(PHP 5 <= 5.3.0, PECL ming SVN)
SWFText::setSpacing — Sets the current font spacing
)Bu işlev DENEYSELDİR. Bu işlevin davranışı, ismi ve belgeleri PHP'nin sonraki sürümlerinde hiçbir duyuru yapılmaksızın değiştirilebilir. Bu riski göze alamayacaksanız bu işlevi kullanmayın.
swftext::setspacing() sets the current font spacing to
. Default is 1.0.
0 is all of the letters written at the same point. This doesn't really work
that well because it inflates the advance across the letter, doesn't add
the same amount of spacing between the letters. I should try and explain
that better, prolly. Or just fix the damn thing to do constant spacing.
This was really just a way to figure out how letter advances work,
anyway.. So nyah.
Hiçbir değer dönmez.