Instalarea / configurarea
PHP Manual

Configurația la rulare

Comportamentul acestor funcții este afectat de parametrii stabiliți în php.ini.

Yaml Opțiuni de configurare pentru
Denumire Valoare implicită Poate fi modificată Jurnal al modificărilor
yaml.decode_binary 0 PHP_INI_ALL
yaml.decode_php 1 PHP_INI_ALL
yaml.decode_timestamp 0 PHP_INI_ALL
yaml.output_canonical 0 PHP_INI_ALL
yaml.output_indent 2 PHP_INI_ALL
yaml.output_width 80 PHP_INI_ALL

Iată o explicație pe scurt a directivelor de configurare.

yaml.decode_binary boolean

Off by default, but can be set to on to cause base64 binary encoded entities which have the explicit tag ",2002:binary" to be decoded.

yaml.decode_php boolean

On by default, but can be set to off to prevent serialized php objects which have the explicit tag "!php/object" from being unserialized.

yaml.decode_timestamp integer

Controls the decoding of both implicit and explict ",2002:timestamp" scalars in the YAML document stream. The default setting of 0 will not apply any decoding. A setting of 1 will use strtotime() to parse the timestamp value as a Unix timestamp. A setting of 2 will use date_create() to parse the timestamp value as DateTime object.

yaml.output_canonical boolean

Off by default, but can be set to on to cause canonical form output.

yaml.output_indent integer

Number of spaces to indent sections. Value should be between 1 and 10.

yaml.output_width integer

Set the preferred line width. -1 means unlimited.

Instalarea / configurarea
PHP Manual