- Ds\Set::remove - Removes all given values from the set.
- Ds\Set::reverse - Reverses the set in-place.
- Ds\Set::reversed - Returns a reversed copy.
- Ds\Set::slice - Returns a sub-set of a given range.
- Ds\Set::sort - Sorts the set in-place.
- Ds\Set::sorted - Returns a sorted copy.
- Ds\Set::sum - Returns the sum of all values in the set.
- Ds\Set::toArray - Converts the set to an array.
- Ds\Set::union - Creates a new set using values from the current instance and another set.
- Ds\Set::xor - Creates a new set using values in either the current instance or in another set, but not in both.
- Ds\Set::__construct - Creates a new instance.
- Ds\Stack::allocate - Allocates enough memory for a required capacity.
- Ds\Stack::capacity - Returns the current capacity.
- Ds\Stack::clear - Removes all values.
- Ds\Stack::copy - Returns a shallow copy of the stack.
- Ds\Stack::count - Returns the number of values in the stack.
- Ds\Stack::isEmpty - Returns whether the stack is empty
- Ds\Stack::jsonSerialize - Returns a representation that can be converted to JSON.
- Ds\Stack::peek - Returns the value at the top of the stack.
- Ds\Stack::pop - Removes and returns the value at the top of the stack.
- Ds\Stack::push - Pushes values onto the stack.
- Ds\Stack::toArray - Converts the stack to an array.
- Ds\Stack::__construct - Creates a new instance.
- Ds\Vector::allocate - Allocates enough memory for a required capacity.
- Ds\Vector::apply - Updates all values by applying a callback function to each value.
- Ds\Vector::capacity - Returns the current capacity.
- Ds\Vector::clear - Removes all values.
- Ds\Vector::contains - Determines if the vector contains given values.
- Ds\Vector::copy - Returns a shallow copy of the vector.
- Ds\Vector::count - Returns the number of values in the collection.
- Ds\Vector::filter - Creates a new vector using a callable to
determine which values to include.
- Ds\Vector::find - Attempts to find a value's index.
- Ds\Vector::first - Returns the first value in the vector.
- Ds\Vector::get - Returns the value at a given index.
- Ds\Vector::insert - Inserts values at a given index.
- Ds\Vector::isEmpty - Returns whether the vector is empty
- Ds\Vector::join - Joins all values together as a string.
- Ds\Vector::jsonSerialize - Returns a representation that can be converted to JSON.
- Ds\Vector::last - Returns the last value.
- Ds\Vector::map - Returns the result of applying a callback to each value.
- Ds\Vector::merge - Returns the result of adding all given values to the vector.
- Ds\Vector::pop - Removes and returns the last value.
- Ds\Vector::push - Adds values to the end of the vector.
- Ds\Vector::reduce - Reduces the vector to a single value using a callback function.
- Ds\Vector::remove - Removes and returns a value by index.
- Ds\Vector::reverse - Reverses the vector in-place.
- Ds\Vector::reversed - Returns a reversed copy.
- Ds\Vector::rotate - Rotates the vector by a given number of rotations.
- Ds\Vector::set - Updates a value at a given index.
- Ds\Vector::shift - Removes and returns the first value.
- Ds\Vector::slice - Returns a sub-vector of a given range.
- Ds\Vector::sort - Sorts the vector in-place.
- Ds\Vector::sorted - Returns a sorted copy.
- Ds\Vector::sum - Returns the sum of all values in the vector.
- Ds\Vector::toArray - Converts the vector to an array.
- Ds\Vector::unshift - Adds values to the front of the vector.
- Ds\Vector::__construct - Creates a new instance.
- e
- each - Liefert das aktuelle Paar (Schlüssel und Wert) eines Arrays und
rückt den Arrayzeiger vor
- easter_date - Zeitpunkt des Osterfestes (0 Uhr) als Unix-Timestamp
- easter_days - Anzahl der Tage zwischen dem 21. März und Ostersonntag
- echo - Gibt einen oder mehrere Strings aus
- eio_busy - Artificially increase load. Could be useful in tests,
- eio_cancel - Cancels a request
- eio_chmod - Change file/direcrory permissions.
- eio_chown - Change file/direcrory permissions.
- eio_close - Close file
- eio_custom - Execute custom request like any other eio_* call.
- eio_dup2 - Duplicate a file descriptor
- eio_event_loop - Polls libeio until all requests proceeded
- eio_fallocate - Allows the caller to directly manipulate the allocated disk
space for a file
- eio_fchmod - Change file permissions.
- eio_fchown - Change file ownership
- eio_fdatasync - Synchronize a file's in-core state with storage device.
- eio_fstat - Get file status
- eio_fstatvfs - Get file system statistics
- eio_fsync - Synchronize a file's in-core state with storage device
- eio_ftruncate - Truncate a file
- eio_futime - Change file last access and modification times
- eio_get_event_stream - Get stream representing a variable used in internal communications with libeio.
- eio_get_last_error - Returns string describing the last error associated with a request resource
- eio_grp - Creates a request group.
- eio_grp_add - Adds a request to the request group.
- eio_grp_cancel - Cancels a request group
- eio_grp_limit - Set group limit
- eio_init - (Re-)initialize Eio
- eio_link - Create a hardlink for file
- eio_lstat - Get file status
- eio_mkdir - Create directory
- eio_mknod - Create a special or ordinary file.
- eio_nop - Does nothing, except go through the whole request cycle.
- eio_npending - Returns number of finished, but unhandled requests
- eio_nready - Returns number of not-yet handled requests
- eio_nreqs - Returns number of requests to be processed
- eio_nthreads - Returns number of threads currently in use
- eio_open - Opens a file
- eio_poll - Can be to be called whenever there are pending requests that need finishing.
- eio_read - Read from a file descriptor at given offset.
- eio_readahead - Perform file readahead into page cache
- eio_readdir - Reads through a whole directory
- eio_readlink - Read value of a symbolic link.
- eio_realpath - Get the canonicalized absolute pathname.
- eio_rename - Change the name or location of a file.
- eio_rmdir - Remove a directory
- eio_seek - Repositions the offset of the open file associated with the fd argument to the argument offset according to the directive whence
- eio_sendfile - Transfer data between file descriptors
- eio_set_max_idle - Set maximum number of idle threads.
- eio_set_max_parallel - Set maximum parallel threads
- eio_set_max_poll_reqs - Set maximum number of requests processed in a poll.
- eio_set_max_poll_time - Set maximum poll time
- eio_set_min_parallel - Set minimum parallel thread number
- eio_stat - Get file status
- eio_statvfs - Get file system statistics
- eio_symlink - Create a symbolic link
- eio_sync - Commit buffer cache to disk
- eio_syncfs - Calls Linux' syncfs syscall, if available
- eio_sync_file_range - Sync a file segment with disk
- eio_truncate - Truncate a file
- eio_unlink - Delete a name and possibly the file it refers to
- eio_utime - Change file last access and modification times.
- eio_write - Write to file
- empty - Prüft, ob eine Variable einen Wert enthält
- EmptyIterator::current - The current() method
- EmptyIterator::key - The key() method
- EmptyIterator::next - The next() method
- EmptyIterator::rewind - The rewind() method
- EmptyIterator::valid - The valid() method
- enchant_broker_describe - Enumerates the Enchant providers
- enchant_broker_dict_exists - Whether a dictionary exists or not. Using non-empty tag
- enchant_broker_free - Free the broker resource and its dictionnaries
- enchant_broker_free_dict - Free a dictionary resource
- enchant_broker_get_dict_path - Get the directory path for a given backend
- enchant_broker_get_error - Returns the last error of the broker
- enchant_broker_init - create a new broker object capable of requesting
- enchant_broker_list_dicts - Returns a list of available dictionaries
- enchant_broker_request_dict - create a new dictionary using a tag
- enchant_broker_request_pwl_dict - creates a dictionary using a PWL file
- enchant_broker_set_dict_path - Set the directory path for a given backend
- enchant_broker_set_ordering - Declares a preference of dictionaries to use for the language
- enchant_dict_add_to_personal - add a word to personal word list
- enchant_dict_add_to_session - add 'word' to this spell-checking session
- enchant_dict_check - Check whether a word is correctly spelled or not
- enchant_dict_describe - Describes an individual dictionary
- enchant_dict_get_error - Returns the last error of the current spelling-session
- enchant_dict_is_in_session - whether or not 'word' exists in this spelling-session
- enchant_dict_quick_check - Check the word is correctly spelled and provide suggestions
- enchant_dict_store_replacement - Add a correction for a word
- enchant_dict_suggest - Will return a list of values if any of those pre-conditions are not met
- end - Positioniert den internen Zeiger eines Arrays auf dessen letztes Element
- ereg - Sucht Übereinstimmungen mit einem regulären Ausdruck
- eregi - Sucht Übereinstimmung mit regulärem Ausdruck ohne Berücksichtigung von Groß-/Kleinschreibung
- eregi_replace - Ersetzt einen regulären Ausdrück ohne Berücksichtigung von Groß-/Kleinschreibung
- ereg_replace - Ersetzt einen regulären Ausdruck
- ErrorException::getSeverity - Liefert die Schwere der Exception
- ErrorException::__construct - Erstellt die Exception
- error_clear_last - Clear the most recent error
- error_get_last - Liefert den zuletzt aufgetretenen Fehler
- error_log - Sendet eine Fehlermeldung an die definierten Fehlerbehandlungsroutinen
- error_reporting - Gibt an, welche PHP-Fehlermeldungen gemeldet werden
- escapeshellarg - Maskiert eine Zeichenkette (String), um sie als Shell-Argument benutzen zu können
- escapeshellcmd - Maskiert Shell-Metazeichen
- Ev::backend - Returns an integer describing the backend used by libev.
- Ev::depth - Returns recursion depth
- Ev::embeddableBackends - Returns the set of backends that are embeddable in other event loops.
- Ev::feedSignal - Feed a signal event info Ev
- Ev::feedSignalEvent - Feed signal event into the default loop
- Ev::iteration - Return the number of times the default event loop has polled for new
- Ev::now - Returns the time when the last iteration of the default event
loop has started.
- Ev::nowUpdate - Establishes the current time by querying the kernel, updating the time
returned by Ev::now in the progress.
- Ev::recommendedBackends - Returns a bit mask of recommended backends for current
- Ev::resume - Resume previously suspended default event loop
- Ev::run - Begin checking for events and calling callbacks for the default
- Ev::sleep - Block the process for the given number of seconds.
- Ev::stop - Stops the default event loop
- Ev::supportedBackends - Returns the set of backends supported by current libev
- Ev::suspend - Suspend the default event loop
- Ev::time - Returns the current time in fractional seconds since the epoch.
- Ev::verify - Performs internal consistency checks(for debugging)
- eval - Wertet eine Zeichenkette als PHP-Code aus
- EvCheck::createStopped - Create instance of a stopped EvCheck watcher
- EvCheck::__construct - Constructs the EvCheck watcher object
- EvChild::createStopped - Create instance of a stopped EvCheck watcher
- EvChild::set - Configures the watcher
- EvChild::__construct - Constructs the EvChild watcher object
- EvEmbed::createStopped - Create stopped EvEmbed watcher object
- EvEmbed::set - Configures the watcher
- EvEmbed::sweep - Make a single, non-blocking sweep over the embedded loop.
- EvEmbed::__construct - Constructs the EvEmbed object
- Event::add - Makes event pending
- Event::addSignal - Makes signal event pending
- Event::addTimer - Makes timer event pending
- Event::del - Makes event non-pending
- Event::delSignal - Makes signal event non-pending
- Event::delTimer - Makes timer event non-pending
- Event::free - Make event non-pending and free resources allocated for this
- Event::getSupportedMethods - Returns array with of the names of the methods supported in this version of Libevent
- Event::pending - Detects whether event is pending or scheduled
- Event::set - Re-configures event
- Event::setPriority - Set event priority
- Event::setTimer - Re-configures timer event
- Event::signal - Constructs signal event object
- Event::timer - Constructs timer event object
- Event::__construct - Constructs Event object
- EventBase::dispatch - Dispatch pending events
- EventBase::exit - Stop dispatching events
- EventBase::free - Free resources allocated for this event base
- EventBase::getFeatures - Returns bitmask of features supported
- EventBase::getMethod - Returns event method in use
- EventBase::getTimeOfDayCached - Returns the current event base time
- EventBase::gotExit - Checks if the event loop was told to exit
- EventBase::gotStop - Checks if the event loop was told to exit
- EventBase::loop - Dispatch pending events
- EventBase::priorityInit - Sets number of priorities per event base
- EventBase::reInit - Re-initialize event base(after a fork).
- EventBase::stop - Tells event_base to stop dispatching events
- EventBase::__construct - Constructs EventBase object
- EventBuffer::add - Append data to the end of an event buffer
- EventBuffer::addBuffer - Move all data from a buffer provided to the current instance of EventBuffer
- EventBuffer::appendFrom - Moves the specified number of bytes from a source buffer to the
end of the current buffer
- EventBuffer::copyout - Copies out specified number of bytes from the front of the buffer
- EventBuffer::drain - Removes specified number of bytes from the front of the buffer
without copying it anywhere
- EventBuffer::enableLocking - Beschreibung
- EventBuffer::expand - Reserves space in buffer
- EventBuffer::freeze - Prevent calls that modify an event buffer from succeeding
- EventBuffer::lock - Acquires a lock on buffer
- EventBuffer::prepend - Prepend data to the front of the buffer
- EventBuffer::prependBuffer - Moves all data from source buffer to the front of current buffer
- EventBuffer::pullup - Linearizes data within buffer
and returns it's contents as a string
- EventBuffer::read - Read data from an evbuffer and drain the bytes read
- EventBuffer::readFrom - Read data from a file onto the end of the buffer
- EventBuffer::readLine - Extracts a line from the front of the buffer
- EventBuffer::search - Scans the buffer for an occurrence of a string
- EventBuffer::searchEol - Scans the buffer for an occurrence of an end of line
- EventBuffer::substr - Substracts a portion of the buffer data
- EventBuffer::unfreeze - Re-enable calls that modify an event buffer
- EventBuffer::unlock - Releases lock acquired by EventBuffer::lock
- EventBuffer::write - Schreibt den Inhalt des Puffers in eine Datei oder ein Socket
- EventBuffer::__construct - Constructs EventBuffer object
- EventBufferEvent::close - Closes file descriptor associated with the current buffer event
- EventBufferEvent::connect - Connect buffer event's file descriptor to given address or
UNIX socket
- EventBufferEvent::connectHost - Connects to a hostname with optionally asyncronous DNS resolving
- EventBufferEvent::createPair - Creates two buffer events connected to each other
- EventBufferEvent::disable - Disable events read, write, or both on a buffer event.
- EventBufferEvent::enable - Enable events read, write, or both on a buffer event.
- EventBufferEvent::free - Free a buffer event
- EventBufferEvent::getDnsErrorString - Returns string describing the last failed DNS lookup attempt
- EventBufferEvent::getEnabled - Returns bitmask of events currently enabled on the buffer event
- EventBufferEvent::getInput - Returns underlying input buffer associated with current buffer
- EventBufferEvent::getOutput - Returns underlying output buffer associated with current buffer
- EventBufferEvent::read - Read buffer's data
- EventBufferEvent::readBuffer - Drains the entire contents of the input buffer and places them into buf
- EventBufferEvent::setCallbacks - Assigns read, write and event(status) callbacks
- EventBufferEvent::setPriority - Assign a priority to a bufferevent
- EventBufferEvent::setTimeouts - Set the read and write timeout for a buffer event
- EventBufferEvent::setWatermark - Adjusts read and/or write watermarks
- EventBufferEvent::sslError - Returns most recent OpenSSL error reported on the buffer event
- EventBufferEvent::sslFilter - Create a new SSL buffer event to send its data over another buffer event
- EventBufferEvent::sslGetCipherInfo - Returns a textual description of the cipher.
- EventBufferEvent::sslGetCipherName - Returns the current cipher name of the SSL connection.
- EventBufferEvent::sslGetCipherVersion - Returns version of cipher used by current SSL connection.
- EventBufferEvent::sslGetProtocol - Returns the name of the protocol used for current SSL connection.
- EventBufferEvent::sslRenegotiate - Tells a bufferevent to begin SSL renegotiation.
- EventBufferEvent::sslSocket - Creates a new SSL buffer event to send its data over an SSL on a socket
- EventBufferEvent::write - Fügt Daten zum Ausgabepuffer eines Pufferereignises hinzu
- EventBufferEvent::writeBuffer - Adds contents of the entire buffer to a buffer event's output
- EventBufferEvent::__construct - Constructs EventBufferEvent object
- EventConfig::avoidMethod - Tells libevent to avoid specific event method
- EventConfig::requireFeatures - Enters a required event method feature that the application demands
- EventConfig::setMaxDispatchInterval - Prevents priority inversion
- EventConfig::__construct - Constructs EventConfig object
- EventDnsBase::addNameserverIp - Adds a nameserver to the DNS base
- EventDnsBase::addSearch - Adds a domain to the list of search domains
- EventDnsBase::clearSearch - Removes all current search suffixes
- EventDnsBase::countNameservers - Gets the number of configured nameservers
- EventDnsBase::loadHosts - Loads a hosts file (in the same format as /etc/hosts) from hosts file
- EventDnsBase::parseResolvConf - Scans the resolv.conf-formatted file
- EventDnsBase::setOption - Set the value of a configuration option
- EventDnsBase::setSearchNdots - Set the 'ndots' parameter for searches
- EventDnsBase::__construct - Constructs EventDnsBase object
- EventHttp::accept - Makes an HTTP server accept connections on the specified socket stream or resource
- EventHttp::addServerAlias - Adds a server alias to the HTTP server object
- EventHttp::bind - Binds an HTTP server on the specified address and port
- EventHttp::removeServerAlias - Removes server alias
- EventHttp::setAllowedMethods - Sets the what HTTP methods are supported in requests accepted by this server, and passed to user callbacks
- EventHttp::setCallback - Sets a callback for specified URI
- EventHttp::setDefaultCallback - Sets default callback to handle requests that are not caught by specific callbacks
- EventHttp::setMaxBodySize - Sets maximum request body size
- EventHttp::setMaxHeadersSize - Sets maximum HTTP header size
- EventHttp::setTimeout - Sets the timeout for an HTTP request
- EventHttp::__construct - Constructs EventHttp object(the HTTP server)
- EventHttpConnection::getBase - Returns event base associated with the connection
- EventHttpConnection::getPeer - Gets the remote address and port associated with the connection
- EventHttpConnection::makeRequest - Makes an HTTP request over the specified connection
- EventHttpConnection::setCloseCallback - Set callback for connection close
- EventHttpConnection::setLocalAddress - Sets the IP address from which HTTP connections are made
- EventHttpConnection::setLocalPort - Sets the local port from which connections are made
- EventHttpConnection::setMaxBodySize - Sets maximum body size for the connection
- EventHttpConnection::setMaxHeadersSize - Sets maximum header size
- EventHttpConnection::setRetries - Sets the retry limit for the connection
- EventHttpConnection::setTimeout - Sets the timeout for the connection
- EventHttpConnection::__construct - Constructs EventHttpConnection object
- EventHttpRequest::addHeader - Adds an HTTP header to the headers of the request
- EventHttpRequest::cancel - Cancels a pending HTTP request
- EventHttpRequest::clearHeaders - Removes all output headers from the header list of the request
- EventHttpRequest::closeConnection - Closes associated HTTP connection
- EventHttpRequest::findHeader - Finds the value belonging a header
- EventHttpRequest::free - Frees the object and removes associated events
- EventHttpRequest::getBufferEvent - Returns EventBufferEvent object
- EventHttpRequest::getCommand - Returns the request command(method)
- EventHttpRequest::getConnection - Returns EventHttpConnection object
- EventHttpRequest::getHost - Returns the request host
- EventHttpRequest::getInputBuffer - Returns the input buffer
- EventHttpRequest::getInputHeaders - Returns associative array of the input headers
- EventHttpRequest::getOutputBuffer - Returns the output buffer of the request
- EventHttpRequest::getOutputHeaders - Returns associative array of the output headers
- EventHttpRequest::getResponseCode - Returns the response code
- EventHttpRequest::getUri - Returns the request URI
- EventHttpRequest::removeHeader - Removes an HTTP header from the headers of the request
- EventHttpRequest::sendError - Send an HTML error message to the client
- EventHttpRequest::sendReply - Send an HTML reply to the client
- EventHttpRequest::sendReplyChunk - Send another data chunk as part of an ongoing chunked reply
- EventHttpRequest::sendReplyEnd - Complete a chunked reply, freeing the request as appropriate
- EventHttpRequest::sendReplyStart - Initiate a chunked reply
- EventHttpRequest::__construct - Constructs EventHttpRequest object
- EventListener::disable - Disables an event connect listener object
- EventListener::enable - Enables an event connect listener object
- EventListener::getBase - Returns event base associated with the event listener
- EventListener::getSocketName - Retreives the current address to which the
listener's socket is bound.
- EventListener::setCallback - The setCallback purpose
- EventListener::setErrorCallback - Set event listener's error callback
- EventListener::__construct - Creates new connection listener associated with an event base
- EventSslContext::__construct - Constructs an OpenSSL context for use with Event classes
- EventUtil::getLastSocketErrno - Returns the most recent socket error number
- EventUtil::getLastSocketError - Returns the most recent socket error
- EventUtil::getSocketFd - Returns numeric file descriptor of a socket, or stream
- EventUtil::getSocketName - Retreives the current address to which the
socket is bound.
- EventUtil::setSocketOption - Sets socket options
- EventUtil::sslRandPoll - Generates entropy by means of OpenSSL's RAND_poll()
- EventUtil::__construct - The abstract constructor
- event_base_free - Destroy event base
- event_base_loop - Handle events
- event_base_loopbreak - Abort event loop
- event_base_loopexit - Exit loop after a time
- event_base_new - Create and initialize new event base
- event_base_priority_init - Set the number of event priority levels
- event_base_reinit - Reinitialize the event base after a fork
- event_base_set - Associate event base with an event
- event_buffer_base_set - Associate buffered event with an event base
- event_buffer_disable - Disable a buffered event
- event_buffer_enable - Enable a buffered event
- event_buffer_fd_set - Change a buffered event file descriptor
- event_buffer_free - Destroy buffered event
- event_buffer_new - Create new buffered event
- event_buffer_priority_set - Assign a priority to a buffered event
- event_buffer_read - Read data from a buffered event
- event_buffer_set_callback - Set or reset callbacks for a buffered event
- event_buffer_timeout_set - Set read and write timeouts for a buffered event
- event_buffer_watermark_set - Set the watermarks for read and write events
- event_buffer_write - Write data to a buffered event
- event_new - Create new event
- event_priority_set - Assign a priority to an event.
- event_timer_add - Alias von event_add
- event_timer_del - Alias von event_del
- event_timer_new - Alias von event_new
- event_timer_set - Prepare a timer event
- EvFork::createStopped - Creates a stopped instance of EvFork watcher class
- EvFork::__construct - Constructs the EvFork watcher object
- EvIdle::createStopped - Creates instance of a stopped EvIdle watcher object
- EvIdle::__construct - Constructs the EvIdle watcher object
- EvIo::createStopped - Create stopped EvIo watcher object
- EvIo::set - Configures the watcher
- EvIo::__construct - Constructs EvIo watcher object
- EvLoop::backend - Returns an integer describing the backend used by libev.
- EvLoop::check - Creates EvCheck object associated with the current event loop
- EvLoop::child - Creates EvChild object associated with the current event loop
- EvLoop::defaultLoop - Returns or creates the default event loop.
- EvLoop::embed - Creates an instance of EvEmbed watcher associated
with the current EvLoop object.
- EvLoop::fork - Creates EvFork watcher object associated with the current event
loop instance
- EvLoop::idle - Creates EvIdle watcher object associated with the current event
loop instance
- EvLoop::invokePending - Invoke all pending watchers while resetting their pending state
- EvLoop::io - Create EvIo watcher object associated with the current event
loop instance
- EvLoop::loopFork - Must be called after a fork
- EvLoop::now - Returns the current "event loop time"
- EvLoop::nowUpdate - Establishes the current time by querying the kernel, updating the time
returned by EvLoop::now in the progress.
- EvLoop::periodic - Creates EvPeriodic watcher object associated with the current
event loop instance
- EvLoop::prepare - Creates EvPrepare watcher object associated with the current
event loop instance
- EvLoop::resume - Resume previously suspended default event loop
- EvLoop::run - Begin checking for events and calling callbacks for the loop
- EvLoop::signal - Creates EvSignal watcher object associated with the current
event loop instance
- EvLoop::stat - Creates EvStat watcher object associated with the current event
loop instance
- EvLoop::stop - Stops the event loop
- EvLoop::suspend - Suspend the loop
- EvLoop::timer - Creates EvTimer watcher object associated with the current event
loop instance
- EvLoop::verify - Performs internal consistency checks(for debugging)
- EvLoop::__construct - Constructs the event loop object
- EvPeriodic::again - Simply stops and restarts the periodic watcher again.
- EvPeriodic::at - Returns the absolute time that this
watcher is supposed to trigger next
- EvPeriodic::createStopped - Create a stopped EvPeriodic watcher
- EvPeriodic::set - Configures the watcher
- EvPeriodic::__construct - Constructs EvPeriodic watcher object
- EvPrepare::createStopped - Creates a stopped instance of EvPrepare watcher
- EvPrepare::__construct - Constructs EvPrepare watcher object
- EvSignal::createStopped - Create stopped EvSignal watcher object
- EvSignal::set - Configures the watcher
- EvSignal::__construct - Constructs EvPeriodic watcher object
- EvStat::attr - Returns the values most recently detected by Ev
- EvStat::createStopped - Create a stopped EvStat watcher object
- EvStat::prev - Returns the previous set of values returned by EvStat::attr
- EvStat::set - Configures the watcher
- EvStat::stat - Initiates the stat call
- EvStat::__construct - Constructs EvStat watcher object
- EvTimer::again - Restarts the timer watcher
- EvTimer::createStopped - Creates EvTimer stopped watcher object
- EvTimer::set - Configures the watcher
- EvTimer::__construct - Constructs an EvTimer watcher object
- EvWatcher::clear - Clear watcher pending status
- EvWatcher::feed - Feeds the given revents set into the event loop
- EvWatcher::getLoop - Returns the loop responsible for the watcher
- EvWatcher::invoke - Invokes the watcher callback with the given received events bit
- EvWatcher::keepalive - Configures whether to keep the loop from returning
- EvWatcher::setCallback - Sets new callback for the watcher
- EvWatcher::start - Starts the watcher
- EvWatcher::stop - Stops the watcher
- EvWatcher::__construct - Abstract constructor of a watcher object
- Examples with PDO_4D - Examples PDO_4D
- Exception::getCode - Gibt die Fehlernummer der Exception zurück
- Exception::getFile - Gibt den Namen der Datei zurück, in der die Exception aufgetreten ist
- Exception::getLine - Gibt die Zeile zurück, in der die Exception auftrat
- Exception::getMessage - Gibt die Exceptionbeschreibung zurück
- Exception::getPrevious - Gibt die vorhergehende Exception zurück
- Exception::getTrace - Gibt den Stacktrace zurück
- Exception::getTraceAsString - Gibt den Stacktrace als String zurück
- Exception::__clone - Klont die Exception
- Exception::__construct - Erstellt die Exception
- Exception::__toString - Stringrepräsentation der Exception
- exec - Führt ein externes Programm aus
- exif_imagetype - Ermittelt den Bildtyp
- exif_read_data - Liest die EXIF-Header von JPEG oder TIFF aus
- exif_tagname - Gibt den Header-Namen für einen Index zurück
- exif_thumbnail - Aufruf des eingebetteten Miniaturbildes eines TIFF- oder JPEG-Bildes
- exit - Gibt eine Meldung aus und beendet das aktuelle Skript
- exp - Exponentialfunktion
- expect:// - Process Interaction Streams
- expect_expectl - Waits until the output from a process matches one
of the patterns, a specified time period has passed, or an EOF is seen
- expect_popen - Execute command via Bourne shell, and open the PTY stream to
the process
- explode - Teilt einen String anhand einer Zeichenkette
- expm1 - Exponentialfunktion mit erhöhter Genauigkeit
- extension_loaded - Prüft ob eine Extension geladen ist
- extract - Importiert Variablen eines Arrays in die aktuelle Symboltabelle
- ezmlm_hash - Berechnet den Hash-Wert, der von EZMLM benötigt wird
- f
- fam_cancel_monitor - Terminate monitoring
- fam_close - Close FAM connection
- fam_monitor_collection - Monitor a collection of files in a directory for changes
- fam_monitor_directory - Monitor a directory for changes
- fam_monitor_file - Monitor a regular file for changes
- fam_next_event - Get next pending FAM event
- fam_open - Open connection to FAM daemon
- fam_pending - Check for pending FAM events
- fam_resume_monitor - Resume suspended monitoring
- fam_suspend_monitor - Temporarily suspend monitoring
- FANNConnection::getFromNeuron - Returns the postions of starting neuron.
- FANNConnection::getToNeuron - Returns the postions of terminating neuron
- FANNConnection::getWeight - Returns the connection weight
- FANNConnection::setWeight - Sets the connections weight
- FANNConnection::__construct - The connection constructor
- fann_cascadetrain_on_data - Trains on an entire dataset, for a period of time using the Cascade2 training algorithm
- fann_cascadetrain_on_file - Trains on an entire dataset read from file, for a period of time using the Cascade2 training algorithm.
- fann_clear_scaling_params - Clears scaling parameters
- fann_copy - Creates a copy of a fann structure
- fann_create_from_file - Constructs a backpropagation neural network from a configuration file
- fann_create_shortcut - Creates a standard backpropagation neural network which is not fully connectected and has shortcut connections
- fann_create_shortcut_array - Creates a standard backpropagation neural network which is not fully connectected and has shortcut connections
- fann_create_sparse - Creates a standard backpropagation neural network, which is not fully connected
- fann_create_sparse_array - Creates a standard backpropagation neural network, which is not fully connected using an array of layer sizes
- fann_create_standard - Creates a standard fully connected backpropagation neural network
- fann_create_standard_array - Creates a standard fully connected backpropagation neural network using an array of layer sizes
- fann_create_train - Creates an empty training data struct
- fann_create_train_from_callback - Creates the training data struct from a user supplied function
- fann_descale_input - Scale data in input vector after get it from ann based on previously calculated parameters
- fann_descale_output - Scale data in output vector after get it from ann based on previously calculated parameters
- fann_descale_train - Descale input and output data based on previously calculated parameters
- fann_destroy - Destroys the entire network and properly freeing all the associated memory
- fann_destroy_train - Destructs the training data
- fann_duplicate_train_data - Returns an exact copy of a fann train data
- fann_get_activation_function - Returns the activation function
- fann_get_activation_steepness - Returns the activation steepness for supplied neuron and layer number
- fann_get_bias_array - Get the number of bias in each layer in the network
- fann_get_bit_fail - The number of fail bits
- fann_get_bit_fail_limit - Returns the bit fail limit used during training
- fann_get_cascade_activation_functions - Returns the cascade activation functions
- fann_get_cascade_activation_functions_count - Returns the number of cascade activation functions
- fann_get_cascade_activation_steepnesses - Returns the cascade activation steepnesses
- fann_get_cascade_activation_steepnesses_count - The number of activation steepnesses
- fann_get_cascade_candidate_change_fraction - Returns the cascade candidate change fraction
- fann_get_cascade_candidate_limit - Return the candidate limit
- fann_get_cascade_candidate_stagnation_epochs - Returns the number of cascade candidate stagnation epochs
- fann_get_cascade_max_cand_epochs - Returns the maximum candidate epochs
- fann_get_cascade_max_out_epochs - Returns the maximum out epochs
- fann_get_cascade_min_cand_epochs - Returns the minimum candidate epochs
- fann_get_cascade_min_out_epochs - Returns the minimum out epochs
- fann_get_cascade_num_candidates - Returns the number of candidates used during training
- fann_get_cascade_num_candidate_groups - Returns the number of candidate groups
- fann_get_cascade_output_change_fraction - Returns the cascade output change fraction
- fann_get_cascade_output_stagnation_epochs - Returns the number of cascade output stagnation epochs
- fann_get_cascade_weight_multiplier - Returns the weight multiplier
- fann_get_connection_array - Get connections in the network
- fann_get_connection_rate - Get the connection rate used when the network was created
- fann_get_errno - Returns the last error number
- fann_get_errstr - Returns the last errstr
- fann_get_layer_array - Get the number of neurons in each layer in the network
- fann_get_learning_momentum - Returns the learning momentum
- fann_get_learning_rate - Returns the learning rate
- fann_get_MSE - Reads the mean square error from the network
- fann_get_network_type - Get the type of neural network it was created as
- fann_get_num_input - Get the number of input neurons
- fann_get_num_layers - Get the number of layers in the neural network
- fann_get_num_output - Get the number of output neurons
- fann_get_quickprop_decay - Returns the decay which is a factor that weights should decrease in each iteration during quickprop training
- fann_get_quickprop_mu - Returns the mu factor
- fann_get_rprop_decrease_factor - Returns the increase factor used during RPROP training
- fann_get_rprop_delta_max - Returns the maximum step-size
- fann_get_rprop_delta_min - Returns the minimum step-size
- fann_get_rprop_delta_zero - Returns the initial step-size
- fann_get_rprop_increase_factor - Returns the increase factor used during RPROP training
- fann_get_sarprop_step_error_shift - Returns the sarprop step error shift
- fann_get_sarprop_step_error_threshold_factor - Returns the sarprop step error threshold factor
- fann_get_sarprop_temperature - Returns the sarprop temperature
- fann_get_sarprop_weight_decay_shift - Returns the sarprop weight decay shift
- fann_get_total_connections - Get the total number of connections in the entire network
- fann_get_total_neurons - Get the total number of neurons in the entire network
- fann_get_training_algorithm - Returns the training algorithm
- fann_get_train_error_function - Returns the error function used during training
- fann_get_train_stop_function - Returns the stop function used during training
- fann_init_weights - Initialize the weights using Widrow + Nguyen’s algorithm
- fann_length_train_data - Returns the number of training patterns in the train data
- fann_merge_train_data - Merges the train data
- fann_num_input_train_data - Returns the number of inputs in each of the training patterns in the train data
- fann_num_output_train_data - Returns the number of outputs in each of the training patterns in the train data
- fann_print_error - Prints the error string
- fann_randomize_weights - Give each connection a random weight between min_weight and max_weight
- fann_read_train_from_file - Reads a file that stores training data
- fann_reset_errno - Resets the last error number
- fann_reset_errstr - Resets the last error string
- fann_reset_MSE - Resets the mean square error from the network
- fann_run - Will run input through the neural network
- fann_save - Saves the entire network to a configuration file
- fann_save_train - Save the training structure to a file
- fann_scale_input - Scale data in input vector before feed it to ann based on previously calculated parameters
- fann_scale_input_train_data - Scales the inputs in the training data to the specified range
- fann_scale_output - Scale data in output vector before feed it to ann based on previously calculated parameters
- fann_scale_output_train_data - Scales the outputs in the training data to the specified range
- fann_scale_train - Scale input and output data based on previously calculated parameters
- fann_scale_train_data - Scales the inputs and outputs in the training data to the specified range
- fann_set_activation_function - Sets the activation function for supplied neuron and layer
- fann_set_activation_function_hidden - Sets the activation function for all of the hidden layers
- fann_set_activation_function_layer - Sets the activation function for all the neurons in the supplied layer.
- fann_set_activation_function_output - Sets the activation function for the output layer
- fann_set_activation_steepness - Sets the activation steepness for supplied neuron and layer number
- fann_set_activation_steepness_hidden - Sets the steepness of the activation steepness for all neurons in the all hidden layers
- fann_set_activation_steepness_layer - Sets the activation steepness for all of the neurons in the supplied layer number
- fann_set_activation_steepness_output - Sets the steepness of the activation steepness in the output layer
- fann_set_bit_fail_limit - Set the bit fail limit used during training
- fann_set_callback - Sets the callback function for use during training
- fann_set_cascade_activation_functions - Sets the array of cascade candidate activation functions
- fann_set_cascade_activation_steepnesses - Sets the array of cascade candidate activation steepnesses
- fann_set_cascade_candidate_change_fraction - Sets the cascade candidate change fraction
- fann_set_cascade_candidate_limit - Sets the candidate limit
- fann_set_cascade_candidate_stagnation_epochs - Sets the number of cascade candidate stagnation epochs
- fann_set_cascade_max_cand_epochs - Sets the max candidate epochs
- fann_set_cascade_max_out_epochs - Sets the maximum out epochs
- fann_set_cascade_min_cand_epochs - Sets the min candidate epochs
- fann_set_cascade_min_out_epochs - Sets the minimum out epochs
- fann_set_cascade_num_candidate_groups - Sets the number of candidate groups
- fann_set_cascade_output_change_fraction - Sets the cascade output change fraction
- fann_set_cascade_output_stagnation_epochs - Sets the number of cascade output stagnation epochs
- fann_set_cascade_weight_multiplier - Sets the weight multiplier
- fann_set_error_log - Sets where the errors are logged to
- fann_set_input_scaling_params - Calculate input scaling parameters for future use based on training data
- fann_set_learning_momentum - Sets the learning momentum
- fann_set_learning_rate - Sets the learning rate
- fann_set_output_scaling_params - Calculate output scaling parameters for future use based on training data
- fann_set_quickprop_decay - Sets the quickprop decay factor
- fann_set_quickprop_mu - Sets the quickprop mu factor
- fann_set_rprop_decrease_factor - Sets the decrease factor used during RPROP training
- fann_set_rprop_delta_max - Sets the maximum step-size
- fann_set_rprop_delta_min - Sets the minimum step-size
- fann_set_rprop_delta_zero - Sets the initial step-size
- fann_set_rprop_increase_factor - Sets the increase factor used during RPROP training
- fann_set_sarprop_step_error_shift - Sets the sarprop step error shift
- fann_set_sarprop_step_error_threshold_factor - Sets the sarprop step error threshold factor
- fann_set_sarprop_temperature - Sets the sarprop temperature
- fann_set_sarprop_weight_decay_shift - Sets the sarprop weight decay shift
- fann_set_scaling_params - Calculate input and output scaling parameters for future use based on training data
- fann_set_training_algorithm - Sets the training algorithm
- fann_set_train_error_function - Sets the error function used during training
- fann_set_train_stop_function - Sets the stop function used during training
- fann_set_weight - Set a connection in the network
- fann_set_weight_array - Set connections in the network
- fann_shuffle_train_data - Shuffles training data, randomizing the order
- fann_subset_train_data - Returns an copy of a subset of the train data
- fann_test - Test with a set of inputs, and a set of desired outputs
- fann_test_data - Test a set of training data and calculates the MSE for the training data
- fann_train - Train one iteration with a set of inputs, and a set of desired outputs
- fann_train_epoch - Train one epoch with a set of training data
- fann_train_on_data - Trains on an entire dataset for a period of time
- fann_train_on_file - Trains on an entire dataset, which is read from file, for a period of time
- fastcgi_finish_request - Flushes all response data to the client
- fbsql_affected_rows - Ermittelt die Anzahl der von der vorherigen FrontBase-Operation betroffenen Datensätze
- fbsql_autocommit - Aktiviert oder deaktiviert Autocommit
- fbsql_blob_size - Get the size of a BLOB
- fbsql_change_user - Wechselt den eingeloggten Benutzer der aktiven Verbindung
- fbsql_clob_size - Get the size of a CLOB
- fbsql_close - Beendet eine FrontBase-Verbindung
- fbsql_commit - Wendet eine Transaktion auf die Datenbank an
- fbsql_connect - Öffnet eine Verbindung zu einem FrontBase-Server
- fbsql_create_blob - Create a BLOB
- fbsql_create_clob - Create a CLOB
- fbsql_create_db - Erstellt eine FrontBase-Datenbank
- fbsql_database - Lesen oder Setzen des Datenbanknamens, der mit einer Verbindung verwendet wird
- fbsql_database_password - Sets or retrieves the password for a FrontBase database
- fbsql_data_seek - Bewegt den internen Ergebnis-Zeiger
- fbsql_db_query - Absetzen einer Anfrage an die Datenbank
- fbsql_db_status - Ermittelt den Status einer angegebenen Datenbank
- fbsql_drop_db - Löschen (DROP) einer FrontBase-Datenbank
- fbsql_errno - Liefert die numerische Fehlermeldung der der letzten Operation zurück
- fbsql_error - Liefert den Fehlertext der zuvor ausgeführten Operation
- fbsql_fetch_array - Fetch a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or both
- fbsql_fetch_assoc - Fetch a result row as an associative array
- fbsql_fetch_field - Liefert ein Objekt mit Feldinformationen aus einem Abfrageergebnis
- fbsql_fetch_lengths - Get the length of each output in a result
- fbsql_fetch_object - Fetch a result row as an object
- fbsql_fetch_row - Liefert einen Datensatz als numerisches Array
- fbsql_field_flags - Get the flags associated with the specified field in a result
- fbsql_field_len - Returns the length of the specified field
- fbsql_field_name - Liefert den Namen des angegebenen Feldes im Ergebnis
- fbsql_field_seek - Setzt den Ergebniszeiger auf den angegebenen Feldoffset
- fbsql_field_table - Liefert den Namen der Tabelle, die das genannte Feld enthält
- fbsql_field_type - Liefert den Typ des angegebenen Feldes in einem Ergebnis
- fbsql_free_result - Gibt vom Ergebnis belegten Speicher wieder frei
- fbsql_get_autostart_info - Beschreibung
- fbsql_hostname - Ermittelt oder setzt den mit einer Verbindung verwendeten Hostnamen
- fbsql_insert_id - Get the id generated from the previous INSERT operation
- fbsql_list_dbs - List databases available on a FrontBase server
- fbsql_list_fields - List FrontBase result fields
- fbsql_list_tables - List tables in a FrontBase database
- fbsql_next_result - Setzt den internen Ergebniskennungszeiger auf das nächste Ergebnis
- fbsql_num_fields - Ermittelt Anzahl der Felder im Ergebnis
- fbsql_num_rows - Liefert die Anzahl der Datensätze in einem Ergebnis
- fbsql_password - Liest oder setzt das Bentuzerpasswort für eine Verbindung
- fbsql_pconnect - Öffnet eine persistente Verbindung zu einem FrontBase-Server
- fbsql_query - Sendet eine FrontBase-Abfrage
- fbsql_read_blob - Read a BLOB from the database
- fbsql_read_clob - Read a CLOB from the database
- fbsql_result - Liefert Ergebnisdaten
- fbsql_rollback - Rollback a transaction to the database
- fbsql_rows_fetched - Get the number of rows affected by the last statement
- fbsql_select_db - Wählt eine FrontBase-Datenbank aus
- fbsql_set_characterset - Change input/output character set
- fbsql_set_lob_mode - Setzt den LOB-Lese-Modus für ein FrontBase-Ergebnis
- fbsql_set_password - Change the password for a given user
- fbsql_set_transaction - Set the transaction locking and isolation
- fbsql_start_db - Startet eine Datenbank auf einem lokalen oder entfernten Server
- fbsql_stop_db - Stoppt eine Datenbank auf einem lokalen oder entferneten Server
- fbsql_tablename - Alias von fbsql_table_name
- fbsql_username - Liest oder setzt den Benutzernamen für die Verbindung
- fbsql_warnings - Aktivieren oder Deaktivieren von FrontBase-Warnungen
- fclose - Schließt einen offenen Dateizeiger
- fdf_add_doc_javascript - Fügt JavaScript Code in ein FDF Dokument ein.
- fdf_add_template - Fügt dem FDF Dokument ein Template hinzu
- fdf_close - Schließt ein FDF Dokument
- fdf_create - Erzeugt ein neues FDF Dokument
- fdf_enum_values - Ruft für jeden Dokumentwert eine benutzerdefinierte Funktion auf
- fdf_errno - Gibt den Fehlercode der letzten FDF Operation zurück
- fdf_error - Gibt die Beschrebung eines Fehlercodes zurück
- fdf_get_ap - Get the appearance of a field
- fdf_get_attachment - Extracts uploaded file embedded in the FDF
- fdf_get_encoding - Liefert den Wert des /Encoding Schlüssels
- fdf_get_file - Gibt den Wert des /F Schlüssels zurück
- fdf_get_flags - Ermittelt die Flags eines Feldes
- fdf_get_opt - Liefert einen Wert aus dem Optionsarray eines Feldes
- fdf_get_status - Gibt den Wert des /STATUS Schlüssels zurück
- fdf_get_value - Gibt den Wert eines Feldes zurück
- fdf_get_version - Liefert die Versionsnummer einer FDF Datei oder des APIs
- fdf_header - Setzt FDF-spezifische Header
- fdf_next_field_name - Gibt den Namen des nächsten Feldes zurück
- fdf_open - Öffnet ein FDF Dokument
- fdf_open_string - Read a FDF document from a string
- fdf_remove_item - Sets target frame for form
- fdf_save - Speichern eines FDF Dokuments
- fdf_save_string - Returns the FDF document as a string
- fdf_set_ap - Legt das Aussehen eines Feldes fest
- fdf_set_encoding - Legt die FDF Zeichenkodierung fest
- fdf_set_file - Definiert ein PDF-Dokument, das FDF-Daten anzeigen soll
- fdf_set_flags - Setzt Flags eines Feldes
- fdf_set_javascript_action - Weist einem Feld eine JavaScript Aktion zu
- fdf_set_on_import_javascript - Adds javascript code to be executed when Acrobat opens the FDF
- fdf_set_opt - Legt eine Option eines Feldes fest
- fdf_set_status - Setzt den Wert des /STATUS Schlüssels
- fdf_set_submit_form_action - Setzt eine Submit-Form-Aktion für ein Feld
- fdf_set_target_frame - Set target frame for form display
- fdf_set_value - Legt den Wert eines Feldes fest
- fdf_set_version - Sets version number for a FDF file
- feof - Prüft, ob ein Dateizeiger am Ende der Datei steht
- fflush - Schreibt den Ausgabepuffer in eine Datei
- fgetc - Liest das Zeichen, auf welches der Dateizeiger zeigt
- fgetcsv - Liest eine Zeile von der Position des Dateizeigers und
prüft diese auf Komma-Separierte-Werte (CSV)
- fgets - Liest eine Zeile von der Position des Dateizeigers
- fgetss - Liest eine Zeile von der Position des Dateizeigers und entfernt HTML Tags.
- file - Liest eine komplette Datei in ein Array
- file:// - Accessing local filesystem
- fileatime - Liefert Datum und Uhrzeit des letzten Zugriffs auf eine Datei
- filectime - Liefert Datum und Uhrzeit der letzten Änderung des Datei Inode
- filegroup - Liefert die Gruppenzugehörigkeit einer Datei
- fileinode - Liefert die Inode-Nummer einer Datei
- filemtime - Liefert Datum und Uhrzeit der letzten Dateiänderung
- fileowner - Liefert den Dateieigentümer
- fileperms - Liefert die Zugriffsrechte einer Datei
- filepro - Liest und überprüft die Map-Datei
- filepro_fieldcount - Bestimmt, wieviele Felder in einer filePro-Datenbank vorhanden sind
- filepro_fieldname - Ermittelt den Namen eines Feldes
- filepro_fieldtype - Ermittelt den Typ eines Feldes
- filepro_fieldwidth - Ermittelt die Länge eines Feldes
- filepro_retrieve - Holt Daten aus einer filePro-Datenbank
- filepro_rowcount - bestimmt, wieviele Zeilen eine filePro-Datenbank enthält
- filesize - Liefert die Größe einer Datei
- FilesystemIterator::current - The current file
- FilesystemIterator::getFlags - Get the handling flags
- FilesystemIterator::key - Retrieve the key for the current file
- FilesystemIterator::next - Move to the next file
- FilesystemIterator::rewind - Rewinds back to the beginning
- FilesystemIterator::setFlags - Sets handling flags
- FilesystemIterator::__construct - Constructs a new filesystem iterator
- filetype - Liefert den Typ einer Datei
- file_exists - Prüft, ob eine Datei oder ein Verzeichnis existiert
- file_get_contents - Liest die gesamte Datei in einen String
- file_put_contents - Schreibt einen String in eine Datei
- FilterIterator::accept - Check whether the current element of the iterator is acceptable
- FilterIterator::current - Get the current element value
- FilterIterator::getInnerIterator - Get the inner iterator
- FilterIterator::key - Get the current key
- FilterIterator::next - Move the iterator forward
- FilterIterator::rewind - Rewind the iterator
- FilterIterator::valid - Check whether the current element is valid
- FilterIterator::__construct - Construct a filterIterator
- filter_has_var - Prüft, ob eine Variable des angegebenen Typs existiert
- filter_id - Liefert die Filter-ID zu einem Filternamen
- filter_input - Nimmt eine Variable von Außen entgegen und filtert sie optional
- filter_input_array - Nimmt mehrere Variablen von Außen entgegen und filtert sie optional
- filter_list - Liefert eine Liste aller unterstützten Filter
- filter_var - Filtern einer Variablen mit einem angegebenen Filter
- filter_var_array - Nimmt mehrere Variablen entgegen und filtert sie optional
- finfo::buffer - Alias von finfo_buffer()
- finfo::file - Alias von finfo_file()
- finfo::set_flags - Alias von finfo_set_flags()
- finfo::__construct - Alias von finfo_open
- finfo_close - Schließt eine fileinfo Ressource
- finfo_open - Erstellt eine neue fileinfo Ressource
- floatval - Konvertiert einen Wert nach float
- flock - Portables Datei-Sperr-Verfahren (advisory locking)
- floor - Abrunden
- flush - Leert (sendet) den Ausgabepuffer
- fmod - Rest einer Fließkommadivision
- fnmatch - Match filename against a pattern
- fopen - Öffnet eine Datei oder URL
- forward_static_call - Call a static method
- forward_static_call_array - Call a static method and pass the arguments as array
- fpassthru - Gibt alle verbleibenden Daten eines Dateizeigers direkt aus.
- fprintf - Schreibt einen formatierten String in einen Stream
- fputcsv - Format line as CSV and write to file pointer
- fputs - Alias von fwrite
- fread - Liest Binärdaten aus einer Datei
- frenchtojd - Konvertiert ein Datum des Französischen Revolutionskalenders zu einer
julianischen Tageszahl
- fribidi_log2vis - Einen logischen String in einen visuellen konvertieren
- fscanf - Interpretiert den Input einer Datei entsprechend einem
angegebenen Format
- fseek - Positioniert den Dateizeiger
- fsockopen - Stellt eine Internet- oder Unix-Domain-Socket-Verbindung her
- fstat - Sammelt Informationen über eine Datei mittels eines offenen Dateizeigers
- ftell - Ermittelt die aktuelle Position des Dateizeigers
- ftok - Erzeugt aus einem Dateipfad und einem Projektbezeichner einen System V IPC Schlüssel
- FTP-Kontextoptionen - Liste der FTP-Kontextoptionen
- ftp:// - Accessing FTP(s) URLs
- ftp_alloc - Reserviert Platz für eine hochzuladende Datei
- ftp_cdup - Wechselt in das darüberliegende Verzeichnis
- ftp_chdir - Verzeichnis-Wechsel auf einem FTP-Server
- ftp_chmod - Ändert die Zugriffsrechte einer Datei über FTP
- ftp_close - Schließt eine FTP-Verbindung
- ftp_connect - Stellt eine FTP-Verbindung her
- ftp_delete - Löscht eine Datei auf dem FTP-Server
- ftp_exec - Fordert die Ausführung eines Programmes auf dem FTP-Server an
- ftp_fget - Lädt eine Datei vom FTP-Server und speichert sie in eine
geöffnete Datei
- ftp_fput - Überträgt eine geöffnete Datei auf einen FTP-Server
- ftp_get - Lädt eine Datei von einem FTP-Server herunter
- ftp_get_option - Ruft diverse Laufzeitoptionen des angegebenen FTP-Streams ab
- ftp_login - Anmelden einer FTP-Verbindung (Login)
- ftp_mdtm - Gibt den Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderung der angegebenen
Datei zurück
- ftp_mkdir - Erzeugt ein Verzeichnis
- ftp_nb_continue - Nimmt die Übertragung einer Datei wieder auf (nicht-blockierend)
- ftp_nb_fget - Lädt eine Datei vom FTP-Server und schreibt sie in eine lokale Datei
- ftp_nb_fput - Speichert eine geöffnete Datei auf den FTP-Server (nicht blockierend)
- ftp_nb_get - Überträgt eine Datei von dem FTP-Server und speichert sie lokal (nicht blockierend)
- ftp_nb_put - Speichert eine Datei auf dem FTP-Server (nicht-blockierend)
- ftp_nlist - Gibt eine Liste der im angegebenen Verzeichnis enthaltenen
Dateien zurück
- ftp_pasv - Schaltet den passiven Modus ein oder aus
- ftp_put - Lädt eine Datei auf einen FTP-Server
- ftp_pwd - Gibt den aktuellen Verzeichnisnamen zurück
- ftp_quit - Alias von ftp_close
- ftp_raw - Sendet ein beliebiges Kommando an den FTP-Server
- ftp_rawlist - Gibt eine detaillierte Liste der Dateien in einem angegebenen
Verzeichnis zurück
- ftp_rename - Benennt eine Datei auf dem FTP-Server um
- ftp_rmdir - Löscht ein Verzeichnis
- ftp_set_option - Setzt diverse FTP-Laufzeitoptionen
- ftp_site - Sendet ein SITE-Kommando zum Server
- ftp_size - Gibt die Größe der angegebenen Datei zurück
- ftp_ssl_connect - Öffnet eine sichere SSL-FTP-Verbindung
- ftp_systype - Gibt den Systemtyp des entfernten FTP-Servers zurück
- ftruncate - Kürzt eine Datei auf die angegebene Länge
- function_exists - Falls die angegebene Funktion definiert ist, wird TRUE zurück
- func_get_arg - Liefert ein bestimmtes Funktionsargument
- func_get_args - Liefert Funktionsargumente als Array
- func_num_args - Liefert die Anzahl der an eine Funktion übergebenen Argumente
- fwrite - Binär-sicheres Dateischreiben
- g
- gc_collect_cycles - Forces collection of any existing garbage cycles
- gc_disable - Deactivates the circular reference collector
- gc_enable - Activates the circular reference collector
- gc_enabled - Returns status of the circular reference collector
- gc_mem_caches - Reclaims memory used by the Zend Engine memory manager
- gd_info - Ruft Informationen über die aktuell verwendete GD-Bibliothek ab
- GearmanClient::addOptions - Add client options
- GearmanClient::addServer - Add a job server to the client
- GearmanClient::addServers - Add a list of job servers to the client
- GearmanClient::addTask - Add a task to be run in parallel
- GearmanClient::addTaskBackground - Add a background task to be run in parallel
- GearmanClient::addTaskHigh - Add a high priority task to run in parallel
- GearmanClient::addTaskHighBackground - Add a high priority background task to be run in parallel
- GearmanClient::addTaskLow - Add a low priority task to run in parallel
- GearmanClient::addTaskLowBackground - Add a low priority background task to be run in parallel
- GearmanClient::addTaskStatus - Add a task to get status
- GearmanClient::clearCallbacks - Clear all task callback functions
- GearmanClient::clone - Create a copy of a GearmanClient object
- GearmanClient::context - Get the application context
- GearmanClient::data - Get the application data (deprecated)
- GearmanClient::do - Run a single task and return a result [deprecated]
- GearmanClient::doBackground - Run a task in the background
- GearmanClient::doHigh - Run a single high priority task
- GearmanClient::doHighBackground - Run a high priority task in the background
- GearmanClient::doJobHandle - Get the job handle for the running task
- GearmanClient::doLow - Run a single low priority task
- GearmanClient::doLowBackground - Run a low priority task in the background
- GearmanClient::doNormal - Run a single task and return a result
- GearmanClient::doStatus - Get the status for the running task
- GearmanClient::echo - Send data to all job servers to see if they echo it back [deprecated]
- GearmanClient::error - Returns an error string for the last error encountered.
- GearmanClient::getErrno - Get an errno value
- GearmanClient::jobStatus - Get the status of a background job
- GearmanClient::ping - Send data to all job servers to see if they echo it back
- GearmanClient::removeOptions - Remove client options
- GearmanClient::returnCode - Get the last Gearman return code
- GearmanClient::runTasks - Run a list of tasks in parallel
- GearmanClient::setClientCallback - Callback function when there is a data packet for a task (deprecated)
- GearmanClient::setCompleteCallback - Set a function to be called on task completion
- GearmanClient::setContext - Set application context
- GearmanClient::setCreatedCallback - Set a callback for when a task is queued
- GearmanClient::setData - Set application data (deprecated)
- GearmanClient::setDataCallback - Callback function when there is a data packet for a task
- GearmanClient::setExceptionCallback - Set a callback for worker exceptions
- GearmanClient::setFailCallback - Set callback for job failure
- GearmanClient::setOptions - Set client options
- GearmanClient::setStatusCallback - Set a callback for collecting task status
- GearmanClient::setTimeout - Set socket I/O activity timeout
- GearmanClient::setWarningCallback - Set a callback for worker warnings
- GearmanClient::setWorkloadCallback - Set a callback for accepting incremental data updates
- GearmanClient::timeout - Get current socket I/O activity timeout value
- GearmanClient::__construct - Create a GearmanClient instance
- GearmanJob::complete - Send the result and complete status (deprecated)
- GearmanJob::data - Send data for a running job (deprecated)
- GearmanJob::exception - Send exception for running job (deprecated)
- GearmanJob::fail - Send fail status (deprecated)
- GearmanJob::functionName - Get function name
- GearmanJob::handle - Get the job handle
- GearmanJob::returnCode - Get last return code
- GearmanJob::sendComplete - Send the result and complete status
- GearmanJob::sendData - Send data for a running job
- GearmanJob::sendException - Send exception for running job (exception)
- GearmanJob::sendFail - Send fail status
- GearmanJob::sendStatus - Send status
- GearmanJob::sendWarning - Send a warning
- GearmanJob::setReturn - Set a return value
- GearmanJob::status - Send status (deprecated)
- GearmanJob::unique - Get the unique identifier
- GearmanJob::warning - Send a warning (deprecated)
- GearmanJob::workload - Get workload
- GearmanJob::workloadSize - Get size of work load
- GearmanJob::__construct - Create a GearmanJob instance
- GearmanTask::create - Create a task (deprecated)
- GearmanTask::data - Get data returned for a task
- GearmanTask::dataSize - Get the size of returned data
- GearmanTask::function - Get associated function name (deprecated)
- GearmanTask::functionName - Get associated function name
- GearmanTask::isKnown - Determine if task is known
- GearmanTask::isRunning - Test whether the task is currently running
- GearmanTask::jobHandle - Get the job handle
- GearmanTask::recvData - Read work or result data into a buffer for a task
- GearmanTask::returnCode - Get the last return code
- GearmanTask::sendData - Send data for a task (deprecated)
- GearmanTask::sendWorkload - Send data for a task
- GearmanTask::taskDenominator - Get completion percentage denominator
- GearmanTask::taskNumerator - Get completion percentage numerator
- GearmanTask::unique - Get the unique identifier for a task
- GearmanTask::uuid - Get the unique identifier for a task (deprecated)
- GearmanTask::__construct - Create a GearmanTask instance
- GearmanWorker::addFunction - Register and add callback function
- GearmanWorker::addOptions - Add worker options
- GearmanWorker::addServer - Add a job server
- GearmanWorker::addServers - Add job servers
- GearmanWorker::clone - Create a copy of the worker
- GearmanWorker::echo - Test job server response
- GearmanWorker::error - Get the last error encountered
- GearmanWorker::getErrno - Get errno
- GearmanWorker::options - Get worker options
- GearmanWorker::register - Register a function with the job server
- GearmanWorker::removeOptions - Remove worker options
- GearmanWorker::returnCode - Get last Gearman return code
- GearmanWorker::setId - Give the worker an identifier so it can be tracked when asking gearmand for the list of available workers.
- GearmanWorker::setOptions - Set worker options
- GearmanWorker::setTimeout - Set socket I/O activity timeout
- GearmanWorker::timeout - Get socket I/O activity timeout
- GearmanWorker::unregister - Unregister a function name with the job servers
- GearmanWorker::unregisterAll - Unregister all function names with the job servers
- GearmanWorker::wait - Wait for activity from one of the job servers
- GearmanWorker::work - Wait for and perform jobs
- GearmanWorker::__construct - Create a GearmanWorker instance
- Gender\Gender::connect - Connect to an external name dictionary.
- Gender\Gender::country - Get textual country representation
- Gender\Gender::get - Get gender of a name.
- Gender\Gender::isNick - Check if the name0 is an alias of the name1.
- Gender\Gender::similarNames - Get similar names.
- Gender\Gender::__construct - Construct the Gender object.
- Generator::current - Get the yielded value
- Generator::getReturn - Get the return value of a generator
- Generator::key - Get the yielded key
- Generator::next - Resume execution of the generator
- Generator::rewind - Rewind the iterator
- Generator::send - Send a value to the generator
- Generator::throw - Throw an exception into the generator
- Generator::valid - Check if the iterator has been closed
- Generator::__wakeup - Serialize callback
- geoip_asnum_by_name - Get the Autonomous System Numbers (ASN)
- geoip_continent_code_by_name - Get the two letter continent code
- geoip_country_code3_by_name - Get the three letter country code
- geoip_country_code_by_name - Get the two letter country code
- geoip_country_name_by_name - Get the full country name
- geoip_database_info - Get GeoIP Database information
- geoip_db_avail - Determine if GeoIP Database is available
- geoip_db_filename - Returns the filename of the corresponding GeoIP Database
- geoip_db_get_all_info - Returns detailed information about all GeoIP database types
- geoip_domain_by_name - Get the second level domain name
- geoip_id_by_name - Get the Internet connection type
- geoip_isp_by_name - Get the Internet Service Provider (ISP) name
- geoip_netspeedcell_by_name - Get the Internet connection speed
- geoip_org_by_name - Get the organization name
- geoip_record_by_name - Returns the detailed City information found in the GeoIP Database
- geoip_region_by_name - Get the country code and region
- geoip_region_name_by_code - Returns the region name for some country and region code combo
- geoip_setup_custom_directory - Set a custom directory for the GeoIP database.
- geoip_time_zone_by_country_and_region - Returns the time zone for some country and region code combo
- getallheaders - Liefert alle HTTP-Request-Header
- getcwd - Ermittelt das aktuelle Arbeitsverzeichnis
- getdate - Gibt Datums- und Zeitinformationen zurück
- getenv - Liefert den Wert einer Umgebungsvariable
- gethostbyaddr - Ermittelt den zur angegebenen IP-Adresse passenden Internet-Hostnamen
- gethostbyname - Ermittelt die zum angegebenen Internet-Hostnamen passende IPv4-Adresse
- gethostbynamel - Ermittelt eine Liste von IPv4-Adressen passend zum angegebenen Internet-Hostnamen
- gethostname - Gets the host name
- getimagesize - Ermittelt die Größe einer Grafik
- getimagesizefromstring - Ermittelt die Größe einer Grafik von einem String
- getlastmod - Uhrzeit der letzten Änderung eines Scripts
- getmxrr - Ermittelt die zu einem Internet-Hostnamen passenden MX-Records
- getmygid - Get PHP script owner's GID
- getmyinode - Ermittelt den Inode eines Skripts
- getmypid - Prozess-Id eines Scripts
- getmyuid - Zeigt die User-ID des Besitzers eines PHP-Scripts
- getopt - Gets options from the command line argument list
- getprotobyname - Ermittelt die Protokollnummer anhand des Protokollnamens
- getprotobynumber - Ermittelt den Protokollnamen anhand der Protokollnummer
- getrandmax - Liefert die maximale Zufallszahl
- getrusage - Zeigt den aktuellen Ressourcenverbrauch an
- getservbyname - Ermittelt die Portnummer passend zu einem Internet-Dienst und Protokoll
- getservbyport - Ermittelt einen Internet-Dienst passend zu einem Port und Protokoll
- gettext - Sucht einen Text in der aktuellen Domain
- gettimeofday - Ermittelt die aktuelle Zeit
- gettype - Liefert den Datentyp einer Variablen
- get_browser - Ermittelt die Fähigkeiten des Browsers eines Benutzers
- get_called_class - the "Late Static Binding" class name
- get_cfg_var - Ermittelt den Wert einer Konfigurationsoption
- get_class - Ermittelt den Klassennamen eines Objekts
- get_class_methods - Ermittelt die Namen der definierten Methoden einer Klasse
- get_class_vars - Liefert die Vorgabeeigenschaften einer Klasse
- get_current_user - Liefert den Benutzernamen des Besitzers des aktuellen PHP-Skripts
- get_declared_classes - Ermittelt die Namen der definierten Klassen
- get_declared_interfaces - Gibt ein Array mit allen definierten Interfaces zurück
- get_declared_traits - Returns an array of all declared traits
- get_defined_constants - Returns an associative array with the names of all the constants and their values
- get_defined_functions - Liefert ein Array aller definierten Funktionen
- get_defined_vars - Gibt ein Array aller definierten Variablen zurück
- get_extension_funcs - Liefert die Namen der Funktionen einer Extension
- get_headers - Ruft alle Header ab, die der Server als Antwort auf einen
HTTP-Request versendet
- get_html_translation_table - Gibt die Umwandlungs-Tabelle zurück, die von
htmlspecialchars und
htmlentities verwendet wird
- get_included_files - Liefert ein Array mit den Namen der includierten Dateien
- get_include_path - Gets the current include_path configuration option
- get_loaded_extensions - Liefert ein Array mit den Namen aller einkompilierten und geladenen Extensions
- get_magic_quotes_gpc - Zeigt die aktuelle Konfiguration von magic quotes gpc
- get_magic_quotes_runtime - Zeigt die aktuelle Konfiguration von magic_quotes_runtime
- get_meta_tags - Liest alle content-Attribute der Meta-Tags einer Datei aus und
gibt ein Array zurück
- get_object_vars - Liefert die öffentlichen Elemente eines Objekts
- get_parent_class - Gibt den Namen der Elternklasse eines Objektes zurück
- get_required_files - Alias von get_included_files
- get_resources - Returns active resources
- get_resource_type - Liefert den Typ einer Resource
- glob - Findet Dateinamen, die mit einem Muster übereinstimmen
- glob:// - Find pathnames matching pattern
- GlobIterator::count - Get the number of directories and files
- GlobIterator::__construct - Construct a directory using glob
- Gmagick::addimage - Adds new image to Gmagick object image list
- Gmagick::addnoiseimage - Adds random noise to the image
- Gmagick::annotateimage - Annotates an image with text
- Gmagick::blurimage - Adds blur filter to image
- Gmagick::borderimage - Surrounds the image with a border
- Gmagick::charcoalimage - Simulates a charcoal drawing
- Gmagick::chopimage - Removes a region of an image and trims
- Gmagick::clear - Clears all resources associated to Gmagick object
- Gmagick::commentimage - Adds a comment to your image
- Gmagick::compositeimage - Composite one image onto another
- Gmagick::cropimage - Extracts a region of the image
- Gmagick::cropthumbnailimage - Creates a crop thumbnail
- Gmagick::current - The current purpose
- Gmagick::cyclecolormapimage - Displaces an image's colormap
- Gmagick::deconstructimages - Returns certain pixel differences between images
- Gmagick::despeckleimage - The despeckleimage purpose
- Gmagick::destroy - The destroy purpose
- Gmagick::drawimage - Renders the GmagickDraw object on the current image
- Gmagick::edgeimage - Enhance edges within the image
- Gmagick::embossimage - Returns a grayscale image with a three-dimensional effect
- Gmagick::enhanceimage - Improves the quality of a noisy image
- Gmagick::equalizeimage - Equalizes the image histogram
- Gmagick::flipimage - Creates a vertical mirror image
- Gmagick::flopimage - The flopimage purpose
- Gmagick::frameimage - Adds a simulated three-dimensional border
- Gmagick::gammaimage - Gamma-corrects an image
- Gmagick::getcopyright - Returns the GraphicsMagick API copyright as a string
- Gmagick::getfilename - The filename associated with an image sequence
- Gmagick::getimagebackgroundcolor - Returns the image background color
- Gmagick::getimageblueprimary - Returns the chromaticy blue primary point
- Gmagick::getimagebordercolor - Returns the image border color
- Gmagick::getimagechanneldepth - Gets the depth for a particular image channel
- Gmagick::getimagecolors - Returns the color of the specified colormap index
- Gmagick::getimagecolorspace - Gets the image colorspace
- Gmagick::getimagecompose - Returns the composite operator associated with the image
- Gmagick::getimagedelay - Gets the image delay
- Gmagick::getimagedepth - Gets the depth of the image
- Gmagick::getimagedispose - Gets the image disposal method
- Gmagick::getimageextrema - Gets the extrema for the image
- Gmagick::getimagefilename - Returns the filename of a particular image in a sequence
- Gmagick::getimageformat - Returns the format of a particular image in a sequence
- Gmagick::getimagegamma - Gets the image gamma
- Gmagick::getimagegreenprimary - Returns the chromaticy green primary point
- Gmagick::getimageheight - Returns the image height
- Gmagick::getimagehistogram - Gets the image histogram
- Gmagick::getimageindex - Gets the index of the current active image
- Gmagick::getimageinterlacescheme - Gets the image interlace scheme
- Gmagick::getimageiterations - Gets the image iterations
- Gmagick::getimagematte - Check if the image has a matte channel
- Gmagick::getimagemattecolor - Returns the image matte color
- Gmagick::getimageprofile - Returns the named image profile.
- Gmagick::getimageredprimary - Returns the chromaticity red primary point
- Gmagick::getimagerenderingintent - Gets the image rendering intent
- Gmagick::getimageresolution - Gets the image X and Y resolution
- Gmagick::getimagescene - Gets the image scene
- Gmagick::getimagesignature - Generates an SHA-256 message digest
- Gmagick::getimagetype - Gets the potential image type.
- Gmagick::getimageunits - Gets the image units of resolution
- Gmagick::getimagewhitepoint - Returns the chromaticity white point
- Gmagick::getimagewidth - Returns the width of the image
- Gmagick::getpackagename - Returns the GraphicsMagick package name.
- Gmagick::getquantumdepth - Returns the Gmagick quantum depth as a string.
- Gmagick::getreleasedate - Returns the GraphicsMagick release date as a string.
- Gmagick::getsamplingfactors - Gets the horizontal and vertical sampling factor.
- Gmagick::getsize - Returns the size associated with the Gmagick object
- Gmagick::getversion - Returns the GraphicsMagick API version
- Gmagick::hasnextimage - Checks if the object has more images
- Gmagick::haspreviousimage - Checks if the object has a previous image
- Gmagick::implodeimage - Creates a new image as a copy
- Gmagick::labelimage - Adds a label to an image.
- Gmagick::levelimage - Adjusts the levels of an image
- Gmagick::magnifyimage - Scales an image proportionally 2x
- Gmagick::mapimage - Replaces the colors of an image with the closest color from a reference image.
- Gmagick::medianfilterimage - Applies a digital filter
- Gmagick::minifyimage - Scales an image proportionally to half its size
- Gmagick::modulateimage - Control the brightness, saturation, and hue
- Gmagick::motionblurimage - Simulates motion blur
- Gmagick::newimage - Creates a new image
- Gmagick::nextimage - Moves to the next image
- Gmagick::normalizeimage - Enhances the contrast of a color image
- Gmagick::oilpaintimage - Simulates an oil painting
- Gmagick::previousimage - Move to the previous image in the object
- Gmagick::profileimage - Adds or removes a profile from an image
- Gmagick::quantizeimage - Analyzes the colors within a reference image
- Gmagick::quantizeimages - The quantizeimages purpose
- Gmagick::queryfontmetrics - Returns an array representing the font metrics
- Gmagick::queryfonts - Returns the configured fonts
- Gmagick::queryformats - Returns formats supported by Gmagick.
- Gmagick::radialblurimage - Radial blurs an image
- Gmagick::raiseimage - Creates a simulated 3d button-like effect
- Gmagick::read - Reads image from filename
- Gmagick::readimage - Reads image from filename
- Gmagick::readimageblob - Reads image from a binary string
- Gmagick::readimagefile - The readimagefile purpose
- Gmagick::reducenoiseimage - Smooths the contours of an image
- Gmagick::removeimage - Removes an image from the image list
- Gmagick::removeimageprofile - Removes the named image profile and returns it
- Gmagick::resampleimage - Resample image to desired resolution
- Gmagick::resizeimage - Scales an image
- Gmagick::rollimage - Offsets an image
- Gmagick::rotateimage - Rotates an image
- Gmagick::scaleimage - Scales the size of an image
- Gmagick::separateimagechannel - Separates a channel from the image
- Gmagick::setCompressionQuality - Sets the object's default compression quality
- Gmagick::setfilename - Sets the filename before you read or write the image
- Gmagick::setimagebackgroundcolor - Sets the image background color.
- Gmagick::setimageblueprimary - Sets the image chromaticity blue primary point.
- Gmagick::setimagebordercolor - Sets the image border color.
- Gmagick::setimagechanneldepth - Sets the depth of a particular image channel
- Gmagick::setimagecolorspace - Sets the image colorspace
- Gmagick::setimagecompose - Sets the image composite operator
- Gmagick::setimagedelay - Sets the image delay
- Gmagick::setimagedepth - Sets the image depth
- Gmagick::setimagedispose - Sets the image disposal method
- Gmagick::setimagefilename - Sets the filename of a particular image in a sequence
- Gmagick::setimageformat - Sets the format of a particular image
- Gmagick::setimagegamma - Sets the image gamma
- Gmagick::setimagegreenprimary - Sets the image chromaticity green primary point.
- Gmagick::setimageindex - Set the iterator to the position in the image list specified with the index parameter
- Gmagick::setimageinterlacescheme - Sets the interlace scheme of the image.
- Gmagick::setimageiterations - Sets the image iterations.
- Gmagick::setimageprofile - Adds a named profile to the Gmagick object
- Gmagick::setimageredprimary - Sets the image chromaticity red primary point.
- Gmagick::setimagerenderingintent - Sets the image rendering intent
- Gmagick::setimageresolution - Sets the image resolution
- Gmagick::setimagescene - Sets the image scene
- Gmagick::setimagetype - Sets the image type
- Gmagick::setimageunits - Sets the image units of resolution.
- Gmagick::setimagewhitepoint - Sets the image chromaticity white point.
- Gmagick::setsamplingfactors - Sets the image sampling factors.
- Gmagick::setsize - Sets the size of the Gmagick object
- Gmagick::shearimage - Creating a parallelogram
- Gmagick::solarizeimage - Applies a solarizing effect to the image
- Gmagick::spreadimage - Randomly displaces each pixel in a block
- Gmagick::stripimage - Strips an image of all profiles and comments
- Gmagick::swirlimage - Swirls the pixels about the center of the image
- Gmagick::thumbnailimage - Changes the size of an image
- Gmagick::trimimage - Remove edges from the image
- Gmagick::write - Alias von Gmagick::writeimage
- Gmagick::writeimage - Writes an image to the specified filename
- Gmagick::__construct - The Gmagick constructor
- GmagickDraw::annotate - Draws text on the image
- GmagickDraw::arc - Draws an arc
- GmagickDraw::bezier - Draws a bezier curve
- GmagickDraw::ellipse - Draws an ellipse on the image
- GmagickDraw::getfillcolor - Returns the fill color
- GmagickDraw::getfillopacity - Returns the opacity used when drawing
- GmagickDraw::getfont - Returns the font
- GmagickDraw::getfontsize - Returns the font pointsize
- GmagickDraw::getfontstyle - Returns the font style
- GmagickDraw::getfontweight - Returns the font weight
- GmagickDraw::getstrokecolor - Returns the color used for stroking object outlines
- GmagickDraw::getstrokeopacity - Returns the opacity of stroked object outlines
- GmagickDraw::getstrokewidth - Returns the width of the stroke used to draw object outlines
- GmagickDraw::gettextdecoration - Returns the text decoration
- GmagickDraw::gettextencoding - Returns the code set used for text annotations
- GmagickDraw::line - The line purpose
- GmagickDraw::point - Draws a point
- GmagickDraw::polygon - Draws a polygon
- GmagickDraw::polyline - Draws a polyline
- GmagickDraw::rectangle - Draws a rectangle
- GmagickDraw::rotate - Applies the specified rotation to the current coordinate space
- GmagickDraw::roundrectangle - Draws a rounded rectangle
- GmagickDraw::scale - Adjusts the scaling factor
- GmagickDraw::setfillcolor - Sets the fill color to be used for drawing filled objects.
- GmagickDraw::setfillopacity - The setfillopacity purpose
- GmagickDraw::setfont - Sets the fully-specified font to use when annotating with text.
- GmagickDraw::setfontsize - Sets the font pointsize to use when annotating with text.
- GmagickDraw::setfontstyle - Sets the font style to use when annotating with text
- GmagickDraw::setfontweight - Sets the font weight
- GmagickDraw::setstrokecolor - Sets the color used for stroking object outlines.
- GmagickDraw::setstrokeopacity - Specifies the opacity of stroked object outlines.
- GmagickDraw::setstrokewidth - Sets the width of the stroke used to draw object outlines.
- GmagickDraw::settextdecoration - Specifies a decoration
- GmagickDraw::settextencoding - Specifies the text code set
- GmagickPixel::getcolor - Gibt die Farbe zurück
- GmagickPixel::getcolorcount - Returns the color count associated with this color
- GmagickPixel::getcolorvalue - Gets the normalized value of the provided color channel
- GmagickPixel::setcolor - Sets the color
- GmagickPixel::setcolorvalue - Sets the normalized value of one of the channels
- GmagickPixel::__construct - Erstellt ein neues GmagickPixel Objekt
- gmdate - Formatiert eine GMT/UTC Zeit-/Datumsangabe
- gmmktime - Gibt einen Unix-Timestamp (Zeitstempel) für ein GMT Datum zurück
- gmp_abs - Absolute value
- gmp_add - Add numbers
- gmp_and - Bitwise AND
- gmp_clrbit - Clear bit
- gmp_cmp - Compare numbers
- gmp_com - Calculates one's complement
- gmp_div - Alias von gmp_div_q
- gmp_divexact - Exact division of numbers
- gmp_div_q - Divide numbers
- gmp_div_qr - Divide numbers and get quotient and remainder
- gmp_div_r - Remainder of the division of numbers
- gmp_export - Export to a binary string
- gmp_fact - Factorial
- gmp_gcd - Calculate GCD
- gmp_gcdext - Calculate GCD and multipliers
- gmp_hamdist - Hamming distance
- gmp_import - Import from a binary string
- gmp_init - Create GMP number
- gmp_intval - Convert GMP number to integer
- gmp_invert - Inverse by modulo
- gmp_jacobi - Jacobi symbol
- gmp_legendre - Legendre symbol
- gmp_mod - Modulo operation
- gmp_mul - Multiply numbers
- gmp_neg - Negate number
- gmp_nextprime - Find next prime number
- gmp_or - Bitwise OR
- gmp_perfect_square - Perfect square check
- gmp_popcount - Population count
- gmp_pow - Raise number into power
- gmp_powm - Raise number into power with modulo
- gmp_prob_prime - Check if number is "probably prime"
- gmp_random - Random number
- gmp_random_bits - Random number
- gmp_random_range - Random number
- gmp_random_seed - Sets the RNG seed
- gmp_root - Take the integer part of nth root
- gmp_rootrem - Take the integer part and remainder of nth root
- gmp_scan0 - Scan for 0
- gmp_scan1 - Scan for 1
- gmp_setbit - Set bit
- gmp_sign - Sign of number
- gmp_sqrt - Calculate square root
- gmp_sqrtrem - Square root with remainder
- gmp_strval - Convert GMP number to string
- gmp_sub - Subtract numbers
- gmp_testbit - Tests if a bit is set
- gmp_xor - Bitwise XOR
- gmstrftime - Formatiert eine Datum-/Zeitangabe in GMT/UTC-Format entsprechend den
lokalen Einstellungen
- gnupg_adddecryptkey - Fügt einen Schlüssel für Entschlüsselung hinzu
- gnupg_addencryptkey - Fügt einen Schlüssel zur Verschlüsselung hinzu
- gnupg_addsignkey - Fügt einen Schlüssel für Signierung hinzu
- gnupg_cleardecryptkeys - Entfernt alle Schlüssel, die vorher für Entschlüsselung hinterlegt wurden
- gnupg_clearencryptkeys - Entfernt alle Schlüssel, die vorher zur Verschlüsselung hinterlegt wurden
- gnupg_clearsignkeys - Entfernt alle Schlüssel die vorher zur Signierung hinterlegt wurden
- gnupg_decrypt - Entschlüsselt einen gegebenen Text
- gnupg_decryptverify - Entschlüsselt und vertifiziert einen gegebenen Text
- gnupg_encrypt - Verschlüsselt einen gegebenen Text
- gnupg_encryptsign - Verschlüsselt und signiert einen gegebenen Text
- gnupg_export - Exportiert einen Schlüssel
- gnupg_geterror - Gibt den Fehlertext zurück, wenn eine Funktion scheitert
- gnupg_getprotocol - Gibt das aktuell für alle Operationen aktive Protokoll zurück
- gnupg_import - Importiert einen Schlüssel
- gnupg_init - Initialisiert eine Verbindung
- gnupg_keyinfo - Gibt ein Array mit Informationen über alle Schlüssel zurück, die dem gegebenen Muster entsprechen
- gnupg_setarmor - Gepanzerte Ausgabe umschalten
- gnupg_seterrormode - Setzt den Modus für error_reporting
- gnupg_setsignmode - Setzt den Signierungs-Modus
- gnupg_sign - Signiert einen übergebenen Text
- gnupg_verify - Verifiziert einen signierten Text
- gopher_parsedir - Translate a gopher formatted directory entry into an associative array.
- grapheme_extract - Function to extract a sequence of default grapheme clusters from a text buffer, which must be encoded in UTF-8.
- grapheme_stripos - Find position (in grapheme units) of first occurrence of a case-insensitive string
- grapheme_stristr - Returns part of haystack string from the first occurrence of case-insensitive needle to the end of haystack.
- grapheme_strlen - Get string length in grapheme units
- grapheme_strpos - Find position (in grapheme units) of first occurrence of a string
- grapheme_strripos - Find position (in grapheme units) of last occurrence of a case-insensitive string
- grapheme_strrpos - Find position (in grapheme units) of last occurrence of a string
- grapheme_strstr - Returns part of haystack string from the first occurrence of needle to the end of haystack.
- grapheme_substr - Return part of a string
- gregoriantojd - Konvertierung vom Gregorianischen Kalender zum Julianischen Datum
- gupnp_context_get_host_ip - Get the IP address
- gupnp_context_get_port - Get the port
- gupnp_context_get_subscription_timeout - Get the event subscription timeout
- gupnp_context_host_path - Start hosting
- gupnp_context_new - Create a new context
- gupnp_context_set_subscription_timeout - Sets the event subscription timeout
- gupnp_context_timeout_add - Sets a function to be called at regular intervals
- gupnp_context_unhost_path - Stop hosting
- gupnp_control_point_browse_start - Start browsing
- gupnp_control_point_browse_stop - Stop browsing
- gupnp_control_point_callback_set - Set control point callback
- gupnp_control_point_new - Create a new control point
- gupnp_device_action_callback_set - Set device callback function
- gupnp_device_info_get - Get info of root device
- gupnp_device_info_get_service - Get the service with type
- gupnp_root_device_get_available - Check whether root device is available
- gupnp_root_device_get_relative_location - Get the relative location of root device.
- gupnp_root_device_new - Create a new root device
- gupnp_root_device_set_available - Set whether or not root_device is available
- gupnp_root_device_start - Start main loop
- gupnp_root_device_stop - Stop main loop
- gupnp_service_action_get - Retrieves the specified action arguments
- gupnp_service_action_return - Return successfully
- gupnp_service_action_return_error - Return error code
- gupnp_service_action_set - Sets the specified action return values
- gupnp_service_freeze_notify - Freeze new notifications
- gupnp_service_info_get - Get full info of service
- gupnp_service_info_get_introspection - Get resource introspection of service
- gupnp_service_introspection_get_state_variable - Returns the state variable data
- gupnp_service_notify - Notifies listening clients
- gupnp_service_proxy_action_get - Send action to the service and get value
- gupnp_service_proxy_action_set - Send action to the service and set value
- gupnp_service_proxy_add_notify - Sets up callback for variable change notification
- gupnp_service_proxy_callback_set - Set service proxy callback for signal
- gupnp_service_proxy_get_subscribed - Check whether subscription is valid to the service
- gupnp_service_proxy_remove_notify - Cancels the variable change notification
- gupnp_service_proxy_send_action - Send action with multiple parameters synchronously
- gupnp_service_proxy_set_subscribed - (Un)subscribes to the service.
- gupnp_service_thaw_notify - Sends out any pending notifications and stops queuing of new ones.
- gzclose - Schließt eine geöffnete gz-Datei
- gzcompress - Komprimiert einen String
- gzdecode - Decodes a gzip compressed string
- gzdeflate - Komprimiert eine Zeichenkette
- gzencode - Create a gzip compressed string
- gzeof - Prüfe auf EOF bei einem gz-Datei Descriptor
- gzfile - Read entire gz-file into an array
- gzgetc - Hole Zeichen von gz-Datei Deskriptor
- gzgets - Get line from file pointer
- gzgetss - Get line from gz-file pointer and strip HTML tags
- gzinflate - Dekomprimiere (inflate) eine komprimierte (deflate) Zeichenkette
- gzopen - Öffnet gz-Dateien
- gzpassthru - Gibt alle verbleibenden Daten eines gz-Datei Deskriptors aus
- gzputs - Alias von gzwrite
- gzread - Liest binary-safe aus einer gz-Datei
- gzrewind - Setzt die Dateiposition auf den Anfang zurück
- gzseek - Positioniert innerhalb einer gz-Datei
- gztell - Ermittelt die aktuelle Position in einer gz-Datei
- gzuncompress - Dekomprimiert einen komprimierten String
- gzwrite - Ausgabe in gz-komprimierte Dateien
- h
- HaruAnnotation::setBorderStyle - Set the border style of the annotation
- HaruAnnotation::setHighlightMode - Set the highlighting mode of the annotation
- HaruAnnotation::setIcon - Set the icon style of the annotation
- HaruAnnotation::setOpened - Set the initial state of the annotation
- HaruDestination::setFit - Set the appearance of the page to fit the window
- HaruDestination::setFitB - Set the appearance of the page to fit the bounding box of the page within the window
- HaruDestination::setFitBH - Set the appearance of the page to fit the width of the bounding box
- HaruDestination::setFitBV - Set the appearance of the page to fit the height of the boudning box
- HaruDestination::setFitH - Set the appearance of the page to fit the window width
- HaruDestination::setFitR - Set the appearance of the page to fit the specified rectangle
- HaruDestination::setFitV - Set the appearance of the page to fit the window height
- HaruDestination::setXYZ - Set the appearance of the page
- HaruDoc::addPage - Add new page to the document
- HaruDoc::addPageLabel - Set the numbering style for the specified range of pages
- HaruDoc::createOutline - Create a HaruOutline instance
- HaruDoc::getCurrentEncoder - Get HaruEncoder currently used in the document
- HaruDoc::getCurrentPage - Return current page of the document
- HaruDoc::getEncoder - Get HaruEncoder instance for the specified encoding
- HaruDoc::getFont - Get HaruFont instance
- HaruDoc::getInfoAttr - Get current value of the specified document attribute
- HaruDoc::getPageLayout - Get current page layout
- HaruDoc::getPageMode - Get current page mode
- HaruDoc::getStreamSize - Get the size of the temporary stream
- HaruDoc::insertPage - Insert new page just before the specified page
- HaruDoc::loadJPEG - Load a JPEG image
- HaruDoc::loadPNG - Load PNG image and return HaruImage instance
- HaruDoc::loadRaw - Load a RAW image
- HaruDoc::loadTTC - Load the font with the specified index from TTC file
- HaruDoc::loadTTF - Load TTF font file
- HaruDoc::loadType1 - Load Type1 font
- HaruDoc::output - Write the document data to the output buffer
- HaruDoc::readFromStream - Read data from the temporary stream
- HaruDoc::resetError - Reset error state of the document handle
- HaruDoc::resetStream - Rewind the temporary stream
- HaruDoc::save - Save the document into the specified file
- HaruDoc::saveToStream - Save the document into a temporary stream
- HaruDoc::setCompressionMode - Set compression mode for the document
- HaruDoc::setCurrentEncoder - Set the current encoder for the document
- HaruDoc::setEncryptionMode - Set encryption mode for the document
- HaruDoc::setInfoAttr - Set the info attribute of the document
- HaruDoc::setInfoDateAttr - Set the datetime info attributes of the document
- HaruDoc::setOpenAction - Define which page is shown when the document is opened
- HaruDoc::setPageLayout - Set how pages should be displayed
- HaruDoc::setPageMode - Set how the document should be displayed
- HaruDoc::setPagesConfiguration - Set the number of pages per set of pages
- HaruDoc::setPassword - Set owner and user passwords for the document
- HaruDoc::setPermission - Set permissions for the document
- HaruDoc::useCNSEncodings - Enable Chinese simplified encodings
- HaruDoc::useCNSFonts - Enable builtin Chinese simplified fonts
- HaruDoc::useCNTEncodings - Enable Chinese traditional encodings
- HaruDoc::useCNTFonts - Enable builtin Chinese traditional fonts
- HaruDoc::useJPEncodings - Enable Japanese encodings
- HaruDoc::useJPFonts - Enable builtin Japanese fonts
- HaruDoc::useKREncodings - Enable Korean encodings
- HaruDoc::useKRFonts - Enable builtin Korean fonts
- HaruDoc::__construct - Construct new HaruDoc instance
- HaruEncoder::getByteType - Get the type of the byte in the text
- HaruEncoder::getType - Get the type of the encoder
- HaruEncoder::getUnicode - Convert the specified character to unicode
- HaruEncoder::getWritingMode - Get the writing mode of the encoder
- HaruFont::getAscent - Get the vertical ascent of the font
- HaruFont::getCapHeight - Get the distance from the baseline of uppercase letters
- HaruFont::getDescent - Get the vertical descent of the font
- HaruFont::getEncodingName - Get the name of the encoding
- HaruFont::getFontName - Get the name of the font
- HaruFont::getTextWidth - Get the total width of the text, number of characters, number of words and number of spaces
- HaruFont::getUnicodeWidth - Get the width of the character in the font
- HaruFont::getXHeight - Get the distance from the baseline of lowercase letters
- HaruFont::measureText - Calculate the number of characters which can be included within the specified width
- HaruImage::getBitsPerComponent - Get the number of bits used to describe each color component of the image
- HaruImage::getColorSpace - Get the name of the color space
- HaruImage::getHeight - Get the height of the image
- HaruImage::getSize - Get size of the image
- HaruImage::getWidth - Get the width of the image
- HaruImage::setColorMask - Set the color mask of the image
- HaruImage::setMaskImage - Set the image mask
- HaruOutline::setDestination - Set the destination for the outline
- HaruOutline::setOpened - Set the initial state of the outline
- HaruPage::arc - Append an arc to the current path
- HaruPage::beginText - Begin a text object and set the current text position to (0,0)
- HaruPage::circle - Append a circle to the current path
- HaruPage::closePath - Append a straight line from the current point to the start point of the path
- HaruPage::concat - Concatenate current transformation matrix of the page and the specified matrix
- HaruPage::createDestination - Create new HaruDestination instance
- HaruPage::createLinkAnnotation - Create new HaruAnnotation instance
- HaruPage::createTextAnnotation - Create new HaruAnnotation instance
- HaruPage::createURLAnnotation - Create and return new HaruAnnotation instance
- HaruPage::curveTo - Append a Bezier curve to the current path
- HaruPage::curveTo2 - Append a Bezier curve to the current path
- HaruPage::curveTo3 - Append a Bezier curve to the current path
- HaruPage::drawImage - Show image at the page
- HaruPage::ellipse - Append an ellipse to the current path
- HaruPage::endPath - End current path object without filling and painting operations
- HaruPage::endText - End current text object
- HaruPage::eofill - Fill current path using even-odd rule
- HaruPage::eoFillStroke - Fill current path using even-odd rule, then paint the path
- HaruPage::fill - Fill current path using nonzero winding number rule
- HaruPage::fillStroke - Fill current path using nonzero winding number rule, then paint the path
- HaruPage::getCharSpace - Get the current value of character spacing
- HaruPage::getCMYKFill - Get the current filling color
- HaruPage::getCMYKStroke - Get the current stroking color
- HaruPage::getCurrentFont - Get the currently used font
- HaruPage::getCurrentFontSize - Get the current font size
- HaruPage::getCurrentPos - Get the current position for path painting
- HaruPage::getCurrentTextPos - Get the current position for text printing
- HaruPage::getDash - Get the current dash pattern
- HaruPage::getFillingColorSpace - Get the current filling color space
- HaruPage::getFlatness - Get the flatness of the page
- HaruPage::getGMode - Get the current graphics mode
- HaruPage::getGrayFill - Get the current filling color
- HaruPage::getGrayStroke - Get the current stroking color
- HaruPage::getHeight - Get the height of the page
- HaruPage::getHorizontalScaling - Get the current value of horizontal scaling
- HaruPage::getLineCap - Get the current line cap style
- HaruPage::getLineJoin - Get the current line join style
- HaruPage::getLineWidth - Get the current line width
- HaruPage::getMiterLimit - Get the value of miter limit
- HaruPage::getRGBFill - Get the current filling color
- HaruPage::getRGBStroke - Get the current stroking color
- HaruPage::getStrokingColorSpace - Get the current stroking color space
- HaruPage::getTextLeading - Get the current value of line spacing
- HaruPage::getTextMatrix - Get the current text transformation matrix of the page
- HaruPage::getTextRenderingMode - Get the current text rendering mode
- HaruPage::getTextRise - Get the current value of text rising
- HaruPage::getTextWidth - Get the width of the text using current fontsize, character spacing and word spacing
- HaruPage::getTransMatrix - Get the current transformation matrix of the page
- HaruPage::getWidth - Get the width of the page
- HaruPage::getWordSpace - Get the current value of word spacing
- HaruPage::lineTo - Draw a line from the current point to the specified point
- HaruPage::measureText - Calculate the byte length of characters which can be included on one line of the specified width
- HaruPage::moveTextPos - Move text position to the specified offset
- HaruPage::moveTo - Set starting point for new drawing path
- HaruPage::moveToNextLine - Move text position to the start of the next line
- HaruPage::rectangle - Append a rectangle to the current path
- HaruPage::setCharSpace - Set character spacing for the page
- HaruPage::setCMYKFill - Set filling color for the page
- HaruPage::setCMYKStroke - Set stroking color for the page
- HaruPage::setDash - Set the dash pattern for the page
- HaruPage::setFlatness - Set flatness for the page
- HaruPage::setFontAndSize - Set font and fontsize for the page
- HaruPage::setGrayFill - Set filling color for the page
- HaruPage::setGrayStroke - Sets stroking color for the page
- HaruPage::setHeight - Set height of the page
- HaruPage::setHorizontalScaling - Set horizontal scaling for the page
- HaruPage::setLineCap - Set the shape to be used at the ends of lines
- HaruPage::setLineJoin - Set line join style for the page
- HaruPage::setLineWidth - Set line width for the page
- HaruPage::setMiterLimit - Set the current value of the miter limit of the page
- HaruPage::setRGBFill - Set filling color for the page
- HaruPage::setRGBStroke - Set stroking color for the page
- HaruPage::setRotate - Set rotation angle of the page
- HaruPage::setSize - Set size and direction of the page
- HaruPage::setSlideShow - Set transition style for the page
- HaruPage::setTextLeading - Set text leading (line spacing) for the page
- HaruPage::setTextMatrix - Set the current text transformation matrix of the page
- HaruPage::setTextRenderingMode - Set text rendering mode for the page
- HaruPage::setTextRise - Set the current value of text rising
- HaruPage::setWidth - Set width of the page
- HaruPage::setWordSpace - Set word spacing for the page
- HaruPage::showText - Print text at the current position of the page
- HaruPage::showTextNextLine - Move the current position to the start of the next line and print the text
- HaruPage::stroke - Paint current path
- HaruPage::textOut - Print the text on the specified position
- HaruPage::textRect - Print the text inside the specified region
- hash - Berechnet den Hash einer Nachricht
- hash_algos - Gibt einer Liste der verfügbaren Hashing-Algorithmen zurück
- hash_copy - Dupliziert einen Hash-Kontext
- hash_equals - Timing attack safe string comparison
- hash_file - Berechnet den Hash des Inhalts einer Datei
- hash_final - Schließt einen schrittweisen Hashing-Vorgang ab und gibt sein Ergebnis zurück
- hash_hmac - Berechnet einen Hash mit Schlüssel unter Verwendung von HMAC
- hash_hmac_file - Berechnet einen Hash einer Datei mit Schlüssel unter Verwendung von HMAC
- hash_init - Initialisiert einen schrittweisen Hashing-Kontext
- hash_pbkdf2 - Generate a PBKDF2 key derivation of a supplied password
- hash_update - Fügt Daten an einen aktiven Hash-Kontext an
- hash_update_file - Fügt Daten aus einer Datei an einen aktiven Hash-Kontext an
- hash_update_stream - Fügt Daten aus einem Stream an einen aktiven Hash-Kontext an
- header - Sendet einen HTTP-Header in Rohform
- headers_list - Gibt eine Liste der gesendeten (oder zum Senden vorbereiteten)
Response Header zurück
- headers_sent - Prüft, ob oder wo die Header bereits gesendet wurden
- header_register_callback - Call a header function
- header_remove - Remove previously set headers
- hebrev - Konvertiert logischen hebräischen Text in sichtbaren Text
- hebrevc - Konvertiert (natürlichen) hebräischen Text in sichtbaren Text
inkl. Anpassung von Zeilenumbrüchen
- hex2bin - Dekodiert einen hexadezimal kodierten Binärstring
- hexdec - Hexadezimal zu Dezimal Umwandlung
- highlight_file - Syntax-Hervorhebung für eine Datei
- highlight_string - Hervorhebung der Syntax eines Strings
- HRTime\PerformanceCounter::getElapsedTicks - Get elapsed ticks for all intervals.
- HRTime\PerformanceCounter::getFrequency - Timer frequency in ticks per second
- HRTime\PerformanceCounter::getLastElapsedTicks - Get elapsed ticks for the last interval.
- HRTime\PerformanceCounter::isRunning - Whether the measurement is running.
- HRTime\PerformanceCounter::start - Start time measurement
- HRTime\PerformanceCounter::stop - Stop time measurement
- HRTime\StopWatch::getElapsedTime - Get elapsed time for all intervals.
- HRTime\StopWatch::getLastElapsedTime - Get elapsed time for the last interval.
- htmlentities - Wandelt alle geeigneten Zeichen in entsprechende HTML-Codes um
- htmlspecialchars - Wandelt Sonderzeichen in HTML-Codes um
- htmlspecialchars_decode - Konvertiert besondere HTML-Auszeichnungen zurück in Buchstaben
- html_entity_decode - Konvertiert alle benannten HTML-Zeichen in ihre entsprechenden
- http:// - Accessing HTTP(s) URLs
- HTTP context options - HTTP context option listing
- http_build_query - Erstellen eines URL-kodierten Query-Strings
- http_response_code - Get or Set the HTTP response code
- hwapi_attribute_new - Creates instance of class hw_api_attribute
- hwapi_content_new - Create new instance of class hw_api_content
- hwapi_hgcsp - Returns object of class hw_api
- hwapi_object_new - Creates a new instance of class hwapi_object_new
- hw_api::checkin - Checks in an object
- hw_api::checkout - Checks out an object
- hw_api::children - Returns children of an object
- hw_api::content - Returns content of an object
- hw_api::copy - Copies physically
- hw_api::dbstat - Returns statistics about database server
- hw_api::dcstat - Returns statistics about document cache server
- hw_api::dstanchors - Returns a list of all destination anchors
- hw_api::dstofsrcanchor - Returns destination of a source anchor
- hw_api::find - Search for objects
- hw_api::ftstat - Returns statistics about fulltext server
- hw_api::hwstat - Returns statistics about Hyperwave server
- hw_api::identify - Log into Hyperwave Server
- hw_api::info - Returns information about server configuration
- hw_api::insert - Inserts a new object
- hw_api::insertanchor - Inserts a new object of type anchor
- hw_api::insertcollection - Inserts a new object of type collection
- hw_api::insertdocument - Inserts a new object of type document
- hw_api::link - Creates a link to an object
- hw_api::lock - Locks an object
- hw_api::move - Moves object between collections
- hw_api::object - Retrieve attribute information
- hw_api::objectbyanchor - Returns the object an anchor belongs to
- hw_api::parents - Returns parents of an object
- hw_api::remove - Delete an object
- hw_api::replace - Replaces an object
- hw_api::setcommittedversion - Commits version other than last version
- hw_api::srcanchors - Returns a list of all source anchors
- hw_api::srcsofdst - Returns source of a destination object
- hw_api::unlock - Unlocks a locked object
- hw_api::user - Returns the own user object
- hw_api::userlist - Returns a list of all logged in users
- hw_api_attribute::key - Returns key of the attribute
- hw_api_attribute::langdepvalue - Returns value for a given language
- hw_api_attribute::value - Returns value of the attribute
- hw_api_attribute::values - Returns all values of the attribute
- hw_api_content::mimetype - Returns mimetype
- hw_api_content::read - Read content
- hw_api_error::count - Returns number of reasons
- hw_api_error::reason - Returns reason of error
- hw_api_object::assign - Clones object
- hw_api_object::attreditable - Checks whether an attribute is editable
- hw_api_object::count - Returns number of attributes
- hw_api_object::insert - Inserts new attribute
- hw_api_object::remove - Removes attribute
- hw_api_object::title - Returns the title attribute
- hw_api_object::value - Returns value of attribute
- hw_api_reason::description - Returns description of reason
- hw_api_reason::type - Returns type of reason
- hypot - Länge der Hypotenuse eines rechtwinkligen Dreiecks
- i
- ibase_add_user - Add a user to a security database
- ibase_affected_rows - Return the number of rows that were affected by the previous query
- ibase_backup - Initiates a backup task in the service manager and returns immediately
- ibase_blob_add - Add data into a newly created blob
- ibase_blob_cancel - Cancel creating blob
- ibase_blob_close - Close blob
- ibase_blob_create - Create a new blob for adding data
- ibase_blob_echo - Output blob contents to browser
- ibase_blob_get - Get len bytes data from open blob
- ibase_blob_import - Create blob, copy file in it, and close it
- ibase_blob_info - Return blob length and other useful info
- ibase_blob_open - Open blob for retrieving data parts
- ibase_close - Schließt eine Verbindung zu einer InterBase-Datenbank
- ibase_commit - Commit a transaction
- ibase_commit_ret - Commit a transaction without closing it
- ibase_connect - Öffnet eine Verbindung zu einer Datenbank
- ibase_db_info - Request statistics about a database
- ibase_delete_user - Delete a user from a security database
- ibase_drop_db - Drops a database
- ibase_errcode - Return an error code
- ibase_errmsg - Return error messages
- ibase_execute - Ausführen einer vorbereiteten Abfrage
- ibase_fetch_assoc - Fetch a result row from a query as an associative array
- ibase_fetch_object - Liest einen Datensatz einer InterBase-Datenbank als Objekt ein
- ibase_fetch_row - Ruft eine Zeile aus einer InterBase-Datenbank ab
- ibase_field_info - Get information about a field
- ibase_free_event_handler - Cancels a registered event handler
- ibase_free_query - Gibt den Speicher einer vorbereiteten Abfrage wieder frei
- ibase_free_result - Gibt eine Ergebnismenge frei
- ibase_gen_id - Increments the named generator and returns its new value
- ibase_maintain_db - Execute a maintenance command on the database server
- ibase_modify_user - Modify a user to a security database
- ibase_name_result - Assigns a name to a result set
- ibase_num_fields - Ermittelt die Anzahl der Felder einer Ergebnismenge
- ibase_num_params - Return the number of parameters in a prepared query
- ibase_param_info - Return information about a parameter in a prepared query
- ibase_pconnect - Öffnet eine persistente Verbindung zu einer InterBase-Datenbank
- ibase_prepare - Bereitet eine Abfrage für späteres Binden der Parameter-Platzhalter und Ausführung vor
- ibase_query - Führt eine Abfrage auf einer InterBase Datenbank aus
- ibase_restore - Initiates a restore task in the service manager and returns immediately
- ibase_rollback - Roll back a transaction
- ibase_rollback_ret - Roll back a transaction without closing it
- ibase_server_info - Request information about a database server
- ibase_service_attach - Connect to the service manager
- ibase_service_detach - Disconnect from the service manager
- ibase_set_event_handler - Register a callback function to be called when events are posted
- ibase_trans - Begin a transaction
- ibase_wait_event - Wait for an event to be posted by the database
- iconv - Konvertiert Zeichenketten in einen anderen Zeichensatz
- iconv_get_encoding - Aktuelle Einstellung für Zeichensatz-Konvertierung auslesen
- iconv_mime_decode - Decodes a MIME header field
- iconv_mime_decode_headers - Decodes multiple MIME header fields at once
- iconv_mime_encode - Composes a MIME header field
- iconv_set_encoding - Einstellungen für die Zeichensatzkonvertierung setzen
- iconv_strlen - Returns the character count of string
- iconv_strpos - Finds position of first occurrence of a needle within a haystack
- iconv_strrpos - Finds the last occurrence of a needle within a haystack
- iconv_substr - Cut out part of a string
- id3_get_frame_long_name - Ermittelt den ausführlichen Namen eines ID3v2-Frames
- id3_get_frame_short_name - Ermittelt den kurzen Namen eines ID3v2-Frames
- id3_get_genre_id - Ermitteln der ID für ein Genre
- id3_get_genre_list - Ermitteln aller möglichen Genres
- id3_get_genre_name - Ermitteln eine Genrenamen anhand einer Genre-Id
- id3_get_tag - Ermitteln aller Informationen in einem ID3-Tag
- id3_get_version - Version eines ID3-Tags feststellen
- id3_remove_tag - Entfernen eines vorhandenen ID3-Tags
- id3_set_tag - Manipulation der Informationen in einem ID3-Tag
- idate - Format a local time/date as integer
- idn_to_ascii - Convert domain name to IDNA ASCII form.
- idn_to_utf8 - Convert domain name from IDNA ASCII to Unicode.
- ifxus_close_slob - Löscht ein Slob-Objekt
- ifxus_create_slob - Erzeugt ein Slob-Objekt und öffnet es
- ifxus_free_slob - Löscht ein Slob-Objekt
- ifxus_open_slob - Öffnet ein Slob-Objekt
- ifxus_read_slob - Liest nbytes aus einem Slob-Objekt
- ifxus_seek_slob - Setzt die aktuelle Dateizeiger- oder Suchposition
- ifxus_tell_slob - Gibt die aktuelle Dateizeiger- oder Suchposition zurück
- ifxus_write_slob - Schreibt einen String in ein Slob-Objekt
- ifx_affected_rows - Gibt die Anzahl der Datensätze zurück, die von einer Abfrage betroffen sind
- ifx_blobinfile_mode - Setzt den Standardmodus für BLOBs bei allen SELECT Abfragen
- ifx_byteasvarchar - Setzt den Standard Byte-Modus
- ifx_close - Schließt eine Informix-Verbindung
- ifx_connect - Öffnet eine Verbindung zu einem Informix Server
- ifx_copy_blob - Dupliziert ein gegebenes BLOB (Binary Large Object)
- ifx_create_blob - Erzeugt ein BLOB (Binary Large Object)
- ifx_create_char - Erzeugt ein Zeichen-Objekt
- ifx_do - Führt eine vorbereitete Abfrage aus
- ifx_error - Gibt den Fehlercode des letzten Informix Aufrufs zurück
- ifx_errormsg - Gibt die Fehlermeldung des zuletzt aufgetretenen Informix Fehlers zurück
- ifx_fetch_row - Holt eine Zeile als assoziatives Array
- ifx_fieldproperties - Gibt eine Liste mit den Feldeigenschaften zurück
- ifx_fieldtypes - Gibt eine Liste der Informix SQL Felder zurück
- ifx_free_blob - Löscht ein Blob Objekt
- ifx_free_char - Löscht ein CHAR Objekt
- ifx_free_result - Gibt den belegten Speicher einer Ergebnismenge wieder frei
- ifx_getsqlca - Gibt den Inhalt von sqlca.sqlerrd[0..5] nach einer Abfrage zurück
- ifx_get_blob - Gibt den Inhalt eines Large Objects zurück
- ifx_get_char - Gibt den Inhalt eines Zeichen-Objekts zurück
- ifx_htmltbl_result - Gibt alle Zeilen einer Abfrage als HTML-Tabelle formatiert zurück
- ifx_nullformat - Setzt den aktuellen Rückgabewert für Nullwerte beim Lesen von Zeilen
- ifx_num_fields - Gibt die Anzahl der Spalten einer Abfrage zurück
- ifx_num_rows - Count the rows already fetched from a query
- ifx_pconnect - Öffnet eine persistente Informix Verbindung
- ifx_prepare - Bereitet eine Abfrage zur späteren Ausführung vor
- ifx_query - Schickt eine Informix Abfrage an den Server
- ifx_textasvarchar - Setzt den Standard-Textmodus
- ifx_update_blob - Aktualisiert den Inhalt eines Blob-Objekts
- ifx_update_char - Aktualisiert den Inhalt eines Char-Objekts
- ignore_user_abort - Stellt ein, ob der Verbindungsabbruch eines Clients die Skript-Ausführung abbrechen soll
- iis_add_server - Creates a new virtual web server
- iis_get_dir_security - Gets Directory Security
- iis_get_script_map - Gets script mapping on a virtual directory for a specific extension
- iis_get_server_by_comment - Return the instance number associated with the Comment
- iis_get_server_by_path - Return the instance number associated with the Path
- iis_get_server_rights - Gets server rights
- iis_get_service_state - Returns the state for the service defined by ServiceId
- iis_remove_server - Removes the virtual web server indicated by ServerInstance
- iis_set_app_settings - Creates application scope for a virtual directory
- iis_set_dir_security - Sets Directory Security
- iis_set_script_map - Sets script mapping on a virtual directory
- iis_set_server_rights - Sets server rights
- iis_start_server - Starts the virtual web server
- iis_start_service - Starts the service defined by ServiceId
- iis_stop_server - Stops the virtual web server
- iis_stop_service - Stops the service defined by ServiceId
- image2wbmp - Gibt das Bild im Browser oder einer Datei aus.
- imageaffine - Return an image containing the affine transformed src image, using an optional clipping area
- imageaffinematrixconcat - Concatenate two affine transformation matrices
- imageaffinematrixget - Get an affine transformation matrix
- imagealphablending - Set the blending mode for an image
- imageantialias - Should antialias functions be used or not
- imagearc - Zeichnet einen Bogen
- imagechar - Stellt ein Zeichen horizontal dar
- imagecharup - Zeichnet einen vertikal ausgerichteten Charakter
- imagecolorallocate - Bestimmt die Farbe einer Grafik
- imagecolorallocatealpha - Allocate a color for an image
- imagecolorat - Ermittelt den Farbwert eines Bildpunktes
- imagecolorclosest - Ermittelt den Farbwert-Index, der den angegebenen Farben
am nächsten liegt
- imagecolorclosestalpha - Get the index of the closest color to the specified color + alpha
- imagecolorclosesthwb - Get the index of the color which has the hue, white and blackness
- imagecolordeallocate - Löscht eine Farbdefinition
- imagecolorexact - Ermittelt den Index-Wert der angegebenen Farbe
- imagecolorexactalpha - Get the index of the specified color + alpha
- imagecolormatch - Makes the colors of the palette version of an image more closely match the true color version
- imagecolorresolve - Ermittelt den Index-Wert der angegebenen Farbe oder die
nächst mögliche Alternative dazu
- imagecolorresolvealpha - Get the index of the specified color + alpha or its closest possible alternative
- imagecolorset - Setzt die Farbe für den angegebenen Paletten-Index
- imagecolorsforindex - Ermittelt die Farbwerte einer angegebenen Farb-Palette
- imagecolorstotal - Ermittelt die Anzahl der definierten Farben eines Bildes
- imagecolortransparent - Definiert eine Farbe als transparent
- imageconvolution - Apply a 3x3 convolution matrix, using coefficient and offset
- imagecopy - Kopiert einen Bildausschnitt
- imagecopymerge - Copy and merge part of an image
- imagecopymergegray - Copy and merge part of an image with gray scale
- imagecopyresampled - Copy and resize part of an image with resampling
- imagecopyresized - Kopieren und Ändern der Größe eines Bild-Teiles
- imagecreate - Erzeugt ein neues Bild
- imagecreatefromgd - Create a new image from GD file or URL
- imagecreatefromgd2 - Create a new image from GD2 file or URL
- imagecreatefromgd2part - Create a new image from a given part of GD2 file or URL
- imagecreatefromgif - Erzeugt ein neues Bild aus einer Datei oder URL
- imagecreatefromjpeg - Erzeugt ein neues Bild im JPEG-Format, welches aus einer Datei
oder von einer URL gelesen wird
- imagecreatefrompng - Erzeugt ein neues Bild im PNG-Format, welches aus einer Datei
oder von einer URL gelesen wird
- imagecreatefromstring - Create a new image from the image stream in the string
- imagecreatefromwbmp - Erzeugt ein neues Bild aus einer Datei oder URL
- imagecreatefromwebp - Erzeugt ein neues Bild aus einer Datei oder URL
- imagecreatefromxbm - Erzeugt ein neues Bild aus einer Datei oder URL
- imagecreatefromxpm - Erzeugt ein neues Bild aus einer Datei oder URL
- imagecreatetruecolor - Create a new true color image
- imagecrop - Crop an image to the given rectangle
- imagecropauto - Crop an image automatically using one of the available modes
- imagedashedline - Zeichnen einer gestrichelten Linie
- imagedestroy - Löscht ein Bild
- imageellipse - Draw an ellipse
- imagefill - Füllen mit Farbe ("flood fill")
- imagefilledarc - Draw a partial arc and fill it
- imagefilledellipse - Draw a filled ellipse
- imagefilledpolygon - Zeichnet ein gefülltes Vieleck (Polygon)
- imagefilledrectangle - Zeichnet ein gefülltes Rechteck
- imagefilltoborder - Flächen-Farbfüllung ("flood fill") mit einer angegebenen Farbe
- imagefilter - Applies a filter to an image
- imageflip - Flips an image using a given mode
- imagefontheight - Ermittelt die Font-Höhe
- imagefontwidth - Ermittelt die Font-Breite
- imageftbbox - Give the bounding box of a text using fonts via freetype2
- imagefttext - Write text to the image using fonts using FreeType 2
- imagegammacorrect - Anwendung einer Gamma-Korrektur auf ein GD-Bild
- imagegd - Output GD image to browser or file
- imagegd2 - Output GD2 image to browser or file
- imagegetclip - Get the clipping rectangle
- imagegif - Gibt das Bild im Browser oder einer Datei aus.
- imagegrabscreen - Captures the whole screen
- imagegrabwindow - Captures a window
- imageinterlace - Schaltet die Interlaced-Darstellung eines Bildes an oder aus
- imageistruecolor - Finds whether an image is a truecolor image
- imagejpeg - Gibt das Bild im Browser oder einer Datei aus.
- imagelayereffect - Set the alpha blending flag to use layering effects
- imageline - Zeichnen einer Linie
- imageloadfont - Lädt einen neuen Font
- imageopenpolygon - Draws an open polygon
- imagepalettecopy - Copy the palette from one image to another
- imagepalettetotruecolor - Converts a palette based image to true color
- imagepng - Ausgabe eines Bildes im Browser oder als Datei im PNG-Format
- imagepolygon - Zeichnen eines Vielecks (Polygon)
- imagepsbbox - Ermittelt die Ausmaße des Rechtecks, das für die Ausgabe eines
Textes unter Verwendung eines PostScript-Fonts (Typ 1) notwendig
- imagepsencodefont - Ändert die Vektor-Beschreibung eines Fonts
- imagepsextendfont - Vergrößert oder komprimiert einen Font
- imagepsfreefont - Gibt den durch einen Typ 1 PostScript-Font belegten Speicher
wieder frei
- imagepsloadfont - Lädt einen Typ 1 PostScript-Font aus einer Datei
- imagepsslantfont - Setzt einen Font schräg
- imagepstext - Ausgabe eines Textes auf einem Bild unter Verwendung von
Typ 1 PostScript-Fonts
- imagerectangle - Zeichnet ein Rechteck
- imageresolution - Get or set the resolution of the image
- imagerotate - Rotate an image with a given angle
- imagesavealpha - Set the flag to save full alpha channel information (as opposed to single-color transparency) when saving PNG images
- imagescale - Scale an image using the given new width and height
- imagesetbrush - Set the brush image for line drawing
- imagesetclip - Set the clipping rectangle
- imagesetinterpolation - Set the interpolation method
- imagesetpixel - Setzt ein einzelnes Pixel
- imagesetstyle - Set the style for line drawing
- imagesetthickness - Set the thickness for line drawing
- imagesettile - Set the tile image for filling
- imagestring - Zeichnet einen horizontalen String
- imagestringup - Zeichnet einen vertikalen String
- imagesx - Ermittelt die Bild-Breite
- imagesy - Ermittelt die Bild-Höhe
- imagetruecolortopalette - Convert a true color image to a palette image
- imagettfbbox - Ermittelt die Rahmenmaße für die Ausgabe eines Textes
im True-Type-Format
- imagettftext - Erzeugt TTF-Text im Bild
- imagetypes - Gibt die von der aktuell verwendeten PHP-Version unterstützten
Grafik-Formate zurück
- imagewbmp - Gibt das Bild im Browser oder einer Datei aus.
- imagewebp - Output a WebP image to browser or file
- imagexbm - Output an XBM image to browser or file
- image_type_to_extension - Get file extension for image type
- image_type_to_mime_type - Get Mime-Type for image-type returned by getimagesize,
exif_read_data, exif_thumbnail, exif_imagetype
- Imagick::adaptiveBlurImage - Adds adaptive blur filter to image
- Imagick::adaptiveResizeImage - Adaptively resize image with data dependent triangulation
- Imagick::adaptiveSharpenImage - Adaptively sharpen the image
- Imagick::adaptiveThresholdImage - Selects a threshold for each pixel based on a range of intensity
- Imagick::addImage - Adds new image to Imagick object image list
- Imagick::addNoiseImage - Adds random noise to the image
- Imagick::affineTransformImage - Transforms an image
- Imagick::animateImages - Animates an image or images
- Imagick::annotateImage - Annotates an image with text
- Imagick::appendImages - Append a set of images
- Imagick::autoLevelImage - Description
- Imagick::averageImages - Average a set of images
- Imagick::blackThresholdImage - Forces all pixels below the threshold into black
- Imagick::blueShiftImage - Description
- Imagick::blurImage - Adds blur filter to image
- Imagick::borderImage - Surrounds the image with a border
- Imagick::brightnessContrastImage - Description
- Imagick::charcoalImage - Simulates a charcoal drawing
- Imagick::chopImage - Removes a region of an image and trims
- Imagick::clampImage - Description
- Imagick::clear - Clears all resources associated to Imagick object
- Imagick::clipImage - Clips along the first path from the 8BIM profile
- Imagick::clipImagePath - Description
- Imagick::clipPathImage - Clips along the named paths from the 8BIM profile
- Imagick::clone - Makes an exact copy of the Imagick object
- Imagick::clutImage - Replaces colors in the image
- Imagick::coalesceImages - Composites a set of images
- Imagick::colorFloodfillImage - Changes the color value of any pixel that matches target
- Imagick::colorizeImage - Blends the fill color with the image
- Imagick::colorMatrixImage - Description
- Imagick::combineImages - Combines one or more images into a single image
- Imagick::commentImage - Adds a comment to your image
- Imagick::compareImageChannels - Returns the difference in one or more images
- Imagick::compareImageLayers - Returns the maximum bounding region between images
- Imagick::compareImages - Compares an image to a reconstructed image
- Imagick::compositeImage - Composite one image onto another
- Imagick::contrastImage - Change the contrast of the image
- Imagick::contrastStretchImage - Enhances the contrast of a color image
- Imagick::convolveImage - Applies a custom convolution kernel to the image
- Imagick::count - Description
- Imagick::cropImage - Extracts a region of the image
- Imagick::cropThumbnailImage - Creates a crop thumbnail
- Imagick::current - Returns a reference to the current Imagick object
- Imagick::cycleColormapImage - Displaces an image's colormap
- Imagick::decipherImage - Deciphers an image
- Imagick::deconstructImages - Returns certain pixel differences between images
- Imagick::deleteImageArtifact - Delete image artifact
- Imagick::deleteImageProperty - Description
- Imagick::deskewImage - Removes skew from the image
- Imagick::despeckleImage - Reduces the speckle noise in an image
- Imagick::destroy - Destroys the Imagick object
- Imagick::displayImage - Displays an image
- Imagick::displayImages - Displays an image or image sequence
- Imagick::distortImage - Distorts an image using various distortion methods
- Imagick::drawImage - Renders the ImagickDraw object on the current image
- Imagick::edgeImage - Enhance edges within the image
- Imagick::embossImage - Returns a grayscale image with a three-dimensional effect
- Imagick::encipherImage - Enciphers an image
- Imagick::enhanceImage - Improves the quality of a noisy image
- Imagick::equalizeImage - Equalizes the image histogram
- Imagick::evaluateImage - Applies an expression to an image
- Imagick::exportImagePixels - Exports raw image pixels
- Imagick::extentImage - Set image size
- Imagick::filter - Description
- Imagick::flattenImages - Merges a sequence of images
- Imagick::flipImage - Creates a vertical mirror image
- Imagick::floodFillPaintImage - Changes the color value of any pixel that matches target
- Imagick::flopImage - Creates a horizontal mirror image
- Imagick::forwardFourierTransformImage - Description
- Imagick::frameImage - Adds a simulated three-dimensional border
- Imagick::functionImage - Applies a function on the image
- Imagick::fxImage - Evaluate expression for each pixel in the image
- Imagick::gammaImage - Gamma-corrects an image
- Imagick::gaussianBlurImage - Blurs an image
- Imagick::getColorspace - Gets the colorspace
- Imagick::getCompression - Gets the object compression type
- Imagick::getCompressionQuality - Gets the object compression quality
- Imagick::getCopyright - Returns the ImageMagick API copyright as a string
- Imagick::getFilename - The filename associated with an image sequence
- Imagick::getFont - Gets font
- Imagick::getFormat - Returns the format of the Imagick object
- Imagick::getGravity - Gets the gravity
- Imagick::getHomeURL - Returns the ImageMagick home URL
- Imagick::getImage - Returns a new Imagick object
- Imagick::getImageAlphaChannel - Gets the image alpha channel
- Imagick::getImageArtifact - Get image artifact
- Imagick::getImageAttribute - Description
- Imagick::getImageBackgroundColor - Returns the image background color
- Imagick::getImageBlob - Returns the image sequence as a blob
- Imagick::getImageBluePrimary - Returns the chromaticy blue primary point
- Imagick::getImageBorderColor - Returns the image border color
- Imagick::getImageChannelDepth - Gets the depth for a particular image channel
- Imagick::getImageChannelDistortion - Compares image channels of an image to a reconstructed image
- Imagick::getImageChannelDistortions - Gets channel distortions
- Imagick::getImageChannelExtrema - Gets the extrema for one or more image channels
- Imagick::getImageChannelKurtosis - The getImageChannelKurtosis purpose
- Imagick::getImageChannelMean - Gets the mean and standard deviation
- Imagick::getImageChannelRange - Gets channel range
- Imagick::getImageChannelStatistics - Returns statistics for each channel in the image
- Imagick::getImageClipMask - Gets image clip mask
- Imagick::getImageColormapColor - Returns the color of the specified colormap index
- Imagick::getImageColors - Gets the number of unique colors in the image
- Imagick::getImageColorspace - Gets the image colorspace
- Imagick::getImageCompose - Returns the composite operator associated with the image
- Imagick::getImageCompression - Gets the current image's compression type
- Imagick::getImageCompressionQuality - Gets the current image's compression quality
- Imagick::getImageDelay - Gets the image delay
- Imagick::getImageDepth - Gets the image depth
- Imagick::getImageDispose - Gets the image disposal method
- Imagick::getImageDistortion - Compares an image to a reconstructed image
- Imagick::getImageExtrema - Gets the extrema for the image
- Imagick::getImageFilename - Returns the filename of a particular image in a sequence
- Imagick::getImageFormat - Returns the format of a particular image in a sequence
- Imagick::getImageGamma - Gets the image gamma
- Imagick::getImageGeometry - Gets the width and height as an associative array
- Imagick::getImageGravity - Gets the image gravity
- Imagick::getImageGreenPrimary - Returns the chromaticy green primary point
- Imagick::getImageHeight - Returns the image height
- Imagick::getImageHistogram - Gets the image histogram
- Imagick::getImageIndex - Gets the index of the current active image
- Imagick::getImageInterlaceScheme - Gets the image interlace scheme
- Imagick::getImageInterpolateMethod - Returns the interpolation method
- Imagick::getImageIterations - Gets the image iterations
- Imagick::getImageLength - Returns the image length in bytes
- Imagick::getImageMagickLicense - Returns a string containing the ImageMagick license
- Imagick::getImageMatte - Return if the image has a matte channel
- Imagick::getImageMatteColor - Returns the image matte color
- Imagick::getImageMimeType - Description
- Imagick::getImageOrientation - Gets the image orientation
- Imagick::getImagePage - Returns the page geometry
- Imagick::getImagePixelColor - Returns the color of the specified pixel
- Imagick::getImageProfile - Returns the named image profile
- Imagick::getImageProfiles - Returns the image profiles
- Imagick::getImageProperties - Returns the image properties
- Imagick::getImageProperty - Returns the named image property
- Imagick::getImageRedPrimary - Returns the chromaticity red primary point
- Imagick::getImageRegion - Extracts a region of the image
- Imagick::getImageRenderingIntent - Gets the image rendering intent
- Imagick::getImageResolution - Gets the image X and Y resolution
- Imagick::getImagesBlob - Returns all image sequences as a blob
- Imagick::getImageScene - Gets the image scene
- Imagick::getImageSignature - Generates an SHA-256 message digest
- Imagick::getImageSize - Returns the image length in bytes
- Imagick::getImageTicksPerSecond - Gets the image ticks-per-second
- Imagick::getImageTotalInkDensity - Gets the image total ink density
- Imagick::getImageType - Gets the potential image type
- Imagick::getImageUnits - Gets the image units of resolution
- Imagick::getImageVirtualPixelMethod - Returns the virtual pixel method
- Imagick::getImageWhitePoint - Returns the chromaticity white point
- Imagick::getImageWidth - Returns the image width
- Imagick::getInterlaceScheme - Gets the object interlace scheme
- Imagick::getIteratorIndex - Gets the index of the current active image
- Imagick::getNumberImages - Returns the number of images in the object
- Imagick::getOption - Returns a value associated with the specified key
- Imagick::getPackageName - Returns the ImageMagick package name
- Imagick::getPage - Returns the page geometry
- Imagick::getPixelIterator - Returns a MagickPixelIterator
- Imagick::getPixelRegionIterator - Get an ImagickPixelIterator for an image section
- Imagick::getPointSize - Gets point size
- Imagick::getQuantum - Description
- Imagick::getQuantumDepth - Gets the quantum depth
- Imagick::getQuantumRange - Returns the Imagick quantum range
- Imagick::getRegistry - Description
- Imagick::getReleaseDate - Returns the ImageMagick release date
- Imagick::getResource - Returns the specified resource's memory usage
- Imagick::getResourceLimit - Returns the specified resource limit
- Imagick::getSamplingFactors - Gets the horizontal and vertical sampling factor
- Imagick::getSize - Returns the size associated with the Imagick object
- Imagick::getSizeOffset - Returns the size offset
- Imagick::getVersion - Returns the ImageMagick API version
- Imagick::haldClutImage - Replaces colors in the image
- Imagick::hasNextImage - Checks if the object has more images
- Imagick::hasPreviousImage - Checks if the object has a previous image
- Imagick::identifyFormat - Description
- Imagick::identifyImage - Identifies an image and fetches attributes
- Imagick::implodeImage - Creates a new image as a copy
- Imagick::importImagePixels - Imports image pixels
- Imagick::inverseFourierTransformImage - Description
- Imagick::labelImage - Adds a label to an image
- Imagick::levelImage - Adjusts the levels of an image
- Imagick::linearStretchImage - Stretches with saturation the image intensity
- Imagick::liquidRescaleImage - Animates an image or images
- Imagick::listRegistry - Description
- Imagick::magnifyImage - Scales an image proportionally 2x
- Imagick::mapImage - Replaces the colors of an image with the closest color from a reference image.
- Imagick::matteFloodfillImage - Changes the transparency value of a color
- Imagick::medianFilterImage - Applies a digital filter
- Imagick::mergeImageLayers - Merges image layers
- Imagick::minifyImage - Scales an image proportionally to half its size
- Imagick::modulateImage - Control the brightness, saturation, and hue
- Imagick::montageImage - Creates a composite image
- Imagick::morphImages - Method morphs a set of images
- Imagick::morphology - Description
- Imagick::mosaicImages - Forms a mosaic from images
- Imagick::motionBlurImage - Simulates motion blur
- Imagick::negateImage - Negates the colors in the reference image
- Imagick::newImage - Creates a new image
- Imagick::newPseudoImage - Creates a new image
- Imagick::nextImage - Moves to the next image
- Imagick::normalizeImage - Enhances the contrast of a color image
- Imagick::oilPaintImage - Simulates an oil painting
- Imagick::opaquePaintImage - Changes the color value of any pixel that matches target
- Imagick::optimizeImageLayers - Removes repeated portions of images to optimize
- Imagick::orderedPosterizeImage - Performs an ordered dither
- Imagick::paintFloodfillImage - Changes the color value of any pixel that matches target
- Imagick::paintOpaqueImage - Change any pixel that matches color
- Imagick::paintTransparentImage - Changes any pixel that matches color with the color defined by fill
- Imagick::pingImage - Abrufen von grundlegenden Merkmalen eines Bildes
- Imagick::pingImageBlob - Quickly fetch attributes
- Imagick::pingImageFile - Get basic image attributes in a lightweight manner
- Imagick::polaroidImage - Simulates a Polaroid picture
- Imagick::posterizeImage - Reduces the image to a limited number of color level
- Imagick::previewImages - Quickly pin-point appropriate parameters for image processing
- Imagick::previousImage - Move to the previous image in the object
- Imagick::profileImage - Adds or removes a profile from an image
- Imagick::quantizeImage - Analyzes the colors within a reference image
- Imagick::quantizeImages - Analyzes the colors within a sequence of images
- Imagick::queryFontMetrics - Returns an array representing the font metrics
- Imagick::queryFonts - Returns the configured fonts
- Imagick::queryFormats - Returns formats supported by Imagick
- Imagick::radialBlurImage - Radial blurs an image
- Imagick::raiseImage - Creates a simulated 3d button-like effect
- Imagick::randomThresholdImage - Creates a high-contrast, two-color image
- Imagick::readImage - Reads image from filename
- Imagick::readImageBlob - Reads image from a binary string
- Imagick::readImageFile - Reads image from open filehandle
- Imagick::readimages - Description
- Imagick::recolorImage - Recolors image
- Imagick::reduceNoiseImage - Smooths the contours of an image
- Imagick::remapImage - Remaps image colors
- Imagick::removeImage - Removes an image from the image list
- Imagick::removeImageProfile - Removes the named image profile and returns it
- Imagick::render - Renders all preceding drawing commands
- Imagick::resampleImage - Resample image to desired resolution
- Imagick::resetImagePage - Reset image page
- Imagick::resizeImage - Scales an image
- Imagick::rollImage - Offsets an image
- Imagick::rotateImage - Rotates an image
- Imagick::rotationalBlurImage - Description
- Imagick::roundCorners - Rounds image corners
- Imagick::sampleImage - Scales an image with pixel sampling
- Imagick::scaleImage - Scales the size of an image
- Imagick::segmentImage - Segments an image
- Imagick::selectiveBlurImage - Description
- Imagick::separateImageChannel - Separates a channel from the image
- Imagick::sepiaToneImage - Sepia tones an image
- Imagick::setBackgroundColor - Sets the object's default background color
- Imagick::setColorspace - Set colorspace
- Imagick::setCompression - Sets the object's default compression type
- Imagick::setCompressionQuality - Sets the object's default compression quality
- Imagick::setFilename - Sets the filename before you read or write the image
- Imagick::setFirstIterator - Sets the Imagick iterator to the first image
- Imagick::setFont - Sets font
- Imagick::setFormat - Sets the format of the Imagick object
- Imagick::setGravity - Sets the gravity
- Imagick::setImage - Replaces image in the object
- Imagick::setImageAlphaChannel - Sets image alpha channel
- Imagick::setImageArtifact - Set image artifact
- Imagick::setImageAttribute - Description
- Imagick::setImageBackgroundColor - Sets the image background color
- Imagick::setImageBias - Sets the image bias for any method that convolves an image
- Imagick::setImageBiasQuantum - Description
- Imagick::setImageBluePrimary - Sets the image chromaticity blue primary point
- Imagick::setImageBorderColor - Sets the image border color
- Imagick::setImageChannelDepth - Sets the depth of a particular image channel
- Imagick::setImageClipMask - Sets image clip mask
- Imagick::setImageColormapColor - Sets the color of the specified colormap index
- Imagick::setImageColorspace - Sets the image colorspace
- Imagick::setImageCompose - Sets the image composite operator
- Imagick::setImageCompression - Sets the image compression
- Imagick::setImageCompressionQuality - Sets the image compression quality
- Imagick::setImageDelay - Sets the image delay
- Imagick::setImageDepth - Sets the image depth
- Imagick::setImageDispose - Sets the image disposal method
- Imagick::setImageExtent - Sets the image size
- Imagick::setImageFilename - Sets the filename of a particular image
- Imagick::setImageFormat - Sets the format of a particular image
- Imagick::setImageGamma - Sets the image gamma
- Imagick::setImageGravity - Sets the image gravity
- Imagick::setImageGreenPrimary - Sets the image chromaticity green primary point
- Imagick::setImageIndex - Set the iterator position
- Imagick::setImageInterlaceScheme - Sets the image compression
- Imagick::setImageInterpolateMethod - Sets the image interpolate pixel method
- Imagick::setImageIterations - Sets the image iterations
- Imagick::setImageMatte - Sets the image matte channel
- Imagick::setImageMatteColor - Sets the image matte color
- Imagick::setImageOpacity - Sets the image opacity level
- Imagick::setImageOrientation - Sets the image orientation
- Imagick::setImagePage - Sets the page geometry of the image
- Imagick::setImageProfile - Adds a named profile to the Imagick object
- Imagick::setImageProperty - Sets an image property
- Imagick::setImageRedPrimary - Sets the image chromaticity red primary point
- Imagick::setImageRenderingIntent - Sets the image rendering intent
- Imagick::setImageResolution - Sets the image resolution
- Imagick::setImageScene - Sets the image scene
- Imagick::setImageTicksPerSecond - Sets the image ticks-per-second
- Imagick::setImageType - Sets the image type
- Imagick::setImageUnits - Sets the image units of resolution
- Imagick::setImageVirtualPixelMethod - Sets the image virtual pixel method
- Imagick::setImageWhitePoint - Sets the image chromaticity white point
- Imagick::setInterlaceScheme - Sets the image compression
- Imagick::setIteratorIndex - Set the iterator position
- Imagick::setLastIterator - Sets the Imagick iterator to the last image
- Imagick::setOption - Set an option
- Imagick::setPage - Sets the page geometry of the Imagick object
- Imagick::setPointSize - Sets point size
- Imagick::setProgressMonitor - Description
- Imagick::setRegistry - Description
- Imagick::setResolution - Sets the image resolution
- Imagick::setResourceLimit - Sets the limit for a particular resource in megabytes
- Imagick::setSamplingFactors - Sets the image sampling factors
- Imagick::setSize - Sets the size of the Imagick object
- Imagick::setSizeOffset - Sets the size and offset of the Imagick object
- Imagick::setType - Sets the image type attribute
- Imagick::shadeImage - Creates a 3D effect
- Imagick::shadowImage - Simulates an image shadow
- Imagick::sharpenImage - Sharpens an image
- Imagick::shaveImage - Shaves pixels from the image edges
- Imagick::shearImage - Creating a parallelogram
- Imagick::sigmoidalContrastImage - Adjusts the contrast of an image
- Imagick::sketchImage - Simulates a pencil sketch
- Imagick::smushImages - Description
- Imagick::solarizeImage - Applies a solarizing effect to the image
- Imagick::sparseColorImage - Interpolates colors
- Imagick::spliceImage - Splices a solid color into the image
- Imagick::spreadImage - Randomly displaces each pixel in a block
- Imagick::statisticImage - Description
- Imagick::steganoImage - Hides a digital watermark within the image
- Imagick::stereoImage - Composites two images
- Imagick::stripImage - Strips an image of all profiles and comments
- Imagick::subImageMatch - Description
- Imagick::swirlImage - Swirls the pixels about the center of the image
- Imagick::textureImage - Repeatedly tiles the texture image
- Imagick::thresholdImage - Changes the value of individual pixels based on a threshold
- Imagick::thumbnailImage - Changes the size of an image
- Imagick::tintImage - Applies a color vector to each pixel in the image
- Imagick::transformImage - Convenience method for setting crop size and the image geometry
- Imagick::transformImageColorspace - Transforms an image to a new colorspace.
- Imagick::transparentPaintImage - Paints pixels transparent
- Imagick::transposeImage - Creates a vertical mirror image
- Imagick::transverseImage - Creates a horizontal mirror image
- Imagick::trimImage - Remove edges from the image
- Imagick::uniqueImageColors - Discards all but one of any pixel color
- Imagick::unsharpMaskImage - Sharpens an image
- Imagick::valid - Checks if the current item is valid
- Imagick::vignetteImage - Adds vignette filter to the image
- Imagick::waveImage - Applies wave filter to the image
- Imagick::whiteThresholdImage - Force all pixels above the threshold into white
- Imagick::writeImage - Writes an image to the specified filename
- Imagick::writeImageFile - Writes an image to a filehandle
- Imagick::writeImages - Writes an image or image sequence
- Imagick::writeImagesFile - Writes frames to a filehandle
- Imagick::__construct - The Imagick constructor
- Imagick::__toString - Returns the image as a string.
- ImagickDraw::affine - Adjusts the current affine transformation matrix
- ImagickDraw::annotation - Draws text on the image
- ImagickDraw::arc - Draws an arc
- ImagickDraw::bezier - Draws a bezier curve
- ImagickDraw::circle - Draws a circle
- ImagickDraw::clear - Clears the ImagickDraw
- ImagickDraw::clone - Makes an exact copy of the specified ImagickDraw object
- ImagickDraw::color - Draws color on image
- ImagickDraw::comment - Adds a comment
- ImagickDraw::composite - Composites an image onto the current image
- ImagickDraw::destroy - Frees all associated resources
- ImagickDraw::ellipse - Draws an ellipse on the image
- ImagickDraw::getClipPath - Obtains the current clipping path ID
- ImagickDraw::getClipRule - Returns the current polygon fill rule
- ImagickDraw::getClipUnits - Returns the interpretation of clip path units
- ImagickDraw::getFillColor - Returns the fill color
- ImagickDraw::getFillOpacity - Returns the opacity used when drawing
- ImagickDraw::getFillRule - Returns the fill rule
- ImagickDraw::getFont - Returns the font
- ImagickDraw::getFontFamily - Returns the font family
- ImagickDraw::getFontSize - Returns the font pointsize
- ImagickDraw::getFontStretch - Description
- ImagickDraw::getFontStyle - Returns the font style
- ImagickDraw::getFontWeight - Returns the font weight
- ImagickDraw::getGravity - Returns the text placement gravity
- ImagickDraw::getStrokeAntialias - Returns the current stroke antialias setting
- ImagickDraw::getStrokeColor - Returns the color used for stroking object outlines
- ImagickDraw::getStrokeDashArray - Returns an array representing the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths
- ImagickDraw::getStrokeDashOffset - Returns the offset into the dash pattern to start the dash
- ImagickDraw::getStrokeLineCap - Returns the shape to be used at the end of open subpaths when they are stroked
- ImagickDraw::getStrokeLineJoin - Returns the shape to be used at the corners of paths when they are stroked
- ImagickDraw::getStrokeMiterLimit - Returns the stroke miter limit
- ImagickDraw::getStrokeOpacity - Returns the opacity of stroked object outlines
- ImagickDraw::getStrokeWidth - Returns the width of the stroke used to draw object outlines
- ImagickDraw::getTextAlignment - Returns the text alignment
- ImagickDraw::getTextAntialias - Returns the current text antialias setting
- ImagickDraw::getTextDecoration - Returns the text decoration
- ImagickDraw::getTextEncoding - Returns the code set used for text annotations
- ImagickDraw::getTextInterlineSpacing - Description
- ImagickDraw::getTextInterwordSpacing - Description
- ImagickDraw::getTextKerning - Description
- ImagickDraw::getTextUnderColor - Returns the text under color
- ImagickDraw::getVectorGraphics - Returns a string containing vector graphics
- ImagickDraw::line - Draws a line
- ImagickDraw::matte - Paints on the image's opacity channel
- ImagickDraw::pathClose - Adds a path element to the current path
- ImagickDraw::pathCurveToAbsolute - Draws a cubic Bezier curve
- ImagickDraw::pathCurveToQuadraticBezierAbsolute - Draws a quadratic Bezier curve
- ImagickDraw::pathCurveToQuadraticBezierRelative - Draws a quadratic Bezier curve
- ImagickDraw::pathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothAbsolute - Draws a quadratic Bezier curve
- ImagickDraw::pathCurveToQuadraticBezierSmoothRelative - Draws a quadratic Bezier curve
- ImagickDraw::pathCurveToRelative - Draws a cubic Bezier curve
- ImagickDraw::pathCurveToSmoothAbsolute - Draws a cubic Bezier curve
- ImagickDraw::pathCurveToSmoothRelative - Draws a cubic Bezier curve
- ImagickDraw::pathEllipticArcAbsolute - Draws an elliptical arc
- ImagickDraw::pathEllipticArcRelative - Draws an elliptical arc
- ImagickDraw::pathFinish - Terminates the current path
- ImagickDraw::pathLineToAbsolute - Draws a line path
- ImagickDraw::pathLineToHorizontalAbsolute - Draws a horizontal line path
- ImagickDraw::pathLineToHorizontalRelative - Draws a horizontal line
- ImagickDraw::pathLineToRelative - Draws a line path
- ImagickDraw::pathLineToVerticalAbsolute - Draws a vertical line
- ImagickDraw::pathLineToVerticalRelative - Draws a vertical line path
- ImagickDraw::pathMoveToAbsolute - Starts a new sub-path
- ImagickDraw::pathMoveToRelative - Starts a new sub-path
- ImagickDraw::pathStart - Declares the start of a path drawing list
- ImagickDraw::point - Draws a point
- ImagickDraw::polygon - Draws a polygon
- ImagickDraw::polyline - Draws a polyline
- ImagickDraw::pop - Destroys the current ImagickDraw in the stack, and returns to the previously pushed ImagickDraw
- ImagickDraw::popClipPath - Terminates a clip path definition
- ImagickDraw::popDefs - Terminates a definition list
- ImagickDraw::popPattern - Terminates a pattern definition
- ImagickDraw::push - Clones the current ImagickDraw and pushes it to the stack
- ImagickDraw::pushClipPath - Starts a clip path definition
- ImagickDraw::pushDefs - Indicates that following commands create named elements for early processing
- ImagickDraw::pushPattern - Indicates that subsequent commands up to a ImagickDraw::opPattern() command comprise the definition of a named pattern
- ImagickDraw::rectangle - Draws a rectangle
- ImagickDraw::render - Renders all preceding drawing commands onto the image
- ImagickDraw::resetVectorGraphics - Description
- ImagickDraw::rotate - Applies the specified rotation to the current coordinate space
- ImagickDraw::roundRectangle - Draws a rounded rectangle
- ImagickDraw::scale - Adjusts the scaling factor
- ImagickDraw::setClipPath - Associates a named clipping path with the image
- ImagickDraw::setClipRule - Set the polygon fill rule to be used by the clipping path
- ImagickDraw::setClipUnits - Sets the interpretation of clip path units
- ImagickDraw::setFillAlpha - Sets the opacity to use when drawing using the fill color or fill texture
- ImagickDraw::setFillColor - Sets the fill color to be used for drawing filled objects
- ImagickDraw::setFillOpacity - Sets the opacity to use when drawing using the fill color or fill texture
- ImagickDraw::setFillPatternURL - Sets the URL to use as a fill pattern for filling objects
- ImagickDraw::setFillRule - Sets the fill rule to use while drawing polygons
- ImagickDraw::setFont - Sets the fully-specified font to use when annotating with text
- ImagickDraw::setFontFamily - Sets the font family to use when annotating with text
- ImagickDraw::setFontSize - Sets the font pointsize to use when annotating with text
- ImagickDraw::setFontStretch - Sets the font stretch to use when annotating with text
- ImagickDraw::setFontStyle - Sets the font style to use when annotating with text
- ImagickDraw::setFontWeight - Sets the font weight
- ImagickDraw::setGravity - Sets the text placement gravity
- ImagickDraw::setResolution - Description
- ImagickDraw::setStrokeAlpha - Specifies the opacity of stroked object outlines
- ImagickDraw::setStrokeAntialias - Controls whether stroked outlines are antialiased
- ImagickDraw::setStrokeColor - Sets the color used for stroking object outlines
- ImagickDraw::setStrokeDashArray - Specifies the pattern of dashes and gaps used to stroke paths
- ImagickDraw::setStrokeDashOffset - Specifies the offset into the dash pattern to start the dash
- ImagickDraw::setStrokeLineCap - Specifies the shape to be used at the end of open subpaths when they are stroked
- ImagickDraw::setStrokeLineJoin - Specifies the shape to be used at the corners of paths when they are stroked
- ImagickDraw::setStrokeMiterLimit - Specifies the miter limit
- ImagickDraw::setStrokeOpacity - Specifies the opacity of stroked object outlines
- ImagickDraw::setStrokePatternURL - Sets the pattern used for stroking object outlines
- ImagickDraw::setStrokeWidth - Sets the width of the stroke used to draw object outlines
- ImagickDraw::setTextAlignment - Specifies a text alignment
- ImagickDraw::setTextAntialias - Controls whether text is antialiased
- ImagickDraw::setTextDecoration - Specifies a decoration
- ImagickDraw::setTextEncoding - Specifies the text code set
- ImagickDraw::setTextInterlineSpacing - Description
- ImagickDraw::setTextInterwordSpacing - Description
- ImagickDraw::setTextKerning - Description
- ImagickDraw::setTextUnderColor - Specifies the color of a background rectangle
- ImagickDraw::setVectorGraphics - Sets the vector graphics
- ImagickDraw::setViewbox - Sets the overall canvas size
- ImagickDraw::skewX - Skews the current coordinate system in the horizontal direction
- ImagickDraw::skewY - Skews the current coordinate system in the vertical direction
- ImagickDraw::translate - Applies a translation to the current coordinate system
- ImagickDraw::__construct - The ImagickDraw constructor
- ImagickKernel::addKernel - Description
- ImagickKernel::addUnityKernel - Description
- ImagickKernel::fromBuiltIn - Description
- ImagickKernel::fromMatrix - Description
- ImagickKernel::getMatrix - Description
- ImagickKernel::scale - Description
- ImagickKernel::separate - Description
- ImagickPixel::clear - Clears resources associated with this object
- ImagickPixel::destroy - Deallocates resources associated with this object
- ImagickPixel::getColor - Returns the color
- ImagickPixel::getColorAsString - Returns the color as a string
- ImagickPixel::getColorCount - Returns the color count associated with this color
- ImagickPixel::getColorQuantum - Description
- ImagickPixel::getColorValue - Gets the normalized value of the provided color channel
- ImagickPixel::getColorValueQuantum - Description
- ImagickPixel::getHSL - Returns the normalized HSL color of the ImagickPixel object
- ImagickPixel::getIndex - Description
- ImagickPixel::isPixelSimilar - Check the distance between this color and another
- ImagickPixel::isPixelSimilarQuantum - Description
- ImagickPixel::isSimilar - Check the distance between this color and another
- ImagickPixel::setColor - Sets the color
- ImagickPixel::setColorCount - Description
- ImagickPixel::setColorValue - Sets the normalized value of one of the channels
- ImagickPixel::setColorValueQuantum - Description
- ImagickPixel::setHSL - Sets the normalized HSL color
- ImagickPixel::setIndex - Description
- ImagickPixel::__construct - The ImagickPixel constructor
- ImagickPixelIterator::clear - Clear resources associated with a PixelIterator
- ImagickPixelIterator::destroy - Deallocates resources associated with a PixelIterator
- ImagickPixelIterator::getCurrentIteratorRow - Returns the current row of ImagickPixel objects
- ImagickPixelIterator::getIteratorRow - Returns the current pixel iterator row
- ImagickPixelIterator::getNextIteratorRow - Returns the next row of the pixel iterator
- ImagickPixelIterator::getPreviousIteratorRow - Returns the previous row
- ImagickPixelIterator::newPixelIterator - Returns a new pixel iterator
- ImagickPixelIterator::newPixelRegionIterator - Returns a new pixel iterator
- ImagickPixelIterator::resetIterator - Resets the pixel iterator
- ImagickPixelIterator::setIteratorFirstRow - Sets the pixel iterator to the first pixel row
- ImagickPixelIterator::setIteratorLastRow - Sets the pixel iterator to the last pixel row
- ImagickPixelIterator::setIteratorRow - Set the pixel iterator row
- ImagickPixelIterator::syncIterator - Syncs the pixel iterator
- ImagickPixelIterator::__construct - The ImagickPixelIterator constructor
- imap_8bit - Konvertiert einen 8bit String in einen quoted-printable String
- imap_alerts - Liefert alle aufgetretenen IMAP Alarmnachrichten
- imap_append - String als Nachricht in einem Postfach ablegen
- imap_base64 - Dekodiert Base-64 kodierten Text
- imap_binary - Konvertiert einen 8 Bit String in einen Base64 codierten String
- imap_body - Liefert den Körper einer Nachricht
- imap_bodystruct - Liefert die Struktur eines bestimmten Nachrichtenteils
- imap_check - Informationen zum aktuellen Postfach
- imap_clearflag_full - Löscht Flags einer Nachricht
- imap_close - Schließt einen IMAP Stream
- imap_create - Alias von imap_createmailbox
- imap_createmailbox - Anlegen eines neuen Postfachs
- imap_delete - Nachrichten im aktuellen Postfach zur Löschung markieren
- imap_deletemailbox - Löscht ein Postfach
- imap_errors - Diese Funktion liefert alle bisher aufgetretenen Fehlermeldungen
- imap_expunge - Löscht alle zum Löschen markierte Nachrichten
- imap_fetchbody - Liefert einen bestimmten Abschnitt aus dem Körper einer Nachricht
- imap_fetchheader - Liefert den Kopf einer Nachricht
- imap_fetchmime - Fetch MIME headers for a particular section of the message
- imap_fetchstructure - Ermittelt die Struktur einer Nachricht
- imap_fetchtext - Alias von imap_body
- imap_fetch_overview - Liefert einen Auszug aus den Kopfdaten von Nachrichten
- imap_gc - Leert den IMAP Cache
- imap_getacl - Liste der Zugriffsrechte für ein Postfach bestimmen
- imap_getmailboxes - Liefert detailierte Informationen zu allen verfügbaren Postfächern
- imap_getsubscribed - Liste aller abonnierten Postfächer
- imap_get_quota - Liefert Quota-Beschränkungen und Nutzungsstatistik der Postfächer
- imap_get_quotaroot - Liefert die Quota-Beschränkungen für ein Benutzerpostfach
- imap_header - Alias von imap_headerinfo
- imap_headerinfo - Liest die Kopfdaten einer Nachricht
- imap_headers - Liefert eine Zusammenfassung aller Nachrichtenköpfe eines Postfachs
- imap_last_error - Liefert die letzte IMAP-Fehlermeldung für dieses Script
- imap_list - Liste der Postfächer lesen
- imap_listmailbox - Alias von imap_list
- imap_listscan - Listet Postfächer nach Suchkriterien
- imap_listsubscribed - Alias von imap_lsub
- imap_lsub - Liste aller abonierten Postfächer
- imap_mail - Sendet eine Email Nachricht
- imap_mailboxmsginfo - Informationen zum aktuellen Postfach
- imap_mail_compose - Erzeugt eine MIME-Nachricht aus Kopf- und Nachrichtenelementen
- imap_mail_copy - Kopiert Nachrichten in ein Postfach
- imap_mail_move - Verschiebt Nachrichten in ein anderes Postfach
- imap_mime_header_decode - Dekodiert MIME-codierte Headerzeilen
- imap_msgno - Liefert die Nachrichtennummer für eine gegebene UID
- imap_num_msg - Anzahl der Nachrichten im aktuellen Postfach
- imap_num_recent - Nummer der kürzlich eingetroffenen Nachrichten
- imap_open - Öffnet eine Verbindung zu einem Mailserver-Postfach
- imap_ping - Prüft einen IMAP-Stream auf Funktionalität
- imap_qprint - Konvertiert einen quoted-printable kodierten String in einen 8 Bit String
- imap_rename - Alias von imap_renamemailbox
- imap_renamemailbox - Ändert den Namen eines Postfachs
- imap_reopen - Wechselt das aktuelle Postfach der Verbindung
- imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist - Zerlegt einen Mailadressstring
- imap_rfc822_parse_headers - Email-Kopfzeilen aus einem String auslesen
- imap_rfc822_write_address - Bildet aus Realnamen, Postfach und Server eine korrekt formatierte Mail-Adresse
- imap_savebody - Speichert einen bestimmten Body-Abschnitt einer Nachricht als Datei
- imap_scan - Alias von imap_listscan
- imap_scanmailbox - Alias von imap_listscan
- imap_search - Liefert ein Array von Nachrichten die den gegebenen Suchkriterien entsprechen
- imap_setacl - Setzen der ACL für ein Postfach
- imap_setflag_full - Setzt Nachrichtenflags
- imap_set_quota - Setzt die Mengenbeschränkung für ein Postfach
- imap_sort - Sortiert Nachrichten eines Postfachs
- imap_status - Liefert Statusinformationen zum angegebenen Postfach
- imap_subscribe - Abbonieren eines Postfachs
- imap_thread - Liefert einen Baum zusammenhängender Nachrichten
- imap_timeout - Imap Timeout setzen oder lesen
- imap_uid - Liefert die UID für die gegebene Nachrichtennummer
- imap_undelete - Nimmt eine bereits gesetzte Löschmarkierung einer Nachricht zurück
- imap_unsubscribe - Abonnement eines Postfachs beenden
- imap_utf7_decode - Dekodiert einem String im modifizierten UTF-7-Format
- imap_utf7_encode - Kodiert ISO-8859-1 Text im modifizieren UTF-7-Format
- imap_utf8 - Konvertiert Text zu UTF8
- implode - Verbindet Array-Elemente zu einem String
- import_request_variables - Import GET/POST/Cookie variables into the global scope
- inclued_get_data - Gibt die Inclued-Daten aus
- inet_ntop - Konvertiert eine komprimierte Internetadresse in ein
menschenlesbares Format
- inet_pton - Konvertiert eine IP-Adresse im menschenlesbaren Format in eine
komprimierte in_addr-Repräsentation
- InfiniteIterator::next - Moves the inner Iterator forward or rewinds it
- InfiniteIterator::__construct - Constructs an InfiniteIterator
- inflate_add - Incrementally inflate encoded data
- inflate_init - Initialize an incremental inflate context
- ingres_autocommit - Schaltet den autocommit-Modus an oder aus
- ingres_autocommit_state - Prüft, ob die Verbindung im autocommit-Modus arbeitet
- ingres_charset - Gibt den verwendeten Zeichensatz der Installation zurück
- ingres_close - Schließt eine Ingres-II-Datenbankverbindung
- ingres_commit - Beendet eine Transaktion
- ingres_connect - Öffnet eine Verbindung zu einem Ingres-II-Datenbankserver
- ingres_cursor - Gibt den Namen eines Cursors für die angegebene Ergebnis-Ressource zurück
- ingres_errno - Gibt den letzten Ingres-Fehlercode zurück
- ingres_error - Gibt eine textuelle Beschreibung des letzten Fehlercodes zurück
- ingres_errsqlstate - Gibt den letzten Fehlercode von SQLSTATE zurück
- ingres_escape_string - Maskiert Sonderzeichen in Datenbankabfragen
- ingres_execute - Führt eine vorbereitete Abfrage aus
- ingres_fetch_array - Liest eine Zeile der Ergebnismenge in ein Array ein
- ingres_fetch_assoc - Fetch a row of result into an associative array
- ingres_fetch_object - Gibt eine Zeile der Ergebnismenge als Objekt zurück
- ingres_fetch_proc_return - Holt den Rückgabewert eines Prozeduraufrufs
- ingres_fetch_row - Holt eine Zeile aus einer Ergebnismenge in ein numerisches Array
- ingres_field_length - Gibt die Länge eines Feldes zurück
- ingres_field_name - Holt den Namen eines Feldes in einer Ergebnismenge
- ingres_field_nullable - Prüft, ob für ein Feld NULL-Werte zugelassen sind
- ingres_field_precision - Gibt die Genauigkeit eines Feldes zurück
- ingres_field_scale - Gibt die Größe eines skalaren Feldes zurück
- ingres_field_type - Gibt den Typ eines Feldes in einer Ergebnismenge zurück
- ingres_free_result - Gibt den durch ein Ergebnis belegten Speicher frei
- ingres_next_error - Ermittelt den nächsten Ingres-Fehler
- ingres_num_fields - Gibt die Anzahl der Felder der letzten Abfrage zurück
- ingres_num_rows - Gibt die Anzahl der Datensätze der Ergebnismenge oder die
Anzahl der von der letzten Abfrage betroffenen Datensätze zurück
- ingres_pconnect - Öffnet eine persistente Verbindung zu einer Ingres-Datenbank
- ingres_prepare - Bereitet eine Abfrage zur späteren Ausführung vor
- ingres_query - Sendet eine SQL-Abfrage an den Ingres-Server
- ingres_result_seek - Positioniert den Datensatzzeiger, bevor Daten geholt werden
- ingres_rollback - Setzt eine Transaktion zurück
- ingres_set_environment - Setzt Eigenschaften der Umgebung zur Ausgabesteuerung
- ingres_unbuffered_query - Sendet eine SQL-Abfrage an Ingres, ohne die Ergebniszeilen zu puffern
- ini_alter - Alias von ini_set
- ini_get - Gets the value of a configuration option
- ini_get_all - Gets all configuration options
- ini_restore - Restores the value of a configuration option
- ini_set - Sets the value of a configuration option
- inotify_add_watch - Add a watch to an initialized inotify instance
- inotify_init - Initialize an inotify instance
- inotify_queue_len - Return a number upper than zero if there are pending events
- inotify_read - Read events from an inotify instance
- inotify_rm_watch - Remove an existing watch from an inotify instance
- intdiv - Integer division
- interface_exists - Prüft ob ein bestimmtes Interface definiert wurde
- IntlBreakIterator::createCharacterInstance - Create break iterator for boundaries of combining character sequences
- IntlBreakIterator::createCodePointInstance - Create break iterator for boundaries of code points
- IntlBreakIterator::createLineInstance - Create break iterator for logically possible line breaks
- IntlBreakIterator::createSentenceInstance - Create break iterator for sentence breaks
- IntlBreakIterator::createTitleInstance - Create break iterator for title-casing breaks
- IntlBreakIterator::createWordInstance - Create break iterator for word breaks
- IntlBreakIterator::current - Get index of current position
- IntlBreakIterator::first - Set position to the first character in the text
- IntlBreakIterator::following - Advance the iterator to the first boundary following specified offset
- IntlBreakIterator::getErrorCode - Get last error code on the object
- IntlBreakIterator::getErrorMessage - Get last error message on the object
- IntlBreakIterator::getLocale - Get the locale associated with the object
- IntlBreakIterator::getPartsIterator - Create iterator for navigating fragments between boundaries
- IntlBreakIterator::getText - Get the text being scanned
- IntlBreakIterator::isBoundary - Tell whether an offset is a boundaryʼs offset
- IntlBreakIterator::last - Set the iterator position to index beyond the last character
- IntlBreakIterator::next - Advance the iterator the next boundary
- IntlBreakIterator::preceding - Set the iterator position to the first boundary before an offset
- IntlBreakIterator::previous - Set the iterator position to the boundary immediately before the current
- IntlBreakIterator::setText - Set the text being scanned
- IntlBreakIterator::__construct - Private constructor for disallowing instantiation
- IntlCalendar::add - Add a (signed) amount of time to a field
- IntlCalendar::after - Whether this objectʼs time is after that of the passed object
- IntlCalendar::before - Whether this objectʼs time is before that of the passed object
- IntlCalendar::clear - Clear a field or all fields
- IntlCalendar::createInstance - Create a new IntlCalendar
- IntlCalendar::equals - Compare time of two IntlCalendar objects for equality
- IntlCalendar::fieldDifference - Calculate difference between given time and this objectʼs time
- IntlCalendar::fromDateTime - Create an IntlCalendar from a DateTime object or string
- IntlCalendar::get - Get the value for a field
- IntlCalendar::getActualMaximum - The maximum value for a field, considering the objectʼs current time
- IntlCalendar::getActualMinimum - The minimum value for a field, considering the objectʼs current time
- IntlCalendar::getAvailableLocales - Get array of locales for which there is data
- IntlCalendar::getDayOfWeekType - Tell whether a day is a weekday, weekend or a day that has a transition between the two
- IntlCalendar::getErrorCode - Get last error code on the object
- IntlCalendar::getErrorMessage - Get last error message on the object
- IntlCalendar::getFirstDayOfWeek - Get the first day of the week for the calendarʼs locale
- IntlCalendar::getGreatestMinimum - Get the largest local minimum value for a field
- IntlCalendar::getKeywordValuesForLocale - Get set of locale keyword values
- IntlCalendar::getLeastMaximum - Get the smallest local maximum for a field
- IntlCalendar::getLocale - Get the locale associated with the object
- IntlCalendar::getMaximum - Get the global maximum value for a field
- IntlCalendar::getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek - Get minimal number of days the first week in a year or month can have
- IntlCalendar::getMinimum - Get the global minimum value for a field
- IntlCalendar::getNow - Get number representing the current time
- IntlCalendar::getRepeatedWallTimeOption - Get behavior for handling repeating wall time
- IntlCalendar::getSkippedWallTimeOption - Get behavior for handling skipped wall time
- IntlCalendar::getTime - Get time currently represented by the object
- IntlCalendar::getTimeZone - Get the objectʼs timezone
- IntlCalendar::getType - Get the calendar type
- IntlCalendar::getWeekendTransition - Get time of the day at which weekend begins or ends
- IntlCalendar::inDaylightTime - Whether the objectʼs time is in Daylight Savings Time
- IntlCalendar::isEquivalentTo - Whether another calendar is equal but for a different time
- IntlCalendar::isLenient - Whether date/time interpretation is in lenient mode
- IntlCalendar::isSet - Whether a field is set
- IntlCalendar::isWeekend - Whether a certain date/time is in the weekend
- IntlCalendar::roll - Add value to field without carrying into more significant fields
- IntlCalendar::set - Set a time field or several common fields at once
- IntlCalendar::setFirstDayOfWeek - Set the day on which the week is deemed to start
- IntlCalendar::setLenient - Set whether date/time interpretation is to be lenient
- IntlCalendar::setMinimalDaysInFirstWeek - Set minimal number of days the first week in a year or month can have
- IntlCalendar::setRepeatedWallTimeOption - Set behavior for handling repeating wall times at negative timezone offset transitions
- IntlCalendar::setSkippedWallTimeOption - Set behavior for handling skipped wall times at positive timezone offset transitions
- IntlCalendar::setTime - Set the calendar time in milliseconds since the epoch
- IntlCalendar::setTimeZone - Set the timezone used by this calendar
- IntlCalendar::toDateTime - Convert an IntlCalendar into a DateTime object
- IntlCalendar::__construct - Private constructor for disallowing instantiation
- IntlChar::charAge - Get the "age" of the code point
- IntlChar::charDigitValue - Get the decimal digit value of a decimal digit character
- IntlChar::charDirection - Get bidirectional category value for a code point
- IntlChar::charFromName - Find Unicode character by name and return its code point value
- IntlChar::charMirror - Get the "mirror-image" character for a code point
- IntlChar::charName - Retrieve the name of a Unicode character
- IntlChar::charType - Get the general category value for a code point
- IntlChar::chr - Return Unicode character by code point value
- IntlChar::digit - Get the decimal digit value of a code point for a given radix
- IntlChar::enumCharNames - Enumerate all assigned Unicode characters within a range
- IntlChar::enumCharTypes - Enumerate all code points with their Unicode general categories
- IntlChar::foldCase - Perform case folding on a code point
- IntlChar::forDigit - Get character representation for a given digit and radix
- IntlChar::getBidiPairedBracket - Get the paired bracket character for a code point
- IntlChar::getBlockCode - Get the Unicode allocation block containing a code point
- IntlChar::getCombiningClass - Get the combining class of a code point
- IntlChar::getFC_NFKC_Closure - Get the FC_NFKC_Closure property for a code point
- IntlChar::getIntPropertyMaxValue - Get the max value for a Unicode property
- IntlChar::getIntPropertyMinValue - Get the min value for a Unicode property
- IntlChar::getIntPropertyValue - Get the value for a Unicode property for a code point
- IntlChar::getNumericValue - Get the numeric value for a Unicode code point
- IntlChar::getPropertyEnum - Get the property constant value for a given property name
- IntlChar::getPropertyName - Get the Unicode name for a property
- IntlChar::getPropertyValueEnum - Get the property value for a given value name
- IntlChar::getPropertyValueName - Get the Unicode name for a property value
- IntlChar::getUnicodeVersion - Get the Unicode version
- IntlChar::hasBinaryProperty - Check a binary Unicode property for a code point
- IntlChar::isalnum - Check if code point is an alphanumeric character
- IntlChar::isalpha - Check if code point is a letter character
- IntlChar::isbase - Check if code point is a base character
- IntlChar::isblank - Check if code point is a "blank" or "horizontal space" character
- IntlChar::iscntrl - Check if code point is a control character
- IntlChar::isdefined - Check whether the code point is defined
- IntlChar::isdigit - Check if code point is a digit character
- IntlChar::isgraph - Check if code point is a graphic character
- IntlChar::isIDIgnorable - Check if code point is an ignorable character
- IntlChar::isIDPart - Check if code point is permissible in an identifier
- IntlChar::isIDStart - Check if code point is permissible as the first character in an identifier
- IntlChar::isISOControl - Check if code point is an ISO control code
- IntlChar::isJavaIDPart - Check if code point is permissible in a Java identifier
- IntlChar::isJavaIDStart - Check if code point is permissible as the first character in a Java identifier
- IntlChar::isJavaSpaceChar - Check if code point is a space character according to Java
- IntlChar::islower - Check if code point is a lowercase letter
- IntlChar::isMirrored - Check if code point has the Bidi_Mirrored property
- IntlChar::isprint - Check if code point is a printable character
- IntlChar::ispunct - Check if code point is punctuation character
- IntlChar::isspace - Check if code point is a space character
- IntlChar::istitle - Check if code point is a titlecase letter
- IntlChar::isUAlphabetic - Check if code point has the Alphabetic Unicode property
- IntlChar::isULowercase - Check if code point has the Lowercase Unicode property
- IntlChar::isupper - Check if code point has the general category "Lu" (uppercase letter)
- IntlChar::isUUppercase - Check if code point has the Uppercase Unicode property
- IntlChar::isUWhiteSpace - Check if code point has the White_Space Unicode property
- IntlChar::isWhitespace - Check if code point is a whitespace character according to ICU
- IntlChar::isxdigit - Check if code point is a hexadecimal digit
- IntlChar::ord - Return Unicode code point value of character
- IntlChar::tolower - Make Unicode character lowercase
- IntlChar::totitle - Make Unicode character titlecase
- IntlChar::toupper - Make Unicode character uppercase
- IntlCodePointBreakIterator::getLastCodePoint - Get last code point passed over after advancing or receding the iterator
- IntlDateFormatter::create - Create a date formatter
- IntlDateFormatter::format - Format the date/time value as a string
- IntlDateFormatter::formatObject - Formats an object
- IntlDateFormatter::getCalendar - Get the calendar type used for the IntlDateFormatter
- IntlDateFormatter::getCalendarObject - Get copy of formatterʼs calendar object
- IntlDateFormatter::getDateType - Get the datetype used for the IntlDateFormatter
- IntlDateFormatter::getErrorCode - Get the error code from last operation
- IntlDateFormatter::getErrorMessage - Get the error text from the last operation.
- IntlDateFormatter::getLocale - Get the locale used by formatter
- IntlDateFormatter::getPattern - Get the pattern used for the IntlDateFormatter
- IntlDateFormatter::getTimeType - Get the timetype used for the IntlDateFormatter
- IntlDateFormatter::getTimeZone - Get formatterʼs timezone
- IntlDateFormatter::getTimeZoneId - Get the timezone-id used for the IntlDateFormatter
- IntlDateFormatter::isLenient - Get the lenient used for the IntlDateFormatter
- IntlDateFormatter::localtime - Parse string to a field-based time value
- IntlDateFormatter::parse - Parse string to a timestamp value
- IntlDateFormatter::setCalendar - Sets the calendar type used by the formatter
- IntlDateFormatter::setLenient - Set the leniency of the parser
- IntlDateFormatter::setPattern - Set the pattern used for the IntlDateFormatter
- IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZone - Sets formatterʼs timezone
- IntlDateFormatter::setTimeZoneId - Sets the time zone to use
- IntlIterator::current - Get the current element
- IntlIterator::key - Get the current key
- IntlIterator::next - Move forward to the next element
- IntlIterator::rewind - Rewind the iterator to the first element
- IntlIterator::valid - Check if current position is valid
- IntlPartsIterator::getBreakIterator - Get IntlBreakIterator backing this parts iterator
- IntlRuleBasedBreakIterator::getBinaryRules - Get the binary form of compiled rules
- IntlRuleBasedBreakIterator::getRules - Get the rule set used to create this object
- IntlRuleBasedBreakIterator::getRuleStatus - Get the largest status value from the break rules that determined the current break position
- IntlRuleBasedBreakIterator::getRuleStatusVec - Get the status values from the break rules that determined the current break position
- IntlRuleBasedBreakIterator::__construct - Create iterator from ruleset
- IntlTimeZone::countEquivalentIDs - Get the number of IDs in the equivalency group that includes the given ID
- IntlTimeZone::createDefault - Create a new copy of the default timezone for this host
- IntlTimeZone::createEnumeration - Get an enumeration over time zone IDs associated with the
given country or offset
- IntlTimeZone::createTimeZone - Create a timezone object for the given ID
- IntlTimeZone::fromDateTimeZone - Create a timezone object from DateTimeZone
- IntlTimeZone::getCanonicalID - Get the canonical system timezone ID or the normalized custom time zone ID for the given time zone ID
- IntlTimeZone::getDisplayName - Get a name of this time zone suitable for presentation to the user
- IntlTimeZone::getDSTSavings - Get the amount of time to be added to local standard time to get local wall clock time
- IntlTimeZone::getEquivalentID - Get an ID in the equivalency group that includes the given ID
- IntlTimeZone::getErrorCode - Get last error code on the object
- IntlTimeZone::getErrorMessage - Get last error message on the object
- IntlTimeZone::getGMT - Create GMT (UTC) timezone
- IntlTimeZone::getID - Get timezone ID
- IntlTimeZone::getOffset - Get the time zone raw and GMT offset for the given moment in time
- IntlTimeZone::getRawOffset - Get the raw GMT offset (before taking daylight savings time into account
- IntlTimeZone::getTZDataVersion - Get the timezone data version currently used by ICU
- IntlTimeZone::hasSameRules - Check if this zone has the same rules and offset as another zone
- IntlTimeZone::toDateTimeZone - Convert to DateTimeZone object
- IntlTimeZone::useDaylightTime - Check if this time zone uses daylight savings time
- intl_error_name - Get symbolic name for a given error code
- intl_get_error_code - Get the last error code
- intl_get_error_message - Get description of the last error
- intl_is_failure - Check whether the given error code indicates failure
- intval - Konvertiert einen Wert nach integer
- in_array - Prüft, ob ein Wert in einem Array existiert
- ip2long - Verwandelt eine gemäß IPv4-Protokoll angegebene Internet-Adresse
vom Punkt-Format in die ausgeschriebene Adress-Angabe
- iptcembed - Embeds binary IPTC data into a JPEG image
- iptcparse - Parse a binary IPTC block into single tags.
- isset - Prüft, ob eine Variable existiert und ob sie nicht NULL ist
- is_a - Checks if the object is of this class or has this class as one of its parents
- is_array - Prüft, ob die Variable ein Array ist
- is_bool - Prüft, ob eine Variable vom Typ boolean ist
- is_callable - Prüft ob der Inhalt einer Variable als Funktion aufgerufen werden kann
- is_dir - Prüft, ob der angegebene Dateiname ein Verzeichnis ist
- is_double - Alias von is_float
- is_executable - Prüft, ob der Dateiname ausführbar ist
- is_file - Prüft, ob der Dateiname eine reguläre Datei ist
- is_finite - Prüft auf einen gültigen endlichen Wert
- is_float - Prüft, ob eine Variable vom Typ float ist
- is_infinite - Prüft ob ein Wert unendlich ist
- is_int - Prüft, ob eine Variable vom Typ int ist
- is_integer - Alias von is_int
- is_link - Prüft, ob der Dateiname ein symbolischer Link ist
- is_long - Alias von is_int
- is_nan - Prüft ob ein Wert keine Zahl ist
- is_null - Prüft ob eine Variable NULL enthält
- is_numeric - Prüft, ob eine Variable eine Zahl oder ein numerischer String ist
- is_object - Prüft, ob eine Variable vom Typ object ist
- is_readable - Prüft, ob eine Datei existiert und lesbar ist
- is_real - Alias von is_float
- is_resource - Prüft, ob eine Variable vom Typ resource ist
- is_scalar - Prüft ob eine Variable skalar ist
- is_soap_fault - Prüft, ob ein SOAP-Aufruf fehlgeschlagen ist
- is_string - Prüft, ob Variable vom Typ string ist
- is_subclass_of - Prüft ob ein Objekt von der angegebenen Klasse abstammt oder sie implementiert
- is_tainted - Checks whether a string is tainted
- is_uploaded_file - Prüft, ob die Datei mittels HTTP-POST upgeloadet wurde
- is_writable - Prüft, ob in eine Datei geschrieben werden kann
- is_writeable - Alias von is_writable
- Iterator::current - Gibt das aktuelle Element zurück
- Iterator::key - Gibt den Schlüssel des aktuellen Elements zurück
- Iterator::next - Rückt den Zeiger auf das nächste Element vor
- Iterator::rewind - Setzt den Iterator auf das erste Element zurück
- Iterator::valid - Prüft, ob die aktuelle Position zulässig ist
- IteratorAggregate::getIterator - Holt einen externen Iterator
- IteratorIterator::current - Get the current value
- IteratorIterator::getInnerIterator - Get the inner iterator
- IteratorIterator::key - Get the key of the current element
- IteratorIterator::next - Forward to the next element
- IteratorIterator::rewind - Rewind to the first element
- IteratorIterator::valid - Checks if the iterator is valid
- IteratorIterator::__construct - Create an iterator from anything that is traversable
- iterator_apply - Call a function for every element in an iterator
- iterator_count - Count the elements in an iterator
- iterator_to_array - Copy the iterator into an array
- j
- jddayofweek - Bestimmt den Wochentag aus einem Julianischen Datum
- jdmonthname - Bestimmt den Monat aus dem Julianischen Datum
- jdtofrench - Konvertiert ein Julianisches Datum zum Kalender der Französischen
- jdtogregorian - Konvertierung vom Julianischen Datum zum Gregorianischen Kalender
- jdtojewish - Konvertierung vom Julianischen Datum zum Jüdischen Kalender
- jdtojulian - Konvertierung vom Julianischen Datum zum Julianischen Kalender
- jdtounix - Konvertiert Julianisches Datum in Unix-Timestamp
- jewishtojd - Konvertiert vom Jüdischen Kalender zum Julianischen Datum
- join - Alias von implode
- jpeg2wbmp - Konvertiert eine JPEG-Bilddatei in eine WBMP-Bilddatei
- JsonSerializable::jsonSerialize - Angegebene Daten, die in JSON serialisiert werden sollen
- json_decode - Dekodiert eine JSON-Zeichenkette
- json_encode - Gibt die JSON-Repräsentation eines Wertes zurück
- json_last_error - Gibt den letzten aufgetretenen Fehler zurück
- json_last_error_msg - Gibt die Fehlermeldung des letzten Aufrufs von json_encode oder json_decode() zurück
- Judy::byCount - Locate the Nth index present in the Judy array
- Judy::count - Count the number of elements in the Judy array
- Judy::first - Search for the first index in the Judy array
- Judy::firstEmpty - Search for the first absent index in the Judy array
- Judy::free - Free the entire Judy array
- Judy::getType - Return the type of the current Judy array
- Judy::last - Search for the last index in the Judy array
- Judy::lastEmpty - Search for the last absent index in the Judy array
- Judy::memoryUsage - Return the memory used by the Judy array
- Judy::next - Search for the next index in the Judy array
- Judy::nextEmpty - Search for the next absent index in the Judy array
- Judy::offsetExists - Whether a offset exists
- Judy::offsetGet - Offset to retrieve
- Judy::offsetSet - Offset to set
- Judy::offsetUnset - Offset to unset
- Judy::prev - Search for the previous index in the Judy array
- Judy::prevEmpty - Search for the previous absent index in the Judy array
- Judy::size - Return the size of the current Judy array
- Judy::__construct - Construct a new Judy object
- Judy::__destruct - Destruct a Judy object
- judy_type - Return the type of a Judy array
- judy_version - Return or print the current PHP Judy version
- juliantojd - Konvertierung vom Julianischen Kalender zum Julianischen Datum
- k
- kadm5_chpass_principal - Changes the principal's password
- kadm5_create_principal - Creates a kerberos principal with the given parameters
- kadm5_delete_principal - Deletes a kerberos principal
- kadm5_destroy - Closes the connection to the admin server and releases all related resources
- kadm5_flush - Flush all changes to the Kerberos database
- kadm5_get_policies - Gets all policies from the Kerberos database
- kadm5_get_principal - Gets the principal's entries from the Kerberos database
- kadm5_get_principals - Gets all principals from the Kerberos database
- kadm5_init_with_password - Opens a connection to the KADM5 library
- kadm5_modify_principal - Modifies a kerberos principal with the given parameters
- key - Liefert einen Schlüssel eines Arrays
- key_exists - Alias von array_key_exists
- Kontextparameter - Liste der Kontextparameter
- krsort - Sortiert ein Array nach Schlüsseln in umgekehrter Reihenfolge
- ksort - Sortiert ein Array nach Schlüsseln
- KTaglib_ID3v2_AttachedPictureFrame::getDescription - Returns a description for the picture in a picture frame
- KTaglib_ID3v2_AttachedPictureFrame::getMimeType - Returns the mime type of the picture
- KTaglib_ID3v2_AttachedPictureFrame::getType - Returns the type of the image
- KTaglib_ID3v2_AttachedPictureFrame::savePicture - Saves the picture to a file
- KTaglib_ID3v2_AttachedPictureFrame::setMimeType - Set's the mime type of the picture
- KTaglib_ID3v2_AttachedPictureFrame::setPicture - Sets the frame picture to the given image
- KTaglib_ID3v2_AttachedPictureFrame::setType - Set the type of the image
- KTaglib_ID3v2_Frame::getSize - Returns the size of the frame in bytes
- KTaglib_ID3v2_Frame::__toString - Returns a string representation of the frame
- KTaglib_ID3v2_Tag::addFrame - Add a frame to the ID3v2 tag
- KTaglib_ID3v2_Tag::getFrameList - Returns an array of ID3v2 frames, associated with the ID3v2 tag
- KTaglib_MPEG_AudioProperties::getBitrate - Returns the bitrate of the MPEG file
- KTaglib_MPEG_AudioProperties::getChannels - Returns the amount of channels of a MPEG file
- KTaglib_MPEG_AudioProperties::getLayer - Returns the layer of a MPEG file
- KTaglib_MPEG_AudioProperties::getLength - Returns the length of a MPEG file
- KTaglib_MPEG_AudioProperties::getSampleBitrate - Returns the sample bitrate of a MPEG file
- KTaglib_MPEG_AudioProperties::getVersion - Returns the version of a MPEG file
- KTaglib_MPEG_AudioProperties::isCopyrighted - Returns the copyright status of an MPEG file
- KTaglib_MPEG_AudioProperties::isOriginal - Returns if the file is marked as the original file
- KTaglib_MPEG_AudioProperties::isProtectionEnabled - Returns if protection mechanisms of an MPEG file are enabled
- KTaglib_MPEG_File::getAudioProperties - Returns an object that provides access to the audio properties
- KTaglib_MPEG_File::getID3v1Tag - Returns an object representing an ID3v1 tag
- KTaglib_MPEG_File::getID3v2Tag - Returns a ID3v2 object
- KTaglib_MPEG_File::__construct - Opens a new file
- KTaglib_Tag::getAlbum - Returns the title string from a ID3 tag
- KTaglib_Tag::getArtist - Returns the artist string from a ID3 tag
- KTaglib_Tag::getComment - Returns the comment from a ID3 tag
- KTaglib_Tag::getGenre - Returns the genre from a ID3 tag
- KTaglib_Tag::getTitle - Returns the title string from a ID3 tag
- KTaglib_Tag::getTrack - Returns the track number from a ID3 tag
- KTaglib_Tag::getYear - Returns the year from a ID3 tag
- KTaglib_Tag::isEmpty - Returns true if the tag is empty
- l
- Lapack::eigenValues - This function returns the eigenvalues for a given square matrix
- Lapack::identity - Return an identity matrix
- Lapack::leastSquaresByFactorisation - Calculate the linear least squares solution of a matrix using QR factorisation
- Lapack::leastSquaresBySVD - Solve the linear least squares problem, using SVD
- Lapack::pseudoInverse - Calculate the inverse of a matrix
- Lapack::singularValues - Calculated the singular values of a matrix
- Lapack::solveLinearEquation - Solve a system of linear equations
- lcfirst - Wandelt den ersten Buchstaben eines Strings in einen
Kleinbuchstaben um
- lcg_value - Kongruenzgenerator für Pseudozufallszahlen
- lchgrp - Changes group ownership of symlink
- lchown - Changes user ownership of symlink
- ldap_8859_to_t61 - Übersetzt 8859 Zeichen nach t61 Zeichen
- ldap_add - Einträge einem LDAP Verzeichnis hinzufügen
- ldap_bind - Bindung zu einem LDAP Verzeichnis
- ldap_close - Verbindung zum LDAP-Server schließen
- ldap_compare - Vergleicht gefundenen Wert eines Merkmal in einem Eintrag, der
durch Angabe von dn bestimmt wird.
- ldap_connect - Verbindet zu einem LDAP Server
- ldap_control_paged_result - Send LDAP pagination control
- ldap_control_paged_result_response - Retrieve the LDAP pagination cookie
- ldap_count_entries - Zählt die Anzahl der Einträge bei einer Suche
- ldap_delete - Löscht einen Eintrag aus einem Verzeichnis
- ldap_dn2ufn - Konvertiert DN in ein benutzerfreundliches Namensformat
- ldap_err2str - Konvertiert eine LDAP Fehlernummer in einen Fehlertext
- ldap_errno - Liefert die LDAP Fehlernummer des letzten LDAP Kommandos
- ldap_error - Liefert die LDAP Fehlermeldung des letzten LDAP Kommandos
- ldap_escape - Escape a string for use in an LDAP filter or DN
- ldap_explode_dn - Aufteilung eines DN in seine Bestandteile
- ldap_first_attribute - Liefert das erste Merkmal
- ldap_first_entry - Liefert die Kennung des ersten Ergebnisses
- ldap_first_reference - Liefert die erste Referenz
- ldap_free_result - Gibt den belegten Speicher wieder frei
- ldap_get_attributes - Liefert Merkmale eines Suchergebnis-Eintrags
- ldap_get_dn - Liefert den DN eines Ergebnis-Eintrags
- ldap_get_entries - Liefert alle Ergebnis-Einträge
- ldap_get_option - Liefert den aktuellen Wert für eine gegebene Option
- ldap_get_values - Liefert alle Werte eines Ergebnis-Eintrags
- ldap_get_values_len - Liefert alle binären Werte eines Ergebnis-Eintrags
- ldap_list - Einstufige Suche
- ldap_modify - Verändern eines LDAP-Eintrags
- ldap_modify_batch - Batch and execute modifications on an LDAP entry
- ldap_mod_add - Hinzufügen von Merkmalswerten zu aktuellen Merkmalen
- ldap_mod_del - Löschen von Merkmalswerten aktueller Merkmale
- ldap_mod_replace - Ersetzen von Merkmalswerten mit neuen Merkmalswerten
- ldap_next_attribute - Liefert das nächste Merkmal im Ergebnis
- ldap_next_entry - Liefert den nächsten Eintrag des Ergebnisses
- ldap_next_reference - Holt die nächste Referenz
- ldap_parse_reference - Gewinnt Informationen aus einem Referenz-Eintrag
- ldap_parse_result - Gewinnt Informationen aus einem Ergebnis
- ldap_read - Lesen eines Eintrags
- ldap_rename - Verändert den Namen eines Eintrags
- ldap_sasl_bind - Bind to LDAP directory using SASL
- ldap_search - Suche im LDAP Baum
- ldap_set_option - Setzt den Wert der gegebenen Option
- ldap_set_rebind_proc - Set a callback function to do re-binds on referral chasing.
- ldap_sort - Sortiert LDAP Ergebniseinträge
- ldap_start_tls - Startet TLS
- ldap_t61_to_8859 - Übersetzt t61 Zeichen nach 8859 Zeichen
- ldap_unbind - Unbind von einem LDAP Verzeichnis
- levenshtein - Berechnet die Levenshtein-Distanz zwischen zwei Strings
- libxml_clear_errors - Clear libxml error buffer
- libxml_disable_entity_loader - Disable the ability to load external entities
- libxml_get_errors - Retrieve array of errors
- libxml_get_last_error - Retrieve last error from libxml
- libxml_set_external_entity_loader - Changes the default external entity loader
- libxml_set_streams_context - Set the streams context for the next libxml document load or write
- libxml_use_internal_errors - Disable libxml errors and allow user to fetch error information as needed
- LimitIterator::current - Get current element
- LimitIterator::getInnerIterator - Get inner iterator
- LimitIterator::getPosition - Return the current position
- LimitIterator::key - Get current key
- LimitIterator::next - Move the iterator forward
- LimitIterator::rewind - Rewind the iterator to the specified starting offset
- LimitIterator::seek - Seek to the given position
- LimitIterator::valid - Check whether the current element is valid
- LimitIterator::__construct - Construct a LimitIterator
- link - Erzeugt einen harten Link
- linkinfo - Liefert Informationen über einen Link
- list - Weist Variablen zu, als wären sie ein Array
- Locale::acceptFromHttp - Tries to find out best available locale based on HTTP "Accept-Language" header
- Locale::canonicalize - Canonicalize the locale string
- Locale::composeLocale - Returns a correctly ordered and delimited locale ID
- Locale::filterMatches - Checks if a language tag filter matches with locale
- Locale::getAllVariants - Gets the variants for the input locale
- Locale::getDefault - Gets the default locale value from the INTL global 'default_locale'
- Locale::getDisplayLanguage - Returns an appropriately localized display name for language of the inputlocale
- Locale::getDisplayName - Returns an appropriately localized display name for the input locale
- Locale::getDisplayRegion - Returns an appropriately localized display name for region of the input locale
- Locale::getDisplayScript - Returns an appropriately localized display name for script of the input locale
- Locale::getDisplayVariant - Returns an appropriately localized display name for variants of the input locale
- Locale::getKeywords - Gets the keywords for the input locale
- Locale::getPrimaryLanguage - Gets the primary language for the input locale
- Locale::getRegion - Gets the region for the input locale
- Locale::getScript - Gets the script for the input locale
- Locale::lookup - Searches the language tag list for the best match to the language
- Locale::parseLocale - Returns a key-value array of locale ID subtag elements.
- Locale::setDefault - sets the default runtime locale
- localeconv - Ermittelt die Formatierungsinformationen für Zahlen
- localtime - Ermittelt die lokale Zeit
- log - Logarithmus
- log1p - Berechent log(1 + number) mit erhöhter Genauigkeit
- log10 - Dekadischer Logarithmus
- log_cmd_delete - Callback When Deleting Documents
- log_cmd_insert - Callback When Inserting Documents
- log_cmd_update - Callback When Updating Documents
- log_getmore - Callback When Retrieving Next Cursor Batch
- log_killcursor - Callback When Executing KILLCURSOR operations
- log_reply - Callback When Reading the MongoDB reply
- log_write_batch - Callback When Writing Batches
- long2ip - Konvertiert eine (IPv4) Netzwerkadresse in einen String,
der das Punkt-Format enthält ("Dotted-Format")
- lstat - Sammelt Informationen über eine Datei oder einen symbolischen Link
- ltrim - Entfernt Leerraum (oder andere Zeichen) vom Anfang eines Strings
- Lua::assign - Assign a PHP variable to Lua
- Lua::call - Call Lua functions
- Lua::eval - Evaluate a string as Lua code
- Lua::getVersion - The getversion purpose
- Lua::include - Parse a Lua script file
- Lua::registerCallback - Register a PHP function to Lua
- Lua::__construct - Lua constructor
- LuaClosure::__invoke - invoke luaclosure
- lzf_compress - LZF compression
- lzf_decompress - LZF decompression
- lzf_optimized_for - Determines what LZF extension was optimized for
- m
- magic_quotes_runtime - Alias von set_magic_quotes_runtime
- mail - E-Mails senden
- mailparse_determine_best_xfer_encoding - Gets the best way of encoding
- mailparse_msg_create - Create a mime mail resource
- mailparse_msg_extract_part - Extracts/decodes a message section
- mailparse_msg_extract_part_file - Extracts/decodes a message section
- mailparse_msg_extract_whole_part_file - Extracts a message section including headers without decoding the transfer encoding
- mailparse_msg_free - Frees a MIME resource
- mailparse_msg_get_part - Returns a handle on a given section in a mimemessage
- mailparse_msg_get_part_data - Returns an associative array of info about the message
- mailparse_msg_get_structure - Returns an array of mime section names in the supplied message
- mailparse_msg_parse - Incrementally parse data into buffer
- mailparse_msg_parse_file - Parses a file
- mailparse_rfc822_parse_addresses - Parse RFC 822 compliant addresses
- mailparse_stream_encode - Streams data from source file pointer, apply encoding and write to destfp
- mailparse_uudecode_all - Scans the data from fp and extract each embedded uuencoded file
- main - Dummy for main
- max - Maximalwert bestimmen
- maxdb_affected_rows - Gets the number of affected rows in a previous MaxDB operation
- maxdb_autocommit - Turns on or off auto-commiting database modifications
- maxdb_bind_param - Alias von maxdb_stmt_bind_param
- maxdb_bind_result - Alias von maxdb_stmt_bind_result
- maxdb_change_user - Changes the user of the specified database connection
- maxdb_character_set_name - Returns the default character set for the database connection
- maxdb_client_encoding - Alias von maxdb_character_set_name
- maxdb_close - Closes a previously opened database connection
- maxdb_close_long_data - Alias von maxdb_stmt_close_long_data
- maxdb_commit - Commits the current transaction
- maxdb_connect - Open a new connection to the MaxDB server
- maxdb_connect_errno - Returns the error code from last connect call
- maxdb_connect_error - Returns a string description of the last connect error
- maxdb_data_seek - Adjusts the result pointer to an arbitary row in the result
- maxdb_debug - Performs debugging operations
- maxdb_disable_reads_from_master - Disable reads from master
- maxdb_disable_rpl_parse - Disable RPL parse
- maxdb_dump_debug_info - Dump debugging information into the log
- maxdb_embedded_connect - Open a connection to an embedded MaxDB server
- maxdb_enable_reads_from_master - Enable reads from master
- maxdb_enable_rpl_parse - Enable RPL parse
- maxdb_errno - Returns the error code for the most recent function call
- maxdb_error - Returns a string description of the last error
- maxdb_escape_string - Alias von maxdb_real_escape_string
- maxdb_execute - Alias von maxdb_stmt_execute
- maxdb_fetch - Alias von maxdb_stmt_fetch
- maxdb_fetch_array - Fetch a result row as an associative, a numeric array, or both
- maxdb_fetch_assoc - Fetch a result row as an associative array
- maxdb_fetch_field - Returns the next field in the result set
- maxdb_fetch_fields - Returns an array of resources representing the fields in a result set
- maxdb_fetch_field_direct - Fetch meta-data for a single field
- maxdb_fetch_lengths - Returns the lengths of the columns of the current row in the result set
- maxdb_fetch_object - Returns the current row of a result set as an object
- maxdb_fetch_row - Get a result row as an enumerated array
- maxdb_field_count - Returns the number of columns for the most recent query
- maxdb_field_seek - Set result pointer to a specified field offset
- maxdb_field_tell - Get current field offset of a result pointer
- maxdb_free_result - Frees the memory associated with a result
- maxdb_get_client_info - Returns the MaxDB client version as a string
- maxdb_get_client_version - Get MaxDB client info
- maxdb_get_host_info - Returns a string representing the type of connection used
- maxdb_get_metadata - Alias von maxdb_stmt_result_metadata
- maxdb_get_proto_info - Returns the version of the MaxDB protocol used
- maxdb_get_server_info - Returns the version of the MaxDB server
- maxdb_get_server_version - Returns the version of the MaxDB server as an integer
- maxdb_info - Retrieves information about the most recently executed query
- maxdb_init - Initializes MaxDB and returns an resource for use with maxdb_real_connect
- maxdb_insert_id - Returns the auto generated id used in the last query
- maxdb_kill - Disconnects from a MaxDB server
- maxdb_master_query - Enforce execution of a query on the master in a master/slave setup
- maxdb_more_results - Check if there any more query results from a multi query
- maxdb_multi_query - Performs a query on the database
- maxdb_next_result - Prepare next result from multi_query
- maxdb_num_fields - Get the number of fields in a result
- maxdb_num_rows - Gets the number of rows in a result
- maxdb_options - Set options
- maxdb_param_count - Alias von maxdb_stmt_param_count
- maxdb_ping - Pings a server connection, or tries to reconnect if the connection has gone down
- maxdb_prepare - Prepare an SQL statement for execution
- maxdb_query - Performs a query on the database
- maxdb_real_connect - Opens a connection to a MaxDB server
- maxdb_real_escape_string - Escapes special characters in a string for use in an SQL statement, taking into account the current charset of the connection
- maxdb_real_query - Execute an SQL query
- maxdb_report - Enables or disables internal report functions
- maxdb_rollback - Rolls back current transaction
- maxdb_rpl_parse_enabled - Check if RPL parse is enabled
- maxdb_rpl_probe - RPL probe
- maxdb_rpl_query_type - Returns RPL query type
- maxdb_select_db - Selects the default database for database queries
- maxdb_send_long_data - Alias von maxdb_stmt_send_long_data
- maxdb_send_query - Send the query and return
- maxdb_server_end - Shut down the embedded server
- maxdb_server_init - Initialize embedded server
- maxdb_set_opt - Alias von maxdb_options
- maxdb_sqlstate - Returns the SQLSTATE error from previous MaxDB operation
- maxdb_ssl_set - Used for establishing secure connections using SSL
- maxdb_stat - Gets the current system status
- maxdb_stmt_affected_rows - Returns the total number of rows changed, deleted, or
inserted by the last executed statement
- maxdb_stmt_bind_param - Binds variables to a prepared statement as parameters
- maxdb_stmt_bind_result - Binds variables to a prepared statement for result storage
- maxdb_stmt_close - Closes a prepared statement
- maxdb_stmt_close_long_data - Ends a sequence of maxdb_stmt_send_long_data
- maxdb_stmt_data_seek - Seeks to an arbitray row in statement result set
- maxdb_stmt_errno - Returns the error code for the most recent statement call
- maxdb_stmt_error - Returns a string description for last statement error
- maxdb_stmt_execute - Executes a prepared Query
- maxdb_stmt_fetch - Fetch results from a prepared statement into the bound variables
- maxdb_stmt_free_result - Frees stored result memory for the given statement handle
- maxdb_stmt_init - Initializes a statement and returns an resource for use with maxdb_stmt_prepare
- maxdb_stmt_num_rows - Return the number of rows in statements result set
- maxdb_stmt_param_count - Returns the number of parameter for the given statement
- maxdb_stmt_prepare - Prepare an SQL statement for execution
- maxdb_stmt_reset - Resets a prepared statement
- maxdb_stmt_result_metadata - Returns result set metadata from a prepared statement
- maxdb_stmt_send_long_data - Send data in blocks
- maxdb_stmt_sqlstate - Returns SQLSTATE error from previous statement operation
- maxdb_stmt_store_result - Transfers a result set from a prepared statement
- maxdb_store_result - Transfers a result set from the last query
- maxdb_thread_id - Returns the thread ID for the current connection
- maxdb_thread_safe - Returns whether thread safety is given or not
- maxdb_use_result - Initiate a result set retrieval
- maxdb_warning_count - Returns the number of warnings from the last query for the given link
- mb_check_encoding - Check if the string is valid for the specified encoding
- mb_convert_case - Perform case folding on a string
- mb_convert_encoding - Convert character encoding
- mb_convert_kana - Convert "kana" one from another ("zen-kaku", "han-kaku" and more)
- mb_convert_variables - Convert character code in variable(s)
- mb_decode_mimeheader - Decode string in MIME header field
- mb_decode_numericentity - Decode HTML numeric string reference to character
- mb_detect_encoding - Detect character encoding
- mb_detect_order - Set/Get character encoding detection order
- mb_encode_mimeheader - Encode string for MIME header
- mb_encode_numericentity - Encode character to HTML numeric string reference
- mb_encoding_aliases - Get aliases of a known encoding type
- mb_ereg - Regular expression match with multibyte support
- mb_eregi - Regular expression match ignoring case with multibyte support
- mb_eregi_replace - Replace regular expression with multibyte support ignoring case
- mb_ereg_match - Regular expression match for multibyte string
- mb_ereg_replace - Replace regular expression with multibyte support
- mb_ereg_replace_callback - Perform a regular expresssion seach and replace with multibyte support using a callback
- mb_ereg_search - Multibyte regular expression match for predefined multibyte string
- mb_ereg_search_getpos - Returns start point for next regular expression match
- mb_ereg_search_getregs - Retrieve the result from the last multibyte regular expression match
- mb_ereg_search_init - Setup string and regular expression for a multibyte regular expression match
- mb_ereg_search_pos - Returns position and length of a matched part of the multibyte regular expression for a predefined multibyte string
- mb_ereg_search_regs - Returns the matched part of a multibyte regular expression
- mb_ereg_search_setpos - Set start point of next regular expression match
- mb_get_info - Get internal settings of mbstring
- mb_http_input - Detect HTTP input character encoding
- mb_http_output - Set/Get HTTP output character encoding
- mb_internal_encoding - Set/Get internal character encoding
- mb_language - Set/Get current language
- mb_list_encodings - Returns an array of all supported encodings
- mb_output_handler - Callback function converts character encoding in output buffer
- mb_parse_str - Parse GET/POST/COOKIE data and set global variable
- mb_preferred_mime_name - Get MIME charset string
- mb_regex_encoding - Set/Get character encoding for multibyte regex
- mb_regex_set_options - Set/Get the default options for mbregex functions
- mb_send_mail - Send encoded mail
- mb_split - Split multibyte string using regular expression
- mb_strcut - Get part of string
- mb_strimwidth - Get truncated string with specified width
- mb_stripos - Finds position of first occurrence of a string within another, case insensitive
- mb_stristr - Finds first occurrence of a string within another, case insensitive
- mb_strlen - Get string length
- mb_strpos - Find position of first occurrence of string in a string
- mb_strrchr - Finds the last occurrence of a character in a string within another
- mb_strrichr - Finds the last occurrence of a character in a string within another, case insensitive
- mb_strripos - Finds position of last occurrence of a string within another, case insensitive
- mb_strrpos - Find position of last occurrence of a string in a string
- mb_strstr - Finds first occurrence of a string within another
- mb_strtolower - Make a string lowercase
- mb_strtoupper - Make a string uppercase
- mb_strwidth - Return width of string
- mb_substitute_character - Set/Get substitution character
- mb_substr - Get part of string
- mb_substr_count - Count the number of substring occurrences
- mcrypt_cbc - Entschlüsselt/Verschlüsselt Daten im CBC Modus
- mcrypt_cfb - Encrypts/decrypts data in CFB mode
- mcrypt_create_iv - Creates an initialization vector (IV) from a random source
- mcrypt_decrypt - Decrypts crypttext with given parameters
- mcrypt_ecb - Deprecated: Encrypts/decrypts data in ECB mode
- mcrypt_encrypt - Encrypts plaintext with given parameters
- mcrypt_enc_get_algorithms_name - Returns the name of the opened algorithm
- mcrypt_enc_get_block_size - Returns the blocksize of the opened algorithm
- mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size - Returns the size of the IV of the opened algorithm
- mcrypt_enc_get_key_size - Returns the maximum supported keysize of the opened mode
- mcrypt_enc_get_modes_name - Returns the name of the opened mode
- mcrypt_enc_get_supported_key_sizes - Returns an array with the supported keysizes of the opened algorithm
- mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm - Checks whether the algorithm of the opened mode is a block algorithm
- mcrypt_enc_is_block_algorithm_mode - Checks whether the encryption of the opened mode works on blocks
- mcrypt_enc_is_block_mode - Checks whether the opened mode outputs blocks
- mcrypt_enc_self_test - Runs a self test on the opened module
- mcrypt_generic - This function encrypts data
- mcrypt_generic_deinit - This function deinitializes an encryption module
- mcrypt_generic_end - This function terminates encryption
- mcrypt_generic_init - This function initializes all buffers needed for encryption
- mcrypt_get_block_size - Gets the block size of the specified cipher
- mcrypt_get_cipher_name - Gets the name of the specified cipher
- mcrypt_get_iv_size - Returns the size of the IV belonging to a specific cipher/mode combination
- mcrypt_get_key_size - Gets the key size of the specified cipher
- mcrypt_list_algorithms - Gets an array of all supported ciphers
- mcrypt_list_modes - Gets an array of all supported modes
- mcrypt_module_close - Closes the mcrypt module
- mcrypt_module_get_algo_block_size - Returns the blocksize of the specified algorithm
- mcrypt_module_get_algo_key_size - Returns the maximum supported keysize of the opened mode
- mcrypt_module_get_supported_key_sizes - Returns an array with the supported keysizes of the opened algorithm
- mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm - This function checks whether the specified algorithm is a block algorithm
- mcrypt_module_is_block_algorithm_mode - Returns if the specified module is a block algorithm or not
- mcrypt_module_is_block_mode - Returns if the specified mode outputs blocks or not
- mcrypt_module_open - Opens the module of the algorithm and the mode to be used
- mcrypt_module_self_test - This function runs a self test on the specified module
- mcrypt_ofb - Encrypts/decrypts data in OFB mode
- md5 - Errechnet den MD5-Hash eines Strings
- md5_file - Berechnet den MD5-Code einer Datei
- mdecrypt_generic - Decrypts data
- Memcache::add - Add an item to the server
- Memcache::addServer - Add a memcached server to connection pool
- Memcache::close - Close memcached server connection
- Memcache::connect - Open memcached server connection
- Memcache::decrement - Decrement item's value
- Memcache::delete - Delete item from the server
- Memcache::flush - Flush all existing items at the server
- Memcache::get - Retrieve item from the server
- Memcache::getExtendedStats - Get statistics from all servers in pool
- Memcache::getServerStatus - Returns server status
- Memcache::getStats - Get statistics of the server
- Memcache::getVersion - Return version of the server
- Memcache::increment - Increment item's value
- Memcache::pconnect - Open memcached server persistent connection
- Memcache::replace - Replace value of the existing item
- Memcache::set - Store data at the server
- Memcache::setCompressThreshold - Enable automatic compression of large values
- Memcache::setServerParams - Changes server parameters and status at runtime
- Memcached::add - Add an item under a new key
- Memcached::addByKey - Add an item under a new key on a specific server
- Memcached::addServer - Add a server to the server pool
- Memcached::addServers - Add multiple servers to the server pool
- Memcached::append - Append data to an existing item
- Memcached::appendByKey - Append data to an existing item on a specific server
- Memcached::cas - Compare and swap an item
- Memcached::casByKey - Compare and swap an item on a specific server
- Memcached::decrement - Decrement numeric item's value
- Memcached::decrementByKey - Decrement numeric item's value, stored on a specific server
- Memcached::delete - Delete an item
- Memcached::deleteByKey - Delete an item from a specific server
- Memcached::deleteMulti - Delete multiple items
- Memcached::deleteMultiByKey - Delete multiple items from a specific server
- Memcached::fetch - Fetch the next result
- Memcached::fetchAll - Fetch all the remaining results
- Memcached::flush - Invalidate all items in the cache
- Memcached::get - Retrieve an item
- Memcached::getAllKeys - Gets the keys stored on all the servers
- Memcached::getByKey - Retrieve an item from a specific server
- Memcached::getDelayed - Request multiple items
- Memcached::getDelayedByKey - Request multiple items from a specific server
- Memcached::getMulti - Retrieve multiple items
- Memcached::getMultiByKey - Retrieve multiple items from a specific server
- Memcached::getOption - Retrieve a Memcached option value
- Memcached::getResultCode - Return the result code of the last operation
- Memcached::getResultMessage - Return the message describing the result of the last operation
- Memcached::getServerByKey - Map a key to a server
- Memcached::getServerList - Get the list of the servers in the pool
- Memcached::getStats - Get server pool statistics
- Memcached::getVersion - Get server pool version info
- Memcached::increment - Increment numeric item's value
- Memcached::incrementByKey - Increment numeric item's value, stored on a specific server
- Memcached::isPersistent - Check if a persitent connection to memcache is being used
- Memcached::isPristine - Check if the instance was recently created
- Memcached::prepend - Prepend data to an existing item
- Memcached::prependByKey - Prepend data to an existing item on a specific server
- Memcached::quit - Close any open connections
- Memcached::replace - Replace the item under an existing key
- Memcached::replaceByKey - Replace the item under an existing key on a specific server
- Memcached::resetServerList - Clears all servers from the server list
- Memcached::set - Store an item
- Memcached::setByKey - Store an item on a specific server
- Memcached::setMulti - Store multiple items
- Memcached::setMultiByKey - Store multiple items on a specific server
- Memcached::setOption - Set a Memcached option
- Memcached::setOptions - Set Memcached options
- Memcached::setSaslAuthData - Set the credentials to use for authentication
- Memcached::touch - Set a new expiration on an item
- Memcached::touchByKey - Set a new expiration on an item on a specific server
- Memcached::__construct - Create a Memcached instance
- memcache_debug - Turn debug output on/off
- memory_get_peak_usage - Returns the peak of memory allocated by PHP
- memory_get_usage - Returns the amount of memory allocated to PHP
- MessageFormatter::create - Constructs a new Message Formatter
- MessageFormatter::format - Format the message
- MessageFormatter::formatMessage - Quick format message
- MessageFormatter::getErrorCode - Get the error code from last operation
- MessageFormatter::getErrorMessage - Get the error text from the last operation
- MessageFormatter::getLocale - Get the locale for which the formatter was created.
- MessageFormatter::getPattern - Get the pattern used by the formatter
- MessageFormatter::parse - Parse input string according to pattern
- MessageFormatter::parseMessage - Quick parse input string
- MessageFormatter::setPattern - Set the pattern used by the formatter
- metaphone - Berechnet den Metaphone-Schlüssel eines Strings
- method_exists - Prüft ob eine Methode innerhalb eines Objekts existiert
- mhash - Hash berechnen
- mhash_count - Gibt die höchstmöglichen Hash-ID zurück
- mhash_get_block_size - Gibt die Blockgröße von dem übergebenem Hash zurück
- mhash_get_hash_name - Gibt den Namen eines Hashs zurück
- mhash_keygen_s2k - Generates a key
- microtime - Gibt den aktuellen Unix-Timestamp/Zeitstempel mit Mikrosekunden zurück
- mime_content_type - Ermittelt den MIME-Typ des Inhalts einer Datei
- min - Minimalwert bestimmen
- ming_keypress - Returns the action flag for keyPress(char)
- ming_setcubicthreshold - Set cubic threshold
- ming_setscale - Set the global scaling factor.
- ming_setswfcompression - Sets the SWF output compression
- ming_useconstants - Use constant pool
- ming_useswfversion - Sets the SWF version
- mkdir - Erstellt ein Verzeichnis
- mktime - Gibt den Unix-Timestamp/Zeitstempel für ein Datum zurück
- money_format - Formatiert eine Zahl als Währungs-Zeichenkette
- Mongo::connectUtil - Connects with a database server
- Mongo::getPoolSize - Get pool size for connection pools
- Mongo::getSlave - Returns the address being used by this for slaveOkay reads
- Mongo::getSlaveOkay - Get slaveOkay setting for this connection
- Mongo::poolDebug - Returns information about all connection pools.
- Mongo::setPoolSize - Set the size for future connection pools.
- Mongo::setSlaveOkay - Change slaveOkay setting for this connection
- Mongo::switchSlave - Choose a new secondary for slaveOkay reads
- Mongo::__construct - The __construct purpose
- MongoBinData::__construct - Creates a new binary data object.
- MongoBinData::__toString - The string representation of this binary data object.
- MongoClient::close - Closes this connection
- MongoClient::connect - Connects to a database server
- MongoClient::dropDB - Drops a database [deprecated]
- MongoClient::getConnections - Return info about all open connections
- MongoClient::getHosts - Updates status for all associated hosts
- MongoClient::getReadPreference - Get the read preference for this connection
- MongoClient::getWriteConcern - Get the write concern for this connection
- MongoClient::killCursor - Kills a specific cursor on the server
- MongoClient::listDBs - Lists all of the databases available.
- MongoClient::selectCollection - Gets a database collection
- MongoClient::selectDB - Gets a database
- MongoClient::setReadPreference - Set the read preference for this connection
- MongoClient::setWriteConcern - Set the write concern for this connection
- MongoClient::__construct - Creates a new database connection object
- MongoClient::__get - Gets a database
- MongoClient::__toString - String representation of this connection
- MongoCode::__construct - Creates a new code object
- MongoCode::__toString - Returns this code as a string
- MongoCollection::aggregate - Perform an aggregation using the aggregation framework
- MongoCollection::aggregateCursor - Execute an aggregation pipeline command and retrieve results through a cursor
- MongoCollection::batchInsert - Inserts multiple documents into this collection
- MongoCollection::count - Counts the number of documents in this collection
- MongoCollection::createDBRef - Creates a database reference
- MongoCollection::createIndex - Creates an index on the specified field(s) if it does not already exist.
- MongoCollection::deleteIndex - Deletes an index from this collection
- MongoCollection::deleteIndexes - Delete all indices for this collection
- MongoCollection::distinct - Retrieve a list of distinct values for the given key across a collection.
- MongoCollection::drop - Drops this collection
- MongoCollection::ensureIndex - Creates an index on the specified field(s) if it does not already exist.
- MongoCollection::find - Queries this collection, returning a MongoCursor
for the result set
- MongoCollection::findAndModify - Update a document and return it
- MongoCollection::findOne - Queries this collection, returning a single element
- MongoCollection::getDBRef - Fetches the document pointed to by a database reference
- MongoCollection::getIndexInfo - Returns information about indexes on this collection
- MongoCollection::getName - Returns this collection's name
- MongoCollection::getReadPreference - Get the read preference for this collection
- MongoCollection::getSlaveOkay - Get slaveOkay setting for this collection
- MongoCollection::getWriteConcern - Get the write concern for this collection
- MongoCollection::group - Performs an operation similar to SQL's GROUP BY command
- MongoCollection::insert - Inserts a document into the collection
- MongoCollection::parallelCollectionScan - Returns an array of cursors to iterator over a full collection in parallel
- MongoCollection::remove - Remove records from this collection
- MongoCollection::save - Saves a document to this collection
- MongoCollection::setReadPreference - Set the read preference for this collection
- MongoCollection::setSlaveOkay - Change slaveOkay setting for this collection
- MongoCollection::setWriteConcern - Set the write concern for this database
- MongoCollection::toIndexString - Converts keys specifying an index to its identifying string
- MongoCollection::update - Update records based on a given criteria
- MongoCollection::validate - Validates this collection
- MongoCollection::__construct - Creates a new collection
- MongoCollection::__get - Gets a collection
- MongoCollection::__toString - String representation of this collection
- MongoCommandCursor::batchSize - Limits the number of elements returned in one batch.
- MongoCommandCursor::createFromDocument - Create a new command cursor from an existing command response document
- MongoCommandCursor::current - Returns the current element
- MongoCommandCursor::dead - Checks if there are results that have not yet been sent from the database
- MongoCommandCursor::getReadPreference - Get the read preference for this command
- MongoCommandCursor::info - Gets information about the cursor's creation and iteration
- MongoCommandCursor::key - Returns the current result's index within the result set
- MongoCommandCursor::next - Advances the cursor to the next result
- MongoCommandCursor::rewind - Executes the command and resets the cursor to the start of the result set
- MongoCommandCursor::setReadPreference - Set the read preference for this command
- MongoCommandCursor::timeout - Sets a client-side timeout for this command
- MongoCommandCursor::valid - Checks if the cursor is reading a valid result.
- MongoCommandCursor::__construct - Create a new command cursor
- MongoCursor::addOption - Adds a top-level key/value pair to a query
- MongoCursor::awaitData - Sets whether this cursor will wait for a while for a tailable cursor to return more data
- MongoCursor::batchSize - Limits the number of elements returned in one batch.
- MongoCursor::count - Counts the number of results for this query
- MongoCursor::current - Returns the current element
- MongoCursor::dead - Checks if there are results that have not yet been sent from the database
- MongoCursor::doQuery - Execute the query.
- MongoCursor::explain - Return an explanation of the query, often useful for optimization and debugging
- MongoCursor::fields - Sets the fields for a query
- MongoCursor::getNext - Advances the cursor to the next result, and returns that result
- MongoCursor::getReadPreference - Get the read preference for this query
- MongoCursor::hasNext - Checks if there are any more elements in this cursor
- MongoCursor::hint - Gives the database a hint about the query
- MongoCursor::immortal - Sets whether this cursor will timeout
- MongoCursor::info - Gets information about the cursor's creation and iteration
- MongoCursor::key - Returns the current result's _id, or its index within the result set
- MongoCursor::limit - Limits the number of results returned
- MongoCursor::maxTimeMS - Sets a server-side timeout for this query
- MongoCursor::next - Advances the cursor to the next result, and returns that result
- MongoCursor::partial - If this query should fetch partial results from mongos if a shard is down
- MongoCursor::reset - Clears the cursor
- MongoCursor::rewind - Returns the cursor to the beginning of the result set
- MongoCursor::setFlag - Sets arbitrary flags in case there is no method available the specific flag
- MongoCursor::setReadPreference - Set the read preference for this query
- MongoCursor::skip - Skips a number of results
- MongoCursor::slaveOkay - Sets whether this query can be done on a secondary [deprecated]
- MongoCursor::snapshot - Use snapshot mode for the query
- MongoCursor::sort - Sorts the results by given fields
- MongoCursor::tailable - Sets whether this cursor will be left open after fetching the last results
- MongoCursor::timeout - Sets a client-side timeout for this query
- MongoCursor::valid - Checks if the cursor is reading a valid result.
- MongoCursor::__construct - Create a new cursor
- MongoCursorException::getHost - The hostname of the server that encountered the error
- MongoCursorInterface::batchSize - Limits the number of elements returned in one batch.
- MongoCursorInterface::dead - Checks if there are results that have not yet been sent from the database
- MongoCursorInterface::getReadPreference - Get the read preference for this query
- MongoCursorInterface::info - Gets information about the cursor's creation and iteration
- MongoCursorInterface::setReadPreference - Set the read preference for this query
- MongoCursorInterface::timeout - Sets a client-side timeout for this query
- MongoDate::toDateTime - Returns a DateTime object representing this date
- MongoDate::__construct - Creates a new date.
- MongoDate::__toString - Returns a string representation of this date
- MongoDB::authenticate - Log in to this database
- MongoDB::command - Execute a database command
- MongoDB::createCollection - Creates a collection
- MongoDB::createDBRef - Creates a database reference
- MongoDB::drop - Drops this database
- MongoDB::dropCollection - Drops a collection [deprecated]
- MongoDB::execute - Runs JavaScript code on the database server [deprecated]
- MongoDB::forceError - Creates a database error
- MongoDB::getCollectionInfo - Returns information about collections in this database
- MongoDB::getCollectionNames - Gets an array of names for all collections in this database
- MongoDB::getDBRef - Fetches the document pointed to by a database reference
- MongoDB::getGridFS - Fetches toolkit for dealing with files stored in this database
- MongoDB::getProfilingLevel - Gets this database's profiling level
- MongoDB::getReadPreference - Get the read preference for this database
- MongoDB::getSlaveOkay - Get slaveOkay setting for this database
- MongoDB::getWriteConcern - Get the write concern for this database
- MongoDB::lastError - Check if there was an error on the most recent db operation performed
- MongoDB::listCollections - Gets an array of MongoCollection objects for all collections in this database
- MongoDB::prevError - Checks for the last error thrown during a database operation
- MongoDB::repair - Repairs and compacts this database
- MongoDB::resetError - Clears any flagged errors on the database
- MongoDB::selectCollection - Gets a collection
- MongoDB::setProfilingLevel - Sets this database's profiling level
- MongoDB::setReadPreference - Set the read preference for this database
- MongoDB::setSlaveOkay - Change slaveOkay setting for this database
- MongoDB::setWriteConcern - Set the write concern for this database
- MongoDB::__construct - Creates a new database
- MongoDB::__get - Gets a collection
- MongoDB::__toString - The name of this database
- MongoDB context options - MongoDB context option listing
- MongoDBRef::create - Creates a new database reference
- MongoDBRef::get - Fetches the object pointed to by a reference
- MongoDBRef::isRef - Checks if an array is a database reference
- MongoDB\BSON\Binary::getData - Returns the Binary's data
- MongoDB\BSON\Binary::getType - Returns the Binary's type
- MongoDB\BSON\Binary::__construct - Construct a new Binary
- MongoDB\BSON\Decimal128::__construct - Construct a new Decimal128
- MongoDB\BSON\Decimal128::__toString - Returns the string representation of this Decimal128
- MongoDB\BSON\fromJSON - Returns the BSON representation of a JSON value
- MongoDB\BSON\fromPHP - Returns the BSON representation of a PHP value
- MongoDB\BSON\Javascript::__construct - Construct a new Javascript
- MongoDB\BSON\MaxKey::__construct - Construct a new MaxKey
- MongoDB\BSON\MinKey::__construct - Construct a new MinKey
- MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID::__construct - Construct a new ObjectID
- MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID::__toString - Returns the hexidecimal representation of this ObjectID
- MongoDB\BSON\Regex::getFlags - Returns the Regex's flags
- MongoDB\BSON\Regex::getPattern - Returns the Regex's pattern
- MongoDB\BSON\Regex::__construct - Construct a new Regex
- MongoDB\BSON\Regex::__toString - Returns the string representation of this Regex
- MongoDB\BSON\Serializable::bsonSerialize - Provides an array or document to serialize as BSON
- MongoDB\BSON\Timestamp::__construct - Construct a new Timestamp
- MongoDB\BSON\Timestamp::__toString - Returns the string representation of this Timestamp
- MongoDB\BSON\toJSON - Returns the JSON representation of a BSON value
- MongoDB\BSON\toPHP - Returns the PHP representation of a BSON value
- MongoDB\BSON\Unserializable::bsonUnserialize - Constructs the object from a BSON array or document
- MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime::toDateTime - Returns the DateTime representation of this UTCDateTime
- MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime::__construct - Construct a new UTCDateTime
- MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime::__toString - Returns the string representation of this UTCDateTime
- MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite::count - Count number of write operations in the bulk
- MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite::delete - Add a delete operation to the bulk
- MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite::insert - Add an insert operation to the bulk
- MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite::update - Add an update operation to the bulk
- MongoDB\Driver\BulkWrite::__construct - Create a new BulkWrite
- MongoDB\Driver\Command::__construct - Create a new Command
- MongoDB\Driver\Cursor::getId - Returns the ID for this cursor
- MongoDB\Driver\Cursor::getServer - Returns the server associated with this cursor
- MongoDB\Driver\Cursor::isDead - Checks if the cursor is still open on the server
- MongoDB\Driver\Cursor::setTypeMap - Sets a type map to use for BSON unserialization
- MongoDB\Driver\Cursor::toArray - Returns an array containing all results for this cursor
- MongoDB\Driver\Cursor::__construct - Create a new Cursor (not used)
- MongoDB\Driver\CursorId::__construct - Create a new CursorId (not used)
- MongoDB\Driver\CursorId::__toString - String representation of the cursor ID
- MongoDB\Driver\Exception\WriteException::getWriteResult - Returns the WriteResult for the failed write operation
- MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeBulkWrite - Execute one or more write operations
- MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeCommand - Execute a database command
- MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeQuery - Execute a database query
- MongoDB\Driver\Manager::getServers - Return the servers to which this manager is connected
- MongoDB\Driver\Manager::selectServer - Select a server matching a read preference
- MongoDB\Driver\Manager::__construct - Create new MongoDB Manager
- MongoDB\Driver\Query::__construct - Construct new Query
- MongoDB\Driver\ReadConcern::bsonSerialize - Returns an object for BSON serialization
- MongoDB\Driver\ReadConcern::getLevel - Returns the ReadConcern's "level" option
- MongoDB\Driver\ReadConcern::__construct - Construct immutable ReadConcern
- MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::bsonSerialize - Returns an object for BSON serialization
- MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::getMode - Returns the ReadPreference's "mode" option
- MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::getTagSets - Returns the ReadPreference's "tagSets" option
- MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference::__construct - Construct immutable ReadPreference
- MongoDB\Driver\Server::executeBulkWrite - Execute one or more write operations on this server
- MongoDB\Driver\Server::executeCommand - Execute a database command on this server
- MongoDB\Driver\Server::executeQuery - Execute a database query on this server
- MongoDB\Driver\Server::getHost - Returns the hostname of this server
- MongoDB\Driver\Server::getInfo - Returns an array of information about this server
- MongoDB\Driver\Server::getLatency - Returns the latency of this server
- MongoDB\Driver\Server::getPort - Returns the port on which this server is listening
- MongoDB\Driver\Server::getTags - Returns an array of tags describing this server in a replica set
- MongoDB\Driver\Server::getType - Returns an integer denoting the type of this server
- MongoDB\Driver\Server::isArbiter - Checks if this server is an arbiter member of a replica set
- MongoDB\Driver\Server::isHidden - Checks if this server is a hidden member of a replica set
- MongoDB\Driver\Server::isPassive - Checks if this server is a passive member of a replica set
- MongoDB\Driver\Server::isPrimary - Checks if this server is a primary member of a replica set
- MongoDB\Driver\Server::isSecondary - Checks if this server is a secondary member of a replica set
- MongoDB\Driver\Server::__construct - Create a new Server (not used)
- MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern::bsonSerialize - Returns an object for BSON serialization
- MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern::getJournal - Returns the WriteConcern's "journal" option
- MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern::getW - Returns the WriteConcern's "w" option
- MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern::getWtimeout - Returns the WriteConcern's "wtimeout" option
- MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern::__construct - Construct immutable WriteConcern
- MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcernError::getCode - Returns the WriteConcernError's error code
- MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcernError::getInfo - Returns additional metadata for the WriteConcernError
- MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcernError::getMessage - Returns the WriteConcernError's error message
- MongoDB\Driver\WriteError::getCode - Returns the WriteError's error code
- MongoDB\Driver\WriteError::getIndex - Returns the index of the write operation corresponding to this WriteError
- MongoDB\Driver\WriteError::getInfo - Returns additional metadata for the WriteError
- MongoDB\Driver\WriteError::getMessage - Returns the WriteError's error message
- MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getDeletedCount - Returns the number of documents deleted
- MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getInsertedCount - Returns the number of documents inserted (excluding upserts)
- MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getMatchedCount - Returns the number of documents selected for update
- MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getModifiedCount - Returns the number of existing documents updated
- MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getServer - Returns the server associated with this write result
- MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getUpsertedCount - Returns the number of documents inserted by an upsert
- MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getUpsertedIds - Returns an array of identifiers for upserted documents
- MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getWriteConcernError - Returns any write concern error that occurred
- MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::getWriteErrors - Returns any write errors that occurred
- MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult::isAcknowledged - Returns whether the write was acknowledged
- MongoDeleteBatch::__construct - Description
- MongoGridFS::delete - Remove a file and its chunks from the database
- MongoGridFS::drop - Drops the files and chunks collections
- MongoGridFS::find - Queries for files
- MongoGridFS::findOne - Returns a single file matching the criteria
- MongoGridFS::get - Ruft eine Datei von der Datenbank ab.
- MongoGridFS::put - Speichert eine Datei in der Datenbank
- MongoGridFS::remove - Remove files and their chunks from the database
- MongoGridFS::storeBytes - Stores a string of bytes in the database
- MongoGridFS::storeFile - Stores a file in the database
- MongoGridFS::storeUpload - Stores an uploaded file in the database
- MongoGridFS::__construct - Creates new file collections
- MongoGridFSCursor::current - Returns the current file
- MongoGridFSCursor::getNext - Return the next file to which this cursor points, and advance the cursor
- MongoGridFSCursor::key - Returns the current result's filename
- MongoGridFSCursor::__construct - Create a new cursor
- MongoGridFSFile::getBytes - Returns this file's contents as a string of bytes
- MongoGridFSFile::getFilename - Returns this file's filename
- MongoGridFSFile::getResource - Returns a resource that can be used to read the stored file
- MongoGridFSFile::getSize - Returns this file's size
- MongoGridFSFile::write - Writes this file to the filesystem
- MongoGridfsFile::__construct - Create a new GridFS file
- MongoId::getHostname - Gets the hostname being used for this machine's ids
- MongoId::getInc - Gets the incremented value to create this id
- MongoId::getPID - Gets the process ID
- MongoId::getTimestamp - Gets the number of seconds since the epoch that this id was created
- MongoId::isValid - Check if a value is a valid ObjectId
- MongoId::__construct - Creates a new id
- MongoId::__set_state - Create a dummy MongoId
- MongoId::__toString - Returns a hexidecimal representation of this id
- MongoInsertBatch::__construct - Description
- MongoInt32::__construct - Creates a new 32-bit integer.
- MongoInt32::__toString - Returns the string representation of this 32-bit integer.
- MongoInt64::__construct - Creates a new 64-bit integer.
- MongoInt64::__toString - Returns the string representation of this 64-bit integer.
- MongoLog::getCallback - Gets the previously set callback function
- MongoLog::getLevel - Gets the level(s) currently being logged
- MongoLog::getModule - Gets the module(s) currently being logged
- MongoLog::setCallback - Sets a callback function to be invoked for events
- MongoLog::setLevel - Sets the level(s) to be logged
- MongoLog::setModule - Sets the module(s) to be logged
- MongoPool::getSize - Get pool size for connection pools
- MongoPool::info - Returns information about all connection pools.
- MongoPool::setSize - Set the size for future connection pools.
- MongoRegex::__construct - Creates a new regular expression
- MongoRegex::__toString - A string representation of this regular expression
- MongoResultException::getDocument - Retrieve the full result document
- MongoTimestamp::__construct - Creates a new timestamp.
- MongoTimestamp::__toString - Returns a string representation of this timestamp
- MongoUpdateBatch::__construct - Description
- MongoWriteBatch::add - Adds a write operation to a batch
- MongoWriteBatch::execute - Executes a batch of write operations
- MongoWriteBatch::__construct - Creates a new batch of write operations
- MongoWriteConcernException::getDocument - Get the error document
- move_uploaded_file - Verschiebt eine hochgeladene Datei an einen neuen Ort
- mqseries_back - MQSeries MQBACK
- mqseries_begin - MQseries MQBEGIN
- mqseries_close - MQSeries MQCLOSE
- mqseries_cmit - MQSeries MQCMIT
- mqseries_conn - MQSeries MQCONN
- mqseries_connx - MQSeries MQCONNX
- mqseries_disc - MQSeries MQDISC
- mqseries_get - MQSeries MQGET
- mqseries_inq - MQSeries MQINQ
- mqseries_open - MQSeries MQOPEN
- mqseries_put - MQSeries MQPUT
- mqseries_put1 - MQSeries MQPUT1
- mqseries_set - MQSeries MQSET
- mqseries_strerror - Returns the error message corresponding to a result code (MQRC).
- msession_connect - Baut eine Verbindung zum msession-Server auf
- msession_count - Gibt die Session-Zahl zurück
- msession_create - Erstellt eine Session
- msession_destroy - Zerstört eine Session
- msession_disconnect - Schließt eine Verbindung zum msession-Server
- msession_find - Sucht nach Sessions mit Name und Wert
- msession_get - Gibt einen Wert aus der Session zurück
- msession_get_array - Gibt ein Array mit msession-Variablen zurück
- msession_get_data - Get data session unstructured data
- msession_inc - Erhöht einen Wert innerhalb einer Session
- msession_list - Liste aller Sessions
- msession_listvar - Liste aller Sessions, die eine bestimmte Variable enthalten
- msession_lock - Sperrt eine Session
- msession_plugin - Ruft eine Escape-Funktion innerhalb des msession-Personality-Plugins auf
- msession_randstr - Gibt eine Zufallszeichenkette zurück
- msession_set - Setzt einen Wert in der Session
- msession_set_array - Setzt msession-Variablen aus einem Array
- msession_set_data - Set data session unstructured data
- msession_timeout - Setzt/liefert Session-Timeout
- msession_uniq - Gibt eine eindeutige ID zurück
- msession_unlock - Entsperrt eine Session
- msg_get_queue - Message Queue anlegen oder an existierende Queue anbinden
- msg_queue_exists - Check whether a message queue exists
- msg_receive - Receive a message from a message queue
- msg_remove_queue - Entfernt eine Message Queue
- msg_send - Send a message to a message queue
- msg_set_queue - Setzt Metadaten in derMessage Queue Datenstruktur
- msg_stat_queue - Liefert Informationen zu einer Message Queue
- msql - Alias für msql_db_query
- msql_affected_rows - Gibt die Anzahl der betroffenen Datensätze zurück
- msql_close - Schließt eine mSQL-Verbindung
- msql_connect - Öffnet eine mSQL-Verbindung
- msql_createdb - Alias von msql_create_db
- msql_create_db - Erzeugt eine mSQL Datenbank
- msql_data_seek - Bewegt den internen Datensatzzeiger
- msql_dbname - Alias von msql_result
- msql_db_query - Sendet eine mSQL Abfrage an den Server
- msql_drop_db - Löscht eine mSQL Datenbank
- msql_error - Gibt die letzte mSQL-Fehlermeldung zurück
- msql_fetch_array - Holt eine Zeile als Array
- msql_fetch_field - Gibt Feldinformationen in einem Objekt zurück
- msql_fetch_object - Holt eine Zeile als Objekt
- msql_fetch_row - Holt eine Zeile als numerisches Array
- msql_fieldflags - Alias für msql_field_flags
- msql_fieldlen - Alias für msql_field_len
- msql_fieldname - Alias für msql_field_name
- msql_fieldtable - Alias für msql_field_table
- msql_fieldtype - Alias für msql_field_type
- msql_field_flags - Gibt alle Flags für das angegebene Feld zurück
- msql_field_len - Gibt die Länge des angegebenen Feldes zurück
- msql_field_name - Gibt den Feldnamen des bezeichneten Feldes zurück
- msql_field_seek - Setzt den internen Feld-Zeiger auf den angegebenen Feldindex
- msql_field_table - Gibt den Tabellennamen für ein Feld zurück
- msql_field_type - Gibt den Datentyp des angegebenen Feldes zurück
- msql_free_result - Gibt den durch Ergebnisse belegten Speicher frei
- msql_list_dbs - Listet alle mSQL Datenbanken auf dem Server auf
- msql_list_fields - Listet alle Felder einer Tabelle auf
- msql_list_tables - Listet alle Tabellen einer mSQL-Datenbank auf
- msql_numfields - Alias für msql_num_fields
- msql_numrows - Alias für msql_num_rows
- msql_num_fields - Gibt die Anzahl der Felder in einem Abfrageergebnis zurück
- msql_num_rows - Gibt die Anzahl der Zeilen in einem Abfrageergebnis zurück
- msql_pconnect - Öffnet eine persistente mSQL-Verbindung
- msql_query - Schickt eine mSQL-Abfrage zum Server
- msql_regcase - Alias für sql_regcase
- msql_result - Holt den Wert eines einzelnen Feldes
- msql_select_db - Wählt eine mSQL Datenbank aus
- msql_tablename - Alias für msql_result
- mssql_bind - Fügt einer Stored Procedure oder einer Remote Stored Procedure einen Parameter hinzu
- mssql_close - Schließt die Verbindung zum MS SQL Server
- mssql_connect - Baut eine Verbindung zum MS SQL Server auf
- mssql_data_seek - Bewegt den internen Datensatzzeiger
- mssql_execute - Führt eine Stored Procedure in einer MS SQL-Datenbank aus
- mssql_fetch_array - Liefert einen Ergebnis-Datensatz als assoziatives Array, als numerisches Array oder beides
- mssql_fetch_assoc - Liefert ein assoziatives Array des aktuellen Datensatzes aus dem Ergebnis, das durch die Ergebniskennung bestimmt ist
- mssql_fetch_batch - Liefert den nächsten Stapel von Datensätzen
- mssql_fetch_field - Liefert Informationen über ein Feld
- mssql_fetch_object - Liefert einen Datensatz als Objekt
- mssql_fetch_row - Liefert einen Datensatz als indiziertes Array
- mssql_field_length - Liefert die Länge eines Feldes
- mssql_field_name - Liefert den Namen eines Feldes
- mssql_field_seek - Setzt einen Feld-Offset
- mssql_field_type - Liefert den Typ eines Feldes
- mssql_free_result - Gibt den Ergebnisspeicher frei
- mssql_free_statement - Gibt den Anweisungsspeicher frei
- mssql_get_last_message - Gibt die letzte Meldung des Servers zurück
- mssql_guid_string - Wandelt eine binäre GUID mit 16 Bytes in eine Zeichenkette um
- mssql_init - Initialisiert eine Stored Procedure oder eine Remote Stored Procedure
- mssql_min_error_severity - Setzt die untere Fehlerschwelle
- mssql_min_message_severity - Setzt die untere Schwelle für Meldungen
- mssql_next_result - Bewegt den internen Ergebnis-Zeiger zum nächsten Ergebnis
- mssql_num_fields - Liefert die Anzahl der Felder eines Ergebnisses
- mssql_num_rows - Liefert die Anzahl der Datensätze eines Ergebnisses
- mssql_pconnect - Baut eine persistente MS SQL Verbindung auf
- mssql_query - Sendet eine MS SQL Anfrage
- mssql_result - Liefert die bei einer Abfrage gefundenen Daten
- mssql_rows_affected - Liefert die Anzahl der von einer Anfrage betroffenen Datensätze
- mssql_select_db - Wählt eine MS SQL Datenbank aus
- mt_getrandmax - Zeigt den größtmöglichen Zufallswert an
- mt_rand - Erzeugt "bessere" Zufallszahlen
- mt_srand - Setzt den besseren Zufallszahlengenerator
- MultipleIterator::attachIterator - Attaches iterator information
- MultipleIterator::containsIterator - Checks if an iterator is attached
- MultipleIterator::countIterators - Gets the number of attached iterator instances
- MultipleIterator::current - Gets the registered iterator instances
- MultipleIterator::detachIterator - Detaches an iterator
- MultipleIterator::getFlags - Gets the flag information
- MultipleIterator::key - Gets the registered iterator instances
- MultipleIterator::next - Moves all attached iterator instances forward
- MultipleIterator::rewind - Rewinds all attached iterator instances
- MultipleIterator::setFlags - Sets flags
- MultipleIterator::valid - Checks the validity of sub iterators
- MultipleIterator::__construct - Constructs a new MultipleIterator
- Mutex::create - Create a Mutex
- Mutex::destroy - Destroy Mutex
- Mutex::lock - Acquire Mutex
- Mutex::trylock - Attempt to Acquire Mutex
- Mutex::unlock - Release Mutex
- mysqli::$affected_rows - Ermittelt die Anzahl der betroffenen Zeilen in einem vorherigen MySQL Vorgang
- mysqli::$client_info - Get MySQL client info
- mysqli::$connect_errno - Returns the error code from last connect call
- mysqli::$connect_error - Returns a string description of the last connect error
- mysqli::$errno - Returns the error code for the most recent function call
- mysqli::$error - Returns a string description of the last error
- mysqli::$error_list - Returns a list of errors from the last command executed
- mysqli::$field_count - Returns the number of columns for the most recent query
- mysqli::$host_info - Returns a string representing the type of connection used
- mysqli::$info - Retrieves information about the most recently executed query
- mysqli::$insert_id - Returns the auto generated id used in the latest query
- mysqli::$protocol_version - Returns the version of the MySQL protocol used
- mysqli::$server_info - Returns the version of the MySQL server
- mysqli::$server_version - Returns the version of the MySQL server as an integer
- mysqli::$sqlstate - Returns the SQLSTATE error from previous MySQL operation
- mysqli::$thread_id - Returns the thread ID for the current connection
- mysqli::$warning_count - Gibt die Anzahl an Warnungen für den letzten Query der übergebenen Verbindung zurück.
- mysqli::autocommit - Aktiviert oder deaktiviert automatisches Bestätigen von Datenbankänderungen
- mysqli::begin_transaction - Starts a transaction
- mysqli::change_user - Changes the user of the specified database connection
- mysqli::character_set_name - Returns the default character set for the database connection
- mysqli::close - Schließt die zuvor geöffnete Datenbankverbindung
- mysqli::commit - Commits the current transaction
- mysqli::debug - Performs debugging operations
- mysqli::disable_reads_from_master - Disable reads from master
- mysqli::dump_debug_info - Dump debugging information into the log
- mysqli::get_charset - Returns a character set object
- mysqli::get_client_info - Get MySQL client info
- mysqli::get_connection_stats - Returns statistics about the client connection
- mysqli::get_warnings - Get result of SHOW WARNINGS
- mysqli::init - Initializes MySQLi and returns a resource for use with mysqli_real_connect()
- mysqli::kill - Asks the server to kill a MySQL thread
- mysqli::more_results - Check if there are any more query results from a multi query
- mysqli::multi_query - Performs a query on the database
- mysqli::next_result - Prepare next result from multi_query
- mysqli::options - Set options
- mysqli::ping - Pings a server connection, or tries to reconnect if the connection has gone down
- mysqli::poll - Poll connections
- mysqli::prepare - Prepare an SQL statement for execution
- mysqli::query - Performs a query on the database
- mysqli::real_connect - Opens a connection to a mysql server
- mysqli::real_escape_string - Escapes special characters in a string for use in an SQL statement, taking into account the current charset of the connection
- mysqli::real_query - Execute an SQL query
- mysqli::reap_async_query - Get result from async query
- mysqli::refresh - Refreshes
- mysqli::release_savepoint - Removes the named savepoint from the set of savepoints of the current transaction
- mysqli::rollback - Rolls back current transaction
- mysqli::rpl_query_type - Returns RPL query type
- mysqli::savepoint - Set a named transaction savepoint
- mysqli::select_db - Selects the default database for database queries
- mysqli::send_query - Send the query and return
- mysqli::set_charset - Sets the default client character set
- mysqli::set_local_infile_default - Unsets user defined handler for load local infile command
- mysqli::set_local_infile_handler - Set callback function for LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE command
- mysqli::set_opt - Alias für mysqli_options
- mysqli::ssl_set - Used for establishing secure connections using SSL
- mysqli::stat - Liefert den aktuellen System Status
- mysqli::stmt_init - Initializes a statement and returns an object for use with mysqli_stmt_prepare
- mysqli::store_result - Transfers a result set from the last query
- mysqli::thread_safe - Returns whether thread safety is given or not
- mysqli::use_result - Initiate a result set retrieval
- mysqli::__construct - Open a new connection to the MySQL server
- mysqli_bind_param - Alias für mysqli_stmt_bind_param
- mysqli_bind_result - Alias für mysqli_stmt_bind_result
- mysqli_client_encoding - Alias für mysqli_character_set_name
- mysqli_connect - Alias von mysqli::__construct
- mysqli_disable_rpl_parse - Disable RPL parse
- mysqli_driver::$report_mode - Enables or disables internal report functions
- mysqli_driver::embedded_server_end - Stop embedded server
- mysqli_driver::embedded_server_start - Initialize and start embedded server
- mysqli_enable_reads_from_master - Enable reads from master
- mysqli_enable_rpl_parse - Enable RPL parse
- mysqli_escape_string - Alias von mysqli_real_escape_string
- mysqli_execute - Alias für mysqli_stmt_execute
- mysqli_fetch - Alias für mysqli_stmt_fetch
- mysqli_get_cache_stats - Returns client Zval cache statistics
- mysqli_get_client_stats - Returns client per-process statistics
- mysqli_get_client_version - Returns the MySQL client version as an integer
- mysqli_get_links_stats - Return information about open and cached links
- mysqli_get_metadata - Alias für mysqli_stmt_result_metadata
- mysqli_master_query - Führt einen Query auf dem Master in einer Master/Slaver Umegbung durch.
- mysqli_param_count - Alias für mysqli_stmt_param_count
- mysqli_report - Alias von für mysqli_driver->report_mode
- mysqli_result::$current_field - Get current field offset of a result pointer
- mysqli_result::$field_count - Get the number of fields in a result
- mysqli_result::$lengths - Returns the lengths of the columns of the current row in the result set
- mysqli_result::$num_rows - Gets the number of rows in a result
- mysqli_result::data_seek - Adjusts the result pointer to an arbitrary row in the result
- mysqli_result::fetch_all - Fetches all result rows as an associative array, a numeric array, or both
- mysqli_result::fetch_array - Fetch a result row as an associative, a numeric array, or both
- mysqli_result::fetch_assoc - Fetch a result row as an associative array
- mysqli_result::fetch_field - Returns the next field in the result set
- mysqli_result::fetch_fields - Returns an array of objects representing the fields in a result set
- mysqli_result::fetch_field_direct - Fetch meta-data for a single field
- mysqli_result::fetch_object - Returns the current row of a result set as an object
- mysqli_result::fetch_row - Get a result row as an enumerated array
- mysqli_result::field_seek - Set result pointer to a specified field offset
- mysqli_result::free - Frees the memory associated with a result
- mysqli_rpl_parse_enabled - Check if RPL parse is enabled
- mysqli_rpl_probe - RPL probe
- mysqli_send_long_data - Alias für mysqli_stmt_send_long_data
- mysqli_slave_query - Führt einen Query auf dem Slave in einer Master/Slave Umgebung durch
- mysqli_stmt::$affected_rows - gibt die gesamte Anzahl der Zeilen zurück, die bei der letzten ausgeführten Anweisung geändert,
gelöscht oder eingefügt worden sind
- mysqli_stmt::$errno - Returns the error code for the most recent statement call
- mysqli_stmt::$error - Returns a string description for last statement error
- mysqli_stmt::$error_list - Returns a list of errors from the last statement executed
- mysqli_stmt::$field_count - Returns the number of field in the given statement
- mysqli_stmt::$insert_id - Get the ID generated from the previous INSERT operation
- mysqli_stmt::$num_rows - gibt die Anzahl der Zeilen einer Ergebnismenge zurück
- mysqli_stmt::$param_count - Gibt die Anzahl der Parameter der gegebenen Anweisung zurück
- mysqli_stmt::$sqlstate - Gibt den SQL-Status von der vorangegangenen Ausführung der Anweisung zurück
- mysqli_stmt::attr_get - Wird verwendet, um den augenblicklichen Wert eines Attributs der Anweisung zu erhalten
- mysqli_stmt::attr_set - Wird verwendet, um das Verhalten einer vorbereiteten Anweisung (prepared statement) zu verändern.
- mysqli_stmt::bind_param - Bindet Variablen als Parameter an eine vorbereitete Anweisung (prepared statement)
- mysqli_stmt::bind_result - Bindet Variablen an eine vorbereitete Anweisung (prepared statement), um das Ergebnis einer Abfrage abzulegen.
- mysqli_stmt::close - Schließt eine vorbereitete Anweisung (prepared statement)
- mysqli_stmt::data_seek - Geht zu einer beliebigen Zeile in der Ergebnismenge einer Abfrage.
- mysqli_stmt::execute - Executes a prepared Query
- mysqli_stmt::fetch - Fetch results from a prepared statement into the bound variables
- mysqli_stmt::free_result - Frees stored result memory for the given statement handle
- mysqli_stmt::get_result - Gets a result set from a prepared statement
- mysqli_stmt::get_warnings - Get result of SHOW WARNINGS
- mysqli_stmt::more_results - Prüft, ob es weitere Ergebnismengen bei einer Mehrfachabfrage gibt.
- mysqli_stmt::next_result - Liest die nächste Ergebnismenge einer Mehrfachabfrage aus.
- mysqli_stmt::prepare - Prepare an SQL statement for execution
- mysqli_stmt::reset - Resets a prepared statement
- mysqli_stmt::result_metadata - Returns result set metadata from a prepared statement
- mysqli_stmt::send_long_data - Sendet Daten blockweise
- mysqli_stmt::store_result - Holt die Ergebnismenge einer vorbereiteten Anweisung (Prepared Statement)
- mysqli_stmt::__construct - Erzeugt ein neues mysqli_stmt Objekt
- mysqli_warning::next - The next purpose
- mysqli_warning::__construct - The __construct purpose
- MysqlndUhConnection::changeUser - Changes the user of the specified mysqlnd database connection
- MysqlndUhConnection::charsetName - Returns the default character set for the database connection
- MysqlndUhConnection::close - Closes a previously opened database connection
- MysqlndUhConnection::connect - Open a new connection to the MySQL server
- MysqlndUhConnection::endPSession - End a persistent connection
- MysqlndUhConnection::escapeString - Escapes special characters in a string for use in an SQL statement,
taking into account the current charset of the connection
- MysqlndUhConnection::getAffectedRows - Gets the number of affected rows in a previous MySQL operation
- MysqlndUhConnection::getErrorNumber - Returns the error code for the most recent function call
- MysqlndUhConnection::getErrorString - Returns a string description of the last error
- MysqlndUhConnection::getFieldCount - Returns the number of columns for the most recent query
- MysqlndUhConnection::getHostInformation - Returns a string representing the type of connection used
- MysqlndUhConnection::getLastInsertId - Returns the auto generated id used in the last query.
- MysqlndUhConnection::getLastMessage - Retrieves information about the most recently executed query
- MysqlndUhConnection::getProtocolInformation - Returns the version of the MySQL protocol used
- MysqlndUhConnection::getServerInformation - Returns the version of the MySQL server
- MysqlndUhConnection::getServerStatistics - Gets the current system status
- MysqlndUhConnection::getServerVersion - Returns the version of the MySQL server as an integer
- MysqlndUhConnection::getSqlstate - Returns the SQLSTATE error from previous MySQL operation
- MysqlndUhConnection::getStatistics - Returns statistics about the client connection.
- MysqlndUhConnection::getThreadId - Returns the thread ID for the current connection
- MysqlndUhConnection::getWarningCount - Returns the number of warnings from the last query for the given link
- MysqlndUhConnection::init - Initialize mysqlnd connection
- MysqlndUhConnection::killConnection - Asks the server to kill a MySQL thread
- MysqlndUhConnection::listFields - List MySQL table fields
- MysqlndUhConnection::listMethod - Wrapper for assorted list commands
- MysqlndUhConnection::moreResults - Check if there are any more query results from a multi query
- MysqlndUhConnection::nextResult - Prepare next result from multi_query
- MysqlndUhConnection::ping - Pings a server connection, or tries to reconnect if the connection has gone down
- MysqlndUhConnection::query - Performs a query on the database
- MysqlndUhConnection::queryReadResultsetHeader - Read a result set header
- MysqlndUhConnection::reapQuery - Get result from async query
- MysqlndUhConnection::refreshServer - Flush or reset tables and caches
- MysqlndUhConnection::restartPSession - Restart a persistent mysqlnd connection
- MysqlndUhConnection::selectDb - Selects the default database for database queries
- MysqlndUhConnection::sendClose - Sends a close command to MySQL
- MysqlndUhConnection::sendQuery - Sends a query to MySQL
- MysqlndUhConnection::serverDumpDebugInformation - Dump debugging information into the log for the MySQL server
- MysqlndUhConnection::setAutocommit - Turns on or off auto-committing database modifications
- MysqlndUhConnection::setCharset - Sets the default client character set
- MysqlndUhConnection::setClientOption - Sets a client option
- MysqlndUhConnection::setServerOption - Sets a server option
- MysqlndUhConnection::shutdownServer - The shutdownServer purpose
- MysqlndUhConnection::simpleCommand - Sends a basic COM_* command
- MysqlndUhConnection::simpleCommandHandleResponse - Process a response for a basic COM_* command send to the client
- MysqlndUhConnection::sslSet - Used for establishing secure connections using SSL
- MysqlndUhConnection::stmtInit - Initializes a statement and returns a resource for use with mysqli_statement::prepare
- MysqlndUhConnection::storeResult - Transfers a result set from the last query
- MysqlndUhConnection::txCommit - Commits the current transaction
- MysqlndUhConnection::txRollback - Rolls back current transaction
- MysqlndUhConnection::useResult - Initiate a result set retrieval
- MysqlndUhConnection::__construct - The __construct purpose
- MysqlndUhPreparedStatement::execute - Executes a prepared Query
- MysqlndUhPreparedStatement::prepare - Prepare an SQL statement for execution
- MysqlndUhPreparedStatement::__construct - The __construct purpose
- mysqlnd_memcache_get_config - Returns information about the plugin configuration
- mysqlnd_memcache_set - Associate a MySQL connection with a Memcache connection
- mysqlnd_ms_dump_servers - Returns a list of currently configured servers
- mysqlnd_ms_fabric_select_global - Switch to global sharding server for a given table
- mysqlnd_ms_fabric_select_shard - Switch to shard
- mysqlnd_ms_get_last_gtid - Returns the latest global transaction ID
- mysqlnd_ms_get_last_used_connection - Returns an array which describes the last used connection
- mysqlnd_ms_get_stats - Returns query distribution and connection statistics
- mysqlnd_ms_match_wild - Finds whether a table name matches a wildcard pattern or not
- mysqlnd_ms_query_is_select - Find whether to send the query to the master, the slave or the last used MySQL server
- mysqlnd_ms_set_qos - Sets the quality of service needed from the cluster
- mysqlnd_ms_set_user_pick_server - Sets a callback for user-defined read/write splitting
- mysqlnd_ms_xa_begin - Starts a distributed/XA transaction among MySQL servers
- mysqlnd_ms_xa_commit - Commits a distributed/XA transaction among MySQL servers
- mysqlnd_ms_xa_gc - Garbage collects unfinished XA transactions after severe errors
- mysqlnd_ms_xa_rollback - Rolls back a distributed/XA transaction among MySQL servers
- mysqlnd_qc_clear_cache - Flush all cache contents
- mysqlnd_qc_get_available_handlers - Returns a list of available storage handler
- mysqlnd_qc_get_cache_info - Returns information on the current handler, the number of cache entries and cache entries, if available
- mysqlnd_qc_get_core_stats - Statistics collected by the core of the query cache
- mysqlnd_qc_get_normalized_query_trace_log - Returns a normalized query trace log for each query inspected by the query cache
- mysqlnd_qc_get_query_trace_log - Returns a backtrace for each query inspected by the query cache
- mysqlnd_qc_set_cache_condition - Set conditions for automatic caching
- mysqlnd_qc_set_is_select - Installs a callback which decides whether a statement is cached
- mysqlnd_qc_set_storage_handler - Change current storage handler
- mysqlnd_qc_set_user_handlers - Sets the callback functions for a user-defined procedural storage handler
- mysqlnd_uh_convert_to_mysqlnd - Converts a MySQL connection handle into a mysqlnd connection handle
- mysqlnd_uh_set_connection_proxy - Installs a proxy for mysqlnd connections
- mysqlnd_uh_set_statement_proxy - Installs a proxy for mysqlnd statements
- mysql_affected_rows - Liefert die Anzahl betroffener Datensätze einer vorhergehenden
MySQL Operation
- mysql_client_encoding - Liefert den Namen des Zeichensatzes
- mysql_close - Schließt eine Verbindung zu MySQL
- mysql_connect - Öffnet eine Verbindung zu einem MySQL-Server
- mysql_create_db - Anlegen einer MySQL-Datenbank
- mysql_data_seek - Bewegt den internen Ergebnis-Zeiger
- mysql_db_name - Liefert Schema Namen vom Aufruf von mysql_list_dbs
- mysql_db_query - Selektiert ein Schema und führt in ihm Anfrage aus
- mysql_drop_db - Löschen eines Schemas
- mysql_errno - Liefert die Nummer einer Fehlermeldung einer zuvor ausgeführten MySQL Operation
- mysql_error - Liefert den Fehlertext der zuvor ausgeführten MySQL Operation
- mysql_escape_string - Maskiert einen String zur Benutzung in einer MySQL Abfrage
- mysql_fetch_array - Liefert einen Datensatz als assoziatives Array, als numerisches Array oder beides
- mysql_fetch_assoc - Liefert einen Datensatz als assoziatives Array
- mysql_fetch_field - Liefert ein Objekt mit Feldinformationen aus einem Anfrageergebnis
- mysql_fetch_lengths - Liefert die Länge eines jeden Feldes in einem Ergebnis
- mysql_fetch_object - Liefert eine Ergebniszeile als Objekt
- mysql_fetch_row - Liefert einen Datensatz als indiziertes Array
- mysql_field_flags - Liefert die Flags des spezifizierten Feldes in einem Anfrageergebnis
- mysql_field_len - Liefert die Länge des angegebenen Feldes
- mysql_field_name - Liefert den Namen eines Feldes in einem Ergebnis
- mysql_field_seek - Setzt den Ergebniszeiger auf ein bestimmtes Feldoffset
- mysql_field_table - Liefert den Namen der Tabelle, die das genannte Feld enthält
- mysql_field_type - Liefert den Typ des spezifizierten Feldes in einem Ergebnis
- mysql_free_result - Gibt belegten Speicher wieder frei
- mysql_get_client_info - Liefert MySQL Clientinformationen
- mysql_get_host_info - Liefert MySQL Host Informationen
- mysql_get_proto_info - Liefert MySQL Protokollinformationen
- mysql_get_server_info - Liefert MySQL Server Informationen
- mysql_info - Liefert Informationen über die zuletzt ausgeführte Anfrage zurück
- mysql_insert_id - Liefert die ID, die in der vorherigen Abfrage erzeugt wurde
- mysql_list_dbs - Auflistung der verfügbaren Datenbanken (Schemata) auf einem MySQL Server
- mysql_list_fields - Listet MySQL Tabellenfelder auf
- mysql_list_processes - Zeigt die MySQL Prozesse an
- mysql_list_tables - Listet Tabellen in einer MySQL Datenbank auf
- mysql_num_fields - Liefert die Anzahl der Felder in einem Ergebnis
- mysql_num_rows - Liefert die Anzahl der Zeilen im Ergebnis
- mysql_pconnect - Öffnet eine persistente Verbindung zum MySQL Server
- mysql_ping - Ping a server connection or reconnect if there is no connection
- mysql_query - Sendet eine Anfrage an MySQL
- mysql_real_escape_string - Maskiert spezielle Zeichen innerhalb eines Strings für die
Verwendung in einer SQL-Anweisung
- mysql_result - Liefert Ergebnis
- mysql_select_db - Auswahl einer MySQL Datenbank
- mysql_set_charset - Setzt den Verbindungszeichensatz
- mysql_stat - Zeigt den momentanen Serverstatus an
- mysql_tablename - Liefert den Namen einer Tabelle
- mysql_thread_id - Zeigt die aktuelle Thread ID an
- mysql_unbuffered_query - Sendet eine SQL Anfrage an MySQL, ohne Ergebniszeilen abzuholen und zu puffern
- m_checkstatus - Check to see if a transaction has completed
- m_completeauthorizations - Number of complete authorizations in queue, returning an array of their identifiers
- m_connect - Establish the connection to MCVE
- m_connectionerror - Get a textual representation of why a connection failed
- m_deletetrans - Delete specified transaction from MCVE_CONN structure
- m_destroyconn - Destroy the connection and MCVE_CONN structure
- m_destroyengine - Free memory associated with IP/SSL connectivity
- m_getcell - Get a specific cell from a comma delimited response by column name
- m_getcellbynum - Get a specific cell from a comma delimited response by column number
- m_getcommadelimited - Get the RAW comma delimited data returned from MCVE
- m_getheader - Get the name of the column in a comma-delimited response
- m_initconn - Create and initialize an MCVE_CONN structure
- m_initengine - Ready the client for IP/SSL Communication
- m_iscommadelimited - Checks to see if response is comma delimited
- m_maxconntimeout - The maximum amount of time the API will attempt a connection to MCVE
- m_monitor - Perform communication with MCVE (send/receive data) Non-blocking
- m_numcolumns - Number of columns returned in a comma delimited response
- m_numrows - Number of rows returned in a comma delimited response
- m_parsecommadelimited - Parse the comma delimited response so m_getcell, etc will work
- m_responsekeys - Returns array of strings which represents the keys that can be used
for response parameters on this transaction
- m_responseparam - Get a custom response parameter
- m_returnstatus - Check to see if the transaction was successful
- m_setblocking - Set blocking/non-blocking mode for connection
- m_setdropfile - Set the connection method to Drop-File
- m_setip - Set the connection method to IP
- m_setssl - Set the connection method to SSL
- m_setssl_cafile - Set SSL CA (Certificate Authority) file for verification of server
- m_setssl_files - Set certificate key files and certificates if server requires client certificate
- m_settimeout - Set maximum transaction time (per trans)
- m_sslcert_gen_hash - Generate hash for SSL client certificate verification
- m_transactionssent - Check to see if outgoing buffer is clear
- m_transinqueue - Number of transactions in client-queue
- m_transkeyval - Add key/value pair to a transaction. Replaces deprecated transparam()
- m_transnew - Start a new transaction
- m_transsend - Finalize and send the transaction
- m_uwait - Wait x microsecs
- m_validateidentifier - Whether or not to validate the passed identifier on any transaction it is passed to
- m_verifyconnection - Set whether or not to PING upon connect to verify connection
- m_verifysslcert - Set whether or not to verify the server ssl certificate
- n
- natcasesort - Sortiert ein Array in "natürlicher Reihenfolge", Groß/Kleinschreibung wird
- natsort - Sortiert ein Array in "natürlicher Reihenfolge"
- ncurses_addch - Add character at current position and advance cursor
- ncurses_addchnstr - Add attributed string with specified length at current position
- ncurses_addchstr - Add attributed string at current position
- ncurses_addnstr - Add string with specified length at current position
- ncurses_addstr - Output text at current position
- ncurses_assume_default_colors - Define default colors for color 0
- ncurses_attroff - Turn off the given attributes
- ncurses_attron - Turn on the given attributes
- ncurses_attrset - Set given attributes
- ncurses_baudrate - Returns baudrate of terminal
- ncurses_beep - Let the terminal beep
- ncurses_bkgd - Set background property for terminal screen
- ncurses_bkgdset - Control screen background
- ncurses_border - Draw a border around the screen using attributed characters
- ncurses_bottom_panel - Moves a visible panel to the bottom of the stack
- ncurses_can_change_color - Checks if terminal color definitions can be changed
- ncurses_cbreak - Switch off input buffering
- ncurses_clear - Clear screen
- ncurses_clrtobot - Clear screen from current position to bottom
- ncurses_clrtoeol - Clear screen from current position to end of line
- ncurses_color_content - Retrieves RGB components of a color
- ncurses_color_set - Set active foreground and background colors
- ncurses_curs_set - Set cursor state
- ncurses_define_key - Define a keycode
- ncurses_def_prog_mode - Saves terminals (program) mode
- ncurses_def_shell_mode - Saves terminals (shell) mode
- ncurses_delay_output - Delay output on terminal using padding characters
- ncurses_delch - Delete character at current position, move rest of line left
- ncurses_deleteln - Delete line at current position, move rest of screen up
- ncurses_delwin - Delete a ncurses window
- ncurses_del_panel - Remove panel from the stack and delete it (but not the associated window)
- ncurses_doupdate - Write all prepared refreshes to terminal
- ncurses_echo - Activate keyboard input echo
- ncurses_echochar - Single character output including refresh
- ncurses_end - Stop using ncurses, clean up the screen
- ncurses_erase - Erase terminal screen
- ncurses_erasechar - Returns current erase character
- ncurses_filter - Set LINES for iniscr() and newterm() to 1
- ncurses_flash - Flash terminal screen (visual bell)
- ncurses_flushinp - Flush keyboard input buffer
- ncurses_getch - Read a character from keyboard
- ncurses_getmaxyx - Returns the size of a window
- ncurses_getmouse - Reads mouse event
- ncurses_getyx - Returns the current cursor position for a window
- ncurses_halfdelay - Put terminal into halfdelay mode
- ncurses_has_colors - Checks if terminal has color capabilities
- ncurses_has_ic - Check for insert- and delete-capabilities
- ncurses_has_il - Check for line insert- and delete-capabilities
- ncurses_has_key - Check for presence of a function key on terminal keyboard
- ncurses_hide_panel - Remove panel from the stack, making it invisible
- ncurses_hline - Draw a horizontal line at current position using an attributed character and max. n characters long
- ncurses_inch - Get character and attribute at current position
- ncurses_init - Initialize ncurses
- ncurses_init_color - Define a terminal color
- ncurses_init_pair - Define a color pair
- ncurses_insch - Insert character moving rest of line including character at current position
- ncurses_insdelln - Insert lines before current line scrolling down (negative numbers delete and scroll up)
- ncurses_insertln - Insert a line, move rest of screen down
- ncurses_insstr - Insert string at current position, moving rest of line right
- ncurses_instr - Reads string from terminal screen
- ncurses_isendwin - Ncurses is in endwin mode, normal screen output may be performed
- ncurses_keyok - Enable or disable a keycode
- ncurses_keypad - Turns keypad on or off
- ncurses_killchar - Returns current line kill character
- ncurses_longname - Returns terminals description
- ncurses_meta - Enables/Disable 8-bit meta key information
- ncurses_mouseinterval - Set timeout for mouse button clicks
- ncurses_mousemask - Sets mouse options
- ncurses_mouse_trafo - Transforms coordinates
- ncurses_move - Move output position
- ncurses_move_panel - Moves a panel so that its upper-left corner is at [startx, starty]
- ncurses_mvaddch - Move current position and add character
- ncurses_mvaddchnstr - Move position and add attributed string with specified length
- ncurses_mvaddchstr - Move position and add attributed string
- ncurses_mvaddnstr - Move position and add string with specified length
- ncurses_mvaddstr - Move position and add string
- ncurses_mvcur - Move cursor immediately
- ncurses_mvdelch - Move position and delete character, shift rest of line left
- ncurses_mvgetch - Move position and get character at new position
- ncurses_mvhline - Set new position and draw a horizontal line using an attributed character and max. n characters long
- ncurses_mvinch - Move position and get attributed character at new position
- ncurses_mvvline - Set new position and draw a vertical line using an attributed character and max. n characters long
- ncurses_mvwaddstr - Add string at new position in window
- ncurses_napms - Sleep
- ncurses_newpad - Creates a new pad (window)
- ncurses_newwin - Create a new window
- ncurses_new_panel - Create a new panel and associate it with window
- ncurses_nl - Translate newline and carriage return / line feed
- ncurses_nocbreak - Switch terminal to cooked mode
- ncurses_noecho - Switch off keyboard input echo
- ncurses_nonl - Do not translate newline and carriage return / line feed
- ncurses_noqiflush - Do not flush on signal characters
- ncurses_noraw - Switch terminal out of raw mode
- ncurses_pair_content - Retrieves foreground and background colors of a color pair
- ncurses_panel_above - Returns the panel above panel
- ncurses_panel_below - Returns the panel below panel
- ncurses_panel_window - Returns the window associated with panel
- ncurses_pnoutrefresh - Copies a region from a pad into the virtual screen
- ncurses_prefresh - Copies a region from a pad into the virtual screen
- ncurses_putp - Apply padding information to the string and output it
- ncurses_qiflush - Flush on signal characters
- ncurses_raw - Switch terminal into raw mode
- ncurses_refresh - Refresh screen
- ncurses_replace_panel - Replaces the window associated with panel
- ncurses_resetty - Restores saved terminal state
- ncurses_reset_prog_mode - Resets the prog mode saved by def_prog_mode
- ncurses_reset_shell_mode - Resets the shell mode saved by def_shell_mode
- ncurses_savetty - Saves terminal state
- ncurses_scrl - Scroll window content up or down without changing current position
- ncurses_scr_dump - Dump screen content to file
- ncurses_scr_init - Initialize screen from file dump
- ncurses_scr_restore - Restore screen from file dump
- ncurses_scr_set - Inherit screen from file dump
- ncurses_show_panel - Places an invisible panel on top of the stack, making it visible
- ncurses_slk_attr - Returns current soft label key attribute
- ncurses_slk_attroff - Turn off the given attributes for soft function-key labels
- ncurses_slk_attron - Turn on the given attributes for soft function-key labels
- ncurses_slk_attrset - Set given attributes for soft function-key labels
- ncurses_slk_clear - Clears soft labels from screen
- ncurses_slk_color - Sets color for soft label keys
- ncurses_slk_init - Initializes soft label key functions
- ncurses_slk_noutrefresh - Copies soft label keys to virtual screen
- ncurses_slk_refresh - Copies soft label keys to screen
- ncurses_slk_restore - Restores soft label keys
- ncurses_slk_set - Sets function key labels
- ncurses_slk_touch - Forces output when ncurses_slk_noutrefresh is performed
- ncurses_standend - Stop using 'standout' attribute
- ncurses_standout - Start using 'standout' attribute
- ncurses_start_color - Initializes color functionality
- ncurses_termattrs - Returns a logical OR of all attribute flags supported by terminal
- ncurses_termname - Returns terminals (short)-name
- ncurses_timeout - Set timeout for special key sequences
- ncurses_top_panel - Moves a visible panel to the top of the stack
- ncurses_typeahead - Specify different filedescriptor for typeahead checking
- ncurses_ungetch - Put a character back into the input stream
- ncurses_ungetmouse - Pushes mouse event to queue
- ncurses_update_panels - Refreshes the virtual screen to reflect the relations between panels in the stack
- ncurses_use_default_colors - Assign terminal default colors to color id -1
- ncurses_use_env - Control use of environment information about terminal size
- ncurses_use_extended_names - Control use of extended names in terminfo descriptions
- ncurses_vidattr - Display the string on the terminal in the video attribute mode
- ncurses_vline - Draw a vertical line at current position using an attributed character and max. n characters long
- ncurses_waddch - Adds character at current position in a window and advance cursor
- ncurses_waddstr - Outputs text at current postion in window
- ncurses_wattroff - Turns off attributes for a window
- ncurses_wattron - Turns on attributes for a window
- ncurses_wattrset - Set the attributes for a window
- ncurses_wborder - Draws a border around the window using attributed characters
- ncurses_wclear - Clears window
- ncurses_wcolor_set - Sets windows color pairings
- ncurses_werase - Erase window contents
- ncurses_wgetch - Reads a character from keyboard (window)
- ncurses_whline - Draws a horizontal line in a window at current position using an attributed character and max. n characters long
- ncurses_wmouse_trafo - Transforms window/stdscr coordinates
- ncurses_wmove - Moves windows output position
- ncurses_wnoutrefresh - Copies window to virtual screen
- ncurses_wrefresh - Refresh window on terminal screen
- ncurses_wstandend - End standout mode for a window
- ncurses_wstandout - Enter standout mode for a window
- ncurses_wvline - Draws a vertical line in a window at current position using an attributed character and max. n characters long
- newt_bell - Send a beep to the terminal
- newt_button - Create a new button
- newt_button_bar - This function returns a grid containing the buttons created.
- newt_centered_window - Open a centered window of the specified size
- newt_checkbox - Beschreibung
- newt_checkbox_get_value - Retreives value of checkox resource
- newt_checkbox_set_flags - Configures checkbox resource
- newt_checkbox_set_value - Sets the value of the checkbox
- newt_checkbox_tree - Beschreibung
- newt_checkbox_tree_add_item - Adds new item to the checkbox tree
- newt_checkbox_tree_find_item - Finds an item in the checkbox tree
- newt_checkbox_tree_get_current - Returns checkbox tree selected item
- newt_checkbox_tree_get_entry_value - Beschreibung
- newt_checkbox_tree_get_multi_selection - Beschreibung
- newt_checkbox_tree_get_selection - Beschreibung
- newt_checkbox_tree_multi - Beschreibung
- newt_checkbox_tree_set_current - Beschreibung
- newt_checkbox_tree_set_entry - Beschreibung
- newt_checkbox_tree_set_entry_value - Beschreibung
- newt_checkbox_tree_set_width - Beschreibung
- newt_clear_key_buffer - Discards the contents of the terminal's input buffer without
waiting for additional input
- newt_cls - Beschreibung
- newt_compact_button - Beschreibung
- newt_component_add_callback - Beschreibung
- newt_component_takes_focus - Beschreibung
- newt_create_grid - Beschreibung
- newt_cursor_off - Beschreibung
- newt_cursor_on - Beschreibung
- newt_delay - Beschreibung
- newt_draw_form - Beschreibung
- newt_draw_root_text - Displays the string text at the position indicated
- newt_entry - Beschreibung
- newt_entry_get_value - Beschreibung
- newt_entry_set - Beschreibung
- newt_entry_set_filter - Beschreibung
- newt_entry_set_flags - Beschreibung
- newt_finished - Uninitializes newt interface
- newt_form - Create a form
- newt_form_add_component - Adds a single component to the form
- newt_form_add_components - Add several components to the form
- newt_form_add_hot_key - Beschreibung
- newt_form_destroy - Destroys a form
- newt_form_get_current - Beschreibung
- newt_form_run - Runs a form
- newt_form_set_background - Beschreibung
- newt_form_set_height - Beschreibung
- newt_form_set_size - Beschreibung
- newt_form_set_timer - Beschreibung
- newt_form_set_width - Beschreibung
- newt_form_watch_fd - Beschreibung
- newt_get_screen_size - Fills in the passed references with the current size of the
- newt_grid_add_components_to_form - Beschreibung
- newt_grid_basic_window - Beschreibung
- newt_grid_free - Beschreibung
- newt_grid_get_size - Beschreibung
- newt_grid_h_close_stacked - Beschreibung
- newt_grid_h_stacked - Beschreibung
- newt_grid_place - Beschreibung
- newt_grid_set_field - Beschreibung
- newt_grid_simple_window - Beschreibung
- newt_grid_v_close_stacked - Beschreibung
- newt_grid_v_stacked - Beschreibung
- newt_grid_wrapped_window - Beschreibung
- newt_grid_wrapped_window_at - Beschreibung
- newt_init - Initialize newt
- newt_label - Beschreibung
- newt_label_set_text - Beschreibung
- newt_listbox - Beschreibung
- newt_listbox_append_entry - Beschreibung
- newt_listbox_clear - Beschreibung
- newt_listbox_clear_selection - Beschreibung
- newt_listbox_delete_entry - Beschreibung
- newt_listbox_get_current - Beschreibung
- newt_listbox_get_selection - Beschreibung
- newt_listbox_insert_entry - Beschreibung
- newt_listbox_item_count - Beschreibung
- newt_listbox_select_item - Beschreibung
- newt_listbox_set_current - Beschreibung
- newt_listbox_set_current_by_key - Beschreibung
- newt_listbox_set_data - Beschreibung
- newt_listbox_set_entry - Beschreibung
- newt_listbox_set_width - Beschreibung
- newt_listitem - Beschreibung
- newt_listitem_get_data - Beschreibung
- newt_listitem_set - Beschreibung
- newt_open_window - Open a window of the specified size and position
- newt_pop_help_line - Replaces the current help line with the one from the stack
- newt_pop_window - Removes the top window from the display
- newt_push_help_line - Saves the current help line on a stack, and displays the new line
- newt_radiobutton - Beschreibung
- newt_radio_get_current - Beschreibung
- newt_redraw_help_line - Beschreibung
- newt_reflow_text - Beschreibung
- newt_refresh - Updates modified portions of the screen
- newt_resize_screen - Beschreibung
- newt_resume - Resume using the newt interface after calling
- newt_run_form - Runs a form
- newt_scale - Beschreibung
- newt_scale_set - Beschreibung
- newt_scrollbar_set - Beschreibung
- newt_set_help_callback - Beschreibung
- newt_set_suspend_callback - Set a callback function which gets invoked when user
presses the suspend key
- newt_suspend - Tells newt to return the terminal to its initial state
- newt_textbox - Beschreibung
- newt_textbox_get_num_lines - Beschreibung
- newt_textbox_reflowed - Beschreibung
- newt_textbox_set_height - Beschreibung
- newt_textbox_set_text - Beschreibung
- newt_vertical_scrollbar - Beschreibung
- newt_wait_for_key - Doesn't return until a key has been pressed
- newt_win_choice - Beschreibung
- newt_win_entries - Beschreibung
- newt_win_menu - Beschreibung
- newt_win_message - Beschreibung
- newt_win_messagev - Beschreibung
- newt_win_ternary - Beschreibung
- next - Rückt den internen Zeiger eines Arrays vor
- ngettext - Pluralversion von gettext
- nl2br - Fügt vor allen Zeilenumbrüchen eines Strings HTML-Zeilenumbrüche ein
- nl_langinfo - Query-Language und Locale Information
- NoRewindIterator::current - Get the current value
- NoRewindIterator::getInnerIterator - Get the inner iterator
- NoRewindIterator::key - Get the current key
- NoRewindIterator::next - Forward to the next element
- NoRewindIterator::rewind - Prevents the rewind operation on the inner iterator.
- NoRewindIterator::valid - Validates the iterator
- NoRewindIterator::__construct - Construct a NoRewindIterator
- Normalizer::isNormalized - Checks if the provided string is already in the specified normalization
- Normalizer::normalize - Normalizes the input provided and returns the normalized string
- nsapi_request_headers - Fetch all HTTP request headers
- nsapi_response_headers - Fetch all HTTP response headers
- nsapi_virtual - Perform an NSAPI sub-request
- NumberFormatter::create - Create a number formatter
- NumberFormatter::format - Format a number
- NumberFormatter::formatCurrency - Format a currency value
- NumberFormatter::getAttribute - Get an attribute
- NumberFormatter::getErrorCode - Get formatter's last error code.
- NumberFormatter::getErrorMessage - Get formatter's last error message.
- NumberFormatter::getLocale - Get formatter locale
- NumberFormatter::getPattern - Get formatter pattern
- NumberFormatter::getSymbol - Get a symbol value
- NumberFormatter::getTextAttribute - Get a text attribute
- NumberFormatter::parse - Parse a number
- NumberFormatter::parseCurrency - Parse a currency number
- NumberFormatter::setAttribute - Set an attribute
- NumberFormatter::setPattern - Set formatter pattern
- NumberFormatter::setSymbol - Set a symbol value
- NumberFormatter::setTextAttribute - Set a text attribute
- number_format - Formatiert eine Zahl mit Tausender-Trennzeichen
- o
- OAuth::disableDebug - Turn off verbose debugging
- OAuth::disableRedirects - Turn off redirects
- OAuth::disableSSLChecks - Turn off SSL checks
- OAuth::enableDebug - Turn on verbose debugging
- OAuth::enableRedirects - Turn on redirects
- OAuth::enableSSLChecks - Turn on SSL checks
- OAuth::fetch - Fetch an OAuth protected resource
- OAuth::generateSignature - Generate a signature
- OAuth::getAccessToken - Fetch an access token
- OAuth::getCAPath - Gets CA information
- OAuth::getLastResponse - Get the last response
- OAuth::getLastResponseHeaders - Get headers for last response
- OAuth::getLastResponseInfo - Get HTTP information about the last response
- OAuth::getRequestHeader - Generate OAuth header string signature
- OAuth::getRequestToken - Fetch a request token
- OAuth::setAuthType - Set authorization type
- OAuth::setCAPath - Set CA path and info
- OAuth::setNonce - Set the nonce for subsequent requests
- OAuth::setRequestEngine - The setRequestEngine purpose
- OAuth::setRSACertificate - Set the RSA certificate
- OAuth::setSSLChecks - Tweak specific SSL checks for requests.
- OAuth::setTimestamp - Set the timestamp
- OAuth::setToken - Sets the token and secret
- OAuth::setVersion - Set the OAuth version
- OAuth::__construct - Create a new OAuth object
- OAuth::__destruct - The destructor
- OAuthProvider::addRequiredParameter - Add required parameters
- OAuthProvider::callconsumerHandler - Calls the consumerNonceHandler callback
- OAuthProvider::callTimestampNonceHandler - Calls the timestampNonceHandler callback
- OAuthProvider::calltokenHandler - Calls the tokenNonceHandler callback
- OAuthProvider::checkOAuthRequest - Check an oauth request
- OAuthProvider::consumerHandler - Set the consumerHandler handler callback
- OAuthProvider::generateToken - Generate a random token
- OAuthProvider::is2LeggedEndpoint - is2LeggedEndpoint
- OAuthProvider::isRequestTokenEndpoint - Sets isRequestTokenEndpoint
- OAuthProvider::removeRequiredParameter - Remove a required parameter
- OAuthProvider::reportProblem - Report a problem
- OAuthProvider::setParam - Set a parameter
- OAuthProvider::setRequestTokenPath - Set request token path
- OAuthProvider::timestampNonceHandler - Set the timestampNonceHandler handler callback
- OAuthProvider::tokenHandler - Set the tokenHandler handler callback
- OAuthProvider::__construct - Constructs a new OAuthProvider object
- oauth_get_sbs - Generate a Signature Base String
- oauth_urlencode - Kodiert eine URI nach RFC 3986
- ob_clean - Löscht den Ausgabepuffer
- ob_end_clean - Löscht den Ausgabe-Puffer und deaktiviert die
- ob_end_flush - Leert (schickt/sendet) den Ausgabe-Puffer und deaktiviert die
- ob_flush - Leert (sendet) den Ausgabepuffer
- ob_get_clean - Get current buffer contents and delete current output buffer
- ob_get_contents - Gibt den Inhalt des Ausgabe-Puffers zurück
- ob_get_flush - Flush the output buffer, return it as a string and turn off output buffering
- ob_get_length - Return the length of the output buffer
- ob_get_level - Anzahl der aktiven Ausgabepuffer
- ob_get_status - Get status of output buffers
- ob_gzhandler - ob_start callback function to gzip output buffer
- ob_iconv_handler - Konvertiert Zeichensatzkodierung als Ausgabepuffer-Handler (output buffer handler)
- ob_implicit_flush - Schaltet die implizite Ausgabe ein bzw. aus
- ob_list_handlers - List all output handlers in use
- ob_start - Ausgabepufferung aktivieren
- ob_tidyhandler - ob_start callback function to repair the buffer
- OCI-Collection::append - Appends element to the collection
- OCI-Collection::assign - Assigns a value to the collection from another existing collection
- OCI-Collection::assignElem - Assigns a value to the element of the collection
- OCI-Collection::free - Frees the resources associated with the collection object
- OCI-Collection::getElem - Returns value of the element
- OCI-Collection::max - Returns the maximum number of elements in the collection
- OCI-Collection::size - Returns size of the collection
- OCI-Collection::trim - Trims elements from the end of the collection
- OCI-Lob::append - Appends data from the large object to another large object
- OCI-Lob::close - Closes LOB descriptor
- OCI-Lob::eof - Tests for end-of-file on a large object's descriptor
- OCI-Lob::erase - Erases a specified portion of the internal LOB data
- OCI-Lob::export - Exports LOB's contents to a file
- OCI-Lob::flush - Flushes/writes buffer of the LOB to the server
- OCI-Lob::free - Frees resources associated with the LOB descriptor
- OCI-Lob::getBuffering - Returns current state of buffering for the large object
- OCI-Lob::import - Imports file data to the LOB
- OCI-Lob::load - Returns large object's contents
- OCI-Lob::read - Reads part of the large object
- OCI-Lob::rewind - Moves the internal pointer to the beginning of the large object
- OCI-Lob::save - Saves data to the large object
- OCI-Lob::saveFile - Alias von OCI-Lob::import
- OCI-Lob::seek - Sets the internal pointer of the large object
- OCI-Lob::setBuffering - Changes current state of buffering for the large object
- OCI-Lob::size - Returns size of large object
- OCI-Lob::tell - Returns the current position of internal pointer of large object
- OCI-Lob::truncate - Truncates large object
- OCI-Lob::write - Writes data to the large object
- OCI-Lob::writeTemporary - Writes a temporary large object
- OCI-Lob::writeToFile - Alias von OCI-Lob::export
- ocibindbyname - Alias von oci_bind_by_name
- ocicancel - Alias von oci_cancel
- ocicloselob - Alias von OCI-Lob::close
- ocicollappend - Alias von OCI-Collection::append
- ocicollassign - Alias von OCI-Collection::assign
- ocicollassignelem - Alias von OCI-Collection::assignElem
- ocicollgetelem - Alias von OCI-Collection::getElem
- ocicollmax - Alias von OCI-Collection::max
- ocicollsize - Alias von OCI-Collection::size
- ocicolltrim - Alias von OCI-Collection::trim
- ocicolumnisnull - Alias von oci_field_is_null
- ocicolumnname - Alias von oci_field_name
- ocicolumnprecision - Alias von oci_field_precision
- ocicolumnscale - Alias von oci_field_scale
- ocicolumnsize - Alias von oci_field_size
- ocicolumntype - Alias von oci_field_type
- ocicolumntyperaw - Alias von oci_field_type_raw
- ocicommit - Alias von oci_commit
- ocidefinebyname - Alias von oci_define_by_name
- ocierror - Alias von oci_error
- ociexecute - Alias von oci_execute
- ocifetch - Alias von oci_fetch
- ocifetchinto - Veraltete Variante von oci_fetch_array,
oci_fetch_object, oci_fetch_assoc
und oci_fetch_row
- ocifetchstatement - Alias von oci_fetch_all
- ocifreecollection - Alias von OCI-Collection::free
- ocifreecursor - Alias von oci_free_statement
- ocifreedesc - Alias von OCI-Lob::free
- ocifreestatement - Alias von oci_free_statement
- ociinternaldebug - Alias von oci_internal_debug
- ociloadlob - Alias von OCI-Lob::load
- ocilogoff - Alias von oci_close
- ocilogon - Alias von oci_connect
- ocinewcollection - Alias von oci_new_collection
- ocinewcursor - Alias von oci_new_cursor
- ocinewdescriptor - Alias von oci_new_descriptor
- ocinlogon - Alias von oci_new_connect
- ocinumcols - Alias von oci_num_fields
- ociparse - Alias von oci_parse
- ociplogon - Alias von oci_pconnect
- ociresult - Alias von oci_result
- ocirollback - Alias von oci_rollback
- ocirowcount - Alias von oci_num_rows
- ocisavelob - Alias von OCI-Lob::save
- ocisavelobfile - Alias von OCI-Lob::import
- ociserverversion - Alias von oci_server_version
- ocisetprefetch - Alias von oci_set_prefetch
- ocistatementtype - Alias von oci_statement_type
- ociwritelobtofile - Alias von OCI-Lob::export
- ociwritetemporarylob - Alias von OCI-Lob::writeTemporary
- oci_bind_array_by_name - Bindet ein PHP-Array namentlich an ein Oracle-PL/SQL-Array
- oci_bind_by_name - Bindet eine PHP-Variable an einen Oracle Platzhalter
- oci_cancel - Bricht das Lesen eines Zeigers ab
- oci_client_version - Returns the Oracle client library version
- oci_close - Schließt eine Oracle-Verbindung
- oci_commit - Commits the outstanding database transaction
- oci_connect - Connect to an Oracle database
- oci_define_by_name - Associates a PHP variable with a column for query fetches
- oci_error - Liefert den letzten Fehler
- oci_execute - Executes a statement
- oci_fetch - Holt die nächste Reihe in den Ergebnispuffer
- oci_fetch_all - Holt alle Reihen der Ergebnisdaten in ein Array
- oci_fetch_array - Liefert die nächste Zeile der Ergebnisdaten als
assoziatives und/oder numerisches Array
- oci_fetch_assoc - Liefert die nächste Zeile der Ergebnisdaten als assoziatives Array
- oci_fetch_object - Liefert die nächste Zeile der Ergebnisdaten als Objekt
- oci_fetch_row - Liefert die nächste Zeile der Ergebnisdaten als numerisches Array
- oci_field_is_null - Checks if a field in the currently fetched row is NULL
- oci_field_name - Returns the name of a field from the statement
- oci_field_precision - Tell the precision of a field
- oci_field_scale - Tell the scale of the field
- oci_field_size - Returns field's size
- oci_field_type - Returns a field's data type name
- oci_field_type_raw - Tell the raw Oracle data type of the field
- oci_free_descriptor - Frees a descriptor
- oci_free_statement - Gibt alle verknüpften Ressourcen eines Statements oder Zeigers frei.
- oci_get_implicit_resultset - Returns the next child statement resource from a parent statement resource that has Oracle Database 12c Implicit Result Sets
- oci_internal_debug - Enables or disables internal debug output
- oci_lob_copy - Copies large object
- oci_lob_is_equal - Compares two LOB/FILE locators for equality
- oci_new_collection - Allocates new collection object
- oci_new_connect - Connect to the Oracle server using a unique connection
- oci_new_cursor - Allocates and returns a new cursor (statement handle)
- oci_new_descriptor - Initializes a new empty LOB or FILE descriptor
- oci_num_fields - Returns the number of result columns in a statement
- oci_num_rows - Returns number of rows affected during statement execution
- oci_parse - Prepares an Oracle statement for execution
- oci_password_change - Changes password of Oracle's user
- oci_pconnect - Connect to an Oracle database using a persistent connection
- oci_result - Returns field's value from the fetched row
- oci_rollback - Rolls back the outstanding database transaction
- oci_server_version - Returns the Oracle Database version
- oci_set_action - Sets the action name
- oci_set_client_identifier - Sets the client identifier
- oci_set_client_info - Sets the client information
- oci_set_edition - Sets the database edition
- oci_set_module_name - Sets the module name
- oci_set_prefetch - Sets number of rows to be prefetched by queries
- oci_statement_type - Returns the type of a statement
- octdec - Oktal zu Dezimal Umwandlung
- odbc_autocommit - Ändert das Autocommit-Verhalten
- odbc_binmode - Die Behandlung von Binärdaten
- odbc_close - Beendet eine ODBC-Verbindung
- odbc_close_all - Beendet alle ODBC-Verbindungen
- odbc_columnprivileges - Liefert eine Ergebnis-Resource zurück, die eine Liste
von Spalten und damit verbundenen Rechten enthält.
- odbc_columns - Lists the column names in specified tables
- odbc_commit - Führt eine ODBC-Transaktion aus
- odbc_connect - Baut die Verbindung zu einer ODBC-Datenquelle auf
- odbc_cursor - Findet den Cursornamen heraus
- odbc_data_source - Returns information about a current connection
- odbc_do - Ein Synonym für odbc_exec
- odbc_error - Get the last error code
- odbc_errormsg - Get the last error message
- odbc_exec - Bereitet einen SQL-Befehl auf und führt ihn aus
- odbc_execute - Führt ein vorbereiteten SQL-Befehl aus
- odbc_fetch_array - Fetch a result row as an associative array
- odbc_fetch_into - Eine Ergebniszeile in ein Array stellen
- odbc_fetch_object - Fetch a result row as an object
- odbc_fetch_row - Liefert eine Datenzeile zurück
- odbc_field_len - Bestimmt die Länge eines Feldes
- odbc_field_name - Liefert die Spaltenbezeichnung
- odbc_field_num - Liefert die Spaltennummer für eine Spaltenbezeichnung
- odbc_field_precision - Alias von odbc_field_len
- odbc_field_scale - Get the scale of a field
- odbc_field_type - Liefert den Datentyp eines Feldes
- odbc_foreignkeys - Retrieves a list of foreign keys
- odbc_free_result - Gibt den durch ein Abfrageergebnis belegten Speicher wieder frei
- odbc_gettypeinfo - Retrieves information about data types supported by the data source
- odbc_longreadlen - Steuert die Nutzung von LONG-Spalten
- odbc_next_result - Checks if multiple results are available
- odbc_num_fields - Liefert die Anzahl der Ergebnisspalten
- odbc_num_rows - Ergibt die Zeilenzahl des Abfrageergebnisses
- odbc_pconnect - Öffnet eine persistente Datenbankverbindung
- odbc_prepare - Stellt einen SQL-Befehl zur Ausführung bereit
- odbc_primarykeys - Gets the primary keys for a table
- odbc_procedurecolumns - Retrieve information about parameters to procedures
- odbc_procedures - Get the list of procedures stored in a specific data source
- odbc_result - Erlaubt den Zugriff auf die Ergebnisdaten
- odbc_result_all - Gibt das aktuelle Abfrageergebnis als HTML-Tabelle aus
- odbc_rollback - Hebt eine Transaktion wieder auf
- odbc_setoption - Verändert die ODBC-Einstellungen
- odbc_specialcolumns - Retrieves special columns
- odbc_statistics - Retrieve statistics about a table
- odbc_tableprivileges - Lists tables and the privileges associated with each table
- odbc_tables - Get the list of table names stored in a specific data source
- ogg:// - Audio streams
- opcache_compile_file - Compiles and caches a PHP script without executing it
- opcache_get_configuration - Get configuration information about the cache
- opcache_get_status - Liefert den Status des OPcode Caches
- opcache_invalidate - Invalidates a cached script
- opcache_is_script_cached - Tells whether a script is cached in OPCache
- opcache_reset - Resettet den Inhalt des OPcode Caches
- openal_buffer_create - Generate OpenAL buffer
- openal_buffer_data - Load a buffer with data
- openal_buffer_destroy - Destroys an OpenAL buffer
- openal_buffer_get - Retrieve an OpenAL buffer property
- openal_buffer_loadwav - Load a .wav file into a buffer
- openal_context_create - Create an audio processing context
- openal_context_current - Make the specified context current
- openal_context_destroy - Destroys a context
- openal_context_process - Process the specified context
- openal_context_suspend - Suspend the specified context
- openal_device_close - Close an OpenAL device
- openal_device_open - Initialize the OpenAL audio layer
- openal_listener_get - Retrieve a listener property
- openal_listener_set - Set a listener property
- openal_source_create - Generate a source resource
- openal_source_destroy - Destroy a source resource
- openal_source_get - Retrieve an OpenAL source property
- openal_source_pause - Pause the source
- openal_source_play - Start playing the source
- openal_source_rewind - Rewind the source
- openal_source_set - Set source property
- openal_source_stop - Stop playing the source
- openal_stream - Begin streaming on a source
- opendir - Öffnen eines Verzeichnis-Handles
- openlog - Stellt eine Verbindung zum Log-Dienst des Systems her
- openssl_cipher_iv_length - Gets the cipher iv length
- openssl_csr_export - Exportiert einen CSR als Zeichenkette
- openssl_csr_export_to_file - Exportiert ein CSR in eine Datei
- openssl_csr_get_public_key - Gibt den öffentlichen Schlüssel eines CERT zurück
- openssl_csr_get_subject - Gibt das Subject eines CERT zurück
- openssl_csr_new - Erzeugt einen CSR
- openssl_csr_sign - Signiert einen CSR mit einem anderen Zertifikat (oder sich selbst) und generiert ein Zertifikat
- openssl_decrypt - Decrypts data
- openssl_dh_compute_key - Computes shared secret for public value of remote DH key and local DH key
- openssl_digest - Computes a digest
- openssl_encrypt - Verschlüsselt Daten
- openssl_error_string - Gibt eine openSSL Fehlermeldung zurück
- openssl_free_key - Free key resource
- openssl_get_cert_locations - Retrieve the available certificate locations
- openssl_get_cipher_methods - Gets available cipher methods
- openssl_get_md_methods - Gets available digest methods
- openssl_get_privatekey - Alias von openssl_pkey_get_private
- openssl_get_publickey - Alias von openssl_pkey_get_public
- openssl_open - Öffnet versiegelte Daten
- openssl_pbkdf2 - Generates a PKCS5 v2 PBKDF2 string, defaults to SHA-1
- openssl_pkcs7_decrypt - Entschlüsseln einer S/MIME verschlüsselten Nachricht
- openssl_pkcs7_encrypt - Verschlüsseln einer S/MIME Nachricht
- openssl_pkcs7_sign - Signieren einer S/MIME message
- openssl_pkcs7_verify - überprüft die Unterschrift einer mit S/MIME unterschriebenen Nachricht
- openssl_pkcs12_export - Exportiert eine PKCS#12-kompatible Zertifikats-Datei in eine Variable
- openssl_pkcs12_export_to_file - Exportiert eine PKCS#12-kompatible Zertifikats-Datei
- openssl_pkcs12_read - Speichert ein PKCS#12 Zertifikat in einem Array
- openssl_pkey_export - Liefert eine exportierbare Repräsentation eines Schlüssels in einem String
- openssl_pkey_export_to_file - Liefert eine exportierbare Representation eines Schlüssels in einer Datei
- openssl_pkey_free - Gibt einen privaten Schlüssel frei
- openssl_pkey_get_details - Gibt ein Array mit den Schlüssel-Details zurück
- openssl_pkey_get_private - Liefert einen privaten Schlüssel
- openssl_pkey_get_public - Extrahiert einen öffentlichen Schlüssel aus einem Zertifikat und bereitet
diesen zur Nutzung vor
- openssl_pkey_new - Erzeugt einen neuen privaten Schlüssel
- openssl_private_decrypt - Entschlüsselt Daten mit einem privaten Schlüssel
- openssl_private_encrypt - Verschlüsselt Daten mit einem privaten Schlüssel
- openssl_public_decrypt - Entschlüsselt Daten mit einem öffentlichen Schlüssel
- openssl_public_encrypt - Verschlüsselt Daten mit einem öffentlichen Schlüssel
- openssl_random_pseudo_bytes - Generate a pseudo-random string of bytes
- openssl_seal - Versiegelt (verschlüsselt) Daten
- openssl_sign - Erzeugen einer Signatur
- openssl_spki_export - Exports a valid PEM formatted public key signed public key and challenge
- openssl_spki_export_challenge - Exports the challenge assoicated with a signed public key and challenge
- openssl_spki_new - Generate a new signed public key and challenge
- openssl_spki_verify - Verifies a signed public key and challenge
- openssl_verify - Überprüft eine Signatur
- openssl_x509_checkpurpose - Überprüft, ob ein Zertifikat für einen bestimmten Zweck benutzt werden kann
- openssl_x509_check_private_key - Überprüft, ob ein privater Schlüssel zu einem Zertifikat passt
- openssl_x509_export - Exports a certificate as a string
- openssl_x509_export_to_file - Exportiert ein Zertifikat in eine Datei
- openssl_x509_fingerprint - Calculates the fingerprint, or digest, of a given X.509 certificate
- openssl_x509_free - Freigabe einer Zertifikats Resource
- openssl_x509_parse - Parst ein X.509-Zertifikat und liefert die Informationen als Array
- openssl_x509_read - Parst ein X.509-Zertitifikat und gibt eine Ressource zurück
- ord - Gibt den ASCII-Wert eines Zeichens zurück
- OuterIterator::getInnerIterator - Returns the inner iterator for the current entry.
- output_add_rewrite_var - Setzt URL-Rewrite-Variablen
- output_reset_rewrite_vars - Reset URL rewriter values
- override_function - Overrides built-in functions
- p
- pack - Packt Daten in eine Binär-Zeichenkette
- ParentIterator::accept - Determines acceptability
- ParentIterator::getChildren - Return the inner iterator's children contained in a ParentIterator
- ParentIterator::hasChildren - Check whether the inner iterator's current element has children
- ParentIterator::next - Move the iterator forward
- ParentIterator::rewind - Rewind the iterator
- ParentIterator::__construct - Constructs a ParentIterator
- parsekit_compile_file - Compile a PHP file and return the resulting op array
- parsekit_compile_string - Compile a string of PHP code and return the resulting op array
- parsekit_func_arginfo - Return information regarding function argument(s)
- parse_ini_file - Parst eine Konfigurationsdatei
- parse_ini_string - Analysiert einen Konfigurations-String
- parse_str - Überträgt einen String in Variable
- parse_url - Analysiert eine URL und gibt ihre Bestandteile zurück
- passthru - Führt ein externes Programm aus und zeigt dessen Ausgabe an
- password_get_info - Gibt Informationen über einen Hash zurück
- password_hash - Erstellt einen Passwort-Hash
- password_needs_rehash - Überprüft, ob der übergebene Hash mit den übergebenen Optionen übereinstimmt
- password_verify - Überprüft, ob ein Passwort und ein Hash zusammenpassen
- pathinfo - Liefert Informationen über einen Dateipfad
- pclose - Schließt einen Prozess-Dateizeiger
- pcntl_alarm - Setzt einen Zeitschalter für die Auslieferung eines Signals
- pcntl_errno - Alias von pcntl_strerror
- pcntl_exec - Führt ein angegebenes Programm im aktuellen Prozessraum aus
- pcntl_fork - Verzweigt den laufenden Prozess
- pcntl_getpriority - Liest die Priorität irgendeines Prozesses
- pcntl_get_last_error - Retrieve the error number set by the last pcntl function which failed
- pcntl_setpriority - Ändert die Priorität irgendeines Prozesses
- pcntl_signal - Richtet eine Signalverarbeitung ein
- pcntl_signal_dispatch - Calls signal handlers for pending signals
- pcntl_sigprocmask - Sets and retrieves blocked signals
- pcntl_sigtimedwait - Waits for signals, with a timeout
- pcntl_sigwaitinfo - Waits for signals
- pcntl_strerror - Retrieve the system error message associated with the given errno
- pcntl_wait - Wartet auf ein oder gibt den Status eines abgezweigten Kindes zurück
- pcntl_waitpid - Wartet auf ein oder gibt den Status eines abgezweigten Kindes zurück
- pcntl_wexitstatus - Gibt den Statuscode eines beendeten Kindes zurück
- pcntl_wifexited - Gibt TRUE zurück, wenn der Statuscode ein erfolgreiches Beenden darstellt
- pcntl_wifsignaled - Gibt TRUE zurück, wenn der Statuscode eine Terminierung wegen eines Signals angibt
- pcntl_wifstopped - Gibt TRUE zurück, wenn der Kindprozess gerade gestoppt ist
- pcntl_wstopsig - Gibt das Signal zurück, welches das Anhalten des Kindes verursachte
- pcntl_wtermsig - Gibt das Signal zurück, welches das Beenden des Kindes verursachte
- PDF_activate_item - Aktiviert ein Strukturelement oder einen anderen Dokumentbestandteil
- PDF_add_annotation - Fügt Notiz hinzu [veraltet, nicht empfohlen]
- PDF_add_bookmark - Fügt Lesezeichen für die aktuelle Seite ein [veraltet, nicht empfohlen]
- PDF_add_launchlink - Fügt eine Webverknüpfung auf der aktuellen Seite ein [veraltet, nicht empfohlen]
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Textflussobjekt hinzu
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- PDF_concat - Verknüpft eine Matrix mit der CTM
- PDF_continue_text - Gibt Text in der nächsten Zeile aus
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- PDF_open_image - Verwendet Bilddaten [veraltet]
- PDF_open_image_file - Liest Bild aus Datei [veraltet]
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- PDF_open_memory_image - Öffnet mit PHP-Bildfunktionen erzeugtes Bild [nicht unterstützt]
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- PDF_pcos_get_number - Ermittelt Wert eines pCOS-Pfades vom Typ Zahl oder Boolean
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- PDF_place_image - Platziert Bild auf der Seite [veraltet]
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- PDF_set_info_author - Füllt Dokumentinfofeld für Verfasser [veraltet]
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- PDF_set_info_keywords - Füllt Dokumentinfofeld für Stichwörter [veraltet]
- PDF_set_info_subject - Füllt Dokumentinfofeld für Thema [veraltet]
- PDF_set_info_title - Füllt Dokumentinfofeld für Titel [veraltet]
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- PDF_set_value - Legt numerischen Parameter fest
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- PDF_shfill - Füllt Bereich mit Farbverlauf
- PDF_show - Gibt Text an der aktueller Position aus
- PDF_show_boxed - Gibt Text in eine Box aus [veraltet, nicht empfohlen]
- PDF_show_xy - Gibt Text an der angegebenen Position aus
- PDF_skew - Verzerrt Koordinatensystem
- PDF_stringwidth - Gibt Textbreite zurück
- PDF_stroke - Zeichnet Pfad
- PDF_suspend_page - Unterbricht Seite
- PDF_translate - Verschiebt den Ursprung des Koordinatensystems
- PDF_utf8_to_utf16 - Konvertiert String von UTF-8 nach UTF-16
- PDF_utf16_to_utf8 - Konvertiert String von UTF-16 nach UTF-8
- PDF_utf32_to_utf16 - Konvertiert String von UTF-32 nach UTF-16
- PDO::beginTransaction - Initiates a transaction
- PDO::commit - Commits a transaction
- PDO::cubrid_schema - Get the requested schema information
- PDO::errorCode - Fetch the SQLSTATE associated with the last operation on the database handle
- PDO::errorInfo - Fetch extended error information associated with the last operation on the database handle
- PDO::exec - Führt ein SQL Statement aus und gibt die Zahl der betroffenen Zeilen zurück
- PDO::getAttribute - Retrieve a database connection attribute
- PDO::getAvailableDrivers - Return an array of available PDO drivers
- PDO::inTransaction - Checks if inside a transaction
- PDO::lastInsertId - Returns the ID of the last inserted row or sequence value
- PDO::pgsqlCopyFromArray - Copy data from PHP array into table
- PDO::pgsqlCopyFromFile - Copy data from file into table
- PDO::pgsqlCopyToArray - Copy data from database table into PHP array
- PDO::pgsqlCopyToFile - Copy data from table into file
- PDO::pgsqlGetNotify - Get asynchronous notification
- PDO::pgsqlGetPid - Get the server PID
- PDO::pgsqlLOBCreate - Creates a new large object
- PDO::pgsqlLOBOpen - Opens an existing large object stream
- PDO::pgsqlLOBUnlink - Deletes the large object
- PDO::prepare - Prepares a statement for execution and returns a statement object
- PDO::query - Executes an SQL statement, returning a result set as a PDOStatement object
- PDO::quote - Quotes a string for use in a query.
- PDO::rollBack - Rolls back a transaction
- PDO::setAttribute - Set an attribute
- PDO::sqliteCreateAggregate - Registers an aggregating User Defined Function for use in SQL statements
- PDO::sqliteCreateCollation - Registers a User Defined Function for use as a collating function in SQL statements
- PDO::sqliteCreateFunction - Registers a User Defined Function for use in SQL statements
- PDO::__construct - Creates a PDO instance representing a connection to a database
- PDOStatement::bindColumn - Bind a column to a PHP variable
- PDOStatement::bindParam - Binds a parameter to the specified variable name
- PDOStatement::bindValue - Binds a value to a parameter
- PDOStatement::closeCursor - Closes the cursor, enabling the statement to be executed again.
- PDOStatement::columnCount - Returns the number of columns in the result set
- PDOStatement::debugDumpParams - Dump an SQL prepared command
- PDOStatement::errorCode - Fetch the SQLSTATE associated with the last operation on the statement handle
- PDOStatement::errorInfo - Fetch extended error information associated with the last operation on the statement handle
- PDOStatement::execute - Executes a prepared statement
- PDOStatement::fetch - Fetches the next row from a result set
- PDOStatement::fetchAll - Returns an array containing all of the result set rows
- PDOStatement::fetchColumn - Returns a single column from the next row of a result set
- PDOStatement::fetchObject - Fetches the next row and returns it as an object.
- PDOStatement::getAttribute - Retrieve a statement attribute
- PDOStatement::getColumnMeta - Returns metadata for a column in a result set
- PDOStatement::nextRowset - Advances to the next rowset in a multi-rowset statement handle
- PDOStatement::rowCount - Returns the number of rows affected by the last SQL statement
- PDOStatement::setAttribute - Set a statement attribute
- PDOStatement::setFetchMode - Set the default fetch mode for this statement
- PDO_4D DSN - Connecting to 4D SQL server
- PDO_CUBRID DSN - Connecting to CUBRID databases
- PDO_DBLIB DSN - Connecting to Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase databases
- PDO_FIREBIRD DSN - Connecting to Firebird databases
- PDO_IBM DSN - Connecting to IBM databases
- PDO_INFORMIX DSN - Connecting to Informix databases
- PDO_MYSQL DSN - Mit einer MySQL Datenbank verbinden
- PDO_OCI DSN - Connecting to Oracle databases
- PDO_ODBC DSN - Connecting to ODBC or DB2 databases
- PDO_PGSQL DSN - Connecting to PostgreSQL databases
- PDO_SQLITE DSN - Verbindungen zu SQLite-Datenbanken aufbauen
- PDO_SQLSRV DSN - Connecting to MS SQL Server and SQL Azure databases
- pfsockopen - Öffnet eine persistente Verbindung zum Internet oder zu einem
- pg_affected_rows - Gibt die Anzahl betroffener Datensätze (Tupel) zurück
- pg_cancel_query - Löscht eine asynchrone Abfrage
- pg_client_encoding - Gibt die Kodierung des Clients zurück
- pg_close - Schließt eine PostgreSQL-Verbindung
- pg_connect - Öffnet eine PostgreSQL-Verbindung
- pg_connection_busy - Gibt den Status der Verbindung zurück (busy/not busy)
- pg_connection_reset - Setzt die Verbindung zurück und verbindet neu
- pg_connection_status - Gibt den Verbindungsstatus zurück
- pg_connect_poll - Poll the status of an in-progress asynchronous PostgreSQL connection
- pg_consume_input - Reads input on the connection
- pg_convert - Konvertiert die Werte eines assoziativen Arrays in passende
Werte für SQL-Kommandos.
- pg_copy_from - Fügt Datensätze aus einem Array in eine Tabelle ein
- pg_copy_to - Kopiert eine Tabelle in ein Array
- pg_dbname - Gibt den Namen der Datenbank zurück
- pg_delete - Löscht Datensätze
- pg_end_copy - Synchronisation mit dem PostgreSQL-Server
- pg_escape_bytea - Maskiert Zeichenketten zum Einfügen in ein Feld vom Typ bytea
- pg_escape_identifier - Escape a identifier for insertion into a text field
- pg_escape_literal - Escape a literal for insertion into a text field
- pg_escape_string - Maskiert einen String für Abfragen
- pg_execute - Fordert den Datenankserver auf, eine vorbereitete Anfrage
mit den angegebenen Parametern auszuführen und wartet auf das
- pg_fetch_all - Gibt alle Zeilen eines Abfrageergebnisses als Array zurück
- pg_fetch_all_columns - Gibt alle Werte einer bestimmten Spalte eines Abfrageergebnisses in einem Array zurück
- pg_fetch_array - Holt eine Zeile als Array
- pg_fetch_assoc - Holt eine Zeile als assoziatives Array
- pg_fetch_object - Holt einen Datensatz als Objekt
- pg_fetch_result - Liefert Werte aus einer Ergebnismenge
- pg_fetch_row - Holt einen Datensatz als numerisches Array
- pg_field_is_null - Prüft, ob ein Feld einen SQL NULL-Wert enthält
- pg_field_name - Gibt den Namen eines Feldes zurück
- pg_field_num - Gibt die Feldnummer des angegebenen Feldes zurück
- pg_field_prtlen - Gibt die Länge des Feldes zurück
- pg_field_size - Gibt den belegten Speicher für ein Feld zurück
- pg_field_table - Gibt zu einem Feldnamen den Namen der Tabelle oder deren oid zurück, in der das Feld definiert ist
- pg_field_type - Gibt den Datentyp eines Feldes zurück
- pg_field_type_oid - Gibt die ID des PostgreSQL-Datentyps (OID) eines Feldes zurück
- pg_flush - Flush outbound query data on the connection
- pg_free_result - Gibt den durch Ergebnisse belegten Speicher frei
- pg_get_notify - Gibt eine SQL NOTIFY-Nachricht zurück
- pg_get_pid - Prüft die Datenbankverbindung
- pg_get_result - Gibt asynchrone Abfrageergebnisse zurück
- pg_host - Gibt den Namen des Host zurück, zu dem verbunden wurde
- pg_insert - Überträgt Werte aus einem Array in eine Tabelle
- pg_last_error - Gibt die letzte Fehlermeldung einer Verbindung zurück
- pg_last_notice - Gibt die letzte NOTICE-Meldung des PostgreSQL-Servers zurück
- pg_last_oid - Gibt den Objektbezeichner (OID) des zuletzt eingefügten Datensatzes zurück
- pg_lo_close - Schließt ein Large Object
- pg_lo_create - Erzeugt ein Large Object
- pg_lo_export - Exportiert ein Large Object in eine Datei
- pg_lo_import - Importiert ein Large Object aus einer Datei
- pg_lo_open - Öffnet ein Large Object
- pg_lo_read - Liest ein Large Object
- pg_lo_read_all - Liest ein Large Object vollständig und reicht es direkt an den
Browser weiter
- pg_lo_seek - Setzt die Lese- oder Schreibposition in einem Large Object
- pg_lo_tell - Gibt die aktuelle Lese- oder Schreibposition in einem Large Object zurück
- pg_lo_truncate - Truncates a large object
- pg_lo_unlink - Löscht ein Large Object
- pg_lo_write - Schreibt in ein Large Object
- pg_meta_data - Gibt Metadaten einer Tabelle als Array zurück
- pg_num_fields - Gibt die Anzahl der Felder in einem Abfrageergebnis zurück
- pg_num_rows - Gibt die Anzahl der Zeilen in einem Abfrageergebnis zurück
- pg_options - Gibt die Verbindungsoptionen der aktuellen Verbindung zurück
- pg_parameter_status - Gibt den Wert einer aktuellen Server-Einstellung zurück
- pg_pconnect - Öffnet eine persistente PostgreSQL-Verbindung
- pg_ping - Prüft die Datenbankverbindung
- pg_port - Gibt die Portnummer zurück, über die die Verbindung aufgebaut wurde
- pg_prepare - Sendet eine Aufforderung an den Server, eine vorbereitete Anfrage mit den
übergebenen Parametern zu erzeugen und wartet auf ihre Beendigung.
- pg_put_line - Sendet eine NULL-terminierte Zeichenkette zum PostgreSQL-Server
- pg_query - Führt eine Abfrage aus
- pg_query_params - Sendet ein Kommando zum Server und wartet seine Ausführung
ab. Getrennt vom SQL-Kommando können dabei Parameter übergeben werden.
- pg_result_error - Gibt die mit der Ergebniskennung verknüpfte Fehlermeldung zurück
- pg_result_error_field - Gibt den Inhalt eines bestimmtes Feldes zu einer Fehlermeldung zurück
- pg_result_seek - Setzt den internen Datensatzzeiger auf die angegebene
Position in einem Abfrageergebnis
- pg_result_status - Gibt den Status eines Abfrageergebnisses zurück
- pg_select - Wählt Datensätze aus
- pg_send_execute - Sendet eine Aufforderung an den Server, eine vorbereitete Abfrage mit den
übergebenen Parametern auszuführen, ohne auf die Ergebnisse zu warten.
- pg_send_prepare - Sendet eine Aufforderung an den Server, eine vorbereitete Abfrage mit den
übergebenen Parametern zu erzeugen, ohne auf ihre Beendigung zu warten.
- pg_send_query - Sendet eine asynchrone Abfrage
- pg_send_query_params - Sendet ein Kommando und separate Parameter zum Server,
ohne auf die Rückgabe der Ergebnisse zu warten
- pg_set_client_encoding - Setzt die Kodierung des Clients
- pg_set_error_verbosity - Bestimmt den Detaillierungsgrad von Fehlermeldungen, die von
pg_last_error und pg_result_error zurückgegeben werden.
- pg_socket - Get a read only handle to the socket underlying a PostgreSQL connection
- pg_trace - Ermöglicht die Ablaufverfolgung einer Verbindung
- pg_transaction_status - Gibt den aktuellen Transaktionsstatus des Servers zurück
- pg_tty - Gibt den TTY Namen für die Verbindung zurück
- pg_unescape_bytea - Entfernt Maskierungen für den Typ bytea
- pg_untrace - Beendet die Ablaufverfolgung einer PostgreSQL-Verbindung
- pg_update - Aktualisiert eine Tabelle
- pg_version - Gibt ein Array zurück, das die Versionen von Client,
Protokoll und Server enthält (falls verfügbar).
- phar:// - PHP Archive
- Phar::addEmptyDir - Add an empty directory to the phar archive
- Phar::addFile - Add a file from the filesystem to the phar archive
- Phar::addFromString - Add a file from a string to the phar archive
- Phar::apiVersion - Returns the api version
- Phar::buildFromDirectory - Construct a phar archive from the files within a directory.
- Phar::buildFromIterator - Construct a phar archive from an iterator.
- Phar::canCompress - Returns whether phar extension supports compression using either zlib or bzip2
- Phar::canWrite - Returns whether phar extension supports writing and creating phars
- Phar::compress - Compresses the entire Phar archive using Gzip or Bzip2 compression
- Phar::compressAllFilesBZIP2 - Compresses all files in the current Phar archive using Bzip2 compression
- Phar::compressAllFilesGZ - Compresses all files in the current Phar archive using Gzip compression
- Phar::compressFiles - Compresses all files in the current Phar archive
- Phar::convertToData - Convert a phar archive to a non-executable tar or zip file
- Phar::convertToExecutable - Convert a phar archive to another executable phar archive file format
- Phar::copy - Copy a file internal to the phar archive to another new file within the phar
- Phar::count - Returns the number of entries (files) in the Phar archive
- Phar::createDefaultStub - Create a phar-file format specific stub
- Phar::decompress - Decompresses the entire Phar archive
- Phar::decompressFiles - Decompresses all files in the current Phar archive
- Phar::delete - Delete a file within a phar archive
- Phar::delMetadata - Deletes the global metadata of the phar
- Phar::extractTo - Extract the contents of a phar archive to a directory
- Phar::getMetadata - Returns phar archive meta-data
- Phar::getModified - Return whether phar was modified
- Phar::getSignature - Return MD5/SHA1/SHA256/SHA512/OpenSSL signature of a Phar archive
- Phar::getStub - Return the PHP loader or bootstrap stub of a Phar archive
- Phar::getSupportedCompression - Return array of supported compression algorithms
- Phar::getSupportedSignatures - Return array of supported signature types
- Phar::getVersion - Return version info of Phar archive
- Phar::hasMetadata - Returns whether phar has global meta-data
- Phar::interceptFileFuncs - instructs phar to intercept fopen, file_get_contents, opendir, and all of the stat-related functions
- Phar::isBuffering - Used to determine whether Phar write operations are being buffered, or are flushing directly to disk
- Phar::isCompressed - Returns Phar::GZ or PHAR::BZ2 if the entire phar archive is compressed (.tar.gz/ and so on)
- Phar::isFileFormat - Returns true if the phar archive is based on the tar/phar/zip file format depending on the parameter
- Phar::isValidPharFilename - Returns whether the given filename is a valid phar filename
- Phar::isWritable - Returns true if the phar archive can be modified
- Phar::loadPhar - Loads any phar archive with an alias
- Phar::mapPhar - Reads the currently executed file (a phar) and registers its manifest
- Phar::mount - Mount an external path or file to a virtual location within the phar archive
- Phar::mungServer - Defines a list of up to 4 $_SERVER variables that should be modified for execution
- Phar::offsetExists - determines whether a file exists in the phar
- Phar::offsetGet - Gets a PharFileInfo object for a specific file
- Phar::offsetSet - set the contents of an internal file to those of an external file
- Phar::offsetUnset - remove a file from a phar
- Phar::running - Returns the full path on disk or full phar URL to the currently executing Phar archive
- Phar::setAlias - Set the alias for the Phar archive
- Phar::setDefaultStub - Used to set the PHP loader or bootstrap stub of a Phar archive to the default loader
- Phar::setMetadata - Sets phar archive meta-data
- Phar::setSignatureAlgorithm - set the signature algorithm for a phar and apply it.
- Phar::setStub - Used to set the PHP loader or bootstrap stub of a Phar archive
- Phar::startBuffering - Start buffering Phar write operations, do not modify the Phar object on disk
- Phar::stopBuffering - Stop buffering write requests to the Phar archive, and save changes to disk
- Phar::uncompressAllFiles - Uncompresses all files in the current Phar archive
- Phar::unlinkArchive - Completely remove a phar archive from disk and from memory
- Phar::webPhar - mapPhar for web-based phars. front controller for web applications
- Phar::__construct - Construct a Phar archive object
- PharData::addEmptyDir - Add an empty directory to the tar/zip archive
- PharData::addFile - Add a file from the filesystem to the tar/zip archive
- PharData::addFromString - Add a file from the filesystem to the tar/zip archive
- PharData::buildFromDirectory - Construct a tar/zip archive from the files within a directory.
- PharData::buildFromIterator - Construct a tar or zip archive from an iterator.
- PharData::compress - Compresses the entire tar/zip archive using Gzip or Bzip2 compression
- PharData::compressFiles - Compresses all files in the current tar/zip archive
- PharData::convertToData - Convert a phar archive to a non-executable tar or zip file
- PharData::convertToExecutable - Convert a non-executable tar/zip archive to an executable phar archive
- PharData::copy - Copy a file internal to the phar archive to another new file within the phar
- PharData::decompress - Decompresses the entire Phar archive
- PharData::decompressFiles - Decompresses all files in the current zip archive
- PharData::delete - Delete a file within a tar/zip archive
- PharData::delMetadata - Deletes the global metadata of a zip archive
- PharData::extractTo - Extract the contents of a tar/zip archive to a directory
- PharData::isWritable - Returns true if the tar/zip archive can be modified
- PharData::offsetSet - set the contents of a file within the tar/zip to those of an external file or string
- PharData::offsetUnset - remove a file from a tar/zip archive
- PharData::setAlias - dummy function (Phar::setAlias is not valid for PharData)
- PharData::setDefaultStub - dummy function (Phar::setDefaultStub is not valid for PharData)
- PharData::setStub - dummy function (Phar::setStub is not valid for PharData)
- PharData::__construct - Construct a non-executable tar or zip archive object
- PharException - The PharException class provides a phar-specific exception class
for try/catch blocks.
- PharFileInfo::chmod - Sets file-specific permission bits
- PharFileInfo::compress - Compresses the current Phar entry with either zlib or bzip2 compression
- PharFileInfo::decompress - Decompresses the current Phar entry within the phar
- PharFileInfo::delMetadata - Deletes the metadata of the entry
- PharFileInfo::getCompressedSize - Returns the actual size of the file (with compression) inside the Phar archive
- PharFileInfo::getCRC32 - Returns CRC32 code or throws an exception if CRC has not been verified
- PharFileInfo::getMetadata - Returns file-specific meta-data saved with a file
- PharFileInfo::getPharFlags - Returns the Phar file entry flags
- PharFileInfo::hasMetadata - Returns the metadata of the entry
- PharFileInfo::isCompressed - Returns whether the entry is compressed
- PharFileInfo::isCompressedBZIP2 - Returns whether the entry is compressed using bzip2
- PharFileInfo::isCompressedGZ - Returns whether the entry is compressed using gz
- PharFileInfo::isCRCChecked - Returns whether file entry has had its CRC verified
- PharFileInfo::setCompressedBZIP2 - Compresses the current Phar entry within the phar using Bzip2 compression
- PharFileInfo::setCompressedGZ - Compresses the current Phar entry within the phar using gz compression
- PharFileInfo::setMetadata - Sets file-specific meta-data saved with a file
- PharFileInfo::setUncompressed - Uncompresses the current Phar entry within the phar, if it is compressed
- PharFileInfo::__construct - Construct a Phar entry object
- Phar Kontextoptionen - Liste der Phar Kontextoptionen
- php:// - Accessing various I/O streams
- phpcredits - Prints out the credits for PHP
- phpinfo - Gibt Informationen zur PHP-Konfiguration aus
- phpversion - Liefert die aktuelle PHP-Version
- php_check_syntax - Überprüft die PHP Syntax der angegebenen Datei (und führt sie aus)
- php_ini_loaded_file - Retrieve a path to the loaded php.ini file
- php_ini_scanned_files - Liefert die Liste von analysierten .ini-Dateien aus einem zusätzlichen ini-Verzeichnis
- php_logo_guid - Die GUID des PHP-Logos
- php_sapi_name - Gibt das genutzte Interface zwischen PHP und dem Webserver zurück
- php_strip_whitespace - Return source with stripped comments and whitespace
- php_uname - Returns information about the operating system PHP is running on
- php_user_filter::filter - Called when applying the filter
- php_user_filter::onClose - Called when closing the filter
- php_user_filter::onCreate - Called when creating the filter
- pi - Liefert den Wert von Pi
- png2wbmp - Convert PNG image file to WBMP image file
- Pool::collect - Collect references to completed tasks
- Pool::resize - Resize the Pool
- Pool::shutdown - Shutdown all Workers
- Pool::submit - Submits an object for execution
- Pool::submitTo - Submits an object for execution
- Pool::__construct - Creates a new Pool of Workers
- popen - Öffnet einen Prozesszeiger
- pos - Alias von current
- posix_access - Ermittelt die Zugriffsberechtigungen einer Datei
- posix_ctermid - Liefert den Pfad des kontrollierenden Terminals
- posix_errno - Alias von posix_get_last_error
- posix_getcwd - Pfadname des aktuellen Verzeichnisses
- posix_getegid - Liefert die effektive Gruppen-ID des aktuellen Prozesses
- posix_geteuid - Liefert die effektive Benutzer-ID des aktuellen Prozesses
- posix_getgid - Liefert die reale Gruppen-ID des aktuellen Prozesses
- posix_getgrgid - Liefert zu einer Gruppen-ID Informationen über diese Gruppe
- posix_getgrnam - Liefert zu einem Gruppennamen Informationen über diese Gruppe
- posix_getgroups - Liefert die Gruppenliste des aktuellen Prozesses
- posix_getlogin - Liefert den Loginnamen
- posix_getpgid - Liefert die Prozessgruppenkennung (Process Group ID) für die Job-Kontrolle
- posix_getpgrp - Liefert die Prozessgruppenkennung des aktuellen Prozesses
- posix_getpid - Liefert die aktuelle Prozesskennung
- posix_getppid - Liefert die Prozesskennung des Elternprozesses
- posix_getpwnam - Liefert zu einem Benutzernamen Informationen über diesen Benutzer
- posix_getpwuid - Liefert zu einer Benutzer-ID Informationen über diesen Benutzer
- posix_getrlimit - Liefert Informationen über Systemressourcen-Limits
- posix_getsid - Liefert die aktuelle Session-ID (sid) des Prozesses
- posix_getuid - Liefert die reale Benutzer-ID des aktuellen Prozesses
- posix_get_last_error - Liefert die von der letzten fehlgeschlagenen Posix-Funktion gesetzte Fehlernummer
- posix_initgroups - Ermittelt die Gruppenzugriffsliste
- posix_isatty - Ermittelt, ob ein Dateideskriptor ein interaktives Terminal ist
- posix_kill - Sendet einem Prozess ein Signal
- posix_mkfifo - Erzeugt eine "FIFO special"-Datei (named pipe)
- posix_mknod - Erzeugt eine spezielle oder eine gewöhnliche Datei (POSIX.1)
- posix_setegid - Setzt die effektive Gruppen-ID des aktuellen Prozesses
- posix_seteuid - Setzt die effektive Benutzer-ID des aktuellen Prozesses
- posix_setgid - Setzt die Gruppen-ID des aktuellen Prozesses
- posix_setpgid - Setzt die Prozessgruppenkennung (Process Group ID) für die Job-Kontrolle
- posix_setrlimit - Set system resource limits
- posix_setsid - Macht den aktuellen Prozess zum Prozessgruppen-Führer
- posix_setuid - Setzt die Benutzer-ID des aktuellen Prozesses
- posix_strerror - Liefert die System-Fehlermeldung, die zur angegebenen Fehlernummer gehört
- posix_times - Liefert Rechenzeiten
- posix_ttyname - Ermittelt den Namen des Terminal-Devices
- posix_uname - Liefert Auskunft über das System
- pow - Potenzfunktion
- preg_filter - Sucht und ersetzt mit regulären Ausdrücken
- preg_grep - Liefert Array-Elemente, die auf ein Suchmuster passen
- preg_last_error - Liefert den Fehlercode der letzten PCRE RegEx-Auswertung
- preg_match - Führt eine Suche mit einem regulären Ausdruck durch
- preg_match_all - Führt eine umfassende Suche nach Übereinstimmungen mit regulärem Ausdruck durch
- preg_quote - Maskiert Zeichen regulärer Ausdrücke
- preg_replace - Sucht und ersetzt mit regulären Ausdrücken
- preg_replace_callback - Sucht und ersetzt mit regulären Ausdrücken unter Verwendung eines Callbacks
- preg_replace_callback_array - Perform a regular expression search and replace using callbacks
- preg_split - Zerlegt eine Zeichenkette anhand eines regulären Ausdrucks
- prev - Setzt den internen Zeiger eines Arrays um ein Element zurück
- print - Ausgabe eines Strings
- printf - Gibt einen formatierten String aus
- print_r - Gibt Variablen-Informationen in lesbarer Form aus
- proc_close - Schließt einen Prozess, der mit proc_open
gestartet wurde und gibt den Exitcode dieses Prozesses zurück
- proc_get_status - Liefert Informationen über einen mit proc_open
gestarteten Prozess
- proc_nice - Ändert die Priorität des aktuellen Prozesses
- proc_open - Führt ein Kommando aus und öffnet Dateizeiger für die Ein- und Ausgabe
- proc_terminate - Beendet einen von proc_open gestarteten Prozess
- property_exists - Prüft auf die Existenz einer Eigenschaft eines Objektes bzw. einer Klasse
- pspell_add_to_personal - Fügt der persönlichen Wortliste ein Wort hinzu
- pspell_add_to_session - Fügt der Wortliste der aktuellen Sitzung ein Wort hinzu
- pspell_check - Überprüft ein Wort
- pspell_clear_session - Löscht die aktuelle Sitzung
- pspell_config_create - Erzeugt eine Konfiguration zum Öffnen eines Wörterbuchs
- pspell_config_data_dir - Ort der Dateien mit den Daten für die Sprachen
- pspell_config_dict_dir - Ort der Haupt-Wortliste
- pspell_config_ignore - Ignoriert Wörter mit weniger als N Buchstaben
- pspell_config_mode - Ändert den Modus für die Anzahl gelieferter Vorschläge
- pspell_config_personal - Legt die Datei fest, die die persönliche Wortliste enthält
- pspell_config_repl - Legt die Datei fest, welche die Ersetzen-Paare enthält
- pspell_config_runtogether - Betrachtet zusammengesetzte Wörter als gültige Verbindungen
- pspell_config_save_repl - Bestimmt, ob Ersetzen-Paare zusammen mit der Wortliste gespeichert werden
- pspell_new - Lädt ein neues Wörterbuch
- pspell_new_config - Lädt ein neues Wörterbuch mit den Einstellungen einer angegebenen Konfiguration
- pspell_new_personal - Lädt ein neues Wörterbuch mit persönlicher Wortliste
- pspell_save_wordlist - Speichert die persönliche Wortliste in einer Datei
- pspell_store_replacement - Speichert das Ersetzen-Paar für ein Wort
- pspell_suggest - Macht Vorschläge für die Schreibweise eines Wortes
- ps_add_bookmark - Add bookmark to current page
- ps_add_launchlink - Adds link which launches file
- ps_add_locallink - Adds link to a page in the same document
- ps_add_note - Adds note to current page
- ps_add_pdflink - Adds link to a page in a second pdf document
- ps_add_weblink - Adds link to a web location
- ps_arc - Draws an arc counterclockwise
- ps_arcn - Draws an arc clockwise
- ps_begin_page - Start a new page
- ps_begin_pattern - Start a new pattern
- ps_begin_template - Start a new template
- ps_circle - Draws a circle
- ps_clip - Clips drawing to current path
- ps_close - Closes a PostScript document
- ps_closepath - Closes path
- ps_closepath_stroke - Closes and strokes path
- ps_close_image - Closes image and frees memory
- ps_continue_text - Continue text in next line
- ps_curveto - Draws a curve
- ps_delete - Deletes all resources of a PostScript document
- ps_end_page - End a page
- ps_end_pattern - End a pattern
- ps_end_template - End a template
- ps_fill - Fills the current path
- ps_fill_stroke - Fills and strokes the current path
- ps_findfont - Loads a font
- ps_get_buffer - Fetches the full buffer containig the generated PS data
- ps_get_parameter - Gets certain parameters
- ps_get_value - Gets certain values
- ps_hyphenate - Hyphenates a word
- ps_include_file - Reads an external file with raw PostScript code
- ps_lineto - Draws a line
- ps_makespotcolor - Create spot color
- ps_moveto - Sets current point
- ps_new - Creates a new PostScript document object
- ps_open_file - Opens a file for output
- ps_open_image - Reads an image for later placement
- ps_open_image_file - Opens image from file
- ps_open_memory_image - Takes an GD image and returns an image for placement in a PS document
- ps_place_image - Places image on the page
- ps_rect - Draws a rectangle
- ps_restore - Restore previously save context
- ps_rotate - Sets rotation factor
- ps_save - Save current context
- ps_scale - Sets scaling factor
- ps_setcolor - Sets current color
- ps_setdash - Sets appearance of a dashed line
- ps_setflat - Sets flatness
- ps_setfont - Sets font to use for following output
- ps_setgray - Sets gray value
- ps_setlinecap - Sets appearance of line ends
- ps_setlinejoin - Sets how contected lines are joined
- ps_setlinewidth - Sets width of a line
- ps_setmiterlimit - Sets the miter limit
- ps_setoverprintmode - Sets overprint mode
- ps_setpolydash - Sets appearance of a dashed line
- ps_set_border_color - Sets color of border for annotations
- ps_set_border_dash - Sets length of dashes for border of annotations
- ps_set_border_style - Sets border style of annotations
- ps_set_info - Sets information fields of document
- ps_set_parameter - Sets certain parameters
- ps_set_text_pos - Sets position for text output
- ps_set_value - Sets certain values
- ps_shading - Creates a shading for later use
- ps_shading_pattern - Creates a pattern based on a shading
- ps_shfill - Fills an area with a shading
- ps_show - Output text
- ps_show2 - Output a text at current position
- ps_show_boxed - Output text in a box
- ps_show_xy - Output text at given position
- ps_show_xy2 - Output text at position
- ps_stringwidth - Gets width of a string
- ps_string_geometry - Gets geometry of a string
- ps_stroke - Draws the current path
- ps_symbol - Output a glyph
- ps_symbol_name - Gets name of a glyph
- ps_symbol_width - Gets width of a glyph
- ps_translate - Sets translation
- putenv - Setzt den Wert einer Umgebungsvariablen.
- px_close - Closes a paradox database
- px_create_fp - Create a new paradox database
- px_date2string - Converts a date into a string.
- px_delete - Deletes resource of paradox database
- px_delete_record - Deletes record from paradox database
- px_get_field - Returns the specification of a single field
- px_get_info - Return lots of information about a paradox file
- px_get_parameter - Gets a parameter
- px_get_record - Returns record of paradox database
- px_get_schema - Returns the database schema
- px_get_value - Gets a value
- px_insert_record - Inserts record into paradox database
- px_new - Create a new paradox object
- px_numfields - Returns number of fields in a database
- px_numrecords - Returns number of records in a database
- px_open_fp - Open paradox database
- px_put_record - Stores record into paradox database
- px_retrieve_record - Returns record of paradox database
- px_set_blob_file - Sets the file where blobs are read from
- px_set_parameter - Sets a parameter
- px_set_tablename - Sets the name of a table (deprecated)
- px_set_targetencoding - Sets the encoding for character fields (deprecated)
- px_set_value - Sets a value
- px_timestamp2string - Converts the timestamp into a string.
- px_update_record - Updates record in paradox database
- q
- QuickHashIntHash::add - This method adds a new entry to the hash
- QuickHashIntHash::delete - This method deletes am entry from the hash
- QuickHashIntHash::exists - This method checks whether a key is part of the hash
- QuickHashIntHash::get - This method retrieves a value from the hash by its key
- QuickHashIntHash::getSize - Returns the number of elements in the hash
- QuickHashIntHash::loadFromFile - This factory method creates a hash from a file
- QuickHashIntHash::loadFromString - This factory method creates a hash from a string
- QuickHashIntHash::saveToFile - This method stores an in-memory hash to disk
- QuickHashIntHash::saveToString - This method returns a serialized version of the hash
- QuickHashIntHash::set - This method updates an entry in the hash with a new value, or
adds a new one if the entry doesn't exist
- QuickHashIntHash::update - This method updates an entry in the hash with a new value
- QuickHashIntHash::__construct - Creates a new QuickHashIntHash object
- QuickHashIntSet::add - This method adds a new entry to the set
- QuickHashIntSet::delete - This method deletes an entry from the set
- QuickHashIntSet::exists - This method checks whether a key is part of the set
- QuickHashIntSet::getSize - Returns the number of elements in the set
- QuickHashIntSet::loadFromFile - This factory method creates a set from a file
- QuickHashIntSet::loadFromString - This factory method creates a set from a string
- QuickHashIntSet::saveToFile - This method stores an in-memory set to disk
- QuickHashIntSet::saveToString - This method returns a serialized version of the set
- QuickHashIntSet::__construct - Creates a new QuickHashIntSet object
- QuickHashIntStringHash::add - This method adds a new entry to the hash
- QuickHashIntStringHash::delete - This method deletes am entry from the hash
- QuickHashIntStringHash::exists - This method checks whether a key is part of the hash
- QuickHashIntStringHash::get - This method retrieves a value from the hash by its key
- QuickHashIntStringHash::getSize - Returns the number of elements in the hash
- QuickHashIntStringHash::loadFromFile - This factory method creates a hash from a file
- QuickHashIntStringHash::loadFromString - This factory method creates a hash from a string
- QuickHashIntStringHash::saveToFile - This method stores an in-memory hash to disk
- QuickHashIntStringHash::saveToString - This method returns a serialized version of the hash
- QuickHashIntStringHash::set - This method updates an entry in the hash with a new value, or
adds a new one if the entry doesn't exist
- QuickHashIntStringHash::update - This method updates an entry in the hash with a new value
- QuickHashIntStringHash::__construct - Creates a new QuickHashIntStringHash object
- QuickHashStringIntHash::add - This method adds a new entry to the hash
- QuickHashStringIntHash::delete - This method deletes am entry from the hash
- QuickHashStringIntHash::exists - This method checks whether a key is part of the hash
- QuickHashStringIntHash::get - This method retrieves a value from the hash by its key
- QuickHashStringIntHash::getSize - Returns the number of elements in the hash
- QuickHashStringIntHash::loadFromFile - This factory method creates a hash from a file
- QuickHashStringIntHash::loadFromString - This factory method creates a hash from a string
- QuickHashStringIntHash::saveToFile - This method stores an in-memory hash to disk
- QuickHashStringIntHash::saveToString - This method returns a serialized version of the hash
- QuickHashStringIntHash::set - This method updates an entry in the hash with a new value, or
adds a new one if the entry doesn't exist
- QuickHashStringIntHash::update - This method updates an entry in the hash with a new value
- QuickHashStringIntHash::__construct - Creates a new QuickHashStringIntHash object
- quoted_printable_decode - Konvertiert einen "quoted-printable"-String in einen 8-Bit-String
- quoted_printable_encode - Wandelt einen 8Bit-String in sein 'Quoted Printable' Gegenstück
- quotemeta - Quoten von Meta-Zeichen
- r
- rad2deg - Umrechnung von Bogenmaß in Grad
- radius_acct_open - Creates a Radius handle for accounting
- radius_add_server - Adds a server
- radius_auth_open - Creates a Radius handle for authentication
- radius_close - Frees all ressources
- radius_config - Causes the library to read the given configuration file
- radius_create_request - Create accounting or authentication request
- radius_cvt_addr - Converts raw data to IP-Address
- radius_cvt_int - Converts raw data to integer
- radius_cvt_string - Converts raw data to string
- radius_demangle - Demangles data
- radius_demangle_mppe_key - Derives mppe-keys from mangled data
- radius_get_attr - Extracts an attribute
- radius_get_tagged_attr_data - Extracts the data from a tagged attribute
- radius_get_tagged_attr_tag - Extracts the tag from a tagged attribute
- radius_get_vendor_attr - Extracts a vendor specific attribute
- radius_put_addr - Attaches an IP address attribute
- radius_put_attr - Attaches a binary attribute
- radius_put_int - Attaches an integer attribute
- radius_put_string - Attaches a string attribute
- radius_put_vendor_addr - Attaches a vendor specific IP address attribute
- radius_put_vendor_attr - Attaches a vendor specific binary attribute
- radius_put_vendor_int - Attaches a vendor specific integer attribute
- radius_put_vendor_string - Attaches a vendor specific string attribute
- radius_request_authenticator - Returns the request authenticator
- radius_salt_encrypt_attr - Salt-encrypts a value
- radius_send_request - Sends the request and waites for a reply
- radius_server_secret - Returns the shared secret
- radius_strerror - Returns an error message
- rand - Erzeugt eine zufällige Zahl
- random_bytes - Generates cryptographically secure pseudo-random bytes
- random_int - Generates cryptographically secure pseudo-random integers
- range - Erstellt ein Array mit einem Bereich von Elementen
- rar:// - RAR
- RarArchive::close - Close RAR archive and free all resources
- RarArchive::getComment - Get comment text from the RAR archive
- RarArchive::getEntries - Get full list of entries from the RAR archive
- RarArchive::getEntry - Get entry object from the RAR archive
- RarArchive::isBroken - Test whether an archive is broken (incomplete)
- RarArchive::isSolid - Check whether the RAR archive is solid
- RarArchive::open - Open RAR archive
- RarArchive::setAllowBroken - Whether opening broken archives is allowed
- RarArchive::__toString - Get text representation
- RarEntry::extract - Extract entry from the archive
- RarEntry::getAttr - Get attributes of the entry
- RarEntry::getCrc - Get CRC of the entry
- RarEntry::getFileTime - Get entry last modification time
- RarEntry::getHostOs - Get entry host OS
- RarEntry::getMethod - Get pack method of the entry
- RarEntry::getName - Get name of the entry
- RarEntry::getPackedSize - Get packed size of the entry
- RarEntry::getStream - Get file handler for entry
- RarEntry::getUnpackedSize - Get unpacked size of the entry
- RarEntry::getVersion - Get minimum version of RAR program required to unpack the entry
- RarEntry::isDirectory - Test whether an entry represents a directory
- RarEntry::isEncrypted - Test whether an entry is encrypted
- RarEntry::__toString - Get text representation of entry
- RarException::isUsingExceptions - Check whether error handling with exceptions is in use
- RarException::setUsingExceptions - Activate and deactivate error handling with exceptions
- rar_wrapper_cache_stats - Cache hits and misses for the URL wrapper
- rawurldecode - Dekodiert URL-kodierte Strings
- rawurlencode - URL-Kodierung nach RFC 3986
- readdir - Liest einen Eintrag aus einem Verzeichnis-Handle
- readfile - Gibt eine Datei aus
- readgzfile - Gibt eine gz-komprimierte Datei aus
- readline - Liest eine Zeile
- readline_add_history - Fügt eine Zeile zur History hinzu
- readline_callback_handler_install - Initialisiert das readline-Callback-Interface und das Terminal,
gibt den Prompt aus und springt direkt zurück
- readline_callback_handler_remove - Entfernt den letztdefinierten Callbackhandler und setzt die
Terminalumgebung auf die Ursprungswerte zurück
- readline_callback_read_char - Liest ein Zeichen und informiert das readline-Callback-Interface, wenn die Eingabezeile abgeschlossen wurde
- readline_clear_history - Löscht die History
- readline_completion_function - Registriert eine Vervollständigungsfunktion
- readline_info - Liest/Setzt verschiedene interne readline-Variablen
- readline_list_history - Auflistung der History
- readline_on_new_line - Informiert readline, dass der Cursor in eine neue Zeile bewegt wurde
- readline_read_history - Liest die History
- readline_redisplay - Zeichnet den Bildschirm neu
- readline_write_history - Schreibt die History
- readlink - Liefert das Ziel eines symbolischen Links
- read_exif_data - Alias von exif_read_data
- realpath - Löst einen Pfad in einen absoluten und eindeutigen auf
- realpath_cache_get - Get realpath cache entries
- realpath_cache_size - Get realpath cache size
- recode - Alias von recode_string
- recode_file - Umkodierung von Dateien entsprechend der Recode-Anweisung
- recode_string - Umkodierung eines Strings entsprechend einer Recode-Anweisung
- RecursiveArrayIterator::getChildren - Returns an iterator for the current entry if it is an array or an object.
- RecursiveArrayIterator::hasChildren - Returns whether current entry is an array or an object.
- RecursiveCachingIterator::getChildren - Return the inner iterator's children as a RecursiveCachingIterator
- RecursiveCachingIterator::hasChildren - Check whether the current element of the inner iterator has children
- RecursiveCachingIterator::__construct - Construct
- RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator::getChildren - Return the inner iterator's children contained in a RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator
- RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator::hasChildren - Check whether the inner iterator's current element has children
- RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator::__construct - Create a RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator from a RecursiveIterator
- RecursiveDirectoryIterator::getChildren - Returns an iterator for the current entry if it is a directory
- RecursiveDirectoryIterator::getSubPath - Get sub path
- RecursiveDirectoryIterator::getSubPathname - Get sub path and name
- RecursiveDirectoryIterator::hasChildren - Returns whether current entry is a directory and not '.' or '..'
- RecursiveDirectoryIterator::key - Return path and filename of current dir entry
- RecursiveDirectoryIterator::next - Zum nächsten Eintrag bewegen
- RecursiveDirectoryIterator::rewind - Rewind dir back to the start
- RecursiveDirectoryIterator::__construct - Constructs a RecursiveDirectoryIterator
- RecursiveFilterIterator::getChildren - Return the inner iterator's children contained in a RecursiveFilterIterator
- RecursiveFilterIterator::hasChildren - Check whether the inner iterator's current element has children
- RecursiveFilterIterator::__construct - Create a RecursiveFilterIterator from a RecursiveIterator
- RecursiveIterator::getChildren - Returns an iterator for the current entry.
- RecursiveIterator::hasChildren - Returns if an iterator can be created fot the current entry.
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::beginChildren - Begin children
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::beginIteration - Begin Iteration
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::callGetChildren - Get children
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::callHasChildren - Has children
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::current - Access the current element value
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::endChildren - End children
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::endIteration - End Iteration
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::getDepth - Get the current depth of the recursive iteration
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::getInnerIterator - Get inner iterator
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::getMaxDepth - Get max depth
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::getSubIterator - The current active sub iterator
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::key - Access the current key
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::next - Move forward to the next element
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::nextElement - Next element
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::rewind - Rewind the iterator to the first element of the top level inner iterator
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::setMaxDepth - Set max depth
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::valid - Check whether the current position is valid
- RecursiveIteratorIterator::__construct - Construct a RecursiveIteratorIterator
- RecursiveRegexIterator::getChildren - Returns an iterator for the current entry.
- RecursiveRegexIterator::hasChildren - Returns whether an iterator can be obtained for the current entry.
- RecursiveRegexIterator::__construct - Creates a new RecursiveRegexIterator.
- RecursiveTreeIterator::beginChildren - Begin children
- RecursiveTreeIterator::beginIteration - Begin iteration
- RecursiveTreeIterator::callGetChildren - Get children
- RecursiveTreeIterator::callHasChildren - Has children
- RecursiveTreeIterator::current - Get current element
- RecursiveTreeIterator::endChildren - End children
- RecursiveTreeIterator::endIteration - End iteration
- RecursiveTreeIterator::getEntry - Get current entry
- RecursiveTreeIterator::getPostfix - Get the postfix
- RecursiveTreeIterator::getPrefix - Get the prefix
- RecursiveTreeIterator::key - Get the key of the current element
- RecursiveTreeIterator::next - Move to next element
- RecursiveTreeIterator::nextElement - Next element
- RecursiveTreeIterator::rewind - Rewind iterator
- RecursiveTreeIterator::setPrefixPart - Set a part of the prefix
- RecursiveTreeIterator::valid - Check validity
- RecursiveTreeIterator::__construct - Construct a RecursiveTreeIterator
- Reflection::export - Exports
- Reflection::getModifierNames - Gets modifier names
- ReflectionClass::export - Exports a class
- ReflectionClass::getConstant - Gets defined constant
- ReflectionClass::getConstants - Gets constants
- ReflectionClass::getConstructor - Gets the constructor of the class
- ReflectionClass::getDefaultProperties - Gets default properties
- ReflectionClass::getDocComment - Gets doc comments
- ReflectionClass::getEndLine - Gets end line
- ReflectionClass::getExtension - Gets a ReflectionExtension object for the extension which defined the class
- ReflectionClass::getExtensionName - Gets the name of the extension which defined the class
- ReflectionClass::getFileName - Gets the filename of the file in which the class has been defined
- ReflectionClass::getInterfaceNames - Gets the interface names
- ReflectionClass::getInterfaces - Gets the interfaces
- ReflectionClass::getMethod - Gets a ReflectionMethod for a class method.
- ReflectionClass::getMethods - Gets an array of methods
- ReflectionClass::getModifiers - Gets modifiers
- ReflectionClass::getName - Gets class name
- ReflectionClass::getNamespaceName - Gets namespace name
- ReflectionClass::getParentClass - Gets parent class
- ReflectionClass::getProperties - Gets properties
- ReflectionClass::getProperty - Gets a ReflectionProperty for a class's property
- ReflectionClass::getShortName - Gets short name
- ReflectionClass::getStartLine - Gets starting line number
- ReflectionClass::getStaticProperties - Gets static properties
- ReflectionClass::getStaticPropertyValue - Gets static property value
- ReflectionClass::getTraitAliases - Returns an array of trait aliases
- ReflectionClass::getTraitNames - Returns an array of names of traits used by this class
- ReflectionClass::getTraits - Returns an array of traits used by this class
- ReflectionClass::hasConstant - Checks if constant is defined
- ReflectionClass::hasMethod - Checks if method is defined
- ReflectionClass::hasProperty - Checks if property is defined
- ReflectionClass::implementsInterface - Implements interface
- ReflectionClass::inNamespace - Checks if in namespace
- ReflectionClass::isAbstract - Checks if class is abstract
- ReflectionClass::isAnonymous - Checks if class is anonymous
- ReflectionClass::isCloneable - Returns whether this class is cloneable
- ReflectionClass::isFinal - Checks if class is final
- ReflectionClass::isInstance - Checks class for instance
- ReflectionClass::isInstantiable - Checks if the class is instantiable
- ReflectionClass::isInterface - Checks if the class is an interface
- ReflectionClass::isInternal - Checks if class is defined internally by an extension, or the core
- ReflectionClass::isIterateable - Checks if iterateable
- ReflectionClass::isSubclassOf - Checks if a subclass
- ReflectionClass::isTrait - Returns whether this is a trait
- ReflectionClass::isUserDefined - Checks if user defined
- ReflectionClass::newInstance - Creates a new class instance from given arguments.
- ReflectionClass::newInstanceArgs - Creates a new class instance from given arguments.
- ReflectionClass::newInstanceWithoutConstructor - Creates a new class instance without invoking the constructor.
- ReflectionClass::setStaticPropertyValue - Sets static property value
- ReflectionClass::__construct - Constructs a ReflectionClass
- ReflectionClass::__toString - Returns the string representation of the ReflectionClass object.
- ReflectionExtension::export - Export
- ReflectionExtension::getClasses - Gets classes
- ReflectionExtension::getClassNames - Gets class names
- ReflectionExtension::getConstants - Gets constants
- ReflectionExtension::getDependencies - Gets dependencies
- ReflectionExtension::getFunctions - Gets extension functions
- ReflectionExtension::getINIEntries - Gets extension ini entries
- ReflectionExtension::getName - Gets extension name
- ReflectionExtension::getVersion - Gets extension version
- ReflectionExtension::info - Print extension info
- ReflectionExtension::isPersistent - Returns whether this extension is persistent
- ReflectionExtension::isTemporary - Returns whether this extension is temporary
- ReflectionExtension::__clone - Clones
- ReflectionExtension::__construct - Constructs a ReflectionExtension
- ReflectionExtension::__toString - To string
- ReflectionFunction::export - Exports function
- ReflectionFunction::getClosure - Returns a dynamically created closure for the function
- ReflectionFunction::invoke - Invokes function
- ReflectionFunction::invokeArgs - Invokes function args
- ReflectionFunction::isDisabled - Checks if function is disabled
- ReflectionFunction::__construct - Constructs a ReflectionFunction object
- ReflectionFunction::__toString - To string
- ReflectionFunctionAbstract::getClosureScopeClass - Returns the scope associated to the closure
- ReflectionFunctionAbstract::getClosureThis - Returns this pointer bound to closure
- ReflectionFunctionAbstract::getDocComment - Gets doc comment
- ReflectionFunctionAbstract::getEndLine - Gets end line number
- ReflectionFunctionAbstract::getExtension - Gets extension info
- ReflectionFunctionAbstract::getExtensionName - Gets extension name
- ReflectionFunctionAbstract::getFileName - Gets file name
- ReflectionFunctionAbstract::getName - Gets function name
- ReflectionFunctionAbstract::getNamespaceName - Gets namespace name
- ReflectionFunctionAbstract::getNumberOfParameters - Gets number of parameters
- ReflectionFunctionAbstract::getNumberOfRequiredParameters - Gets number of required parameters
- ReflectionFunctionAbstract::getParameters - Gets parameters
- ReflectionFunctionAbstract::getReturnType - Gets the specified return type of a function
- ReflectionFunctionAbstract::getShortName - Gets function short name
- ReflectionFunctionAbstract::getStartLine - Gets starting line number
- ReflectionFunctionAbstract::getStaticVariables - Gets static variables
- ReflectionFunctionAbstract::hasReturnType - Checks if the function has a specified return type
- ReflectionFunctionAbstract::inNamespace - Checks if function in namespace
- ReflectionFunctionAbstract::isClosure - Checks if closure
- ReflectionFunctionAbstract::isDeprecated - Checks if deprecated
- ReflectionFunctionAbstract::isGenerator - Returns whether this function is a generator
- ReflectionFunctionAbstract::isInternal - Checks if is internal
- ReflectionFunctionAbstract::isUserDefined - Checks if user defined
- ReflectionFunctionAbstract::isVariadic - Checks if the function is variadic
- ReflectionFunctionAbstract::returnsReference - Checks if returns reference
- ReflectionFunctionAbstract::__clone - Clones function
- ReflectionFunctionAbstract::__toString - To string
- ReflectionGenerator::getExecutingFile - Gets the file name of the currently executing generator
- ReflectionGenerator::getExecutingGenerator - Gets the executing Generator object
- ReflectionGenerator::getExecutingLine - Gets the currently executing line of the generator
- ReflectionGenerator::getFunction - Gets the function name of the generator
- ReflectionGenerator::getThis - Gets the $this value of the generator
- ReflectionGenerator::getTrace - Gets the trace of the executing generator
- ReflectionGenerator::__construct - Constructs a ReflectionGenerator object
- ReflectionMethod::export - Export a reflection method.
- ReflectionMethod::getClosure - Returns a dynamically created closure for the method
- ReflectionMethod::getDeclaringClass - Gets declaring class for the reflected method.
- ReflectionMethod::getModifiers - Gets the method modifiers
- ReflectionMethod::getPrototype - Gets the method prototype (if there is one).
- ReflectionMethod::invoke - Invoke
- ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs - Invoke args
- ReflectionMethod::isAbstract - Checks if method is abstract
- ReflectionMethod::isConstructor - Checks if method is a constructor
- ReflectionMethod::isDestructor - Checks if method is a destructor
- ReflectionMethod::isFinal - Checks if method is final
- ReflectionMethod::isPrivate - Checks if method is private
- ReflectionMethod::isProtected - Checks if method is protected
- ReflectionMethod::isPublic - Checks if method is public
- ReflectionMethod::isStatic - Checks if method is static
- ReflectionMethod::setAccessible - Set method accessibility
- ReflectionMethod::__construct - Constructs a ReflectionMethod
- ReflectionMethod::__toString - Returns the string representation of the Reflection method object.
- ReflectionObject::export - Export
- ReflectionObject::__construct - Constructs a ReflectionObject
- ReflectionParameter::allowsNull - Checks if null is allowed
- ReflectionParameter::canBePassedByValue - Returns whether this parameter can be passed by value
- ReflectionParameter::export - Exports
- ReflectionParameter::getClass - Get the type hinted class
- ReflectionParameter::getDeclaringClass - Gets declaring class
- ReflectionParameter::getDeclaringFunction - Gets declaring function
- ReflectionParameter::getDefaultValue - Gets default parameter value
- ReflectionParameter::getDefaultValueConstantName - Returns the default value's constant name if default value is constant or null
- ReflectionParameter::getName - Gets parameter name
- ReflectionParameter::getPosition - Gets parameter position
- ReflectionParameter::getType - Gets a parameter's type
- ReflectionParameter::hasType - Checks if parameter has a type
- ReflectionParameter::isArray - Checks if parameter expects an array
- ReflectionParameter::isCallable - Returns whether parameter MUST be callable
- ReflectionParameter::isDefaultValueAvailable - Checks if a default value is available
- ReflectionParameter::isDefaultValueConstant - Returns whether the default value of this parameter is constant
- ReflectionParameter::isOptional - Checks if optional
- ReflectionParameter::isPassedByReference - Checks if passed by reference
- ReflectionParameter::isVariadic - Checks if the parameter is variadic
- ReflectionParameter::__clone - Clone
- ReflectionParameter::__construct - Construct
- ReflectionParameter::__toString - To string
- ReflectionProperty::export - Export
- ReflectionProperty::getDeclaringClass - Gets declaring class
- ReflectionProperty::getDocComment - Gets the property doc comment
- ReflectionProperty::getModifiers - Gets modifiers
- ReflectionProperty::getName - Gets property name
- ReflectionProperty::getValue - Gets value
- ReflectionProperty::isDefault - Checks if property is a default property
- ReflectionProperty::isPrivate - Checks if property is private
- ReflectionProperty::isProtected - Checks if property is protected
- ReflectionProperty::isPublic - Checks if property is public
- ReflectionProperty::isStatic - Checks if property is static
- ReflectionProperty::setAccessible - Set property accessibility
- ReflectionProperty::setValue - Set property value
- ReflectionProperty::__clone - Clone
- ReflectionProperty::__construct - Construct a ReflectionProperty object
- ReflectionProperty::__toString - To string
- ReflectionType::allowsNull - Checks if null is allowed
- ReflectionType::isBuiltin - Checks if it is a built-in type
- ReflectionType::__toString - To string
- ReflectionZendExtension::export - Export
- ReflectionZendExtension::getAuthor - Gets author
- ReflectionZendExtension::getCopyright - Gets copyright
- ReflectionZendExtension::getName - Gets name
- ReflectionZendExtension::getURL - Gets URL
- ReflectionZendExtension::getVersion - Gets version
- ReflectionZendExtension::__clone - Clone handler
- ReflectionZendExtension::__construct - Constructor
- ReflectionZendExtension::__toString - To string handler
- Reflector::export - Exports
- Reflector::__toString - To string
- RegexIterator::accept - Get accept status
- RegexIterator::getFlags - Get flags
- RegexIterator::getMode - Returns operation mode.
- RegexIterator::getPregFlags - Returns the regular expression flags.
- RegexIterator::getRegex - Returns current regular expression
- RegexIterator::setFlags - Sets the flags.
- RegexIterator::setMode - Sets the operation mode.
- RegexIterator::setPregFlags - Sets the regular expression flags.
- RegexIterator::__construct - Create a new RegexIterator
- register_shutdown_function - Registriert eine Funktion zur Ausführung beim Skript-Abschluss
- register_tick_function - Register a function for execution on each tick
- rename - Benennt eine Datei oder ein Verzeichnis um
- rename_function - Renames orig_name to new_name in the global function table
- reset - Setzt den internen Zeiger eines Arrays auf sein erstes Element
- ResourceBundle::count - Get number of elements in the bundle
- ResourceBundle::create - Create a resource bundle
- ResourceBundle::get - Get data from the bundle
- ResourceBundle::getErrorCode - Get bundle's last error code.
- ResourceBundle::getErrorMessage - Get bundle's last error message.
- ResourceBundle::getLocales - Get supported locales
- restore_error_handler - Rekonstruiert die zuvor benutzte Fehlerbehandlungsfunktion
- restore_exception_handler - Stellt den vorherigen Exceptionhandler wieder her
- restore_include_path - Restores the value of the include_path configuration option
- rewind - Setzt die Position eines Dateizeigers auf den Anfang
- rewinddir - Zurücksetzen des Verzeichnis-Handles
- rmdir - Löscht ein Verzeichnis
- round - Rundet einen Fließkommawert
- rpm_close - Closes an RPM file
- rpm_get_tag - Retrieves a header tag from an RPM file
- rpm_is_valid - Tests a filename for validity as an RPM file
- rpm_open - Opens an RPM file
- rpm_version - Returns a string representing the current version of the
rpmreader extension
- RRDCreator::addArchive - Adds RRA - archive of data values for each data source.
- RRDCreator::addDataSource - Adds data source definition for RRD database.
- RRDCreator::save - Saves the RRD database to a file
- RRDCreator::__construct - Creates new RRDCreator instance
- rrdc_disconnect - Close any outstanding connection to rrd caching daemon
- RRDGraph::save - Saves the result of query into image
- RRDGraph::saveVerbose - Saves the RRD database query into image and returns the verbose
information about generated graph.
- RRDGraph::setOptions - Sets the options for rrd graph export
- RRDGraph::__construct - Creates new RRDGraph instance
- RRDUpdater::update - Update the RRD database file
- RRDUpdater::__construct - Creates new RRDUpdater instance
- rrd_create - Creates rrd database file
- rrd_error - Gets latest error message.
- rrd_fetch - Fetch the data for graph as array.
- rrd_first - Gets the timestamp of the first sample from rrd file.
- rrd_graph - Creates image from a data.
- rrd_info - Gets information about rrd file
- rrd_last - Gets unix timestamp of the last sample.
- rrd_lastupdate - Gets information about last updated data.
- rrd_restore - Restores the RRD file from XML dump.
- rrd_tune - Tunes some RRD database file header options.
- rrd_update - Updates the RRD database.
- rrd_version - Gets information about underlying rrdtool library
- rrd_xport - Exports the information about RRD database.
- rsort - Sortiert ein Array in umgekehrter Reihenfolge
- rtrim - Entfernt Leerraum (oder andere Zeichen) vom Ende eines Strings
- runkit_class_adopt - Convert a base class to an inherited class, add ancestral methods when appropriate
- runkit_class_emancipate - Convert an inherited class to a base class, removes any method whose scope is ancestral
- runkit_constant_add - Similar to define(), but allows defining in class definitions as well
- runkit_constant_redefine - Redefine an already defined constant
- runkit_constant_remove - Remove/Delete an already defined constant
- runkit_function_add - Add a new function, similar to create_function
- runkit_function_copy - Copy a function to a new function name
- runkit_function_redefine - Replace a function definition with a new implementation
- runkit_function_remove - Remove a function definition
- runkit_function_rename - Change a function's name
- runkit_import - Process a PHP file importing function and class definitions, overwriting where appropriate
- runkit_lint - Check the PHP syntax of the specified php code
- runkit_lint_file - Check the PHP syntax of the specified file
- runkit_method_add - Dynamically adds a new method to a given class
- runkit_method_copy - Copies a method from class to another
- runkit_method_redefine - Dynamically changes the code of the given method
- runkit_method_remove - Dynamically removes the given method
- runkit_method_rename - Dynamically changes the name of the given method
- runkit_return_value_used - Determines if the current functions return value will be used
- Runkit_Sandbox - Runkit Sandbox Class -- PHP Virtual Machine
- runkit_sandbox_output_handler - Specify a function to capture and/or process output from a runkit sandbox
- Runkit_Sandbox_Parent - Runkit Anti-Sandbox Class
- runkit_superglobals - Return numerically indexed array of registered superglobals
- s
- SAMConnection::commit - Commits (completes) the current unit of work.
- SAMConnection::connect - Establishes a connection to a Messaging Server
- SAMConnection::disconnect - Disconnects from a Messaging Server
- SAMConnection::errno - Contains the unique numeric error code of the last executed SAM operation.
- SAMConnection::error - Contains the text description of the last failed SAM operation.
- SAMConnection::isConnected - Queries whether a connection is established to a Messaging Server
- SAMConnection::peek - Read a message from a queue without removing it from the queue.
- SAMConnection::peekAll - Read one or more messages from a queue without removing it from the queue.
- SAMConnection::receive - Receive a message from a queue or subscription.
- SAMConnection::remove - Remove a message from a queue.
- SAMConnection::rollback - Cancels (rolls back) an in-flight unit of work.
- SAMConnection::send - Send a message to a queue or publish an item to a topic.
- SAMConnection::setDebug - Turn on or off additional debugging output.
- SAMConnection::subscribe - Create a subscription to a specified topic.
- SAMConnection::unsubscribe - Cancel a subscription to a specified topic.
- SAMConnection::__construct - Creates a new connection to a Messaging Server
- SAMMessage::body - The body of the message.
- SAMMessage::header - The header properties of the message.
- SAMMessage::__construct - Creates a new Message object
- SCA::createDataObject - create an SDO
- SCA::getService - Obtain a proxy for a service
- scandir - Listet Dateien und Verzeichnisse innerhalb eines angegebenen
Pfades auf
- SCA_LocalProxy::createDataObject - create an SDO
- SCA_SoapProxy::createDataObject - create an SDO
- SDO_DAS_ChangeSummary::beginLogging - Begin change logging
- SDO_DAS_ChangeSummary::endLogging - End change logging
- SDO_DAS_ChangeSummary::getChangedDataObjects - Get the changed data objects from a change summary
- SDO_DAS_ChangeSummary::getChangeType - Get the type of change made to an SDO_DataObject
- SDO_DAS_ChangeSummary::getOldContainer - Get the old container for a deleted SDO_DataObject
- SDO_DAS_ChangeSummary::getOldValues - Get the old values for a given changed SDO_DataObject
- SDO_DAS_ChangeSummary::isLogging - Test to see whether change logging is switched on
- SDO_DAS_DataFactory::addPropertyToType - Adds a property to a type
- SDO_DAS_DataFactory::addType - Add a new type to a model
- SDO_DAS_DataFactory::getDataFactory - Get a data factory instance
- SDO_DAS_DataObject::getChangeSummary - Get a data object's change summary
- SDO_DAS_Relational::applyChanges - Applies the changes made to a data graph back to the database.
- SDO_DAS_Relational::createRootDataObject - Returns the special root object in an otherwise
empty data graph. Used when creating a data graph from scratch.
- SDO_DAS_Relational::executePreparedQuery - Executes an SQL query passed as a prepared statement, with a
list of values to substitute for placeholders, and return the
results as a normalised data graph.
- SDO_DAS_Relational::executeQuery - Executes a given SQL query against a relational database
and returns the results as a normalised data graph.
- SDO_DAS_Relational::__construct - Creates an instance of a Relational Data Access Service
- SDO_DAS_Setting::getListIndex - Get the list index for a changed many-valued property
- SDO_DAS_Setting::getPropertyIndex - Get the property index for a changed property
- SDO_DAS_Setting::getPropertyName - Get the property name for a changed property
- SDO_DAS_Setting::getValue - Get the old value for the changed property
- SDO_DAS_Setting::isSet - Test whether a property was set prior to being modified
- SDO_DAS_XML::addTypes - To load a second or subsequent schema file to a SDO_DAS_XML object
- SDO_DAS_XML::create - To create SDO_DAS_XML object for a given schema file
- SDO_DAS_XML::createDataObject - Creates SDO_DataObject for a given namespace URI and type name
- SDO_DAS_XML::createDocument - Creates an XML Document object from scratch, without the need to load a document from a file or string.
- SDO_DAS_XML::loadFile - Returns SDO_DAS_XML_Document object for a given path to xml instance document
- SDO_DAS_XML::loadString - Returns SDO_DAS_XML_Document for a given xml instance string
- SDO_DAS_XML::saveFile - Saves the SDO_DAS_XML_Document object to a file
- SDO_DAS_XML::saveString - Saves the SDO_DAS_XML_Document object to a string
- SDO_DAS_XML_Document::getRootDataObject - Returns the root SDO_DataObject
- SDO_DAS_XML_Document::getRootElementName - Returns root element's name
- SDO_DAS_XML_Document::getRootElementURI - Returns root element's URI string
- SDO_DAS_XML_Document::setEncoding - Sets the given string as encoding
- SDO_DAS_XML_Document::setXMLDeclaration - Sets the xml declaration
- SDO_DAS_XML_Document::setXMLVersion - Sets the given string as xml version
- SDO_DataFactory::create - Create an SDO_DataObject
- SDO_DataObject::clear - Clear an SDO_DataObject's properties
- SDO_DataObject::createDataObject - Create a child SDO_DataObject
- SDO_DataObject::getContainer - Get a data object's container
- SDO_DataObject::getSequence - Get the sequence for a data object
- SDO_DataObject::getTypeName - Return the name of the type for a data object.
- SDO_DataObject::getTypeNamespaceURI - Return the namespace URI of the type for a data object.
- SDO_Exception::getCause - Get the cause of the exception.
- SDO_List::insert - Insert into a list
- SDO_Model_Property::getContainingType - Get the SDO_Model_Type which contains this property
- SDO_Model_Property::getDefault - Get the default value for the property
- SDO_Model_Property::getName - Get the name of the SDO_Model_Property
- SDO_Model_Property::getType - Get the SDO_Model_Type of the property
- SDO_Model_Property::isContainment - Test to see if the property defines a containment relationship
- SDO_Model_Property::isMany - Test to see if the property is many-valued
- SDO_Model_ReflectionDataObject::export - Get a string describing the SDO_DataObject.
- SDO_Model_ReflectionDataObject::getContainmentProperty - Get the property which defines the containment relationship to the data object
- SDO_Model_ReflectionDataObject::getInstanceProperties - Get the instance properties of the SDO_DataObject
- SDO_Model_ReflectionDataObject::getType - Get the SDO_Model_Type for the SDO_DataObject
- SDO_Model_ReflectionDataObject::__construct - Construct an SDO_Model_ReflectionDataObject
- SDO_Model_Type::getBaseType - Get the base type for this type
- SDO_Model_Type::getName - Get the name of the type
- SDO_Model_Type::getNamespaceURI - Get the namespace URI of the type
- SDO_Model_Type::getProperties - Get the SDO_Model_Property objects defined for the type
- SDO_Model_Type::getProperty - Get an SDO_Model_Property of the type
- SDO_Model_Type::isAbstractType - Test to see if this SDO_Model_Type is an abstract data type
- SDO_Model_Type::isDataType - Test to see if this SDO_Model_Type is a primitive data type
- SDO_Model_Type::isInstance - Test for an SDO_DataObject being an instance of this SDO_Model_Type
- SDO_Model_Type::isOpenType - Test to see if this type is an open type
- SDO_Model_Type::isSequencedType - Test to see if this is a sequenced type
- SDO_Sequence::getProperty - Return the property for the specified sequence index.
- SDO_Sequence::insert - Insert into a sequence
- SDO_Sequence::move - Move an item to another sequence position
- SeekableIterator::seek - Seeks to a position
- sem_acquire - Zugriff auf Semaphor anfordern
- sem_get - Zugriff auf ein Semaphor anfordern
- sem_release - Semaphor freigeben
- sem_remove - Semaphor entfernen
- Serializable::serialize - Stringrepräsentation eines Objekts
- Serializable::unserialize - Erstellt das Objekt
- serialize - Erzeugt eine speicherbare Repräsentation eines Wertes.
- SessionHandler::close - Close the session
- SessionHandler::create_sid - Return a new session ID
- SessionHandler::destroy - Destroy a session
- SessionHandler::gc - Cleanup old sessions
- SessionHandler::open - Initialize session
- SessionHandler::read - Read session data
- SessionHandler::write - Write session data
- SessionHandlerInterface::close - Close the session
- SessionHandlerInterface::destroy - Destroy a session
- SessionHandlerInterface::gc - Cleanup old sessions
- SessionHandlerInterface::open - Initialize session
- SessionHandlerInterface::read - Read session data
- SessionHandlerInterface::write - Write session data
- session_abort - Discard session array changes and finish session
- session_cache_expire - Liefert die aktuelle Cache-Verfallszeit
- session_cache_limiter - Liefert und/oder setzt die aktuelle Cacheverwaltung
- session_commit - Alias von session_write_close
- session_create_id - Create new session id
- session_decode - Dekodiert die Daten einer Session aus einer session-kodierten Zeichenkette
- session_destroy - Löscht alle in einer Session registrierten Daten
- session_encode - Kodiert die Daten der aktuellen Session als session-kodierte Zeichenkette
- session_gc - Perform session data garbage collection
- session_get_cookie_params - Liefert die Session-Cookie Parameter
- session_id - Liefert und/oder setzt die aktuelle Session-ID
- session_is_registered - Überprüft, ob eine globale Variable in einer Session registriert ist
- session_module_name - Liefert und/oder setzt das aktuelle Session-Modul
- session_name - Liefert und/oder setzt den Namen der aktuellen Session
- session_pgsql_add_error - Increments error counts and sets last error message
- session_pgsql_get_error - Returns number of errors and last error message
- session_pgsql_get_field - Get custom field value
- session_pgsql_reset - Reset connection to session database servers
- session_pgsql_set_field - Set custom field value
- session_pgsql_status - Get current save handler status
- session_regenerate_id - Ersetzt die aktuelle Session-ID durch eine neu erzeugte
- session_register - Registriert eine oder mehrere globale Variablen in der aktuellen Session
- session_register_shutdown - Funktion zum Schließen von Sitzungen
- session_reset - Re-initialize session array with original values
- session_save_path - Liefert und/oder setzt den aktuellen Speicherpfad der Session
- session_set_cookie_params - Setzt die Session-Cookie-Parameter
- session_set_save_handler - Setzt benutzerdefinierte Session-Speicherfunktionen
- session_start - Erzeugt eine neue Session oder setzt eine vorhandene fort
- session_status - Gibt den Status der aktuellen Sitzung zurück
- session_unregister - Hebt die Registrierung einer globalen Variablen in der aktuellen Session auf
- session_unset - Löscht alle Session-Variablen
- session_write_close - Speichert die Session-Daten und beendet die Session
- setcookie - Sendet ein Cookie
- setlocale - Legt regionale (locale) Einstellungen fest
- setproctitle - Set the process title
- setrawcookie - Sendet ein Cookie, ohne seinen Wert zu URL-kodieren
- setthreadtitle - Set the thread title
- settype - Legt den Typ einer Variablen fest
- set_error_handler - Bestimmt eine benutzerdefinierte Funktion zur Fehlerbehandlung
- set_exception_handler - Installiert einen benutzerdefinierten Exceptionhandler
- set_file_buffer - Alias von stream_set_write_buffer
- set_include_path - Sets the include_path configuration option
- set_magic_quotes_runtime - Setzt magic_quotes_runtime
- set_socket_blocking - Alias von stream_set_blocking
- set_time_limit - Beschränkt die maximale Ausführungszeit
- sha1 - Berechnet den SHA1-Hash eines Strings
- sha1_file - Berechnet den SHA1-Hash einer Datei
- shell_exec - Führt ein Kommando auf der Shell aus und gibt den kompletten
Output als String zurück
- shmop_close - Schließt einen gemeinsamen Speicherblock
- shmop_delete - Einen gemeinsamen Speicherblock löschen
- shmop_open - Erstellt oder öffnet einen gemeinsamen Speicherblock
- shmop_read - Liest Daten aus einem gemeinsam genutzten Speicherbereich
- shmop_size - Gibt die Größe des gemeinsamen Speicherblocks zurück
- shmop_write - Schreibt Daten in einen gemeinsamen Speicherblock
- shm_attach - Shared Memory Segment anlegen oder anbinden
- shm_detach - Anbindung an ein Shared Memory-Segment beenden
- shm_get_var - Liest eine Variable aus dem Shared Memory
- shm_has_var - Check whether a specific entry exists
- shm_put_var - Aktualisiert eine Variable im Shared Memory
- shm_remove - Entfernt ein Shared Memory-Segment unter UNIX
- shm_remove_var - Entfernt eine Variable aus dem Shared Memory
- show_source - Alias von highlight_file
- shuffle - Mischt die Elemente eines Arrays
- similar_text - Berechnet die Ähnlichkeit zweier Zeichenketten
- SimpleXMLElement::addAttribute - Fügt einem SimpleXML-Element ein Attribut hinzu
- SimpleXMLElement::addChild - Fügt dem XML-Knoten ein Kind-Element hinzu
- SimpleXMLElement::asXML - Gibt einen wohlgeformten XML String zurück, der auf einem
SimpleXML-Element basiert
- SimpleXMLElement::attributes - Identifiziert die Attribute eines Elements
- SimpleXMLElement::children - Findet Kindelemente des gegebenen Knotens
- SimpleXMLElement::count - Counts the children of an element
- SimpleXMLElement::getDocNamespaces - Gibt die im Dokument vorhandenen Namespaces zurück
- SimpleXMLElement::getName - Ermittelt den Namen eines XML-Elements
- SimpleXMLElement::getNamespaces - Gibt die im Dokument verwendeten Namespaces zurück
- SimpleXMLElement::registerXPathNamespace - Erzeugt einen Prefix/Namespace-Kontext für den nächsten XPath-Query
- SimpleXMLElement::saveXML - Alias von SimpleXMLElement::asXML
- SimpleXMLElement::xpath - Führt ein XPath Query auf XML-Daten aus
- SimpleXMLElement::__construct - Erstellt ein neues SimpleXMLElement-Objekt
- SimpleXMLElement::__toString - Returns the string content
- SimpleXMLIterator::current - Returns the current element
- SimpleXMLIterator::getChildren - Returns the sub-elements of the current element
- SimpleXMLIterator::hasChildren - Checks whether the current element has sub elements.
- SimpleXMLIterator::key - Return current key
- SimpleXMLIterator::next - Move to next element
- SimpleXMLIterator::rewind - Rewind to the first element
- SimpleXMLIterator::valid - Check whether the current element is valid
- simplexml_import_dom - Erzeugt ein SimpleXMLElement-Objekt aus einem
- simplexml_load_file - Übersetzt ein XML-File in ein Objekt
- simplexml_load_string - Übersetzt einen XML-String in ein Objekt
- sin - Sinus
- sinh - Sinus Hyperbolikus
- sizeof - Alias von count
- sleep - Programmverzögerung
- snmp2_get - Fetch an SNMP object
- snmp2_getnext - Fetch the SNMP object which follows the given object id
- snmp2_real_walk - Return all objects including their respective object ID within the specified one
- snmp2_set - Set the value of an SNMP object
- snmp2_walk - Fetch all the SNMP objects from an agent
- snmp3_get - Fetch an SNMP object
- snmp3_getnext - Fetch the SNMP object which follows the given object id
- snmp3_real_walk - Return all objects including their respective object ID within the specified one
- snmp3_set - Set the value of an SNMP object
- snmp3_walk - Fetch all the SNMP objects from an agent
- SNMP::close - Close SNMP session
- SNMP::get - Fetch an SNMP object
- SNMP::getErrno - Get last error code
- SNMP::getError - Get last error message
- SNMP::getnext - Fetch an SNMP object which
follows the given object id
- SNMP::set - Set the value of an SNMP object
- SNMP::setSecurity - Configures security-related SNMPv3 session parameters
- SNMP::walk - Fetch SNMP object subtree
- SNMP::__construct - Creates SNMP instance representing session to remote SNMP agent
- snmpget - Ein SNMP Objekt holen
- snmpgetnext - Fetch the SNMP object which follows the given object id
- snmprealwalk - Return all objects including their respective object ID within the specified one
- snmpset - Setzt ein SNMP Objekt
- snmpwalk - Holt alle SNMP Objekte eines Agenten
- snmpwalkoid - Abfrage über einen Baum einer Netzwerkeinheit.
- snmp_get_quick_print - Holt den aktuellen Wert der quick_print Einstellung der UCD Bibliothek
- snmp_get_valueretrieval - Return the method how the SNMP values will be returned
- snmp_read_mib - Reads and parses a MIB file into the active MIB tree
- snmp_set_enum_print - Return all values that are enums with their enum value instead of the raw integer
- snmp_set_oid_numeric_print - Set the OID output format
- snmp_set_oid_output_format - Set the OID output format
- snmp_set_quick_print - Setzt den Wert von quick_print innerhalb der UCD SNMP Bibliothek.
- snmp_set_valueretrieval - Specify the method how the SNMP values will be returned
- SoapClient::SoapClient - SoapClient-Konstruktor
- SoapClient::__call - Ruft eine SOAP-Funktion auf (veraltet)
- SoapClient::__construct - SoapClient-Konstruktor
- SoapClient::__doRequest - Führt eine SOAP-Anfrage aus
- SoapClient::__getFunctions - Gibt eine Liste verfügbarer SOAP-Funktionen zurück
- SoapClient::__getLastRequest - Gibt die letzte SOAP-Anfrage zurück
- SoapClient::__getLastRequestHeaders - Gibt die SOAP-Header der letzten Anfrage zurück
- SoapClient::__getLastResponse - Gibt die letzte SOAP-Antwort zurück
- SoapClient::__getLastResponseHeaders - Gibt die SOAP-Header der letzten Antwort zurück
- SoapClient::__getTypes - Gibt eine Liste der SOAP-Typen zurück
- SoapClient::__setCookie - Beschreibung
- SoapClient::__setLocation - Bestimmt die Adresse des zu nutzenden Webservices
- SoapClient::__setSoapHeaders - Setzt SOAP-Header für nachfolgende Aufrufe
- SoapClient::__soapCall - Ruft eine SOAP-Funktion auf
- SoapFault::SoapFault - SoapFault constructor
- SoapFault::__construct - SoapFault-Konstruktor
- SoapFault::__toString - Obtain a string representation of a SoapFault
- SoapHeader->__construct() - SoapHeader-Konstruktor
- SoapHeader::SoapHeader - SoapHeader constructor
- SoapParam->__construct() - SoapParam-Konstruktor
- SoapParam::SoapParam - SoapParam constructor
- SoapServer->addFunction() - Fügt eine oder mehrere Funktionen hinzu, die SOAP-Anfragen bearbeiten sollen
- SoapServer->getFunctions() - Gibt eine Liste aller definierten Funktionen zurück
- SoapServer->handle() - Verarbeitet SOAP-Anfragen
- SoapServer->setClass() - Setzt die Klasse, welche SOAP-Anfragen verarbeitet
- SoapServer->setPersistence() - Versetzt einen SoapServer in den Persistenz-Modus
- SoapServer->__construct() - SoapServer-Konstruktor
- SoapServer::addSoapHeader - Add a SOAP header to the response
- SoapServer::fault - Erzeugt einen SoapServer-Fehler, der einen Fehlerzustand anzeigt
- SoapServer::setObject - Sets the object which will be used to handle SOAP requests
- SoapServer::SoapServer - SoapServer constructor
- SoapVar::SoapVar - SoapVar-Konstruktor
- SoapVar::__construct - SoapVar-Konstruktor
- Socket context options - Socket context option listing
- socket_accept - Akzeptiert eine Verbindung an einem Socket
- socket_bind - Verknüpft einen Socket mit einem Namen
- socket_clear_error - Löscht entweder einen Fehler oder den letzten Fehlercode
eines Sockets
- socket_close - Schließt eine Socket-Verbindung
- socket_cmsg_space - Calculate message buffer size
- socket_connect - Baut eine Verbindung über einen Socket auf
- socket_create - Erzeugt einen Socket (Endpunkt für die Kommunikation)
- socket_create_listen - Öffnet einen Socket, um Verbindungen über einem gegebenen Port aufzubauen
- socket_create_pair - Erzeugt ein Paar nicht zu unterscheidender Sockets und speichert sie in einem Array
- socket_getopt - Alias von socket_get_option
- socket_getpeername - Fragt das entfernte Ende eines gegebenen Sockets ab. Das Ergebnis
ist vom Typ abhängig und ist entweder das Paar host/port oder ein Pfad des
- socket_getsockname - Fragt das lokale Ende eines gegebenen Sockets ab. Das Ergebnis
ist vom Typ abhängig und ist entweder das Paar host/port oder ein Pfad des
- socket_get_option - Holt die Socket-Optionen für einen Socket
- socket_get_status - Alias von stream_get_meta_data
- socket_import_stream - Import a stream
- socket_last_error - Gibt den letzten Fehler zurück, der an einem Socket aufgetreten ist
- socket_listen - Hört einen Socket nach Verbindungsanforderungen ab
- socket_read - Liest höchstens die angegebene Anzahl Bytes von einem Socket
- socket_recv - Empfängt Daten von einem verbundenen Socket
- socket_recvfrom - Empfängt Daten von einem Socket, egal, ob verbindungsorientiert oder nicht
- socket_recvmsg - Read a message
- socket_select - Führt einen select()-Systemaufruf auf den gegebenen Socket-Arrays aus, wobei ein Zeitlimit bestimmt wird
- socket_send - Sendet Daten an einen verbundenen Socket
- socket_sendmsg - Send a message
- socket_sendto - Sendet eine Nachricht an einen Socket, egal ob dieser verbunden ist oder nicht
- socket_setopt - Alias von socket_set_option
- socket_set_block - Setzt einen Socket auf den blockieren-Modus
- socket_set_blocking - Alias von stream_set_blocking
- socket_set_nonblock - Setzt den nonblocking-Modus für den Datei-Deskriptor fd
- socket_set_option - Setzt die Optionen für einen Socket
- socket_set_timeout - Alias von stream_set_timeout
- socket_shutdown - Schließt einen Socket der zum Senden, Empfangen oder beidem geöffnet wurde
- socket_strerror - Gibt einen String zurück, der einen socket-Fehler beschreibt
- socket_write - Schreibt in einen Socket
- SolrClient::addDocument - Adds a document to the index
- SolrClient::addDocuments - Adds a collection of SolrInputDocument instances to the index
- SolrClient::commit - Finalizes all add/deletes made to the index
- SolrClient::deleteById - Delete by Id
- SolrClient::deleteByIds - Deletes by Ids
- SolrClient::deleteByQueries - Removes all documents matching any of the queries
- SolrClient::deleteByQuery - Deletes all documents matching the given query
- SolrClient::getById - Get Document By Id. Utilizes Solr Realtime Get (RTG).
- SolrClient::getByIds - Get Documents by their Ids. Utilizes Solr Realtime Get (RTG).
- SolrClient::getDebug - Returns the debug data for the last connection attempt
- SolrClient::getOptions - Returns the client options set internally
- SolrClient::optimize - Defragments the index
- SolrClient::ping - Checks if Solr server is still up
- SolrClient::query - Sends a query to the server
- SolrClient::request - Sends a raw update request
- SolrClient::rollback - Rollbacks all add/deletes made to the index since the last commit
- SolrClient::setResponseWriter - Sets the response writer used to prepare the response from Solr
- SolrClient::setServlet - Changes the specified servlet type to a new value
- SolrClient::system - Retrieve Solr Server information
- SolrClient::threads - Checks the threads status
- SolrClient::__construct - Constructor for the SolrClient object
- SolrClient::__destruct - Destructor for SolrClient
- SolrClientException::getInternalInfo - Returns internal information where the Exception was thrown
- SolrCollapseFunction::getField - Returns the field that is being collapsed on.
- SolrCollapseFunction::getHint - Returns collapse hint
- SolrCollapseFunction::getMax - Returns max parameter
- SolrCollapseFunction::getMin - Returns min parameter
- SolrCollapseFunction::getNullPolicy - Returns null policy
- SolrCollapseFunction::getSize - Returns size parameter
- SolrCollapseFunction::setField - Sets the field to collapse on
- SolrCollapseFunction::setHint - Sets collapse hint
- SolrCollapseFunction::setMax - Selects the group heads by the max value of a numeric field or function query.
- SolrCollapseFunction::setMin - Sets the initial size of the collapse data structures when collapsing on a numeric field only
- SolrCollapseFunction::setNullPolicy - Sets the NULL Policy
- SolrCollapseFunction::setSize - Sets the initial size of the collapse data structures when collapsing on a numeric field only.
- SolrCollapseFunction::__construct - Constructor
- SolrCollapseFunction::__toString - Returns a string representing the constructed collapse function
- SolrDisMaxQuery::addBigramPhraseField - Adds a Phrase Bigram Field (pf2 parameter)
- SolrDisMaxQuery::addBoostQuery - Adds a boost query field with value and optional boost (bq parameter)
- SolrDisMaxQuery::addPhraseField - Adds a Phrase Field (pf parameter)
- SolrDisMaxQuery::addQueryField - Add a query field with optional boost (qf parameter)
- SolrDisMaxQuery::addTrigramPhraseField - Adds a Trigram Phrase Field (pf3 parameter)
- SolrDisMaxQuery::addUserField - Adds a field to User Fields Parameter (uf)
- SolrDisMaxQuery::removeBigramPhraseField - Removes phrase bigram field (pf2 parameter)
- SolrDisMaxQuery::removeBoostQuery - Removes a boost query partial by field name (bq)
- SolrDisMaxQuery::removePhraseField - Removes a Phrase Field (pf parameter)
- SolrDisMaxQuery::removeQueryField - Removes a Query Field (qf parameter)
- SolrDisMaxQuery::removeTrigramPhraseField - Removes a Trigram Phrase Field (pf3 parameter)
- SolrDisMaxQuery::removeUserField - Removes a field from The User Fields Parameter (uf)
- SolrDisMaxQuery::setBigramPhraseFields - Sets Bigram Phrase Fields and their boosts (and slops) using pf2 parameter
- SolrDisMaxQuery::setBigramPhraseSlop - Sets Bigram Phrase Slop (ps2 parameter)
- SolrDisMaxQuery::setBoostFunction - Sets a Boost Function (bf parameter).
- SolrDisMaxQuery::setBoostQuery - Directly Sets Boost Query Parameter (bq)
- SolrDisMaxQuery::setMinimumMatch - Set Minimum "Should" Match (mm)
- SolrDisMaxQuery::setPhraseFields - Sets Phrase Fields and their boosts (and slops) using pf2 parameter
- SolrDisMaxQuery::setPhraseSlop - Sets the default slop on phrase queries (ps parameter)
- SolrDisMaxQuery::setQueryAlt - Set Query Alternate (q.alt parameter)
- SolrDisMaxQuery::setQueryPhraseSlop - specifies the amount of slop permitted on phrase queries explicitly included in the user's query string (qf parameter)
- SolrDisMaxQuery::setTieBreaker - Sets Tie Breaker parameter (tie parameter)
- SolrDisMaxQuery::setTrigramPhraseFields - Directly Sets Trigram Phrase Fields (pf3 parameter)
- SolrDisMaxQuery::setTrigramPhraseSlop - Sets Trigram Phrase Slop (ps3 parameter)
- SolrDisMaxQuery::setUserFields - Sets User Fields parameter (uf)
- SolrDisMaxQuery::useDisMaxQueryParser - Switch QueryParser to be DisMax Query Parser
- SolrDisMaxQuery::useEDisMaxQueryParser - Switch QueryParser to be EDisMax
- SolrDisMaxQuery::__construct - Class Constructor
- SolrDocument::addField - Adds a field to the document
- SolrDocument::clear - Drops all the fields in the document
- SolrDocument::current - Retrieves the current field
- SolrDocument::deleteField - Removes a field from the document
- SolrDocument::fieldExists - Checks if a field exists in the document
- SolrDocument::getChildDocuments - Returns an array of child documents (SolrDocument)
- SolrDocument::getChildDocumentsCount - Returns the number of child documents
- SolrDocument::getField - Retrieves a field by name
- SolrDocument::getFieldCount - Returns the number of fields in this document
- SolrDocument::getFieldNames - Returns an array of fields names in the document
- SolrDocument::getInputDocument - Returns a SolrInputDocument equivalent of the object
- SolrDocument::hasChildDocuments - Checks whether the document has any child documents
- SolrDocument::key - Retrieves the current key
- SolrDocument::merge - Merges source to the current SolrDocument
- SolrDocument::next - Moves the internal pointer to the next field
- SolrDocument::offsetExists - Checks if a particular field exists
- SolrDocument::offsetGet - Retrieves a field
- SolrDocument::offsetSet - Adds a field to the document
- SolrDocument::offsetUnset - Removes a field
- SolrDocument::reset - This is an alias to SolrDocument::clear()
- SolrDocument::rewind - Resets the internal pointer to the beginning
- SolrDocument::serialize - Used for custom serialization
- SolrDocument::sort - Sorts the fields in the document
- SolrDocument::toArray - Returns an array representation of the document
- SolrDocument::unserialize - Custom serialization of SolrDocument objects
- SolrDocument::valid - Checks if the current position internally is still valid
- SolrDocument::__clone - Creates a copy of a SolrDocument object
- SolrDocument::__construct - Constructor
- SolrDocument::__destruct - Destructor
- SolrDocument::__get - Access the field as a property
- SolrDocument::__isset - Checks if a field exists
- SolrDocument::__set - Adds another field to the document
- SolrDocument::__unset - Removes a field from the document
- SolrDocumentField::__construct - Constructor
- SolrDocumentField::__destruct - Destructor
- SolrException::getInternalInfo - Returns internal information where the Exception was thrown
- SolrGenericResponse::__construct - Constructor
- SolrGenericResponse::__destruct - Destructor
- SolrIllegalArgumentException::getInternalInfo - Returns internal information where the Exception was thrown
- SolrIllegalOperationException::getInternalInfo - Returns internal information where the Exception was thrown
- SolrInputDocument::addChildDocument - Adds a child document for block indexing
- SolrInputDocument::addChildDocuments - Adds an array of child documents
- SolrInputDocument::addField - Adds a field to the document
- SolrInputDocument::clear - Resets the input document
- SolrInputDocument::deleteField - Removes a field from the document
- SolrInputDocument::fieldExists - Checks if a field exists
- SolrInputDocument::getBoost - Retrieves the current boost value for the document
- SolrInputDocument::getChildDocuments - Returns an array of child documents (SolrInputDocument)
- SolrInputDocument::getChildDocumentsCount - Returns the number of child documents
- SolrInputDocument::getField - Retrieves a field by name
- SolrInputDocument::getFieldBoost - Retrieves the boost value for a particular field
- SolrInputDocument::getFieldCount - Returns the number of fields in the document
- SolrInputDocument::getFieldNames - Returns an array containing all the fields in the document
- SolrInputDocument::hasChildDocuments - Returns true if the document has any child documents
- SolrInputDocument::merge - Merges one input document into another
- SolrInputDocument::reset - This is an alias of SolrInputDocument::clear
- SolrInputDocument::setBoost - Sets the boost value for this document
- SolrInputDocument::setFieldBoost - Sets the index-time boost value for a field
- SolrInputDocument::sort - Sorts the fields within the document
- SolrInputDocument::toArray - Returns an array representation of the input document
- SolrInputDocument::__clone - Creates a copy of a SolrDocument
- SolrInputDocument::__construct - Constructor
- SolrInputDocument::__destruct - Destructor
- SolrModifiableParams::__construct - Constructor
- SolrModifiableParams::__destruct - Destructor
- SolrObject::getPropertyNames - Returns an array of all the names of the properties
- SolrObject::offsetExists - Checks if the property exists
- SolrObject::offsetGet - Used to retrieve a property
- SolrObject::offsetSet - Sets the value for a property
- SolrObject::offsetUnset - Unsets the value for the property
- SolrObject::__construct - Creates Solr object
- SolrObject::__destruct - Destructor
- SolrParams::add - This is an alias for SolrParams::addParam
- SolrParams::addParam - Adds a parameter to the object
- SolrParams::get - This is an alias for SolrParams::getParam
- SolrParams::getParam - Returns a parameter value
- SolrParams::getParams - Returns an array of non URL-encoded parameters
- SolrParams::getPreparedParams - Returns an array of URL-encoded parameters
- SolrParams::serialize - Used for custom serialization
- SolrParams::set - An alias of SolrParams::setParam
- SolrParams::setParam - Sets the parameter to the specified value
- SolrParams::toString - Returns all the name-value pair parameters in the object
- SolrParams::unserialize - Used for custom serialization
- SolrPingResponse::getResponse - Returns the response from the server
- SolrPingResponse::__construct - Constructor
- SolrPingResponse::__destruct - Destructor
- SolrQuery::addExpandFilterQuery - Overrides main filter query, determines which documents to include in the main group.
- SolrQuery::addExpandSortField - Orders the documents within the expanded groups (expand.sort parameter).
- SolrQuery::addFacetDateField - Maps to
- SolrQuery::addFacetDateOther - Adds another parameter
- SolrQuery::addFacetField - Adds another field to the facet
- SolrQuery::addFacetQuery - Adds a facet query
- SolrQuery::addField - Specifies which fields to return in the result
- SolrQuery::addFilterQuery - Specifies a filter query
- SolrQuery::addGroupField - Add a field to be used to group results.
- SolrQuery::addGroupFunction - Allows grouping results based on the unique values of a function query (group.func parameter).
- SolrQuery::addGroupQuery - Allows grouping of documents that match the given query.
- SolrQuery::addGroupSortField - Add a group sort field (group.sort parameter).
- SolrQuery::addHighlightField - Maps to hl.fl
- SolrQuery::addMltField - Sets a field to use for similarity
- SolrQuery::addMltQueryField - Maps to mlt.qf
- SolrQuery::addSortField - Used to control how the results should be sorted
- SolrQuery::addStatsFacet - Requests a return of sub results for values within the given facet
- SolrQuery::addStatsField - Maps to stats.field parameter
- SolrQuery::collapse - Collapses the result set to a single document per group
- SolrQuery::getExpand - Returns true if group expanding is enabled
- SolrQuery::getExpandFilterQueries - Returns the expand filter queries
- SolrQuery::getExpandQuery - Returns the expand query expand.q parameter
- SolrQuery::getExpandRows - Returns The number of rows to display in each group (expand.rows)
- SolrQuery::getExpandSortFields - Returns an array of fields
- SolrQuery::getFacet - Returns the value of the facet parameter
- SolrQuery::getFacetDateEnd - Returns the value for the parameter
- SolrQuery::getFacetDateFields - Returns all the fields
- SolrQuery::getFacetDateGap - Returns the value of the parameter
- SolrQuery::getFacetDateHardEnd - Returns the value of the parameter
- SolrQuery::getFacetDateOther - Returns the value for the parameter
- SolrQuery::getFacetDateStart - Returns the lower bound for the first date range for all date faceting on this field
- SolrQuery::getFacetFields - Returns all the facet fields
- SolrQuery::getFacetLimit - Returns the maximum number of constraint counts that should be returned for the facet fields
- SolrQuery::getFacetMethod - Returns the value of the facet.method parameter
- SolrQuery::getFacetMinCount - Returns the minimum counts for facet fields should be included in the response
- SolrQuery::getFacetMissing - Returns the current state of the facet.missing parameter
- SolrQuery::getFacetOffset - Returns an offset into the list of constraints to be used for pagination
- SolrQuery::getFacetPrefix - Returns the facet prefix
- SolrQuery::getFacetQueries - Returns all the facet queries
- SolrQuery::getFacetSort - Returns the facet sort type
- SolrQuery::getFields - Returns the list of fields that will be returned in the response
- SolrQuery::getFilterQueries - Returns an array of filter queries
- SolrQuery::getGroup - Returns true if grouping is enabled
- SolrQuery::getGroupCachePercent - Returns group cache percent value
- SolrQuery::getGroupFacet - Returns the group.facet parameter value
- SolrQuery::getGroupFields - Returns group fields (group.field parameter values)
- SolrQuery::getGroupFormat - Returns the group.format value
- SolrQuery::getGroupFunctions - Returns group functions (group.func parameter values)
- SolrQuery::getGroupLimit - Returns the group.limit value
- SolrQuery::getGroupMain - Returns the group.main value
- SolrQuery::getGroupNGroups - Returns the group.ngroups value
- SolrQuery::getGroupOffset - Returns the group.offset value
- SolrQuery::getGroupQueries - Returns all the group.query parameter values
- SolrQuery::getGroupSortFields - Returns the group.sort value
- SolrQuery::getGroupTruncate - Returns the group.truncate value
- SolrQuery::getHighlight - Returns the state of the hl parameter
- SolrQuery::getHighlightAlternateField - Returns the highlight field to use as backup or default
- SolrQuery::getHighlightFields - Returns all the fields that Solr should generate highlighted snippets for
- SolrQuery::getHighlightFormatter - Returns the formatter for the highlighted output
- SolrQuery::getHighlightFragmenter - Returns the text snippet generator for highlighted text
- SolrQuery::getHighlightFragsize - Returns the number of characters of fragments to consider for highlighting
- SolrQuery::getHighlightHighlightMultiTerm - Returns whether or not to enable highlighting for range/wildcard/fuzzy/prefix queries
- SolrQuery::getHighlightMaxAlternateFieldLength - Returns the maximum number of characters of the field to return
- SolrQuery::getHighlightMaxAnalyzedChars - Returns the maximum number of characters into a document to look for suitable snippets
- SolrQuery::getHighlightMergeContiguous - Returns whether or not the collapse contiguous fragments into a single fragment
- SolrQuery::getHighlightRegexMaxAnalyzedChars - Returns the maximum number of characters from a field when using the regex fragmenter
- SolrQuery::getHighlightRegexPattern - Returns the regular expression for fragmenting
- SolrQuery::getHighlightRegexSlop - Returns the deviation factor from the ideal fragment size
- SolrQuery::getHighlightRequireFieldMatch - Returns if a field will only be highlighted if the query matched in this particular field
- SolrQuery::getHighlightSimplePost - Returns the text which appears after a highlighted term
- SolrQuery::getHighlightSimplePre - Returns the text which appears before a highlighted term
- SolrQuery::getHighlightSnippets - Returns the maximum number of highlighted snippets to generate per field
- SolrQuery::getHighlightUsePhraseHighlighter - Returns the state of the hl.usePhraseHighlighter parameter
- SolrQuery::getMlt - Returns whether or not MoreLikeThis results should be enabled
- SolrQuery::getMltBoost - Returns whether or not the query will be boosted by the interesting term relevance
- SolrQuery::getMltCount - Returns the number of similar documents to return for each result
- SolrQuery::getMltFields - Returns all the fields to use for similarity
- SolrQuery::getMltMaxNumQueryTerms - Returns the maximum number of query terms that will be included in any generated query
- SolrQuery::getMltMaxNumTokens - Returns the maximum number of tokens to parse in each document field that is not stored with TermVector support
- SolrQuery::getMltMaxWordLength - Returns the maximum word length above which words will be ignored
- SolrQuery::getMltMinDocFrequency - Returns the treshold frequency at which words will be ignored which do not occur in at least this many docs
- SolrQuery::getMltMinTermFrequency - Returns the frequency below which terms will be ignored in the source document
- SolrQuery::getMltMinWordLength - Returns the minimum word length below which words will be ignored
- SolrQuery::getMltQueryFields - Returns the query fields and their boosts
- SolrQuery::getQuery - Returns the main query
- SolrQuery::getRows - Returns the maximum number of documents
- SolrQuery::getSortFields - Returns all the sort fields
- SolrQuery::getStart - Returns the offset in the complete result set
- SolrQuery::getStats - Returns whether or not stats is enabled
- SolrQuery::getStatsFacets - Returns all the stats facets that were set
- SolrQuery::getStatsFields - Returns all the statistics fields
- SolrQuery::getTerms - Returns whether or not the TermsComponent is enabled
- SolrQuery::getTermsField - Returns the field from which the terms are retrieved
- SolrQuery::getTermsIncludeLowerBound - Returns whether or not to include the lower bound in the result set
- SolrQuery::getTermsIncludeUpperBound - Returns whether or not to include the upper bound term in the result set
- SolrQuery::getTermsLimit - Returns the maximum number of terms Solr should return
- SolrQuery::getTermsLowerBound - Returns the term to start at
- SolrQuery::getTermsMaxCount - Returns the maximum document frequency
- SolrQuery::getTermsMinCount - Returns the minimum document frequency to return in order to be included
- SolrQuery::getTermsPrefix - Returns the term prefix
- SolrQuery::getTermsReturnRaw - Whether or not to return raw characters
- SolrQuery::getTermsSort - Returns an integer indicating how terms are sorted
- SolrQuery::getTermsUpperBound - Returns the term to stop at
- SolrQuery::getTimeAllowed - Returns the time in milliseconds allowed for the query to finish
- SolrQuery::removeExpandFilterQuery - Removes an expand filter query
- SolrQuery::removeExpandSortField - Removes an expand sort field from the expand.sort parameter.
- SolrQuery::removeFacetDateField - Removes one of the facet date fields
- SolrQuery::removeFacetDateOther - Removes one of the parameters
- SolrQuery::removeFacetField - Removes one of the parameters
- SolrQuery::removeFacetQuery - Removes one of the facet.query parameters
- SolrQuery::removeField - Removes a field from the list of fields
- SolrQuery::removeFilterQuery - Removes a filter query
- SolrQuery::removeHighlightField - Removes one of the fields used for highlighting
- SolrQuery::removeMltField - Removes one of the moreLikeThis fields
- SolrQuery::removeMltQueryField - Removes one of the moreLikeThis query fields
- SolrQuery::removeSortField - Removes one of the sort fields
- SolrQuery::removeStatsFacet - Removes one of the stats.facet parameters
- SolrQuery::removeStatsField - Removes one of the stats.field parameters
- SolrQuery::setEchoHandler - Toggles the echoHandler parameter
- SolrQuery::setEchoParams - Determines what kind of parameters to include in the response
- SolrQuery::setExpand - Enables/Disables the Expand Component
- SolrQuery::setExpandQuery - Sets the expand.q parameter
- SolrQuery::setExpandRows - Sets the number of rows to display in each group (expand.rows). Server Default 5
- SolrQuery::setExplainOther - Sets the explainOther common query parameter
- SolrQuery::setFacet - Maps to the facet parameter. Enables or disables facetting
- SolrQuery::setFacetDateEnd - Maps to
- SolrQuery::setFacetDateGap - Maps to
- SolrQuery::setFacetDateHardEnd - Maps to
- SolrQuery::setFacetDateStart - Maps to
- SolrQuery::setFacetEnumCacheMinDefaultFrequency - Sets the minimum document frequency used for determining term count
- SolrQuery::setFacetLimit - Maps to facet.limit
- SolrQuery::setFacetMethod - Specifies the type of algorithm to use when faceting a field
- SolrQuery::setFacetMinCount - Maps to facet.mincount
- SolrQuery::setFacetMissing - Maps to facet.missing
- SolrQuery::setFacetOffset - Sets the offset into the list of constraints to allow for pagination
- SolrQuery::setFacetPrefix - Specifies a string prefix with which to limits the terms on which to facet
- SolrQuery::setFacetSort - Determines the ordering of the facet field constraints
- SolrQuery::setGroup - Enable/Disable result grouping (group parameter)
- SolrQuery::setGroupCachePercent - Enables caching for result grouping
- SolrQuery::setGroupFacet - Sets group.facet parameter
- SolrQuery::setGroupFormat - Sets the group format, result structure (group.format parameter).
- SolrQuery::setGroupLimit - Specifies the number of results to return for each group. The server default value is 1.
- SolrQuery::setGroupMain - If true, the result of the first field grouping command is used as the main result list in the response, using group.format=simple.
- SolrQuery::setGroupNGroups - If true, Solr includes the number of groups that have matched the query in the results.
- SolrQuery::setGroupOffset - Sets the group.offset parameter.
- SolrQuery::setGroupTruncate - If true, facet counts are based on the most relevant document of each group matching the query.
- SolrQuery::setHighlight - Enables or disables highlighting
- SolrQuery::setHighlightAlternateField - Specifies the backup field to use
- SolrQuery::setHighlightFormatter - Specify a formatter for the highlight output
- SolrQuery::setHighlightFragmenter - Sets a text snippet generator for highlighted text
- SolrQuery::setHighlightFragsize - The size of fragments to consider for highlighting
- SolrQuery::setHighlightHighlightMultiTerm - Use SpanScorer to highlight phrase terms
- SolrQuery::setHighlightMaxAlternateFieldLength - Sets the maximum number of characters of the field to return
- SolrQuery::setHighlightMaxAnalyzedChars - Specifies the number of characters into a document to look for suitable snippets
- SolrQuery::setHighlightMergeContiguous - Whether or not to collapse contiguous fragments into a single fragment
- SolrQuery::setHighlightRegexMaxAnalyzedChars - Specify the maximum number of characters to analyze
- SolrQuery::setHighlightRegexPattern - Specify the regular expression for fragmenting
- SolrQuery::setHighlightRegexSlop - Sets the factor by which the regex fragmenter can stray from the ideal fragment size
- SolrQuery::setHighlightRequireFieldMatch - Require field matching during highlighting
- SolrQuery::setHighlightSimplePost - Sets the text which appears after a highlighted term
- SolrQuery::setHighlightSimplePre - Sets the text which appears before a highlighted term
- SolrQuery::setHighlightSnippets - Sets the maximum number of highlighted snippets to generate per field
- SolrQuery::setHighlightUsePhraseHighlighter - Whether to highlight phrase terms only when they appear within the query phrase
- SolrQuery::setMlt - Enables or disables moreLikeThis
- SolrQuery::setMltBoost - Set if the query will be boosted by the interesting term relevance
- SolrQuery::setMltCount - Set the number of similar documents to return for each result
- SolrQuery::setMltMaxNumQueryTerms - Sets the maximum number of query terms included
- SolrQuery::setMltMaxNumTokens - Specifies the maximum number of tokens to parse
- SolrQuery::setMltMaxWordLength - Sets the maximum word length
- SolrQuery::setMltMinDocFrequency - Sets the mltMinDoc frequency
- SolrQuery::setMltMinTermFrequency - Sets the frequency below which terms will be ignored in the source docs
- SolrQuery::setMltMinWordLength - Sets the minimum word length
- SolrQuery::setOmitHeader - Exclude the header from the returned results
- SolrQuery::setQuery - Sets the search query
- SolrQuery::setRows - Specifies the maximum number of rows to return in the result
- SolrQuery::setShowDebugInfo - Flag to show debug information
- SolrQuery::setStart - Specifies the number of rows to skip
- SolrQuery::setStats - Enables or disables the Stats component
- SolrQuery::setTerms - Enables or disables the TermsComponent
- SolrQuery::setTermsField - Sets the name of the field to get the Terms from
- SolrQuery::setTermsIncludeLowerBound - Include the lower bound term in the result set
- SolrQuery::setTermsIncludeUpperBound - Include the upper bound term in the result set
- SolrQuery::setTermsLimit - Sets the maximum number of terms to return
- SolrQuery::setTermsLowerBound - Specifies the Term to start from
- SolrQuery::setTermsMaxCount - Sets the maximum document frequency
- SolrQuery::setTermsMinCount - Sets the minimum document frequency
- SolrQuery::setTermsPrefix - Restrict matches to terms that start with the prefix
- SolrQuery::setTermsReturnRaw - Return the raw characters of the indexed term
- SolrQuery::setTermsSort - Specifies how to sort the returned terms
- SolrQuery::setTermsUpperBound - Sets the term to stop at
- SolrQuery::setTimeAllowed - The time allowed for search to finish
- SolrQuery::__construct - Constructor
- SolrQuery::__destruct - Destructor
- SolrQueryResponse::__construct - Constructor
- SolrQueryResponse::__destruct - Destructor
- SolrResponse::getDigestedResponse - Returns the XML response as serialized PHP data
- SolrResponse::getHttpStatus - Returns the HTTP status of the response
- SolrResponse::getHttpStatusMessage - Returns more details on the HTTP status
- SolrResponse::getRawRequest - Returns the raw request sent to the Solr server
- SolrResponse::getRawRequestHeaders - Returns the raw request headers sent to the Solr server
- SolrResponse::getRawResponse - Returns the raw response from the server
- SolrResponse::getRawResponseHeaders - Returns the raw response headers from the server
- SolrResponse::getRequestUrl - Returns the full URL the request was sent to
- SolrResponse::getResponse - Returns a SolrObject representing the XML response from the server
- SolrResponse::setParseMode - Sets the parse mode
- SolrResponse::success - Was the request a success
- SolrServerException::getInternalInfo - Returns internal information where the Exception was thrown
- SolrUpdateResponse::__construct - Constructor
- SolrUpdateResponse::__destruct - Destructor
- SolrUtils::digestXmlResponse - Parses an response XML string into a SolrObject
- SolrUtils::escapeQueryChars - Escapes a lucene query string
- SolrUtils::getSolrVersion - Returns the current version of the Solr extension
- SolrUtils::queryPhrase - Prepares a phrase from an unescaped lucene string
- solr_get_version - Returns the current version of the Apache Solr extension
- sort - Sortiert ein Array
- soundex - Berechnet die Laut-Ähnlichkeit eines Strings
- SphinxClient::addQuery - Add query to multi-query batch
- SphinxClient::buildExcerpts - Build text snippets
- SphinxClient::buildKeywords - Extract keywords from query
- SphinxClient::close - Closes previously opened persistent connection
- SphinxClient::escapeString - Escape special characters
- SphinxClient::getLastError - Get the last error message
- SphinxClient::getLastWarning - Get the last warning
- SphinxClient::open - Opens persistent connection to the server
- SphinxClient::query - Execute search query
- SphinxClient::resetFilters - Clear all filters
- SphinxClient::resetGroupBy - Clear all group-by settings
- SphinxClient::runQueries - Run a batch of search queries
- SphinxClient::setArrayResult - Change the format of result set array
- SphinxClient::setConnectTimeout - Set connection timeout
- SphinxClient::setFieldWeights - Set field weights
- SphinxClient::setFilter - Add new integer values set filter
- SphinxClient::setFilterFloatRange - Add new float range filter
- SphinxClient::setFilterRange - Add new integer range filter
- SphinxClient::setGeoAnchor - Set anchor point for a geosphere distance calculations
- SphinxClient::setGroupBy - Set grouping attribute
- SphinxClient::setGroupDistinct - Set attribute name for per-group distinct values count calculations
- SphinxClient::setIDRange - Set a range of accepted document IDs
- SphinxClient::setIndexWeights - Set per-index weights
- SphinxClient::setLimits - Set offset and limit of the result set
- SphinxClient::setMatchMode - Set full-text query matching mode
- SphinxClient::setMaxQueryTime - Set maximum query time
- SphinxClient::setOverride - Sets temporary per-document attribute value
- SphinxClient::setRankingMode - Set ranking mode
- SphinxClient::setRetries - Set retry count and delay
- SphinxClient::setSelect - Set select clause
- SphinxClient::setServer - Set searchd host and port
- SphinxClient::setSortMode - Set matches sorting mode
- SphinxClient::status - Queries searchd status
- SphinxClient::updateAttributes - Update document attributes
- SphinxClient::__construct - Create a new SphinxClient object
- SplDoublyLinkedList::add - Add/insert a new value at the specified index
- SplDoublyLinkedList::bottom - Peeks at the node from the beginning of the doubly linked list
- SplDoublyLinkedList::count - Counts the number of elements in the doubly linked list.
- SplDoublyLinkedList::current - Return current array entry
- SplDoublyLinkedList::getIteratorMode - Returns the mode of iteration
- SplDoublyLinkedList::isEmpty - Checks whether the doubly linked list is empty.
- SplDoublyLinkedList::key - Return current node index
- SplDoublyLinkedList::next - Move to next entry
- SplDoublyLinkedList::offsetExists - Returns whether the requested $index exists
- SplDoublyLinkedList::offsetGet - Returns the value at the specified $index
- SplDoublyLinkedList::offsetSet - Sets the value at the specified $index to $newval
- SplDoublyLinkedList::offsetUnset - Unsets the value at the specified $index
- SplDoublyLinkedList::pop - Pops a node from the end of the doubly linked list
- SplDoublyLinkedList::prev - Move to previous entry
- SplDoublyLinkedList::push - Pushes an element at the end of the doubly linked list
- SplDoublyLinkedList::rewind - Rewind iterator back to the start
- SplDoublyLinkedList::serialize - Serializes the storage
- SplDoublyLinkedList::setIteratorMode - Sets the mode of iteration
- SplDoublyLinkedList::shift - Shifts a node from the beginning of the doubly linked list
- SplDoublyLinkedList::top - Peeks at the node from the end of the doubly linked list
- SplDoublyLinkedList::unserialize - Unserializes the storage
- SplDoublyLinkedList::unshift - Prepends the doubly linked list with an element
- SplDoublyLinkedList::valid - Check whether the doubly linked list contains more nodes
- SplDoublyLinkedList::__construct - Constructs a new doubly linked list
- SplEnum::getConstList - Returns all consts (possible values) as an array.
- SplFileInfo::getATime - Gets last access time of the file
- SplFileInfo::getBasename - Gets the base name of the file
- SplFileInfo::getCTime - Gets the inode change time
- SplFileInfo::getExtension - Gets the file extension
- SplFileInfo::getFileInfo - Gets an SplFileInfo object for the file
- SplFileInfo::getFilename - Gets the filename
- SplFileInfo::getGroup - Gets the file group
- SplFileInfo::getInode - Gets the inode for the file
- SplFileInfo::getLinkTarget - Gets the target of a link
- SplFileInfo::getMTime - Gets the last modified time
- SplFileInfo::getOwner - Gets the owner of the file
- SplFileInfo::getPath - Gets the path without filename
- SplFileInfo::getPathInfo - Gets an SplFileInfo object for the path
- SplFileInfo::getPathname - Gets the path to the file
- SplFileInfo::getPerms - Gets file permissions
- SplFileInfo::getRealPath - Gets absolute path to file
- SplFileInfo::getSize - Gets file size
- SplFileInfo::getType - Gets file type
- SplFileInfo::isDir - Tells if the file is a directory
- SplFileInfo::isExecutable - Tells if the file is executable
- SplFileInfo::isFile - Tells if the object references a regular file
- SplFileInfo::isLink - Tells if the file is a link
- SplFileInfo::isReadable - Tells if file is readable
- SplFileInfo::isWritable - Tells if the entry is writable
- SplFileInfo::openFile - Gets an SplFileObject object for the file
- SplFileInfo::setFileClass - Sets the class used with SplFileInfo::openFile
- SplFileInfo::setInfoClass - Sets the class used with SplFileInfo::getFileInfo and SplFileInfo::getPathInfo
- SplFileInfo::__construct - Construct a new SplFileInfo object
- SplFileInfo::__toString - Returns the path to the file as a string
- SplFileObject::current - Retrieve current line of file
- SplFileObject::eof - Reached end of file
- SplFileObject::fflush - Flushes the output to the file
- SplFileObject::fgetc - Gets character from file
- SplFileObject::fgetcsv - Gets line from file and parse as CSV fields
- SplFileObject::fgets - Gets line from file
- SplFileObject::fgetss - Gets line from file and strip HTML tags
- SplFileObject::flock - Portable file locking
- SplFileObject::fpassthru - Output all remaining data on a file pointer
- SplFileObject::fputcsv - Write a field array as a CSV line
- SplFileObject::fread - Read from file
- SplFileObject::fscanf - Parses input from file according to a format
- SplFileObject::fseek - Seek to a position
- SplFileObject::fstat - Gets information about the file
- SplFileObject::ftell - Return current file position
- SplFileObject::ftruncate - Truncates the file to a given length
- SplFileObject::fwrite - Write to file
- SplFileObject::getChildren - No purpose
- SplFileObject::getCsvControl - Get the delimiter, enclosure and escape character for CSV
- SplFileObject::getCurrentLine - Alias of SplFileObject::fgets
- SplFileObject::getFlags - Gets flags for the SplFileObject
- SplFileObject::getMaxLineLen - Get maximum line length
- SplFileObject::hasChildren - SplFileObject does not have children
- SplFileObject::key - Get line number
- SplFileObject::next - Read next line
- SplFileObject::rewind - Rewind the file to the first line
- SplFileObject::seek - Seek to specified line
- SplFileObject::setCsvControl - Set the delimiter, enclosure and escape character for CSV
- SplFileObject::setFlags - Sets flags for the SplFileObject
- SplFileObject::setMaxLineLen - Set maximum line length
- SplFileObject::valid - Not at EOF
- SplFileObject::__construct - Construct a new file object.
- SplFileObject::__toString - Alias of SplFileObject::current
- SplFixedArray::count - Returns the size of the array
- SplFixedArray::current - Return current array entry
- SplFixedArray::fromArray - Import a PHP array in a SplFixedArray instance
- SplFixedArray::getSize - Gets the size of the array
- SplFixedArray::key - Return current array index
- SplFixedArray::next - Move to next entry
- SplFixedArray::offsetExists - Returns whether the requested index exists
- SplFixedArray::offsetGet - Returns the value at the specified index
- SplFixedArray::offsetSet - Sets a new value at a specified index
- SplFixedArray::offsetUnset - Unsets the value at the specified $index
- SplFixedArray::rewind - Rewind iterator back to the start
- SplFixedArray::setSize - Change the size of an array
- SplFixedArray::toArray - Returns a PHP array from the fixed array
- SplFixedArray::valid - Check whether the array contains more elements
- SplFixedArray::__construct - Constructs a new fixed array
- SplFixedArray::__wakeup - Reinitialises the array after being unserialised
- SplHeap::compare - Compare elements in order to place them correctly in the heap while sifting up.
- SplHeap::count - Counts the number of elements in the heap.
- SplHeap::current - Return current node pointed by the iterator
- SplHeap::extract - Extracts a node from top of the heap and sift up.
- SplHeap::insert - Inserts an element in the heap by sifting it up.
- SplHeap::isEmpty - Checks whether the heap is empty.
- SplHeap::key - Return current node index
- SplHeap::next - Move to the next node
- SplHeap::recoverFromCorruption - Recover from the corrupted state and allow further actions on the heap.
- SplHeap::rewind - Rewind iterator back to the start (no-op)
- SplHeap::top - Peeks at the node from the top of the heap
- SplHeap::valid - Check whether the heap contains more nodes
- SplHeap::__construct - Constructs a new empty heap
- split - Zerlegt eine Zeichenkette anhand eines regulären Ausdrucks in ein Array
- spliti - Zerlegt eine Zeichenkette anhand eines regulären Ausdrucks ohne Berücksichtigung von Groß-/Kleinschreibung in ein Array
- SplMaxHeap::compare - Compare elements in order to place them correctly in the heap while sifting up.
- SplMinHeap::compare - Compare elements in order to place them correctly in the heap while sifting up.
- SplObjectStorage::addAll - Adds all objects from another storage
- SplObjectStorage::attach - Adds an object in the storage
- SplObjectStorage::contains - Checks if the storage contains a specific object
- SplObjectStorage::count - Returns the number of objects in the storage
- SplObjectStorage::current - Returns the current storage entry
- SplObjectStorage::detach - Removes an object from the storage
- SplObjectStorage::getHash - Calculate a unique identifier for the contained objects
- SplObjectStorage::getInfo - Returns the data associated with the current iterator entry
- SplObjectStorage::key - Returns the index at which the iterator currently is
- SplObjectStorage::next - Move to the next entry
- SplObjectStorage::offsetExists - Checks whether an object exists in the storage
- SplObjectStorage::offsetGet - Returns the data associated with an object
- SplObjectStorage::offsetSet - Associates data to an object in the storage
- SplObjectStorage::offsetUnset - Removes an object from the storage
- SplObjectStorage::removeAll - Removes objects contained in another storage from the current storage
- SplObjectStorage::removeAllExcept - Removes all objects except for those contained in another storage from the current storage
- SplObjectStorage::rewind - Rewind the iterator to the first storage element
- SplObjectStorage::serialize - Serializes the storage
- SplObjectStorage::setInfo - Sets the data associated with the current iterator entry
- SplObjectStorage::unserialize - Unserializes a storage from its string representation
- SplObjectStorage::valid - Returns if the current iterator entry is valid
- SplObserver::update - Receive update from subject
- SplPriorityQueue::compare - Compare priorities in order to place elements correctly in the heap while sifting up.
- SplPriorityQueue::count - Counts the number of elements in the queue.
- SplPriorityQueue::current - Return current node pointed by the iterator
- SplPriorityQueue::extract - Extracts a node from top of the heap and shift up.
- SplPriorityQueue::insert - Inserts an element in the queue by sifting it up.
- SplPriorityQueue::isEmpty - Checks whether the queue is empty.
- SplPriorityQueue::key - Return current node index
- SplPriorityQueue::next - Move to the next node
- SplPriorityQueue::recoverFromCorruption - Recover from the corrupted state and allow further actions on the queue.
- SplPriorityQueue::rewind - Rewind iterator back to the start (no-op)
- SplPriorityQueue::setExtractFlags - Sets the mode of extraction
- SplPriorityQueue::top - Peeks at the node from the top of the queue
- SplPriorityQueue::valid - Check whether the queue contains more nodes
- SplPriorityQueue::__construct - Constructs a new empty queue
- SplQueue::dequeue - Dequeues a node from the queue
- SplQueue::enqueue - Adds an element to the queue.
- SplQueue::setIteratorMode - Sets the mode of iteration
- SplQueue::__construct - Constructs a new queue implemented using a doubly linked list
- SplStack::setIteratorMode - Sets the mode of iteration
- SplStack::__construct - Constructs a new stack implemented using a doubly linked list
- SplSubject::attach - Attach an SplObserver
- SplSubject::detach - Detach an observer
- SplSubject::notify - Notify an observer
- SplTempFileObject::__construct - Construct a new temporary file object
- SplType::__construct - Creates a new value of some type
- spl_autoload - Default implementation for __autoload()
- spl_autoload_call - Try all registered __autoload() function to load the requested class
- spl_autoload_extensions - Registriert und gibt die voreingestellten Dateiendungen für spl_autoload zurück
- spl_autoload_functions - Liefert alle registrierten __autoload() Funktionen
- spl_autoload_register - Register given function as __autoload() implementation
- spl_autoload_unregister - Unregister given function as __autoload() implementation
- spl_classes - Return available SPL classes
- spl_object_hash - Return hash id for given object
- Spoofchecker::areConfusable - Checks if given strings can be confused
- Spoofchecker::isSuspicious - Checks if a given text contains any suspicious characters
- Spoofchecker::setAllowedLocales - Locales to use when running checks
- Spoofchecker::setChecks - Set the checks to run
- Spoofchecker::__construct - Constructor
- sprintf - Gibt einen formatierten String zurück
- SQL acceptable by 4D - PDO and SQL 4D
- SQLite3::busyTimeout - Sets the busy connection handler
- SQLite3::changes - Gibt die Anzahl der Datenbankreihen zurück, die durch die letzte SQL-Anfrage
verändert, gelöscht oder hinzugefügt wurden.
- SQLite3::close - Beendet eine Datenbankverbindung
- SQLite3::createAggregate - Registriert eine PHP-Funktion zum Gebrauch als SQL-Aggregat-Funktion
- SQLite3::createCollation - Registers a PHP function for use as an SQL collating function
- SQLite3::createFunction - Registriert eine PHP-Funktion, die als SQL-Skalar-Funktion genutzt werden kann
- SQLite3::enableExceptions - Enable throwing exceptions
- SQLite3::escapeString - Gibt eine passend maskierte Zeichenkette zurück
- SQLite3::exec - Führt eine ergebnislose Anfrage gegen den Datenbank-Server aus
- SQLite3::lastErrorCode - Gibt den numerischen Ergebniscode der letzten fehlgeschlagenen SQLite-Anweisung zurück
- SQLite3::lastErrorMsg - Gibt einen englischen Text zurück, der die letzten fehlgeschlagenen SQLite-Anfrage beschreibt.
- SQLite3::lastInsertRowID - Gibt die Datensatz-Id des zuletzt getätigten INSERT in die Datenbank zurück
- SQLite3::loadExtension - Attempts to load an SQLite extension library
- SQLite3::open - Öffnet eine SQlite Datenbank
- SQLite3::openBlob - Opens a stream resource to read a BLOB
- SQLite3::prepare - Bereitet eine SQL-Anweisung für die Ausführung vor
- SQLite3::query - Führt eine SQL-Anfrage aus
- SQLite3::querySingle - Executes a query and returns a single result
- SQLite3::version - Returns the SQLite3 library version as a string constant and as a number
- SQLite3::__construct - Instantiiert ein SQLite3 Objekt und öffnet eine SQLite3 Datenbank
- SQLite3Result::columnName - Returns the name of the nth column
- SQLite3Result::columnType - Returns the type of the nth column
- SQLite3Result::fetchArray - Fetches a result row as an associative or numerically indexed array or both
- SQLite3Result::finalize - Closes the result set
- SQLite3Result::numColumns - Returns the number of columns in the result set
- SQLite3Result::reset - Resets the result set back to the first row
- SQLite3Stmt::bindParam - Binds a parameter to a statement variable
- SQLite3Stmt::bindValue - Binds the value of a parameter to a statement variable
- SQLite3Stmt::clear - Clears all current bound parameters
- SQLite3Stmt::close - Closes the prepared statement
- SQLite3Stmt::execute - Executes a prepared statement and returns a result set object
- SQLite3Stmt::paramCount - Returns the number of parameters within the prepared statement
- SQLite3Stmt::readOnly() - Returns whether a statement is definitely read only
- SQLite3Stmt::reset - Resets the prepared statement
- sqlite_array_query - Führt eine Datenbankabfrage durch und liefert das gesamte
Abfrageergebnis als Liste zurück
- sqlite_busy_timeout - Setzt die maximale Dauer für das Warten auf die Freigabe einer
Datenbank, oder sperrt das Warten selbst
- sqlite_changes - Liefert die Anzahl der vom letzten SQL-Befehl geänderten Datenbankeinträge.
- sqlite_close - Schließt eine SQLite-Datenbankverbindung
- sqlite_column - Holt eine Spalte des aktuellen Ergebnissatzes
- sqlite_create_aggregate - Registriert eine benutzerdefinierte Funktion, um SQL-Abfragen zu aggregieren
- sqlite_create_function - Registriert eine "reguläre" nutzerdefinierte Funktion für den Gebrauch in SQL-Befehlen
- sqlite_current - Holt die aktuelle Zeile als Array aus dem Abfrageergebnis
- sqlite_error_string - Liefert eine textuelle Beschreibung eines Fehler-Codes
- sqlite_escape_string - Bereitet einen String für die Verwendung als SQL-Parameter auf
- sqlite_exec - Führt eine ergebnislose Abfrage in einer definierten Datenbank aus
- sqlite_factory - Öffnet eine SQLite-Datenbank und gibt ein SQLiteDatabase-Objekt zurück
- sqlite_fetch_all - Holt sich alle Reihen eines Abfrageergebnisses und liefert sie als Array im
Array zurück
- sqlite_fetch_array - Liest die nächste Zeile aus dem Datenbankergebnis und gibt sie
als Array zurück
- sqlite_fetch_column_types - Liefert ein Array mit den Spaltentypen einer bestimmten Tabelle
- sqlite_fetch_object - Holt sich die nächste Reihe des Ergebnisses und gibt diese als Objekt zurück
- sqlite_fetch_single - Holt sich die erste Spalte eines Abfrageergebnisses als String
- sqlite_fetch_string - Alias von sqlite_fetch_single
- sqlite_field_name - Gibt den Namen eines Feldes zurück
- sqlite_has_more - Findet heraus, ob noch Reihen im Ergebnis vorhanden sind
- sqlite_has_prev - Gibt zurück, ob eine vorige Reihe existiert oder nicht
- sqlite_key - Liefert den aktuellen Zeilenindex
- sqlite_last_error - Liefert den Fehlercode des letzten Fehlers einer Datenbank
- sqlite_last_insert_rowid - Liefert die Zeilenidentifikation der zuletzt eingefügten Reihe zurück
- sqlite_libencoding - Liefert die Kodierung der verwendeten SQLite-Bibliothek zurück
- sqlite_libversion - Liefert die Version der genutzten SQLite-Bibliothek
- sqlite_next - Wechselt zu der nächsten Zeilennummer
- sqlite_num_fields - Liefert die Anzahl der Felder eines Abfrageergebnisses zurück
- sqlite_num_rows - Liefert die Anzahl an Reihen eines gepufferten Abfrageergebnisses zurück
- sqlite_open - Öffnet eine SQLite-Datenbank und erzeugt die Datenbank, wenn diese nicht existiert.
- sqlite_popen - Öffnet eine persistente Verbindung zu einer SQLite-Datenbank und erzeugt diese im Bedarfsfall
- sqlite_prev - Springt zur vorige Zeile
- sqlite_query - Führt auf einer Datenbank eine Abfrage durch und liefert das Abfrageergebnis zurück
- sqlite_rewind - Springt zur ersten Zeile
- sqlite_seek - Wechselt zu einer Reihe in einem gepufferten Abfrageergebnis
- sqlite_single_query - Führt eine Query aus und liefert ein Array für eine einzige Spalte oder den Wert der ersten Reihe.
- sqlite_udf_decode_binary - Dekodiert Binärdaten und reicht diese als Parameter weiter zu einer benutzerdefinierten Funktion (UDF)
- sqlite_udf_encode_binary - Kodiert Binärdaten bevor sie von einer benutzerdefinierten Funktion (UDF) zurückgegeben werden
- sqlite_unbuffered_query - Führt eine Abfrage aus, aber übernimmt die Daten nicht gleich
ins PHP
- sqlite_valid - Gibt an, ob weitere Zeilen zur Verfügung stehen
- sqlsrv_begin_transaction - Begins a database transaction
- sqlsrv_cancel - Cancels a statement
- sqlsrv_client_info - Returns information about the client and specified connection
- sqlsrv_close - Closes an open connection and releases resourses associated with the connection
- sqlsrv_commit - Commits a transaction that was begun with sqlsrv_begin_transaction
- sqlsrv_configure - Changes the driver error handling and logging configurations
- sqlsrv_connect - Opens a connection to a Microsoft SQL Server database
- sqlsrv_errors - Returns error and warning information about the last SQLSRV operation performed
- sqlsrv_execute - Executes a statement prepared with sqlsrv_prepare
- sqlsrv_fetch - Makes the next row in a result set available for reading
- sqlsrv_fetch_array - Returns a row as an array
- sqlsrv_fetch_object - Retrieves the next row of data in a result set as an object
- sqlsrv_field_metadata - Retrieves metadata for the fields of a statement prepared by
sqlsrv_prepare or sqlsrv_query
- sqlsrv_free_stmt - Frees all resources for the specified statement
- sqlsrv_get_config - Returns the value of the specified configuration setting
- sqlsrv_get_field - Gets field data from the currently selected row
- sqlsrv_has_rows - Indicates whether the specified statement has rows
- sqlsrv_next_result - Makes the next result of the specified statement active
- sqlsrv_num_fields - Retrieves the number of fields (columns) on a statement
- sqlsrv_num_rows - Retrieves the number of rows in a result set
- sqlsrv_prepare - Prepares a query for execution
- sqlsrv_query - Prepares and executes a query.
- sqlsrv_rollback - Rolls back a transaction that was begun with
- sqlsrv_rows_affected - Returns the number of rows modified by the last INSERT, UPDATE, or
DELETE query executed
- sqlsrv_send_stream_data - Sends data from parameter streams to the server
- sqlsrv_server_info - Returns information about the server
- SQL types with PDO_4D and PHP - SQL types with PDO_4D and PHP
- sql_regcase - Erstellt einen regulären Ausdruck für eine Suche nach Übereinstimmungen ohne Berücksichtigung von Groß-/Kleinschreibung
- sqrt - Quadratwurzel
- srand - Anfangswert für Zufallsgenerator festlegen
- sscanf - Überträgt einen String in ein angegebenes Format
- ssdeep_fuzzy_compare - Calculates the match score between two fuzzy hash signatures
- ssdeep_fuzzy_hash - Create a fuzzy hash from a string
- ssdeep_fuzzy_hash_filename - Create a fuzzy hash from a file
- ssh2:// - Secure Shell 2
- ssh2_auth_agent - Authenticate over SSH using the ssh agent
- ssh2_auth_hostbased_file - Authenticate using a public hostkey
- ssh2_auth_none - Authenticate as "none"
- ssh2_auth_password - Authenticate over SSH using a plain password
- ssh2_auth_pubkey_file - Authenticate using a public key
- ssh2_connect - Connect to an SSH server
- ssh2_exec - Execute a command on a remote server
- ssh2_fetch_stream - Fetch an extended data stream
- ssh2_fingerprint - Retrieve fingerprint of remote server
- ssh2_methods_negotiated - Return list of negotiated methods
- ssh2_publickey_add - Add an authorized publickey
- ssh2_publickey_init - Initialize Publickey subsystem
- ssh2_publickey_list - List currently authorized publickeys
- ssh2_publickey_remove - Remove an authorized publickey
- ssh2_scp_recv - Request a file via SCP
- ssh2_scp_send - Send a file via SCP
- ssh2_sftp - Initialize SFTP subsystem
- ssh2_sftp_chmod - Changes file mode
- ssh2_sftp_lstat - Stat a symbolic link
- ssh2_sftp_mkdir - Create a directory
- ssh2_sftp_readlink - Return the target of a symbolic link
- ssh2_sftp_realpath - Resolve the realpath of a provided path string
- ssh2_sftp_rename - Rename a remote file
- ssh2_sftp_rmdir - Remove a directory
- ssh2_sftp_stat - Stat a file on a remote filesystem
- ssh2_sftp_symlink - Create a symlink
- ssh2_sftp_unlink - Delete a file
- ssh2_shell - Request an interactive shell
- ssh2_tunnel - Open a tunnel through a remote server
- SSL-Kontext-Optionen - Auflistung der Optionen für SSL-Kontexte
- stat - Sammelt Informationen über eine Datei
- stats_absolute_deviation - Returns the absolute deviation of an array of values
- stats_cdf_beta - CDF function for BETA Distribution. Calculates any one parameter of the beta distribution given values for the others.
- stats_cdf_binomial - Calculates any one parameter of the binomial distribution given values for the others.
- stats_cdf_cauchy - Not documented
- stats_cdf_chisquare - Calculates any one parameter of the chi-square distribution given values for the others.
- stats_cdf_exponential - Not documented
- stats_cdf_f - Calculates any one parameter of the F distribution given values for the others.
- stats_cdf_gamma - Calculates any one parameter of the gamma distribution given values for the others.
- stats_cdf_laplace - Not documented
- stats_cdf_logistic - Not documented
- stats_cdf_negative_binomial - Calculates any one parameter of the negative binomial distribution given values for the others.
- stats_cdf_noncentral_chisquare - Calculates any one parameter of the non-central chi-square distribution given values for the others.
- stats_cdf_noncentral_f - Calculates any one parameter of the Non-central F distribution given values for the others.
- stats_cdf_poisson - Calculates any one parameter of the Poisson distribution given values for the others.
- stats_cdf_t - Calculates any one parameter of the T distribution given values for the others.
- stats_cdf_uniform - Not documented
- stats_cdf_weibull - Not documented
- stats_covariance - Computes the covariance of two data sets
- stats_dens_beta - Not documented
- stats_dens_cauchy - Not documented
- stats_dens_chisquare - Not documented
- stats_dens_exponential - Not documented
- stats_dens_f - Beschreibung
- stats_dens_gamma - Not documented
- stats_dens_laplace - Not documented
- stats_dens_logistic - Not documented
- stats_dens_negative_binomial - Not documented
- stats_dens_normal - Not documented
- stats_dens_pmf_binomial - Not documented
- stats_dens_pmf_hypergeometric - Beschreibung
- stats_dens_pmf_poisson - Not documented
- stats_dens_t - Not documented
- stats_dens_weibull - Not documented
- stats_den_uniform - Not documented
- stats_harmonic_mean - Returns the harmonic mean of an array of values
- stats_kurtosis - Computes the kurtosis of the data in the array
- stats_rand_gen_beta - Generates beta random deviate
- stats_rand_gen_chisquare - Generates random deviate from the distribution of a chisquare with "df" degrees of freedom random variable.
- stats_rand_gen_exponential - Generates a single random deviate from an exponential distribution with mean "av"
- stats_rand_gen_f - Generates a random deviate
- stats_rand_gen_funiform - Generates uniform float between low (exclusive) and high (exclusive)
- stats_rand_gen_gamma - Generates random deviates from a gamma distribution
- stats_rand_gen_ibinomial - Generates a single random deviate from a binomial distribution whose number of trials is "n" (n >= 0) and whose probability of an event in each trial is "pp" ([0;1]). Method : algorithm BTPE
- stats_rand_gen_ibinomial_negative - Generates a single random deviate from a negative binomial distribution. Arguments : n - the number of trials in the negative binomial distribution from which a random deviate is to be generated (n > 0), p - the probability of an event (0 < p < 1)).
- stats_rand_gen_int - Generates random integer between 1 and 2147483562
- stats_rand_gen_ipoisson - Generates a single random deviate from a Poisson distribution with mean "mu" (mu >= 0.0).
- stats_rand_gen_iuniform - Generates integer uniformly distributed between LOW (inclusive) and HIGH (inclusive)
- stats_rand_gen_noncenral_chisquare - Generates random deviate from the distribution of a noncentral chisquare with "df" degrees of freedom and noncentrality parameter "xnonc". d must be >= 1.0, xnonc must >= 0.0
- stats_rand_gen_noncentral_f - Generates a random deviate from the noncentral F (variance ratio) distribution with "dfn" degrees of freedom in the numerator, and "dfd" degrees of freedom in the denominator, and noncentrality parameter "xnonc". Method : directly generates ratio of noncentral numerator chisquare variate to central denominator chisquare variate.
- stats_rand_gen_noncentral_t - Generates a single random deviate from a noncentral T distribution
- stats_rand_gen_normal - Generates a single random deviate from a normal distribution with mean, av, and standard deviation, sd (sd >= 0). Method : Renames SNORM from TOMS as slightly modified by BWB to use RANF instead of SUNIF.
- stats_rand_gen_t - Generates a single random deviate from a T distribution
- stats_rand_get_seeds - Not documented
- stats_rand_phrase_to_seeds - generate two seeds for the RGN random number generator
- stats_rand_ranf - Returns a random floating point number from a uniform distribution over 0 - 1 (endpoints of this interval are not returned) using the current generator
- stats_rand_setall - Not documented
- stats_skew - Computes the skewness of the data in the array
- stats_standard_deviation - Returns the standard deviation
- stats_stat_binomial_coef - Not documented
- stats_stat_correlation - Not documented
- stats_stat_gennch - Not documented
- stats_stat_independent_t - Not documented
- stats_stat_innerproduct - Beschreibung
- stats_stat_noncentral_t - Calculates any one parameter of the noncentral t distribution give values for the others.
- stats_stat_paired_t - Not documented
- stats_stat_percentile - Not documented
- stats_stat_powersum - Not documented
- stats_variance - Returns the population variance
- Stomp::abort - Rolls back a transaction in progress
- Stomp::ack - Acknowledges consumption of a message
- Stomp::begin - Starts a transaction
- Stomp::commit - Commits a transaction in progress
- Stomp::error - Gets the last stomp error
- Stomp::getReadTimeout - Gets read timeout
- Stomp::getSessionId - Gets the current stomp session ID
- Stomp::hasFrame - Indicates whether or not there is a frame ready to read
- Stomp::readFrame - Reads the next frame
- Stomp::send - Sends a message
- Stomp::setReadTimeout - Sets read timeout
- Stomp::subscribe - Registers to listen to a given destination
- Stomp::unsubscribe - Removes an existing subscription
- Stomp::__construct - Opens a connection
- Stomp::__destruct - Closes stomp connection
- StompException::getDetails - Get exception details
- StompFrame::__construct - Constructor
- stomp_connect_error - Returns a string description of the last connect error
- stomp_version - Gets the current stomp extension version
- strcasecmp - Vergleich von Zeichenketten ohne Unterscheidung
der Groß- und Kleinschreibung (Binary safe)
- strchr - Alias von strstr
- strcmp - Vergleich zweier Strings (Binary safe)
- strcoll - Locale-basierter Zeichenkettenvergleich
- strcspn - Ermittelt die Anzahl der nicht übereinstimmenden Zeichen
- streamWrapper::dir_closedir - Close directory handle
- streamWrapper::dir_opendir - Open directory handle
- streamWrapper::dir_readdir - Read entry from directory handle
- streamWrapper::dir_rewinddir - Rewind directory handle
- streamWrapper::mkdir - Create a directory
- streamWrapper::rename - Renames a file or directory
- streamWrapper::rmdir - Removes a directory
- streamWrapper::stream_cast - Retrieve the underlaying resource
- streamWrapper::stream_close - Close a resource
- streamWrapper::stream_eof - Tests for end-of-file on a file pointer
- streamWrapper::stream_flush - Flushes the output
- streamWrapper::stream_lock - Advisory file locking
- streamWrapper::stream_metadata - Change stream metadata
- streamWrapper::stream_open - Opens file or URL
- streamWrapper::stream_read - Read from stream
- streamWrapper::stream_seek - Seeks to specific location in a stream
- streamWrapper::stream_set_option - Change stream options
- streamWrapper::stream_stat - Retrieve information about a file resource
- streamWrapper::stream_tell - Retrieve the current position of a stream
- streamWrapper::stream_truncate - Truncate stream
- streamWrapper::stream_write - Write to stream
- streamWrapper::unlink - Delete a file
- streamWrapper::url_stat - Retrieve information about a file
- streamWrapper::__construct - Constructs a new stream wrapper
- streamWrapper::__destruct - Destructs an existing stream wrapper
- stream_bucket_append - Append bucket to brigade
- stream_bucket_make_writeable - Return a bucket object from the brigade for operating on
- stream_bucket_new - Create a new bucket for use on the current stream
- stream_bucket_prepend - Prepend bucket to brigade
- stream_context_create - Creates a stream context
- stream_context_get_default - Retrieve the default stream context
- stream_context_get_options - Retrieve options for a stream/wrapper/context
- stream_context_get_params - Retrieves parameters from a context
- stream_context_set_default - Set the default stream context
- stream_context_set_option - Sets an option for a stream/wrapper/context
- stream_context_set_params - Set parameters for a stream/wrapper/context
- stream_copy_to_stream - Copies data from one stream to another
- stream_encoding - Set character set for stream encoding
- stream_filter_append - Attach a filter to a stream
- stream_filter_prepend - Attach a filter to a stream
- stream_filter_register - Register a user defined stream filter
- stream_filter_remove - Remove a filter from a stream
- stream_get_contents - Reads remainder of a stream into a string
- stream_get_filters - Retrieve list of registered filters
- stream_get_line - Gets line from stream resource up to a given delimiter
- stream_get_meta_data - Retrieves header/meta data from streams/file pointers
- stream_get_transports - Retrieve list of registered socket transports
- stream_get_wrappers - Retrieve list of registered streams
- stream_is_local - Checks if a stream is a local stream
- stream_notification_callback - A callback function for the notification context parameter
- stream_register_wrapper - Alias von stream_wrapper_register
- stream_resolve_include_path - Resolve filename against the include path
- stream_select - Runs the equivalent of the select() system call on the given
arrays of streams with a timeout specified by tv_sec and tv_usec
- stream_set_blocking - Set blocking/non-blocking mode on a stream
- stream_set_chunk_size - Set the stream chunk size
- stream_set_read_buffer - Set read file buffering on the given stream
- stream_set_timeout - Set timeout period on a stream
- stream_set_write_buffer - Sets write file buffering on the given stream
- stream_socket_accept - Accept a connection on a socket created by stream_socket_server
- stream_socket_client - Open Internet or Unix domain socket connection
- stream_socket_enable_crypto - Turns encryption on/off on an already connected socket
- stream_socket_get_name - Retrieve the name of the local or remote sockets
- stream_socket_pair - Creates a pair of connected, indistinguishable socket streams
- stream_socket_recvfrom - Receives data from a socket, connected or not
- stream_socket_sendto - Sends a message to a socket, whether it is connected or not
- stream_socket_server - Create an Internet or Unix domain server socket
- stream_socket_shutdown - Shutdown a full-duplex connection
- stream_supports_lock - Tells whether the stream supports locking.
- stream_wrapper_register - Register a URL wrapper implemented as a PHP class
- stream_wrapper_restore - Restores a previously unregistered built-in wrapper
- stream_wrapper_unregister - Unregister a URL wrapper
- strftime - Formatiert eine Zeit-/Datumsangabe nach den lokalen Einstellungen
- stripcslashes - Entfernt Quotes aus mit addcslashes behandelten Strings
- stripos - Findet das erste Vorkommen eines Teilstrings in einem String, unabhängig von Groß- und
- stripslashes - Entfernt Maskierungszeichen aus einem String
- strip_tags - Entfernt HTML- und PHP-Tags aus einem String
- stristr - Wie strstr, aber unabhängig von Groß- bzw.
- strlen - Ermitteln der String-Länge
- strnatcasecmp - String-Vergleich "natürlicher Ordnung" ohne Unterscheidung der
- strnatcmp - String-Vergleich unter Verwendung einer "natürlichen Ordnung"
- strncasecmp - Binärdaten-sicherer und groß- und kleinschreibungs-unabhängiger
Stringvergleich der ersten n Zeichen
- strncmp - String-Vergleich der ersten n Zeichen (Binary safe)
- strpbrk - Durchsucht einen String nach einem Zeichen aus einer Gruppe von Zeichen
- strpos - Sucht das erste Vorkommen des Suchstrings
- strptime - Parse a time/date generated with strftime
- strrchr - Sucht das letzte Vorkommen eines Zeichens in einem String
- strrev - Kehrt einen String um
- strripos - Findet das letzte Vorkommen der gesuchten Zeichenkette in einem
String, unabhängig von Groß- und Kleinschreibung
- strrpos - Findet die Position des letzten Vorkommens eines Teilstrings innerhalb einer Zeichenkette
- strspn - Ermittelt die Länge des initialen Abschnitts einer Zeichenkette, der
ausschließlich aus Zeichen besteht, die in einer übergebenen Maske
enthalten sind.
- strstr - Findet das erste Vorkommen eines Strings
- strtok - Zerlegt einen String
- strtolower - Setzt einen String in Kleinbuchstaben um
- strtotime - Wandelt ein beliebiges in englischer Textform angegebenes Datum
in einen UNIX-Zeitstempel (Timestamp) um
- strtoupper - Wandelt alle Zeichen eines Strings in Großbuchstaben um
- strtr - Tauscht Zeichen aus oder ersetzt Zeichenketten
- strval - Ermittelt die String-Repräsentation einer Variable
- str_getcsv - Parst einen CSV-String in ein Array
- str_ireplace - Groß- und kleinschreibungsunabhängige Version von
- str_pad - Erweitert einen String unter Verwendung eines anderen Strings
auf eine bestimmte Länge
- str_repeat - Wiederholt einen String
- str_replace - Ersetzt alle Vorkommen des Suchstrings durch einen anderen String
- str_rot13 - Führt die ROT13-Transformation auf einen String aus
- str_shuffle - Mischt einen String nach dem Zufallsprinzip
- str_split - Konvertiert einen String in ein Array
- str_word_count - Gibt Informationen über in einem String verwendete Worte zurück
- substr - Gibt einen Teil eines Strings zurück
- substr_compare - Binärdaten-sicherer Vergleich zweier Strings, beginnend an einer bestimmten
Position und endend nach einer festgelegten Länge
- substr_count - Ermittelt, wie oft eine Zeichenkette in einem String vorkommt
- substr_replace - Ersetzt Text innerhalb einer Zeichenkette
- SVM::crossvalidate - Test training params on subsets of the training data.
- SVM::getOptions - Return the current training parameters
- SVM::setOptions - Set training parameters
- SVM::train - Create a SVMModel based on training data
- SVM::__construct - Construct a new SVM object
- SVMModel::checkProbabilityModel - Returns true if the model has probability information
- SVMModel::getLabels - Get the labels the model was trained on
- SVMModel::getNrClass - Returns the number of classes the model was trained with
- SVMModel::getSvmType - Get the SVM type the model was trained with
- SVMModel::getSvrProbability - Get the sigma value for regression types
- SVMModel::load - Load a saved SVM Model
- SVMModel::predict - Predict a value for previously unseen data
- SVMModel::predict_probability - Return class probabilities for previous unseen data
- SVMModel::save - Save a model to a file
- SVMModel::__construct - Construct a new SVMModel
- svn_add - Schedules the addition of an item in a working directory
- svn_auth_get_parameter - Retrieves authentication parameter
- svn_auth_set_parameter - Sets an authentication parameter
- svn_blame - Get the SVN blame for a file
- svn_cat - Returns the contents of a file in a repository
- svn_checkout - Checks out a working copy from the repository
- svn_cleanup - Recursively cleanup a working copy directory, finishing incomplete operations and removing locks
- svn_client_version - Returns the version of the SVN client libraries
- svn_commit - Sends changes from the local working copy to the repository
- svn_delete - Delete items from a working copy or repository.
- svn_diff - Recursively diffs two paths
- svn_export - Export the contents of a SVN directory
- svn_fs_abort_txn - Abort a transaction, returns true if everything is okay, false otherwise
- svn_fs_apply_text - Creates and returns a stream that will be used to replace
- svn_fs_begin_txn2 - Create a new transaction
- svn_fs_change_node_prop - Return true if everything is ok, false otherwise
- svn_fs_check_path - Determines what kind of item lives at path in a given repository fsroot
- svn_fs_contents_changed - Return true if content is different, false otherwise
- svn_fs_copy - Copies a file or a directory, returns true if all is ok, false otherwise
- svn_fs_delete - Deletes a file or a directory, return true if all is ok, false otherwise
- svn_fs_dir_entries - Enumerates the directory entries under path; returns a hash of dir names to file type
- svn_fs_file_contents - Returns a stream to access the contents of a file from a given version of the fs
- svn_fs_file_length - Returns the length of a file from a given version of the fs
- svn_fs_is_dir - Return true if the path points to a directory, false otherwise
- svn_fs_is_file - Return true if the path points to a file, false otherwise
- svn_fs_make_dir - Creates a new empty directory, returns true if all is ok, false otherwise
- svn_fs_make_file - Creates a new empty file, returns true if all is ok, false otherwise
- svn_fs_node_created_rev - Returns the revision in which path under fsroot was created
- svn_fs_node_prop - Returns the value of a property for a node
- svn_fs_props_changed - Return true if props are different, false otherwise
- svn_fs_revision_prop - Fetches the value of a named property
- svn_fs_revision_root - Get a handle on a specific version of the repository root
- svn_fs_txn_root - Creates and returns a transaction root
- svn_fs_youngest_rev - Returns the number of the youngest revision in the filesystem
- svn_import - Imports an unversioned path into a repository
- svn_log - Returns the commit log messages of a repository URL
- svn_ls - Returns list of directory contents in repository URL, optionally at revision number
- svn_mkdir - Creates a directory in a working copy or repository
- svn_repos_create - Create a new subversion repository at path
- svn_repos_fs - Gets a handle on the filesystem for a repository
- svn_repos_fs_begin_txn_for_commit - Create a new transaction
- svn_repos_fs_commit_txn - Commits a transaction and returns the new revision
- svn_repos_hotcopy - Make a hot-copy of the repos at repospath; copy it to destpath
- svn_repos_open - Open a shared lock on a repository.
- svn_repos_recover - Run recovery procedures on the repository located at path.
- svn_revert - Revert changes to the working copy
- svn_status - Returns the status of working copy files and directories
- svn_update - Update working copy
- SWFAction::__construct - Creates a new SWFAction
- SWFBitmap::getHeight - Returns the bitmap's height
- SWFBitmap::getWidth - Returns the bitmap's width
- SWFBitmap::__construct - Loads Bitmap object
- SWFButton::addAction - Adds an action
- SWFButton::addASound - Associates a sound with a button transition
- SWFButton::addShape - Adds a shape to a button
- SWFButton::setAction - Sets the action
- SWFButton::setDown - Alias for addShape(shape, SWFBUTTON_DOWN)
- SWFButton::setHit - Alias for addShape(shape, SWFBUTTON_HIT)
- SWFButton::setMenu - enable track as menu button behaviour
- SWFButton::setOver - Alias for addShape(shape, SWFBUTTON_OVER)
- SWFButton::setUp - Alias for addShape(shape, SWFBUTTON_UP)
- SWFButton::__construct - Creates a new Button
- SWFDisplayItem::addAction - Adds this SWFAction to the given SWFSprite instance
- SWFDisplayItem::addColor - Adds the given color to this item's color transform
- SWFDisplayItem::endMask - Another way of defining a MASK layer
- SWFDisplayItem::getRot - Beschreibung
- SWFDisplayItem::getX - Beschreibung
- SWFDisplayItem::getXScale - Beschreibung
- SWFDisplayItem::getXSkew - Beschreibung
- SWFDisplayItem::getY - Beschreibung
- SWFDisplayItem::getYScale - Beschreibung
- SWFDisplayItem::getYSkew - Beschreibung
- SWFDisplayItem::move - Moves object in relative coordinates
- SWFDisplayItem::moveTo - Moves object in global coordinates
- SWFDisplayItem::multColor - Multiplies the item's color transform
- SWFDisplayItem::remove - Removes the object from the movie
- SWFDisplayItem::rotate - Rotates in relative coordinates
- SWFDisplayItem::rotateTo - Rotates the object in global coordinates
- SWFDisplayItem::scale - Scales the object in relative coordinates
- SWFDisplayItem::scaleTo - Scales the object in global coordinates
- SWFDisplayItem::setDepth - Sets z-order
- SWFDisplayItem::setMaskLevel - Defines a MASK layer at level
- SWFDisplayItem::setMatrix - Sets the item's transform matrix
- SWFDisplayItem::setName - Sets the object's name
- SWFDisplayItem::setRatio - Sets the object's ratio
- SWFDisplayItem::skewX - Sets the X-skew
- SWFDisplayItem::skewXTo - Sets the X-skew
- SWFDisplayItem::skewY - Sets the Y-skew
- SWFDisplayItem::skewYTo - Sets the Y-skew
- SWFFill::moveTo - Moves fill origin
- SWFFill::rotateTo - Sets fill's rotation
- SWFFill::scaleTo - Sets fill's scale
- SWFFill::skewXTo - Sets fill x-skew
- SWFFill::skewYTo - Sets fill y-skew
- SWFFont::getAscent - Returns the ascent of the font, or 0 if not available
- SWFFont::getDescent - Returns the descent of the font, or 0 if not available
- SWFFont::getLeading - Returns the leading of the font, or 0 if not available
- SWFFont::getShape - Returns the glyph shape of a char as a text string
- SWFFont::getUTF8Width - Calculates the width of the given string in this font at full height
- SWFFont::getWidth - Returns the string's width
- SWFFont::__construct - Loads a font definition
- SWFFontChar::addChars - Adds characters to a font for exporting font
- SWFFontChar::addUTF8Chars - Adds characters to a font for exporting font
- SWFGradient::addEntry - Adds an entry to the gradient list
- SWFGradient::__construct - Creates a gradient object
- SWFMorph::getShape1 - Gets a handle to the starting shape
- SWFMorph::getShape2 - Gets a handle to the ending shape
- SWFMorph::__construct - Creates a new SWFMorph object
- SWFMovie::add - Adds any type of data to a movie
- SWFMovie::addExport - Beschreibung
- SWFMovie::addFont - Beschreibung
- SWFMovie::importChar - Beschreibung
- SWFMovie::importFont - Beschreibung
- SWFMovie::labelFrame - Labels a frame
- SWFMovie::nextFrame - Moves to the next frame of the animation
- SWFMovie::output - Dumps your lovingly prepared movie out
- SWFMovie::remove - Removes the object instance from the display list
- SWFMovie::save - Saves the SWF movie in a file
- SWFMovie::saveToFile - Beschreibung
- SWFMovie::setbackground - Sets the background color
- SWFMovie::setDimension - Sets the movie's width and height
- SWFMovie::setFrames - Sets the total number of frames in the animation
- SWFMovie::setRate - Sets the animation's frame rate
- SWFMovie::startSound - Beschreibung
- SWFMovie::stopSound - Beschreibung
- SWFMovie::streamMP3 - Streams a MP3 file
- SWFMovie::writeExports - Beschreibung
- SWFMovie::__construct - Creates a new movie object, representing an SWF version 4 movie
- SWFPrebuiltClip::__construct - Returns a SWFPrebuiltClip object
- SWFShape::addFill - Adds a solid fill to the shape
- SWFShape::drawArc - Draws an arc of radius r centered at the current location, from angle startAngle to angle endAngle measured clockwise from 12 o'clock
- SWFShape::drawCircle - Draws a circle of radius r centered at the current location, in a counter-clockwise fashion
- SWFShape::drawCubic - Draws a cubic bezier curve using the current position and the three given points as control points
- SWFShape::drawCubicTo - Draws a cubic bezier curve using the current position and the three given points as control points
- SWFShape::drawCurve - Draws a curve (relative)
- SWFShape::drawCurveTo - Draws a curve
- SWFShape::drawGlyph - Draws the first character in the given string into the shape using the glyph definition from the given font
- SWFShape::drawLine - Draws a line (relative)
- SWFShape::drawLineTo - Draws a line
- SWFShape::movePen - Moves the shape's pen (relative)
- SWFShape::movePenTo - Moves the shape's pen
- SWFShape::setLeftFill - Sets left rasterizing color
- SWFShape::setLine - Sets the shape's line style
- SWFShape::setRightFill - Sets right rasterizing color
- SWFShape::__construct - Creates a new shape object
- SWFSound::__construct - Returns a new SWFSound object from given file
- SWFSoundInstance::loopCount - Beschreibung
- SWFSoundInstance::loopInPoint - Beschreibung
- SWFSoundInstance::loopOutPoint - Beschreibung
- SWFSoundInstance::noMultiple - Beschreibung
- SWFSprite::add - Adds an object to a sprite
- SWFSprite::labelFrame - Labels frame
- SWFSprite::nextFrame - Moves to the next frame of the animation
- SWFSprite::remove - Removes an object to a sprite
- SWFSprite::setFrames - Sets the total number of frames in the animation
- SWFSprite::startSound - Beschreibung
- SWFSprite::stopSound - Beschreibung
- SWFSprite::__construct - Creates a movie clip (a sprite)
- SWFText::addString - Draws a string
- SWFText::addUTF8String - Writes the given text into this SWFText object at the current pen position,
using the current font, height, spacing, and color
- SWFText::getAscent - Returns the ascent of the current font at its current size, or 0 if not available
- SWFText::getDescent - Returns the descent of the current font at its current size, or 0 if not available
- SWFText::getLeading - Returns the leading of the current font at its current size, or 0 if not available
- SWFText::getUTF8Width - calculates the width of the given string in this text objects current font and size
- SWFText::getWidth - Computes string's width
- SWFText::moveTo - Moves the pen
- SWFText::setColor - Sets the current text color
- SWFText::setFont - Sets the current font
- SWFText::setHeight - Sets the current font height
- SWFText::setSpacing - Sets the current font spacing
- SWFText::__construct - Creates a new SWFText object
- SWFTextField::addChars - adds characters to a font that will be available within a textfield
- SWFTextField::addString - Concatenates the given string to the text field
- SWFTextField::align - Sets the text field alignment
- SWFTextField::setBounds - Sets the text field width and height
- SWFTextField::setColor - Sets the color of the text field
- SWFTextField::setFont - Sets the text field font
- SWFTextField::setHeight - Sets the font height of this text field font
- SWFTextField::setIndentation - Sets the indentation of the first line
- SWFTextField::setLeftMargin - Sets the left margin width of the text field
- SWFTextField::setLineSpacing - Sets the line spacing of the text field
- SWFTextField::setMargins - Sets the margins width of the text field
- SWFTextField::setName - Sets the variable name
- SWFTextField::setPadding - Sets the padding of this textfield
- SWFTextField::setRightMargin - Sets the right margin width of the text field
- SWFTextField::__construct - Creates a text field object
- SWFVideoStream::getNumFrames - Returns the number of frames in the video
- SWFVideoStream::setDimension - Sets video dimension
- SWFVideoStream::__construct - Returns a SWFVideoStream object
- Swish::getMetaList - Get the list of meta entries for the index
- Swish::getPropertyList - Get the list of properties for the index
- Swish::prepare - Prepare a search query
- Swish::query - Execute a query and return results object
- Swish::__construct - Construct a Swish object
- SwishResult::getMetaList - Get a list of meta entries
- SwishResult::stem - Stems the given word
- SwishResults::getParsedWords - Get an array of parsed words
- SwishResults::getRemovedStopwords - Get an array of stopwords removed from the query
- SwishResults::nextResult - Get the next search result
- SwishResults::seekResult - Set current seek pointer to the given position
- SwishSearch::execute - Execute the search and get the results
- SwishSearch::resetLimit - Reset the search limits
- SwishSearch::setLimit - Set the search limits
- SwishSearch::setPhraseDelimiter - Set the phrase delimiter
- SwishSearch::setSort - Set the sort order
- SwishSearch::setStructure - Set the structure flag in the search object
- sybase_affected_rows - Gets number of affected rows in last query
- sybase_close - Closes a Sybase connection
- sybase_connect - Opens a Sybase server connection
- sybase_data_seek - Moves internal row pointer
- sybase_deadlock_retry_count - Sets the deadlock retry count
- sybase_fetch_array - Fetch row as array
- sybase_fetch_assoc - Fetch a result row as an associative array
- sybase_fetch_field - Get field information from a result
- sybase_fetch_object - Fetch a row as an object
- sybase_fetch_row - Get a result row as an enumerated array
- sybase_field_seek - Sets field offset
- sybase_free_result - Frees result memory
- sybase_get_last_message - Returns the last message from the server
- sybase_min_client_severity - Sets minimum client severity
- sybase_min_error_severity - Sets minimum error severity
- sybase_min_message_severity - Sets minimum message severity
- sybase_min_server_severity - Sets minimum server severity
- sybase_num_fields - Gets the number of fields in a result set
- sybase_num_rows - Get number of rows in a result set
- sybase_pconnect - Open persistent Sybase connection
- sybase_query - Sends a Sybase query
- sybase_result - Get result data
- sybase_select_db - Selects a Sybase database
- sybase_set_message_handler - Sets the handler called when a server message is raised
- sybase_unbuffered_query - Send a Sybase query and do not block
- symlink - Erzeugt einen symbolischen Link
- SyncEvent::fire - Fires/sets the event
- SyncEvent::reset - Resets a manual event
- SyncEvent::wait - Waits for the event to be fired/set
- SyncEvent::__construct - Constructs a new SyncEvent object
- SyncMutex::lock - Waits for an exclusive lock
- SyncMutex::unlock - Unlocks the mutex
- SyncMutex::__construct - Constructs a new SyncMutex object
- SyncReaderWriter::readlock - Waits for a read lock
- SyncReaderWriter::readunlock - Releases a read lock
- SyncReaderWriter::writelock - Waits for an exclusive write lock
- SyncReaderWriter::writeunlock - Releases a write lock
- SyncReaderWriter::__construct - Constructs a new SyncReaderWriter object
- SyncSemaphore::lock - Decreases the count of the semaphore or waits
- SyncSemaphore::unlock - Increases the count of the semaphore
- SyncSemaphore::__construct - Constructs a new SyncSemaphore object
- SyncSharedMemory::first - Check to see if the object is the first instance system-wide of named shared memory
- SyncSharedMemory::read - Copy data from named shared memory
- SyncSharedMemory::size - Returns the size of the named shared memory
- SyncSharedMemory::write - Copy data to named shared memory
- SyncSharedMemory::__construct - Constructs a new SyncSharedMemory object
- syslog - Erzeugt eine Meldung im System-Logging
- system - Führt ein externes Programm aus und zeigt dessen Ausgabe an
- sys_getloadavg - Ermittelt durchschnittliche Systemlast
- sys_get_temp_dir - Returns directory path used for temporary files
- t
- taint - Taint a string
- tan - Tangens
- tanh - Tangens Hyperbolikus
- tcpwrap_check - Performs a tcpwrap check
- tempnam - Erzeugt eine Datei mit eindeutigem Dateinamen
- textdomain - Setzt die Standarddomain
- Thread::detach - Execution
- Thread::getCreatorId - Identification
- Thread::getCurrentThread - Identification
- Thread::getCurrentThreadId - Identification
- Thread::getThreadId - Identification
- Thread::globally - Execution
- Thread::isJoined - State Detection
- Thread::isStarted - State Detection
- Thread::join - Synchronization
- Thread::kill - Execution
- Thread::start - Execution
- Threaded::chunk - Manipulation
- Threaded::count - Manipulation
- Threaded::extend - Runtime Manipulation
- Threaded::from - Creation
- Threaded::getTerminationInfo - Error Detection
- Threaded::isRunning - State Detection
- Threaded::isTerminated - State Detection
- Threaded::isWaiting - State Detection
- Threaded::lock - Synchronization
- Threaded::merge - Manipulation
- Threaded::notify - Synchronization
- Threaded::pop - Manipulation
- Threaded::run - Execution
- Threaded::shift - Manipulation
- Threaded::synchronized - Synchronization
- Threaded::unlock - Synchronization
- Threaded::wait - Synchronization
- tidy::$errorBuffer - Return warnings and errors which occurred parsing the specified document
- tidy::body - Returns a tidyNode object starting from the <body> tag of the tidy parse tree
- tidy::cleanRepair - Execute configured cleanup and repair operations on parsed markup
- tidy::diagnose - Run configured diagnostics on parsed and repaired markup
- tidy::getConfig - Get current Tidy configuration
- tidy::getHtmlVer - Get the Detected HTML version for the specified document
- tidy::getOpt - Returns the value of the specified configuration option for the tidy document
- tidy::getOptDoc - Returns the documentation for the given option name
- tidy::getRelease - Get release date (version) for Tidy library
- tidy::getStatus - Get status of specified document
- tidy::head - Returns a tidyNode object starting from the <head> tag of the tidy parse tree
- tidy::html - Returns a tidyNode object starting from the <html> tag of the tidy parse tree
- tidy::isXhtml - Indicates if the document is a XHTML document
- tidy::isXml - Indicates if the document is a generic (non HTML/XHTML) XML document
- tidy::parseFile - Parse markup in file or URI
- tidy::parseString - Parse a document stored in a string
- tidy::repairFile - Repair a file and return it as a string
- tidy::repairString - Repair a string using an optionally provided configuration file
- tidy::root - Returns a tidyNode object representing the root of the tidy parse tree
- tidy::__construct - Constructs a new tidy object
- tidyNode::getParent - Returns the parent node of the current node
- tidyNode::hasChildren - Checks if a node has children
- tidyNode::hasSiblings - Checks if a node has siblings
- tidyNode::isAsp - Checks if this node is ASP
- tidyNode::isComment - Checks if a node represents a comment
- tidyNode::isHtml - Checks if a node is part of a HTML document
- tidyNode::isJste - Checks if this node is JSTE
- tidyNode::isPhp - Checks if a node is PHP
- tidyNode::isText - Checks if a node represents text (no markup)
- tidy_access_count - Returns the Number of Tidy accessibility warnings encountered for specified document
- tidy_config_count - Returns the Number of Tidy configuration errors encountered for specified document
- tidy_error_count - Returns the Number of Tidy errors encountered for specified document
- tidy_get_output - Return a string representing the parsed tidy markup
- tidy_load_config - Load an ASCII Tidy configuration file with the specified encoding
- tidy_reset_config - Restore Tidy configuration to default values
- tidy_save_config - Save current settings to named file
- tidy_setopt - Updates the configuration settings for the specified tidy document
- tidy_set_encoding - Set the input/output character encoding for parsing markup
- tidy_warning_count - Returns the Number of Tidy warnings encountered for specified document
- time - Gibt den aktuellen Unix-Timestamp/Zeitstempel zurück
- timezone_abbreviations_list - Alias von DateTimeZone::listAbbreviations
- timezone_identifiers_list - Alias von DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers
- timezone_location_get - Alias von DateTimeZone::getLocation
- timezone_name_from_abbr - Gibt den Namen der Zeitzonenabkürzung zurück
- timezone_name_get - Alias von DateTimeZone::getName
- timezone_offset_get - Alias von DateTimeZone::getOffset
- timezone_open - Alias von DateTimeZone::__construct
- timezone_transitions_get - Alias von DateTimeZone::getTransitions
- timezone_version_get - Gets the version of the timezonedb
- time_nanosleep - Verzögert die Ausführung um die gegebene Anzahl Sekunden und Nanosekunden
- time_sleep_until - Lässt das Skript bis zur angegebenen Zeit schlafen
- tmpfile - Erstellt eine temporäre Datei
- token_get_all - Spaltet angegebenen PHP-Quelltext in PHP-Tokens auf
- token_name - Gibt Bezeichner für ein PHP-Token zurück
- TokyoTyrant::add - Adds to a numeric key
- TokyoTyrant::connect - Connect to a database
- TokyoTyrant::connectUri - Connects to a database
- TokyoTyrant::copy - Copies the database
- TokyoTyrant::ext - Execute a remote script
- TokyoTyrant::fwmKeys - Returns the forward matching keys
- TokyoTyrant::get - The get purpose
- TokyoTyrant::getIterator - Get an iterator
- TokyoTyrant::num - Number of records in the database
- TokyoTyrant::out - Removes records
- TokyoTyrant::put - Puts values
- TokyoTyrant::putCat - Concatenates to a record
- TokyoTyrant::putKeep - Puts a record
- TokyoTyrant::putNr - Puts value
- TokyoTyrant::putShl - Concatenates to a record
- TokyoTyrant::restore - Restore the database
- TokyoTyrant::setMaster - Set the replication master
- TokyoTyrant::size - Returns the size of the value
- TokyoTyrant::stat - Get statistics
- TokyoTyrant::sync - Synchronize the database
- TokyoTyrant::tune - Tunes connection values
- TokyoTyrant::vanish - Empties the database
- TokyoTyrant::__construct - Construct a new TokyoTyrant object
- TokyoTyrantIterator::current - Get the current value
- TokyoTyrantIterator::key - Returns the current key
- TokyoTyrantIterator::next - Move to next key
- TokyoTyrantIterator::rewind - Rewinds the iterator
- TokyoTyrantIterator::valid - Rewinds the iterator
- TokyoTyrantIterator::__construct - Construct an iterator
- TokyoTyrantQuery::addCond - Adds a condition to the query
- TokyoTyrantQuery::count - Counts records
- TokyoTyrantQuery::current - Returns the current element
- TokyoTyrantQuery::hint - Get the hint string of the query
- TokyoTyrantQuery::key - Returns the current key
- TokyoTyrantQuery::metaSearch - Retrieve records with multiple queries
- TokyoTyrantQuery::next - Moves the iterator to next entry
- TokyoTyrantQuery::out - Removes records based on query
- TokyoTyrantQuery::rewind - Rewinds the iterator
- TokyoTyrantQuery::search - Searches records
- TokyoTyrantQuery::setLimit - Limit results
- TokyoTyrantQuery::setOrder - Orders results
- TokyoTyrantQuery::valid - Checks the validity of current item
- TokyoTyrantQuery::__construct - Construct a new query
- TokyoTyrantTable::add - Adds a record
- TokyoTyrantTable::genUid - Generate unique id
- TokyoTyrantTable::get - Get a row
- TokyoTyrantTable::getIterator - Get an iterator
- TokyoTyrantTable::getQuery - Get a query object
- TokyoTyrantTable::out - Remove records
- TokyoTyrantTable::put - Store a row
- TokyoTyrantTable::putCat - Concatenates to a row
- TokyoTyrantTable::putKeep - Put a new record
- TokyoTyrantTable::putNr - Puts value
- TokyoTyrantTable::putShl - Concatenates to a record
- TokyoTyrantTable::setIndex - Sets index
- touch - Setzt die Zugriffs- und Modifikationszeit einer Datei
- trader_acos - Vector Trigonometric ACos
- trader_ad - Chaikin A/D Line
- trader_add - Vector Arithmetic Add
- trader_adosc - Chaikin A/D Oscillator
- trader_adx - Average Directional Movement Index
- trader_adxr - Average Directional Movement Index Rating
- trader_apo - Absolute Price Oscillator
- trader_aroon - Aroon
- trader_aroonosc - Aroon Oscillator
- trader_asin - Vector Trigonometric ASin
- trader_atan - Vector Trigonometric ATan
- trader_atr - Average True Range
- trader_avgprice - Average Price
- trader_bbands - Bollinger Bands
- trader_beta - Beta
- trader_bop - Balance Of Power
- trader_cci - Commodity Channel Index
- trader_cdl2crows - Two Crows
- trader_cdl3blackcrows - Three Black Crows
- trader_cdl3inside - Three Inside Up/Down
- trader_cdl3linestrike - Three-Line Strike
- trader_cdl3outside - Three Outside Up/Down
- trader_cdl3starsinsouth - Three Stars In The South
- trader_cdl3whitesoldiers - Three Advancing White Soldiers
- trader_cdlabandonedbaby - Abandoned Baby
- trader_cdladvanceblock - Advance Block
- trader_cdlbelthold - Belt-hold
- trader_cdlbreakaway - Breakaway
- trader_cdlclosingmarubozu - Closing Marubozu
- trader_cdlconcealbabyswall - Concealing Baby Swallow
- trader_cdlcounterattack - Counterattack
- trader_cdldarkcloudcover - Dark Cloud Cover
- trader_cdldoji - Doji
- trader_cdldojistar - Doji Star
- trader_cdldragonflydoji - Dragonfly Doji
- trader_cdlengulfing - Engulfing Pattern
- trader_cdleveningdojistar - Evening Doji Star
- trader_cdleveningstar - Evening Star
- trader_cdlgapsidesidewhite - Up/Down-gap side-by-side white lines
- trader_cdlgravestonedoji - Gravestone Doji
- trader_cdlhammer - Hammer
- trader_cdlhangingman - Hanging Man
- trader_cdlharami - Harami Pattern
- trader_cdlharamicross - Harami Cross Pattern
- trader_cdlhighwave - High-Wave Candle
- trader_cdlhikkake - Hikkake Pattern
- trader_cdlhikkakemod - Modified Hikkake Pattern
- trader_cdlhomingpigeon - Homing Pigeon
- trader_cdlidentical3crows - Identical Three Crows
- trader_cdlinneck - In-Neck Pattern
- trader_cdlinvertedhammer - Inverted Hammer
- trader_cdlkicking - Kicking
- trader_cdlkickingbylength - Kicking - bull/bear determined by the longer marubozu
- trader_cdlladderbottom - Ladder Bottom
- trader_cdllongleggeddoji - Long Legged Doji
- trader_cdllongline - Long Line Candle
- trader_cdlmarubozu - Marubozu
- trader_cdlmatchinglow - Matching Low
- trader_cdlmathold - Mat Hold
- trader_cdlmorningdojistar - Morning Doji Star
- trader_cdlmorningstar - Morning Star
- trader_cdlonneck - On-Neck Pattern
- trader_cdlpiercing - Piercing Pattern
- trader_cdlrickshawman - Rickshaw Man
- trader_cdlrisefall3methods - Rising/Falling Three Methods
- trader_cdlseparatinglines - Separating Lines
- trader_cdlshootingstar - Shooting Star
- trader_cdlshortline - Short Line Candle
- trader_cdlspinningtop - Spinning Top
- trader_cdlstalledpattern - Stalled Pattern
- trader_cdlsticksandwich - Stick Sandwich
- trader_cdltakuri - Takuri (Dragonfly Doji with very long lower shadow)
- trader_cdltasukigap - Tasuki Gap
- trader_cdlthrusting - Thrusting Pattern
- trader_cdltristar - Tristar Pattern
- trader_cdlunique3river - Unique 3 River
- trader_cdlupsidegap2crows - Upside Gap Two Crows
- trader_cdlxsidegap3methods - Upside/Downside Gap Three Methods
- trader_ceil - Vector Ceil
- trader_cmo - Chande Momentum Oscillator
- trader_correl - Pearson's Correlation Coefficient (r)
- trader_cos - Vector Trigonometric Cos
- trader_cosh - Vector Trigonometric Cosh
- trader_dema - Double Exponential Moving Average
- trader_div - Vector Arithmetic Div
- trader_dx - Directional Movement Index
- trader_ema - Exponential Moving Average
- trader_errno - Get error code
- trader_exp - Vector Arithmetic Exp
- trader_floor - Vector Floor
- trader_get_compat - Get compatibility mode
- trader_get_unstable_period - Get unstable period
- trader_ht_dcperiod - Hilbert Transform - Dominant Cycle Period
- trader_ht_dcphase - Hilbert Transform - Dominant Cycle Phase
- trader_ht_phasor - Hilbert Transform - Phasor Components
- trader_ht_sine - Hilbert Transform - SineWave
- trader_ht_trendline - Hilbert Transform - Instantaneous Trendline
- trader_ht_trendmode - Hilbert Transform - Trend vs Cycle Mode
- trader_kama - Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average
- trader_linearreg - Linear Regression
- trader_linearreg_angle - Linear Regression Angle
- trader_linearreg_intercept - Linear Regression Intercept
- trader_linearreg_slope - Linear Regression Slope
- trader_ln - Vector Log Natural
- trader_log10 - Vector Log10
- trader_ma - Moving average
- trader_macd - Moving Average Convergence/Divergence
- trader_macdext - MACD with controllable MA type
- trader_macdfix - Moving Average Convergence/Divergence Fix 12/26
- trader_mama - MESA Adaptive Moving Average
- trader_mavp - Moving average with variable period
- trader_max - Highest value over a specified period
- trader_maxindex - Index of highest value over a specified period
- trader_medprice - Median Price
- trader_mfi - Money Flow Index
- trader_midpoint - MidPoint over period
- trader_midprice - Midpoint Price over period
- trader_min - Lowest value over a specified period
- trader_minindex - Index of lowest value over a specified period
- trader_minmax - Lowest and highest values over a specified period
- trader_minmaxindex - Indexes of lowest and highest values over a specified period
- trader_minus_di - Minus Directional Indicator
- trader_minus_dm - Minus Directional Movement
- trader_mom - Momentum
- trader_mult - Vector Arithmetic Mult
- trader_natr - Normalized Average True Range
- trader_obv - On Balance Volume
- trader_plus_di - Plus Directional Indicator
- trader_plus_dm - Plus Directional Movement
- trader_ppo - Percentage Price Oscillator
- trader_roc - Rate of change : ((price/prevPrice)-1)*100
- trader_rocp - Rate of change Percentage: (price-prevPrice)/prevPrice
- trader_rocr - Rate of change ratio: (price/prevPrice)
- trader_rocr100 - Rate of change ratio 100 scale: (price/prevPrice)*100
- trader_rsi - Relative Strength Index
- trader_sar - Parabolic SAR
- trader_sarext - Parabolic SAR - Extended
- trader_set_compat - Set compatibility mode
- trader_set_unstable_period - Set unstable period
- trader_sin - Vector Trigonometric Sin
- trader_sinh - Vector Trigonometric Sinh
- trader_sma - Simple Moving Average
- trader_sqrt - Vector Square Root
- trader_stddev - Standard Deviation
- trader_stoch - Stochastic
- trader_stochf - Stochastic Fast
- trader_stochrsi - Stochastic Relative Strength Index
- trader_sub - Vector Arithmetic Subtraction
- trader_sum - Summation
- trader_t3 - Triple Exponential Moving Average (T3)
- trader_tan - Vector Trigonometric Tan
- trader_tanh - Vector Trigonometric Tanh
- trader_tema - Triple Exponential Moving Average
- trader_trange - True Range
- trader_trima - Triangular Moving Average
- trader_trix - 1-day Rate-Of-Change (ROC) of a Triple Smooth EMA
- trader_tsf - Time Series Forecast
- trader_typprice - Typical Price
- trader_ultosc - Ultimate Oscillator
- trader_var - Variance
- trader_wclprice - Weighted Close Price
- trader_willr - Williams' %R
- trader_wma - Weighted Moving Average
- trait_exists - Checks if the trait exists
- Transliterator::create - Create a transliterator
- Transliterator::createFromRules - Create transliterator from rules
- Transliterator::createInverse - Create an inverse transliterator
- Transliterator::getErrorCode - Get last error code
- Transliterator::getErrorMessage - Get last error message
- Transliterator::listIDs - Get transliterator IDs
- Transliterator::transliterate - Transliterate a string
- Transliterator::__construct - Private constructor to deny instantiation
- trigger_error - Erzeugt eine benutzerdefinierte Fehlermeldung/Warnung/Benachrichtigung
- trim - Entfernt Whitespaces (oder andere Zeichen) am Anfang und Ende eines Strings
- u
- uasort - Sortiert ein Array mittels einer benutzerdefinierten
Vergleichsfunktion und behält Indexassoziationen bei
- ucfirst - Verwandelt das erste Zeichen eines Strings in einen Großbuchstaben
- UConverter::convert - Convert string from one charset to another
- UConverter::fromUCallback - Default "from" callback function
- UConverter::getAliases - Get the aliases of the given name
- UConverter::getAvailable - Get the available canonical converter names
- UConverter::getDestinationEncoding - Get the destination encoding
- UConverter::getDestinationType - Get the destination converter type
- UConverter::getErrorCode - Get last error code on the object
- UConverter::getErrorMessage - Get last error message on the object
- UConverter::getSourceEncoding - Get the source encoding
- UConverter::getSourceType - Get the source convertor type
- UConverter::getStandards - Get standards associated to converter names
- UConverter::getSubstChars - Get substitution chars
- UConverter::reasonText - Get string representation of the callback reason
- UConverter::setDestinationEncoding - Set the destination encoding
- UConverter::setSourceEncoding - Set the source encoding
- UConverter::setSubstChars - Set the substitution chars
- UConverter::toUCallback - Default "to" callback function
- UConverter::transcode - Convert string from one charset to another
- UConverter::__construct - Create UConverter object
- ucwords - Wandelt jeden ersten Buchstaben eines Wortes innerhalb eines Strings
in einen Großbuchstaben
- udm_add_search_limit - Verschiedene Beschränkungen bei der Suche anwenden
- udm_alloc_agent - Allocate mnoGoSearch session
- udm_alloc_agent_array - Allocate mnoGoSearch session
- udm_api_version - Gibt die Version der mnoGoSearch API zurück.
- udm_cat_list - Liefert alle Kategorien auf der selben Ebene wie der aktuellen
- udm_cat_path - Liefert den Pfad zur aktuellen Kategorie zurück.
- udm_check_charset - Überprüft, ob der übergebene Zeichensatz mnoGoSearch bekannt ist
- udm_clear_search_limits - Löscht alle mnoGoSearch Suchrestriktionen
- udm_crc32 - Gibt eine CRC32-Prüfsumme des übergebenen Strings zurück.
- udm_errno - Liefert den mnoGoSearch Fehlercode zurück.
- udm_error - Liefert eine mnoGoSearch Fehlermeldung zurück.
- udm_find - Führe eine Suche durch.
- udm_free_agent - Löscht eine mnoGoSearch Session
- udm_free_ispell_data - Gibt den Speicher frei, der für ISpell alloziiert
- udm_free_res - Löscht ein mnoGoSearch-Ergebis
- udm_get_doc_count - Liefert die Anzahl aller Dokumente in der Datenbank
- udm_get_res_field - Erhalte ein mnoGoSearch Ergebenisfeld
- udm_get_res_param - Liefert die mnoGoSearch Ergbnisparameter zurück.
- udm_hash32 - Return Hash32 checksum of given string
- udm_load_ispell_data - Lade ISpell-Daten
- udm_set_agent_param - Setzt die Parameter der aktuellen mnoGoSearch Session
- UI\Area::onDraw - Draw Callback
- UI\Area::onKey - Key Callback
- UI\Area::onMouse - Mouse Callback
- UI\Area::redraw - Redraw Area
- UI\Area::scrollTo - Area Scroll
- UI\Area::setSize - Set Size
- UI\Control::destroy - Destroy Control
- UI\Control::disable - Disable Control
- UI\Control::enable - Enable Control
- UI\Control::getParent - Get Parent Control
- UI\Control::getTopLevel - Get Top Level
- UI\Control::hide - Hide Control
- UI\Control::isEnabled - Determine if Control is enabled
- UI\Control::isVisible - Determine if Control is visible
- UI\Control::setParent - Set Parent Control
- UI\Control::show - Control Show
- UI\Controls\Box::append - Append Control
- UI\Controls\Box::delete - Delete Control
- UI\Controls\Box::getOrientation - Get Orientation
- UI\Controls\Box::isPadded - Padding Detection
- UI\Controls\Box::setPadded - Set Padding
- UI\Controls\Box::__construct - Construct a new Box
- UI\Controls\Button::getText - Get Text
- UI\Controls\Button::onClick - Click Handler
- UI\Controls\Button::setText - Set Text
- UI\Controls\Button::__construct - Construct a new Button
- UI\Controls\Check::getText - Get Text
- UI\Controls\Check::isChecked - Checked Detection
- UI\Controls\Check::onToggle - Toggle Callback
- UI\Controls\Check::setChecked - Set Checked
- UI\Controls\Check::setText - Set Text
- UI\Controls\Check::__construct - Construct a new Check
- UI\Controls\ColorButton::getColor - Get Color
- UI\Controls\ColorButton::onChange - Change Handler
- UI\Controls\ColorButton::setColor - Set Color
- UI\Controls\Combo::append - Append Option
- UI\Controls\Combo::getSelected - Get Selected Option
- UI\Controls\Combo::onSelected - Selected Handler
- UI\Controls\Combo::setSelected - Set Selected Option
- UI\Controls\EditableCombo::append - Append Option
- UI\Controls\EditableCombo::getText - Get Text
- UI\Controls\EditableCombo::onChange - Change Handler
- UI\Controls\EditableCombo::setText - Set Text
- UI\Controls\Entry::getText - Get Text
- UI\Controls\Entry::isReadOnly - Detect Read Only
- UI\Controls\Entry::onChange - Change Handler
- UI\Controls\Entry::setReadOnly - Set Read Only
- UI\Controls\Entry::setText - Set Text
- UI\Controls\Entry::__construct - Construct a new Entry
- UI\Controls\Form::append - Append Control
- UI\Controls\Form::delete - Delete Control
- UI\Controls\Form::isPadded - Padding Detection
- UI\Controls\Form::setPadded - Set Padding
- UI\Controls\Grid::append - Append Control
- UI\Controls\Grid::isPadded - Padding Detection
- UI\Controls\Grid::setPadded - Set Padding
- UI\Controls\Group::append - Append Control
- UI\Controls\Group::getTitle - Get Title
- UI\Controls\Group::hasMargin - Margin Detection
- UI\Controls\Group::setMargin - Set Margin
- UI\Controls\Group::setTitle - Set Title
- UI\Controls\Group::__construct - Construct a new Group
- UI\Controls\Label::getText - Get Text
- UI\Controls\Label::setText - Set Text
- UI\Controls\Label::__construct - Construct a new Label
- UI\Controls\MultilineEntry::append - Append Text
- UI\Controls\MultilineEntry::getText - Get Text
- UI\Controls\MultilineEntry::isReadOnly - Read Only Detection
- UI\Controls\MultilineEntry::onChange - Change Handler
- UI\Controls\MultilineEntry::setReadOnly - Set Read Only
- UI\Controls\MultilineEntry::setText - Set Text
- UI\Controls\MultilineEntry::__construct - Construct a new Multiline Entry
- UI\Controls\Picker::__construct - Construct a new Picker
- UI\Controls\Progress::getValue - Get Value
- UI\Controls\Progress::setValue - Set Value
- UI\Controls\Radio::append - Append Option
- UI\Controls\Radio::getSelected - Get Selected Option
- UI\Controls\Radio::onSelected - Selected Handler
- UI\Controls\Radio::setSelected - Set Selected Option
- UI\Controls\Separator::__construct - Construct a new Separator
- UI\Controls\Slider::getValue - Get Value
- UI\Controls\Slider::onChange - Change Handler
- UI\Controls\Slider::setValue - Set Value
- UI\Controls\Slider::__construct - Construct a new Slider
- UI\Controls\Spin::getValue - Get Value
- UI\Controls\Spin::onChange - Change Handler
- UI\Controls\Spin::setValue - Set Value
- UI\Controls\Spin::__construct - Construct a new Spin
- UI\Controls\Tab::append - Append Page
- UI\Controls\Tab::delete - Delete Page
- UI\Controls\Tab::hasMargin - Margin Detection
- UI\Controls\Tab::insertAt - Insert Page
- UI\Controls\Tab::pages - Page Count
- UI\Controls\Tab::setMargin - Set Margin
- UI\Draw\Brush::getColor - Get Color
- UI\Draw\Brush::setColor - Set Color
- UI\Draw\Brush::__construct - Construct a new Brush
- UI\Draw\Brush\Gradient::addStop - Stop Manipulation
- UI\Draw\Brush\Gradient::delStop - Stop Manipulation
- UI\Draw\Brush\Gradient::setStop - Stop Manipulation
- UI\Draw\Brush\LinearGradient::__construct - Construct a Linear Gradient
- UI\Draw\Brush\RadialGradient::__construct - Construct a new Radial Gradient
- UI\Draw\Color::getChannel - Color Manipulation
- UI\Draw\Color::setChannel - Color Manipulation
- UI\Draw\Color::__construct - Construct new Color
- UI\Draw\Matrix::invert - Invert Matrix
- UI\Draw\Matrix::isInvertible - Invertible Detection
- UI\Draw\Matrix::multiply - Multiply Matrix
- UI\Draw\Matrix::rotate - Rotate Matrix
- UI\Draw\Matrix::scale - Scale Matrix
- UI\Draw\Matrix::skew - Skew Matrix
- UI\Draw\Matrix::translate - Translate Matrix
- UI\Draw\Path::addRectangle - Draw a Rectangle
- UI\Draw\Path::arcTo - Draw an Arc
- UI\Draw\Path::bezierTo - Draw Bezier Curve
- UI\Draw\Path::closeFigure - Close Figure
- UI\Draw\Path::end - Finalize Path
- UI\Draw\Path::lineTo - Draw a Line
- UI\Draw\Path::newFigure - Draw Figure
- UI\Draw\Path::newFigureWithArc - Draw Figure with Arc
- UI\Draw\Path::__construct - Construct a new Path
- UI\Draw\Pen::clip - Clip a Path
- UI\Draw\Pen::fill - Fill a Path
- UI\Draw\Pen::restore - Restore
- UI\Draw\Pen::save - Save
- UI\Draw\Pen::stroke - Stroke a Path
- UI\Draw\Pen::transform - Matrix Transform
- UI\Draw\Pen::write - Draw Text at Point
- UI\Draw\Stroke::getCap - Get Line Cap
- UI\Draw\Stroke::getJoin - Get Line Join
- UI\Draw\Stroke::getMiterLimit - Get Miter Limit
- UI\Draw\Stroke::getThickness - Get Thickness
- UI\Draw\Stroke::setCap - Set Line Cap
- UI\Draw\Stroke::setJoin - Set Line Join
- UI\Draw\Stroke::setMiterLimit - Set Miter Limit
- UI\Draw\Stroke::setThickness - Set Thickness
- UI\Draw\Stroke::__construct - Construct a new Stroke
- UI\Draw\Text\Font::getAscent - Font Metrics
- UI\Draw\Text\Font::getDescent - Font Metrics
- UI\Draw\Text\Font::getLeading - Font Metrics
- UI\Draw\Text\Font::getUnderlinePosition - Font Metrics
- UI\Draw\Text\Font::getUnderlineThickness - Font Metrics
- UI\Draw\Text\Font::__construct - Construct a new Font
- UI\Draw\Text\Font\Descriptor::getFamily - Get Font Family
- UI\Draw\Text\Font\Descriptor::getItalic - Style Detection
- UI\Draw\Text\Font\Descriptor::getSize - Size Detection
- UI\Draw\Text\Font\Descriptor::getStretch - Style Detection
- UI\Draw\Text\Font\Descriptor::getWeight - Weight Detection
- UI\Draw\Text\Font\Descriptor::__construct - Construct a new Font Descriptor
- UI\Draw\Text\Font\fontFamilies - Retrieve Font Families
- UI\Draw\Text\Layout::setColor - Set Color
- UI\Draw\Text\Layout::setWidth - Set Width
- UI\Draw\Text\Layout::__construct - Construct a new Text Layout
- UI\Executor::kill - Stop Executor
- UI\Executor::onExecute - Execution Callback
- UI\Executor::setInterval - Interval Manipulation
- UI\Executor::__construct - Construct a new Executor
- UI\Menu::append - Append Menu Item
- UI\Menu::appendAbout - Append About Menu Item
- UI\Menu::appendCheck - Append Checkable Menu Item
- UI\Menu::appendPreferences - Append Preferences Menu Item
- UI\Menu::appendQuit - Append Quit Menu Item
- UI\Menu::appendSeparator - Append Menu Item Separator
- UI\Menu::__construct - Construct a new Menu
- UI\MenuItem::disable - Disable Menu Item
- UI\MenuItem::enable - Enable Menu Item
- UI\MenuItem::isChecked - Detect Checked
- UI\MenuItem::onClick - On Click Callback
- UI\MenuItem::setChecked - Set Checked
- UI\Point::at - Size Coercion
- UI\Point::getX - Retrieves X
- UI\Point::getY - Retrieves Y
- UI\Point::setX - Set X
- UI\Point::setY - Set Y
- UI\Point::__construct - Construct a new Point
- UI\quit - Quit UI Loop
- UI\run - Enter UI Loop
- UI\Size::getHeight - Retrieves Height
- UI\Size::getWidth - Retrives Width
- UI\Size::of - Point Coercion
- UI\Size::setHeight - Set Height
- UI\Size::setWidth - Set Width
- UI\Size::__construct - Construct a new Size
- UI\Window::add - Add a Control
- UI\Window::error - Show Error Box
- UI\Window::getSize - Get Window Size
- UI\Window::getTitle - Get Title
- UI\Window::hasBorders - Border Detection
- UI\Window::hasMargin - Margin Detection
- UI\Window::isFullScreen - Full Screen Detection
- UI\Window::msg - Show Message Box
- UI\Window::onClosing - Closing Callback
- UI\Window::open - Open Dialog
- UI\Window::save - Save Dialog
- UI\Window::setBorders - Border Use
- UI\Window::setFullScreen - Full Screen Use
- UI\Window::setMargin - Margin Use
- UI\Window::setSize - Set Size
- UI\Window::setTitle - Window Title
- UI\Window::__construct - Construct a new Window
- uksort - Sortiert ein Array nach Schlüsseln mittels einer
benutzerdefinierten Vergleichsfunktion
- umask - Changes the current umask
- uniqid - Erzeugt eine eindeutige ID
- unixtojd - Konvertiert Unix-Timestamp in Julianisches Datum
- unlink - Löscht eine Datei
- unpack - Entpackt die Daten eines Binär-Strings
- unregister_tick_function - De-register a function for execution on each tick
- unserialize - Erzeugt aus einem gespeicherten Datenformat einen Wert in PHP
- unset - Löschen einer angegebenen Variablen
- untaint - Untaint strings
- uopz_backup - Backup a function
- uopz_compose - Compose a class
- uopz_copy - Copy a function
- uopz_delete - Delete a function
- uopz_extend - Extend a class at runtime
- uopz_flags - Get or set flags on function or class
- uopz_function - Creates a function at runtime
- uopz_implement - Implements an interface at runtime
- uopz_overload - Overload a VM opcode
- uopz_redefine - Redefine a constant
- uopz_rename - Rename a function at runtime
- uopz_restore - Restore a previously backed up function
- uopz_undefine - Undefine a constant
- urldecode - Dekodiert eine URL-kodierte Zeichenkette
- urlencode - URL-kodiert einen String
- user_error - Alias von trigger_error
- use_soap_error_handler - Definiert, ob SOAP-Errorhandler benutzt werden soll
- usleep - Programm-Verzögerung in Mikrosekunden
- usort - Sortiert ein Array nach Werten mittels einer benutzerdefinierten
- utf8_decode - Konvertiert eine als UTF-8 kodierte ISO-8859-1-Zeichenkette in eine
einfache ISO-8859-1-Zeichenkette
- utf8_encode - Konvertiert eine ISO-8859-1-Zeichenkette in UTF-8
- v
- V8Js::executeString - Führt JavaScript-Code aus
- V8Js::getExtensions - Gibt ein Array der registrierten Erweiterungen zurück
- V8Js::getPendingException - Gibt ausstehende ungefangene JavaScript-Exception zurück.
- V8Js::registerExtension - Registriert JavaScript-Erweiterungen für V8Js
- V8Js::__construct - Erstellt ein neues V8Js-Objekt
- V8JsException::getJsFileName - The getJsFileName purpose
- V8JsException::getJsLineNumber - The getJsLineNumber purpose
- V8JsException::getJsSourceLine - The getJsSourceLine purpose
- V8JsException::getJsTrace - The getJsTrace purpose
- variant_abs - Returns the absolute value of a variant
- variant_add - "Adds" two variant values together and returns the result
- variant_and - Performs a bitwise AND operation between two variants
- variant_cast - Convert a variant into a new variant object of another type
- variant_cat - concatenates two variant values together and returns the result
- variant_cmp - Compares two variants
- variant_date_from_timestamp - Returns a variant date representation of a Unix timestamp
- variant_date_to_timestamp - Converts a variant date/time value to Unix timestamp
- variant_div - Returns the result from dividing two variants
- variant_eqv - Performs a bitwise equivalence on two variants
- variant_fix - Returns the integer portion of a variant
- variant_get_type - Returns the type of a variant object
- variant_idiv - Converts variants to integers and then returns the result from dividing them
- variant_imp - Performs a bitwise implication on two variants
- variant_int - Returns the integer portion of a variant
- variant_mod - Divides two variants and returns only the remainder
- variant_mul - Multiplies the values of the two variants
- variant_neg - Performs logical negation on a variant
- variant_not - Performs bitwise not negation on a variant
- variant_or - Performs a logical disjunction on two variants
- variant_pow - Returns the result of performing the power function with two variants
- variant_round - Rounds a variant to the specified number of decimal places
- variant_set - Assigns a new value for a variant object
- variant_set_type - Convert a variant into another type "in-place"
- variant_sub - Subtracts the value of the right variant from the left variant value
- variant_xor - Performs a logical exclusion on two variants
- VarnishAdmin::auth - Authenticate on a varnish instance
- VarnishAdmin::ban - Ban URLs using a VCL expression
- VarnishAdmin::banUrl - Ban an URL using a VCL expression
- VarnishAdmin::clearPanic - Clear varnish instance panic messages
- VarnishAdmin::connect - Connect to a varnish instance administration interface
- VarnishAdmin::disconnect - Disconnect from a varnish instance administration interface
- VarnishAdmin::getPanic - Get the last panic message on a varnish instance
- VarnishAdmin::getParams - Fetch current varnish instance configuration parameters
- VarnishAdmin::isRunning - Check if the varnish slave process is currently running
- VarnishAdmin::setCompat - Set the class compat configuration param
- VarnishAdmin::setHost - Set the class host configuration param
- VarnishAdmin::setIdent - Set the class ident configuration param
- VarnishAdmin::setParam - Set configuration param on the current varnish instance
- VarnishAdmin::setPort - Set the class port configuration param
- VarnishAdmin::setSecret - Set the class secret configuration param
- VarnishAdmin::setTimeout - Set the class timeout configuration param
- VarnishAdmin::start - Start varnish worker process
- VarnishAdmin::stop - Stop varnish worker process
- VarnishAdmin::__construct - VarnishAdmin constructor
- VarnishLog::getLine - Get next log line
- VarnishLog::getTagName - Get the log tag string representation by its index
- VarnishLog::__construct - Varnishlog constructor
- VarnishStat::getSnapshot - Get the current varnish instance statistics snapshot
- VarnishStat::__construct - VarnishStat constructor
- var_dump - Gibt alle Informationen zu einer Variablen aus
- var_export - Gibt den Inhalt einer Variablen als parsbaren PHP-Code zurück
- version_compare - Vergleicht zwei Versionsnummern im PHP-Stil
- vfprintf - Schreibt einen formatierten String in einen Stream
- virtual - Führt eine Apache-Unteranfrage durch
- vpopmail_add_alias_domain - Add an alias for a virtual domain
- vpopmail_add_alias_domain_ex - Add alias to an existing virtual domain
- vpopmail_add_domain - Add a new virtual domain
- vpopmail_add_domain_ex - Add a new virtual domain
- vpopmail_add_user - Add a new user to the specified virtual domain
- vpopmail_alias_add - Insert a virtual alias
- vpopmail_alias_del - Deletes all virtual aliases of a user
- vpopmail_alias_del_domain - Deletes all virtual aliases of a domain
- vpopmail_alias_get - Get all lines of an alias for a domain
- vpopmail_alias_get_all - Get all lines of an alias for a domain
- vpopmail_auth_user - Attempt to validate a username/domain/password
- vpopmail_del_domain - Delete a virtual domain
- vpopmail_del_domain_ex - Delete a virtual domain
- vpopmail_del_user - Delete a user from a virtual domain
- vpopmail_error - Get text message for last vpopmail error
- vpopmail_passwd - Change a virtual user's password
- vpopmail_set_user_quota - Sets a virtual user's quota
- vprintf - Gibt einen formatierten String aus
- vsprintf - Gibt einen formatierten String zurück
- w
- wddx_add_vars - Fügt dem WDDX-Paket mit der übergebenen ID Werte hinzu
- wddx_deserialize - Deserialisiert ein WDDX Paket
- wddx_packet_end - Schließt das WDDX-Paket mit der angegebenen ID
- wddx_packet_start - Beginnt ein neues WDDX-Paket mit einer 'Structure'
- wddx_serialize_value - Serialisiert einen einzelnen Wert in ein WDDX-Paket
- wddx_serialize_vars - Serialisiert Variablen in WDDX Pakete
- WeakMap::count - Counts the number of live entries in the map
- WeakMap::current - Returns the current value under iteration
- WeakMap::key - Returns the current key under iteration.
- WeakMap::next - Advances to the next map element
- WeakMap::offsetExists - Checks whether a certain object is in the map
- WeakMap::offsetGet - Returns the value pointed to by a certain object
- WeakMap::offsetSet - Updates the map with a new key-value pair
- WeakMap::offsetUnset - Removes an entry from the map
- WeakMap::rewind - Rewinds the iterator to the beginning of the map
- WeakMap::valid - Returns whether the iterator is still on a valid map element
- WeakMap::__construct - Constructs a new map
- Weakref::acquire - Acquires a strong reference on that object
- Weakref::get - Returns the object pointed to by the weak reference
- Weakref::release - Releases a previously acquired reference
- Weakref::valid - Checks whether the object referenced still exists
- Weakref::__construct - Constructs a new weak reference
- win32_continue_service - Resumes a paused service
- win32_create_service - Creates a new service entry in the SCM database
- win32_delete_service - Deletes a service entry from the SCM database
- win32_get_last_control_message - Returns the last control message that was sent to this service
- win32_pause_service - Pauses a service
- win32_ps_list_procs - List running processes
- win32_ps_stat_mem - Stat memory utilization
- win32_ps_stat_proc - Stat process
- win32_query_service_status - Queries the status of a service
- win32_set_service_status - Update the service status
- win32_start_service - Starts a service
- win32_start_service_ctrl_dispatcher - Registers the script with the SCM, so that it can act as the service with the given name
- win32_stop_service - Stops a service
- wincache_fcache_fileinfo - Retrieves information about files cached in the file cache
- wincache_fcache_meminfo - Retrieves information about file cache memory usage
- wincache_lock - Acquires an exclusive lock on a given key
- wincache_ocache_fileinfo - Retrieves information about files cached in the opcode cache
- wincache_ocache_meminfo - Retrieves information about opcode cache memory usage
- wincache_refresh_if_changed - Refreshes the cache entries for the cached files
- wincache_rplist_fileinfo - Retrieves information about resolve file path cache
- wincache_rplist_meminfo - Retrieves information about memory usage by the resolve file path cache
- wincache_scache_info - Retrieves information about files cached in the session cache
- wincache_scache_meminfo - Retrieves information about session cache memory usage
- wincache_ucache_add - Adds a variable in user cache only if variable does not already exist in the cache
- wincache_ucache_cas - Compares the variable with old value and assigns new value to it
- wincache_ucache_clear - Deletes entire content of the user cache
- wincache_ucache_dec - Decrements the value associated with the key
- wincache_ucache_delete - Deletes variables from the user cache
- wincache_ucache_exists - Checks if a variable exists in the user cache
- wincache_ucache_get - Gets a variable stored in the user cache
- wincache_ucache_inc - Increments the value associated with the key
- wincache_ucache_info - Retrieves information about data stored in the user cache
- wincache_ucache_meminfo - Retrieves information about user cache memory usage
- wincache_ucache_set - Adds a variable in user cache and overwrites a variable if it already exists in the cache
- wincache_unlock - Releases an exclusive lock on a given key
- wordwrap - Bricht einen String nach einer bestimmten Anzahl Zeichen um
- Worker::getStacked - Stack Analysis
- Worker::isShutdown - State Detection
- Worker::isWorking - State Detection
- Worker::shutdown - Synchronization
- Worker::stack - Stacking
- Worker::unstack - Stacking
- x
- xattr_get - Get an extended attribute
- xattr_list - Get a list of extended attributes
- xattr_remove - Remove an extended attribute
- xattr_set - Set an extended attribute
- xattr_supported - Check if filesystem supports extended attributes
- xdiff_file_bdiff - Make binary diff of two files
- xdiff_file_bdiff_size - Read a size of file created by applying a binary diff
- xdiff_file_bpatch - Patch a file with a binary diff
- xdiff_file_diff - Make unified diff of two files
- xdiff_file_diff_binary - Alias of xdiff_file_bdiff
- xdiff_file_merge3 - Merge 3 files into one
- xdiff_file_patch - Patch a file with an unified diff
- xdiff_file_patch_binary - Alias of xdiff_file_bpatch
- xdiff_file_rabdiff - Make binary diff of two files using the Rabin's polynomial fingerprinting algorithm
- xdiff_string_bdiff - Make binary diff of two strings
- xdiff_string_bdiff_size - Read a size of file created by applying a binary diff
- xdiff_string_bpatch - Patch a string with a binary diff
- xdiff_string_diff - Make unified diff of two strings
- xdiff_string_diff_binary - Alias of xdiff_string_bdiff
- xdiff_string_merge3 - Merge 3 strings into one
- xdiff_string_patch - Patch a string with an unified diff
- xdiff_string_patch_binary - Alias of xdiff_string_bpatch
- xdiff_string_rabdiff - Make binary diff of two strings using the Rabin's polynomial fingerprinting algorithm
- xhprof_disable - Stops xhprof profiler
- xhprof_enable - Start xhprof profiler
- xhprof_sample_disable - Stops xhprof sample profiler
- xhprof_sample_enable - Start XHProf profiling in sampling mode
- XMLDiff\Base::diff - Produce diff of two XML documents
- XMLDiff\Base::merge - Produce new XML document based on diff
- XMLDiff\Base::__construct - Constructor
- XMLDiff\DOM::diff - Diff two DOMDocument objects
- XMLDiff\DOM::merge - Produce merged DOMDocument
- XMLDiff\File::diff - Diff two XML files
- XMLDiff\File::merge - Produce merged XML document
- XMLDiff\Memory::diff - Diff two XML documents
- XMLDiff\Memory::merge - Produce merged XML document
- XMLReader->moveToElement - Zeiger positionieren auf das Elternelement des aktuellen Attributes
- XMLReader::close - XMLReader-Eingabe beenden
- XMLReader::expand - Gibt eine Kopie des aktuellen Knotens als DOM-Objekt zurück
- XMLReader::getAttribute - Gibt den Wert eines Attributes nach Namen zurück
- XMLReader::getAttributeNo - Gibt den Wert eines Attributes nach Position zurück
- XMLReader::getAttributeNs - Gibt den Wert eines Attributes nach lokalem Namen und URI zurück
- XMLReader::getParserProperty - Zeigt an, ob die angegebene Eigenschaft gesetzt wurde
- XMLReader::isValid - Zeigt an, ob das geparste Dokument valide ist
- XMLReader::lookupNamespace - Prüfen, ob ein Namensbereich für einen Präfix vorhanden ist
- XMLReader::moveToAttribute - Zeiger auf benanntes Attribut setzen
- XMLReader::moveToAttributeNo - Move cursor to an attribute by index
- XMLReader::moveToAttributeNs - Move cursor to a named attribute
- XMLReader::moveToFirstAttribute - Zeiger auf erstes Attribut setzen
- XMLReader::moveToNextAttribute - Zeiger auf nächstes Attribut setzen
- XMLReader::next - Zeiger auf nächstes Element setzen und Kinder überspringen
- XMLReader::open - URI angeben, die auf XML-Inhalt verweist, der geparst werden soll
- XMLReader::read - Zeiger auf das nächste Element setzen
- XMLReader::readInnerXML - Erhalte XML des aktuellen Knotens
- XMLReader::readOuterXML - Liest XML des aktuellen Knotens, inklusive den Knoten selbst
- XMLReader::readString - Liest den Inhalt des aktuellen Knotens als Zeichenkette
- XMLReader::setParserProperty - Parser-Optionen setzen
- XMLReader::setRelaxNGSchema - Dateiname oder URI des RelaxNG-Schema setzen
- XMLReader::setRelaxNGSchemaSource - Zeichenkette setzen, die RelaxNG-Schemadaten enthält
- XMLReader::setSchema - Validiert Dokument gegen XSD
- XMLReader::XML - Zeichenkette setzen, deren Inhalt geparst werden soll
- xmlrpc_decode - Decodes XML into native PHP types
- xmlrpc_decode_request - Decodes XML into native PHP types
- xmlrpc_encode - Generates XML for a PHP value
- xmlrpc_encode_request - Generates XML for a method request
- xmlrpc_get_type - Gets xmlrpc type for a PHP value
- xmlrpc_is_fault - Determines if an array value represents an XMLRPC fault
- xmlrpc_parse_method_descriptions - Decodes XML into a list of method descriptions
- xmlrpc_server_add_introspection_data - Adds introspection documentation
- xmlrpc_server_call_method - Parses XML requests and call methods
- xmlrpc_server_create - Creates an xmlrpc server
- xmlrpc_server_destroy - Destroys server resources
- xmlrpc_server_register_introspection_callback - Register a PHP function to generate documentation
- xmlrpc_server_register_method - Register a PHP function to resource method matching method_name
- xmlrpc_set_type - Sets xmlrpc type, base64 or datetime, for a PHP string value
- XMLWriter->endDTD - Beendet DTD
- XMLWriter->endElement - Beendet Element
- XMLWriter->endPI - Beendet Verarbeitungsvorschrift
- XMLWriter->flush - Puffer schreiben
- XMLWriter->fullEndElement - Beendet Element
- XMLWriter->openURI - Erzeugt neuen XMLWriter, der URI für Ausgabe verwendet
- XMLWriter->outputMemory - Gibt Puffer zurück
- XMLWriter->setIndent - Einrückung ein-/ausschalten
- XMLWriter->setIndentString - Setzt Zeichenkette, die zur Einrückung verwendet wird
- XMLWriter->startAttribute - Attribut beginnen
- XMLWriter->startAttributeNS - Namensraum-Attribut beginnen
- XMLWriter->startCData - CDATA-Block beginnen
- XMLWriter->startComment - Kommentar beginnen
- XMLWriter->startDocument - Dokument beginnen
- XMLWriter->startDTD - DTD beginnen
- XMLWriter->startDTDAttlist - DTD-Attributliste beginnen
- XMLWriter->startDTDElement - DTD-Element beginnen
- XMLWriter->startDTDEntity - DTD-Entität beginnen
- XMLWriter->startElement - Element beginnen
- XMLWriter->startElementNS - Element mit Namensraum beginnen
- XMLWriter->startPI - Verarbeitungsvorschrift beginnen
- XMLWriter->text - Text schreiben
- XMLWriter->writeAttribute - Komplettes Attribut schreiben
- XMLWriter->writeAttributeNS - Komplettes Attribute mit Namensraum schreiben
- XMLWriter->writeCData - Kompletten CDATA-Block schreiben
- XMLWriter->writeComment - Kompletten Kommentar schreiben
- XMLWriter->writeDTD - Komplettes DTD-Tag schreiben
- XMLWriter->writeDTDAttlist - Komplette DTD-Attributliste schreiben
- XMLWriter->writeDTDElement - Komplettes DTD-Element schreiben
- XMLWriter->writeDTDEntity - Komplette DTD-Entität schreiben
- XMLWriter->writeElement - Komplettes Element schreiben
- XMLWriter->writeElementNS - Komplettes Element mit Namensraum schreiben
- XMLWriter->writePI - Komplette Verarbeitungsvorschrift-Tag schreiben
- XMLWriter->writeRaw - Reines XML schreiben
- XMLWriter::endAttribute - Attribute beenden
- XMLWriter::endCData - Beendet CDATA-Block
- XMLWriter::endComment - Beendet Kommentar
- XMLWriter::endDocument - Beendet Dokument
- XMLWriter::endDTDAttlist - Beendet DTD-Attributliste
- XMLWriter::endDTDElement - Beendet DTD-Element
- XMLWriter::endDTDEntity - Beendet DTD-Entität
- XMLWriter::openMemory - Erzeugt einen neuen XMLWriter, der Stringausgaben in den Speicher schreibt
- xml_error_string - Get XML parser error string
- xml_get_current_byte_index - Get current byte index for an XML parser
- xml_get_current_column_number - Get current column number for an XML parser
- xml_get_current_line_number - Get current line number for an XML parser
- xml_get_error_code - Get XML parser error code
- xml_parse - Start parsing an XML document
- xml_parser_create - Create an XML parser
- xml_parser_create_ns - Create an XML parser with namespace support
- xml_parser_free - Free an XML parser
- xml_parser_get_option - Get options from an XML parser
- xml_parser_set_option - Set options in an XML parser
- xml_parse_into_struct - Parse XML data into an array structure
- xml_set_character_data_handler - Set up character data handler
- xml_set_default_handler - Set up default handler
- xml_set_element_handler - Set up start and end element handlers
- xml_set_end_namespace_decl_handler - Set up end namespace declaration handler
- xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler - Set up external entity reference handler
- xml_set_notation_decl_handler - Set up notation declaration handler
- xml_set_object - Use XML Parser within an object
- xml_set_processing_instruction_handler - Set up processing instruction (PI) handler
- xml_set_start_namespace_decl_handler - Set up start namespace declaration handler
- xml_set_unparsed_entity_decl_handler - Set up unparsed entity declaration handler
- XSLTProcessor::getParameter - Liefert den Wert eines Parameters
- XsltProcessor::getSecurityPrefs - Liefert die Sicherheitseinstellungen
- XSLTProcessor::hasExsltSupport - Prüft, ob die EXSLT-Unterstützung aktiviert ist
- XSLTProcessor::importStylesheet - Importiert ein Stylesheet
- XSLTProcessor::registerPHPFunctions - Aktiviert die Nutzbarkeit von PHP-Funktionen als XSLT-Funktionen
- XSLTProcessor::removeParameter - Löscht einen Parameter
- XSLTProcessor::setParameter - Setzt den Wert für einen Parameter
- XSLTProcessor::setProfiling - Setzt den Dateinamen für die Ausgaben des Profilers
- XsltProcessor::setSecurityPrefs - Setzt die Sicherheitseinstellungen
- XSLTProcessor::transformToDoc - Transformierung in ein neues DOMDocument
- XSLTProcessor::transformToURI - Transformierung zu einer URI
- XSLTProcessor::transformToXML - Transformierung zu einem XML-String
- XSLTProcessor::__construct - Erzeugt ein neues XSLTProcessor-Objekt
- y
- Yaf_Action_Abstract::execute - Action entry point
- Yaf_Action_Abstract::getController - Retrieve controller object
- Yaf_Application::app - Retrieve an Application instance
- Yaf_Application::bootstrap - Call bootstrap
- Yaf_Application::clearLastError - Clear the last error info
- Yaf_Application::environ - Retrive environ
- Yaf_Application::execute - Execute a callback
- Yaf_Application::getAppDirectory - Get the application directory
- Yaf_Application::getConfig - Retrive the config instance
- Yaf_Application::getDispatcher - Get Yaf_Dispatcher instance
- Yaf_Application::getLastErrorMsg - Get message of the last occurred error
- Yaf_Application::getLastErrorNo - Get code of last occurred error
- Yaf_Application::getModules - Get defined module names
- Yaf_Application::run - Start Yaf_Application
- Yaf_Application::setAppDirectory - Change the application directory
- Yaf_Application::__clone - Yaf_Application can not be cloned
- Yaf_Application::__construct - Yaf_Application constructor
- Yaf_Application::__destruct - The __destruct purpose
- Yaf_Application::__sleep - Yaf_Application can not be serialized
- Yaf_Application::__wakeup - Yaf_Application can not be unserialized
- Yaf_Config_Abstract::get - Getter
- Yaf_Config_Abstract::readonly - Find a config whether readonly
- Yaf_Config_Abstract::set - Setter
- Yaf_Config_Abstract::toArray - Cast to array
- Yaf_Config_Ini::count - The count purpose
- Yaf_Config_Ini::current - The current purpose
- Yaf_Config_Ini::key - The key purpose
- Yaf_Config_Ini::next - The next purpose
- Yaf_Config_Ini::offsetExists - The offsetExists purpose
- Yaf_Config_Ini::offsetGet - The offsetGet purpose
- Yaf_Config_Ini::offsetSet - The offsetSet purpose
- Yaf_Config_Ini::offsetUnset - The offsetUnset purpose
- Yaf_Config_Ini::readonly - The readonly purpose
- Yaf_Config_Ini::rewind - The rewind purpose
- Yaf_Config_Ini::toArray - Returns a PHP array
- Yaf_Config_Ini::valid - The valid purpose
- Yaf_Config_Ini::__construct - Yaf_Config_Ini constructor
- Yaf_Config_Ini::__get - The __get purpose
- Yaf_Config_Ini::__isset - The __isset purpose
- Yaf_Config_Ini::__set - The __set purpose
- Yaf_Config_Simple::count - The count purpose
- Yaf_Config_Simple::current - The current purpose
- Yaf_Config_Simple::key - The key purpose
- Yaf_Config_Simple::next - The next purpose
- Yaf_Config_Simple::offsetExists - The offsetExists purpose
- Yaf_Config_Simple::offsetGet - The offsetGet purpose
- Yaf_Config_Simple::offsetSet - The offsetSet purpose
- Yaf_Config_Simple::offsetUnset - The offsetUnset purpose
- Yaf_Config_Simple::readonly - The readonly purpose
- Yaf_Config_Simple::rewind - The rewind purpose
- Yaf_Config_Simple::toArray - Returns a PHP array
- Yaf_Config_Simple::valid - The valid purpose
- Yaf_Config_Simple::__construct - The __construct purpose
- Yaf_Config_Simple::__get - The __get purpose
- Yaf_Config_Simple::__isset - The __isset purpose
- Yaf_Config_Simple::__set - The __set purpose
- Yaf_Controller_Abstract::display - The display purpose
- Yaf_Controller_Abstract::forward - foward to another action
- Yaf_Controller_Abstract::getInvokeArg - The getInvokeArg purpose
- Yaf_Controller_Abstract::getInvokeArgs - The getInvokeArgs purpose
- Yaf_Controller_Abstract::getModuleName - Get module name
- Yaf_Controller_Abstract::getRequest - Retrieve current request object
- Yaf_Controller_Abstract::getResponse - Retrieve current response object
- Yaf_Controller_Abstract::getView - Retrieve the view engine
- Yaf_Controller_Abstract::getViewpath - The getViewpath purpose
- Yaf_Controller_Abstract::init - Controller initializer
- Yaf_Controller_Abstract::initView - The initView purpose
- Yaf_Controller_Abstract::redirect - Redirect to a URL
- Yaf_Controller_Abstract::render - Render view template
- Yaf_Controller_Abstract::setViewpath - The setViewpath purpose
- Yaf_Controller_Abstract::__clone - Yaf_Controller_Abstract can not be cloned
- Yaf_Controller_Abstract::__construct - Yaf_Controller_Abstract constructor
- Yaf_Dispatcher::autoRender - Switch on/off autorendering
- Yaf_Dispatcher::catchException - Switch on/off exception catching
- Yaf_Dispatcher::disableView - Disable view rendering
- Yaf_Dispatcher::dispatch - Dispatch a request
- Yaf_Dispatcher::enableView - enable view rendering
- Yaf_Dispatcher::flushInstantly - Switch on/off the instant flushing
- Yaf_Dispatcher::getApplication - Retrive the application
- Yaf_Dispatcher::getInstance - Retrive the dispatcher instance
- Yaf_Dispatcher::getRequest - Retrive the request instance
- Yaf_Dispatcher::getRouter - Retrive router instance
- Yaf_Dispatcher::initView - Initialize view and return it
- Yaf_Dispatcher::registerPlugin - Register a plugin
- Yaf_Dispatcher::returnResponse - The returnResponse purpose
- Yaf_Dispatcher::setDefaultAction - Change default action name
- Yaf_Dispatcher::setDefaultController - Change default controller name
- Yaf_Dispatcher::setDefaultModule - Change default module name
- Yaf_Dispatcher::setErrorHandler - Set error handler
- Yaf_Dispatcher::setRequest - The setRequest purpose
- Yaf_Dispatcher::setView - Set a custom view engine
- Yaf_Dispatcher::throwException - Switch on/off exception throwing
- Yaf_Dispatcher::__clone - Yaf_Dispatcher can not be cloned
- Yaf_Dispatcher::__construct - Yaf_Dispatcher constructor
- Yaf_Dispatcher::__sleep - Yaf_Dispatcher can not be serialized
- Yaf_Dispatcher::__wakeup - Yaf_Dispatcher can not be unserialized
- Yaf_Exception::getPrevious - The getPrevious purpose
- Yaf_Exception::__construct - The __construct purpose
- Yaf_Loader::autoload - The autoload purpose
- Yaf_Loader::clearLocalNamespace - The clearLocalNamespace purpose
- Yaf_Loader::getInstance - The getInstance purpose
- Yaf_Loader::getLibraryPath - get the library path
- Yaf_Loader::getLocalNamespace - The getLocalNamespace purpose
- Yaf_Loader::import - The import purpose
- Yaf_Loader::isLocalName - The isLocalName purpose
- Yaf_Loader::registerLocalNamespace - register local class prefix
- Yaf_Loader::setLibraryPath - Change the library path
- Yaf_Loader::__clone - The __clone purpose
- Yaf_Loader::__construct - The __construct purpose
- Yaf_Loader::__sleep - The __sleep purpose
- Yaf_Loader::__wakeup - The __wakeup purpose
- Yaf_Plugin_Abstract::dispatchLoopShutdown - The dispatchLoopShutdown purpose
- Yaf_Plugin_Abstract::dispatchLoopStartup - The dispatchLoopStartup purpose
- Yaf_Plugin_Abstract::postDispatch - The postDispatch purpose
- Yaf_Plugin_Abstract::preDispatch - The preDispatch purpose
- Yaf_Plugin_Abstract::preResponse - The preResponse purpose
- Yaf_Plugin_Abstract::routerShutdown - The routerShutdown purpose
- Yaf_Plugin_Abstract::routerStartup - RouterStartup hook
- Yaf_Registry::del - Remove an item from registry
- Yaf_Registry::get - Retrieve an item from registry
- Yaf_Registry::has - Check whether an item exists
- Yaf_Registry::set - Add an item into registry
- Yaf_Registry::__clone - The __clone purpose
- Yaf_Registry::__construct - Yaf_Registry implements singleton
- Yaf_Request_Abstract::getActionName - The getActionName purpose
- Yaf_Request_Abstract::getBaseUri - The getBaseUri purpose
- Yaf_Request_Abstract::getControllerName - The getControllerName purpose
- Yaf_Request_Abstract::getEnv - Retrieve ENV varialbe
- Yaf_Request_Abstract::getException - The getException purpose
- Yaf_Request_Abstract::getLanguage - The getLanguage purpose
- Yaf_Request_Abstract::getMethod - The getMethod purpose
- Yaf_Request_Abstract::getModuleName - The getModuleName purpose
- Yaf_Request_Abstract::getParam - The getParam purpose
- Yaf_Request_Abstract::getParams - The getParams purpose
- Yaf_Request_Abstract::getRequestUri - The getRequestUri purpose
- Yaf_Request_Abstract::getServer - Retrieve SERVER variable
- Yaf_Request_Abstract::isCli - The isCli purpose
- Yaf_Request_Abstract::isDispatched - The isDispatched purpose
- Yaf_Request_Abstract::isGet - The isGet purpose
- Yaf_Request_Abstract::isHead - The isHead purpose
- Yaf_Request_Abstract::isOptions - The isOptions purpose
- Yaf_Request_Abstract::isPost - The isPost purpose
- Yaf_Request_Abstract::isPut - The isPut purpose
- Yaf_Request_Abstract::isRouted - The isRouted purpose
- Yaf_Request_Abstract::isXmlHttpRequest - The isXmlHttpRequest purpose
- Yaf_Request_Abstract::setActionName - The setActionName purpose
- Yaf_Request_Abstract::setBaseUri - set base URI
- Yaf_Request_Abstract::setControllerName - The setControllerName purpose
- Yaf_Request_Abstract::setDispatched - The setDispatched purpose
- Yaf_Request_Abstract::setModuleName - The setModuleName purpose
- Yaf_Request_Abstract::setParam - The setParam purpose
- Yaf_Request_Abstract::setRequestUri - The setRequestUri purpose
- Yaf_Request_Abstract::setRouted - The setRouted purpose
- Yaf_Request_Http::get - Retrieve variable from client
- Yaf_Request_Http::getCookie - Retrieve Cookie variable
- Yaf_Request_Http::getFiles - The getFiles purpose
- Yaf_Request_Http::getPost - Retrieve POST variable
- Yaf_Request_Http::getQuery - Fetch a query parameter
- Yaf_Request_Http::getRequest - The getRequest purpose
- Yaf_Request_Http::isXmlHttpRequest - Whether a Ajax Request
- Yaf_Request_Http::__clone - The __clone purpose
- Yaf_Request_Http::__construct - Constructor of Yaf_Request_Http
- Yaf_Request_Simple::get - The get purpose
- Yaf_Request_Simple::getCookie - The getCookie purpose
- Yaf_Request_Simple::getFiles - The getFiles purpose
- Yaf_Request_Simple::getPost - The getPost purpose
- Yaf_Request_Simple::getQuery - The getQuery purpose
- Yaf_Request_Simple::getRequest - The getRequest purpose
- Yaf_Request_Simple::isXmlHttpRequest - The isXmlHttpRequest purpose
- Yaf_Request_Simple::__clone - The __clone purpose
- Yaf_Request_Simple::__construct - Constructor of Yaf_Request_Simple
- Yaf_Response_Abstract::appendBody - append to body
- Yaf_Response_Abstract::clearBody - The clearBody purpose
- Yaf_Response_Abstract::clearHeaders - The clearHeaders purpose
- Yaf_Response_Abstract::getBody - Retrieve a exists content
- Yaf_Response_Abstract::getHeader - The getHeader purpose
- Yaf_Response_Abstract::prependBody - The prependBody purpose
- Yaf_Response_Abstract::response - send response
- Yaf_Response_Abstract::setAllHeaders - The setAllHeaders purpose
- Yaf_Response_Abstract::setBody - Set content to response
- Yaf_Response_Abstract::setHeader - The setHeader purpose
- Yaf_Response_Abstract::setRedirect - The setRedirect purpose
- Yaf_Response_Abstract::__clone - The __clone purpose
- Yaf_Response_Abstract::__construct - The __construct purpose
- Yaf_Response_Abstract::__destruct - The __destruct purpose
- Yaf_Response_Abstract::__toString - The __toString purpose
- Yaf_Router::addConfig - Add config-defined routes into Router
- Yaf_Router::addRoute - Add new Route into Router
- Yaf_Router::getCurrentRoute - Get the effective route name
- Yaf_Router::getRoute - Retrieve a route by name
- Yaf_Router::getRoutes - Retrieve registered routes
- Yaf_Router::route - The route purpose
- Yaf_Router::__construct - Yaf_Router constructor
- Yaf_Route_Interface::assemble - assemble a request
- Yaf_Route_Interface::route - route a request
- Yaf_Route_Map::assemble - Assemble a url
- Yaf_Route_Map::route - The route purpose
- Yaf_Route_Map::__construct - The __construct purpose
- Yaf_Route_Regex::assemble - Assemble a url
- Yaf_Route_Regex::route - The route purpose
- Yaf_Route_Regex::__construct - Yaf_Route_Regex constructor
- Yaf_Route_Rewrite::assemble - Assemble a url
- Yaf_Route_Rewrite::route - The route purpose
- Yaf_Route_Rewrite::__construct - Yaf_Route_Rewrite constructor
- Yaf_Route_Simple::assemble - Assemble a url
- Yaf_Route_Simple::route - Route a request
- Yaf_Route_Simple::__construct - Yaf_Route_Simple constructor
- Yaf_Route_Static::assemble - Assemble a url
- Yaf_Route_Static::match - The match purpose
- Yaf_Route_Static::route - Route a request
- Yaf_Route_Supervar::assemble - Assemble a url
- Yaf_Route_Supervar::route - The route purpose
- Yaf_Route_Supervar::__construct - The __construct purpose
- Yaf_Session::count - The count purpose
- Yaf_Session::current - The current purpose
- Yaf_Session::del - The del purpose
- Yaf_Session::getInstance - The getInstance purpose
- Yaf_Session::has - The has purpose
- Yaf_Session::key - The key purpose
- Yaf_Session::next - The next purpose
- Yaf_Session::offsetExists - The offsetExists purpose
- Yaf_Session::offsetGet - The offsetGet purpose
- Yaf_Session::offsetSet - The offsetSet purpose
- Yaf_Session::offsetUnset - The offsetUnset purpose
- Yaf_Session::rewind - The rewind purpose
- Yaf_Session::start - The start purpose
- Yaf_Session::valid - The valid purpose
- Yaf_Session::__clone - The __clone purpose
- Yaf_Session::__construct - Constructor of Yaf_Session
- Yaf_Session::__get - The __get purpose
- Yaf_Session::__isset - The __isset purpose
- Yaf_Session::__set - The __set purpose
- Yaf_Session::__sleep - The __sleep purpose
- Yaf_Session::__unset - The __unset purpose
- Yaf_Session::__wakeup - The __wakeup purpose
- Yaf_View_Interface::assign - Assign value to View engine
- Yaf_View_Interface::display - Render and output a template
- Yaf_View_Interface::getScriptPath - The getScriptPath purpose
- Yaf_View_Interface::render - Render a template
- Yaf_View_Interface::setScriptPath - The setScriptPath purpose
- Yaf_View_Simple::assign - Assign values
- Yaf_View_Simple::assignRef - The assignRef purpose
- Yaf_View_Simple::clear - Clear Assigned values
- Yaf_View_Simple::display - Render and display
- Yaf_View_Simple::eval - Render template
- Yaf_View_Simple::getScriptPath - Get templates directory
- Yaf_View_Simple::render - Render template
- Yaf_View_Simple::setScriptPath - Set tempaltes directory
- Yaf_View_Simple::__construct - Constructor of Yaf_View_Simple
- Yaf_View_Simple::__get - Retrieve assigned variable
- Yaf_View_Simple::__isset - The __isset purpose
- Yaf_View_Simple::__set - Set value to engine
- yaml_emit - Returns the YAML representation of a value
- yaml_emit_file - Send the YAML representation of a value to a file
- yaml_parse - Parse a YAML stream
- yaml_parse_file - Parse a YAML stream from a file
- yaml_parse_url - Parse a Yaml stream from a URL
- Yar_Client::setOpt - Set calling contexts
- Yar_Client::__call - Call service
- Yar_Client::__construct - Create a client
- Yar_Client_Exception::getType - The getType purpose
- Yar_Concurrent_Client::call - Register a concurrent call
- Yar_Concurrent_Client::loop - Send all calls
- Yar_Concurrent_Client::reset - Clean all registered calls
- Yar_Server::handle - Start RPC Server
- Yar_Server::__construct - Register a server
- Yar_Server_Exception::getType - The getType purpose
- yaz_addinfo - Returns additional error information
- yaz_ccl_conf - Configure CCL parser
- yaz_ccl_parse - Invoke CCL Parser
- yaz_close - Close YAZ connection
- yaz_connect - Prepares for a connection to a Z39.50 server
- yaz_database - Specifies the databases within a session
- yaz_element - Specifies Element-Set Name for retrieval
- yaz_errno - Returns error number
- yaz_error - Returns error description
- yaz_es - Prepares for an Extended Service Request
- yaz_es_result - Inspects Extended Services Result
- yaz_get_option - Returns value of option for connection
- yaz_hits - Returns number of hits for last search
- yaz_itemorder - Prepares for Z39.50 Item Order with an ILL-Request package
- yaz_present - Prepares for retrieval (Z39.50 present)
- yaz_range - Specifies a range of records to retrieve
- yaz_record - Returns a record
- yaz_scan - Prepares for a scan
- yaz_scan_result - Returns Scan Response result
- yaz_schema - Specifies schema for retrieval
- yaz_search - Prepares for a search
- yaz_set_option - Sets one or more options for connection
- yaz_sort - Sets sorting criteria
- yaz_syntax - Specifies the preferred record syntax for retrieval
- yaz_wait - Wait for Z39.50 requests to complete
- yp_all - Traverse the map and call a function on each entry
- yp_cat - Return an array containing the entire map
- yp_errno - Returns the error code of the previous operation
- yp_err_string - Returns the error string associated with the previous operation
- yp_first - Gibt das erste Schlüssel-Wert-Paar der angegebenen Map zurück
- yp_get_default_domain - Gibt die voreingestellte NIS-Domäne der aktuellen
Maschine zurück
- yp_master - Gibt den Namen des Hauptservers für eine NIS-Map zurück
- yp_match - Gibt die übereinstimmende Zeile zurück
- yp_next - Gibt das nächste Schlüssel-Wert-Paar in der angegebenen Map
- yp_order - Gibt die Ordnungsnummer einer Map zurück
- z
- zend_logo_guid - Die GUID des Zend Logos
- zend_thread_id - Returns a unique identifier for the current thread
- zend_version - Liefert die aktuelle Version der Zend Engine
- ZipArchive::addEmptyDir - Fügt ein neues Verzeichnis hinzu
- ZipArchive::addFile - Fügt eine Datei von einem gegebenen Pfad zu einem ZIP-Archiv hinzu
- ZipArchive::addFromString - Fügt eine Datei unter Verwendung ihres Inhalts zu einem ZIP-Archiv hinzu
- ZipArchive::addGlob - Add files from a directory by glob pattern
- ZipArchive::addPattern - Add files from a directory by PCRE pattern
- ZipArchive::close - Schließt das aktive Archiv (geöffnet oder neu erstellt)
- ZipArchive::deleteIndex - Löscht einen Archiveintrag unter Verwendung seines Index
- ZipArchive::deleteName - Löscht einen Archiveintrag unter Verwendung seines Namens
- ZipArchive::extractTo - Extrahiert den Archivinhalt
- ZipArchive::getArchiveComment - Gibt den ZIP-Archiv-Kommentar zurück
- ZipArchive::getCommentIndex - Gibt den Kommentar zu einem Eintrag unter Verwendung des
Eintragsindex zurück
- ZipArchive::getCommentName - Gibt den Kommentar zu einem Eintrag unter Verwendung
des Eintragsnamens zurück
- ZipArchive::getExternalAttributesIndex - Retrieve the external attributes of an entry defined by its index
- ZipArchive::getExternalAttributesName - Retrieve the external attributes of an entry defined by its name
- ZipArchive::getFromIndex - Gibt den Inhalt eines Eintrags unter Verwendung seines Index zurück
- ZipArchive::getFromName - Gibt den Inhalt eines Eintrags unter Verwendung seines Namens zurück
- ZipArchive::getNameIndex - Gibt den Namen eines Eintrags unter Verwendung seines Index zurück
- ZipArchive::getStatusString - Gibt die Statusfehlermeldung sowie die System- oder ZIP-Meldung zurück
- ZipArchive::getStream - Erzeugt einen Dateizeiger zu dem per Name bestimmten Eintrag (read only)
- ZipArchive::locateName - Gibt den Index eines Archiveintrags zurück
- ZipArchive::open - Öffnet ein ZIP-Dateiarchiv
- ZipArchive::renameIndex - Benennt einen durch seinen Index bestimmten Eintrag um
- ZipArchive::renameName - Benennt einen durch seinen Namen bestimmten Eintrag um
- ZipArchive::setArchiveComment - Setzt einen Kommentar zu einem ZIP-Archiv
- ZipArchive::setCommentIndex - Setzt einen Eintragskommentar, der via Eintragsindex bestimmt wird
- ZipArchive::setCommentName - Setzt einen Eintragskommentar, der via Eintragsnamen bestimmt wird
- ZipArchive::setCompressionIndex - Set the compression method of an entry defined by its index
- ZipArchive::setCompressionName - Set the compression method of an entry defined by its name
- ZipArchive::setExternalAttributesIndex - Set the external attributes of an entry defined by its index
- ZipArchive::setExternalAttributesName - Set the external attributes of an entry defined by its name
- ZipArchive::setPassword - Set the password for the active archive
- ZipArchive::statIndex - Gibt die Details eines via Index bestimmten Eintrags zurück
- ZipArchive::statName - Gibt die Details eines via Namen bestimmten Eintrags zurück
- ZipArchive::unchangeAll - Setzt alle im Archiv durchgeführten Änderungen zurück
- ZipArchive::unchangeArchive - Nimmt alle globalen Änderungen zurück, die im Archiv durchgeführt wurden
- ZipArchive::unchangeIndex - Nimmt alle Änderungen zurück, die auf dem Eintrag mit dem gegebenen Index gemacht wurden
- ZipArchive::unchangeName - Nimmt alle Änderungen zurück, die auf dem Eintrag mit dem gegebenen Namen gemacht wurden
- zip_close - Schließt ein ZIP-Archiv
- zip_entry_close - Schließt einen Verzeichniseintrag
- zip_entry_compressedsize - Ermittelt die komprimierte Größe eines Verzeichniseintrages
- zip_entry_compressionmethod - Ermittelt die Komprimierungsmethode eines Verzeichniseintrags
- zip_entry_filesize - Ermittelt die effektive Größe eines Verzeichniseintrages
- zip_entry_name - Gibt den Namen eines Verzeichniseintrages zurück
- zip_entry_open - Öffnet einen Verzeichniseintrag für den Lesezugriff
- zip_entry_read - Liest einen geöffneten Verzeichniseintrag aus
- zip_open - Öffnet ein ZIP-Archiv
- zip_read - Liest den nächsten Eintrag innerhalb des ZIP Archivs
- zlib:// - Compression Streams
- zlib_decode - raw/gzip/zlib kodierte Daten dekomprimieren
- zlib_encode - Komprimiert Daten mit der gewählten Kodierung
- zlib_get_coding_type - Gibt die für Ausgabekomprimierung genutze Methode zurück
- ZMQ::__construct - ZMQ constructor
- ZMQContext::getOpt - Get context option
- ZMQContext::getSocket - Create a new socket
- ZMQContext::isPersistent - Whether the context is persistent
- ZMQContext::setOpt - Set a socket option
- ZMQContext::__construct - Construct a new ZMQContext object
- ZMQDevice::getIdleTimeout - Get the idle timeout
- ZMQDevice::getTimerTimeout - Get the timer timeout
- ZMQDevice::run - Run the new device
- ZMQDevice::setIdleCallback - Set the idle callback function
- ZMQDevice::setIdleTimeout - Set the idle timeout
- ZMQDevice::setTimerCallback - Set the timer callback function
- ZMQDevice::setTimerTimeout - Set the timer timeout
- ZMQDevice::__construct - Construct a new device
- ZMQPoll::add - Add item to the poll set
- ZMQPoll::clear - Clear the poll set
- ZMQPoll::count - Count items in the poll set
- ZMQPoll::getLastErrors - Get poll errors
- ZMQPoll::poll - Poll the items
- ZMQPoll::remove - Remove item from poll set
- ZMQSocket::bind - Bind the socket
- ZMQSocket::connect - Connect the socket
- ZMQSocket::disconnect - Disconnect a socket
- ZMQSocket::getEndpoints - Get list of endpoints
- ZMQSocket::getPersistentId - Get the persistent id
- ZMQSocket::getSocketType - Get the socket type
- ZMQSocket::getSockOpt - Get socket option
- ZMQSocket::isPersistent - Whether the socket is persistent
- ZMQSocket::recv - Receives a message
- ZMQSocket::recvMulti - Receives a multipart message
- ZMQSocket::send - Sends a message
- ZMQSocket::sendmulti - Sends a multipart message
- ZMQSocket::setSockOpt - Set a socket option
- ZMQSocket::unbind - Unbind the socket
- ZMQSocket::__construct - Construct a new ZMQSocket
- Zookeeper::addAuth - Specify application credentials.
- Zookeeper::connect - Create a handle to used communicate with zookeeper.
- Zookeeper::create - Create a node synchronously.
- Zookeeper::delete - Delete a node in zookeeper synchronously.
- Zookeeper::exists - Checks the existence of a node in zookeeper synchronously.
- Zookeeper::get - Gets the data associated with a node synchronously.
- Zookeeper::getAcl - Gets the acl associated with a node synchronously.
- Zookeeper::getClientId - return the client session id, only valid if the connections is currently connected (ie. last watcher state is ZOO_CONNECTED_STATE)
- Zookeeper::getRecvTimeout - Return the timeout for this session, only valid if the connections is currently connected (ie. last watcher state is ZOO_CONNECTED_STATE). This value may change after a server re-connect.
- Zookeeper::getState - Get the state of the zookeeper connection.
- Zookeeper::isRecoverable - Checks if the current zookeeper connection state can be recovered.
- Zookeeper::set - Sets the data associated with a node.
- Zookeeper::setAcl - Sets the acl associated with a node synchronously.
- Zookeeper::setDebugLevel - Sets the debugging level for the library.
- Zookeeper::setDeterministicConnOrder - Enable/disable quorum endpoint order randomization.
- Zookeeper::setLogStream - Sets the stream to be used by the library for logging.
- Zookeeper::setWatcher - Set a watcher function.
- Zookeeper::__construct - Create a handle to used communicate with zookeeper.
- _
- __autoload - Attempt to load undefined class
- __halt_compiler - Beendet die Kompilerausführung