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docs/sample.txt rendered in HTML with pbx_text_to_html

Text sample

This is a text sample to illustrate the use of pbx_text_to_html.

Click on the docs/sample.txt link above to display the original text file.
Click on the HTML link to display the file in HTML.

1. Titles and subtitles

Titles and subtitles are underlined, typically "==========" for the title, and "----------" for a subtitle.
Only the first two characters of the underline are used to determine the type of title.
The blank line following a title or subtitle is ignored and not rendered.
The blank lines preceding a title or subtitle are ignored and not rendered.

Here is the default correspondence between title types and HTML tags.
== <h1>
-- <h2>
++ <h3>
** <h4>

2. Table

There is an example of a table above using data cells. Data cells are rendered with "<td>" by default.
Cells must be separated with lines starting with "+-", eg "+-----+-----+".

Here is an example of table with column headers, multiple lines per cell, including a list of items.
The colum headers must be underlined with a line starting with "+=", eg "+=====+=====+". Columns headers are rendered with "<th>" by default.
Note that a list of items within a table is not rendered with "<ul>" and "<ol>".
key value
item 1 this a short description
item 2

this is a long description
over multiple lines
separated with a line break
in the same cell
item 2

this is a list of things
- this is the first thing
- this is the second thing
Here is an example of data alignments in cells with the use of "~".
abc def ghi klm 123
left aligned data centered data right aligned data string default alignment number default alignment

3. Item list

Here is an example of unordered list: Here is an example of ordered list:
  1. an item must be prefixed with a number or a letter followed by a dot and a space, eg "1. ", "A. " or "a. "
  2. an item may also be prefixed with a dash followed by a number or letter and a space, eg, "#1 ", "#A " or "#a ".
An ordered list may start with a specific number or letter:
  1. the first item starts at 10
  2. and so on...
Lists may be embedded as in the example below:

4. The horizontal line

The horizontal line is like a title underline but after a blank line, typically "----------".
Only the first two characters of the underline are used to determine that it is an underline.

Here is an example.

5. Advanced use

Tags are set by default in pbx_text_to_html::$default_tags. You may pass the $tags param to override them.
Options are set by default in pbx_text_to_html::$default_options. You may pass the $options param to override them.

Emails and url's are converted to links automatically.
John Smith, john@smith.com, at www.example.org