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Function configuration

Note that this document is a rough draft and incomplete.

the $constant_prefix property

the $synopsis property

other properties

public $commented_options = ['zenith' => [ [90, ' horizon'], ...]]
public $commented_options_getter = ['country' => 'pbx_get_two_letter_country_codes'];
public $constant_prefix = ['calendar' => 'CAL']; or ['fetch_style' => 'PDO::FETCH']; or ['value' => 'PDO::'];
public $constant_as_string = ['name' => true];
public $hash_result = true; or 'pcre', ['pcre', ...] or '~^(pcre|...)~'
public $helper_callbacks = ['index_in_example' => 2, 'function_name_pattern' => '~(cmp$)~'];
public $input_args = ['__array1', '__array2', '__array3'];
public $manual_function_name = "Locale::composeLocale";
public $method_to_exec = 'getBrowser'; or false
public $multi_select = ['fl' => true];
public $no_input_args = 'use_include_path';
public $no_object_name = true;
public $options_getter = ['encoding' => 'mb_list_encodings'];
public $options_list = ['mode' => ['a', 'a+', 'c', 'c+', 'r', 'r+', 'w', 'w+', 'x', 'x+']];
see also public function _get_options_list();
public $options_range = ['mode' => [0, 4]];
public $output_buffer = true;
public $see_also = ['call_user_funct'];
see also filter_callback()
public $synopsis_fixed
public $synopsis_to_exec
public $test_not_to_run = true; or [1, 2];
public $test_not_validated = true; or [1, 3, 4, 6];

Example values

Source code

Doc block

PHP by Example
Copyright 2015 Michel Corne
License www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GNU GPL v3