(PECL OAuth >= 0.99.1)
OAuth::getAccessToken — Fetch an access token
[, string $auth_session_handle
[, string $verifier_token
[, string $http_method
]]] )Fetch an access token, secret and any additional response parameters from the service provider.
URL to the access token API.
Authorization session handle, this parameter does not have any citation in the core OAuth 1.0 specification but may be implemented by large providers. » See ScalableOAuth for more information.
For service providers which support 1.0a, a verifier_token
must be passed while exchanging the request token for the access
token. If the verifier_token
is present in $_GET
or $_POST
it is passed automatically and the caller
does not need to specify a verifier_token
(usually if the access token
is exchanged at the oauth_callback URL).
» See ScalableOAuth
for more information.
HTTP method to use, e.g. GET or POST.
Returns an array containing the parsed OAuth response on success or FALSE
on failure.
Sürüm: | Açıklama |
1.0.0 |
Başarısızlık durumunda FALSE yerine
evvelce NULL dönerdi.
0.99.9 |
The verifier_token parameter was added
Örnek 1 OAuth::getAccessToken() example
try {
$access_token_info = $oauth->getAccessToken("https://example.com/oauth/access_token");
if(!empty($access_token_info)) {
} else {
print "Failed fetching access token, response was: " . $oauth->getLastResponse();
} catch(OAuthException $E) {
echo "Response: ". $E->lastResponse . "\n";
Yukarıdaki örnek şuna benzer bir çıktı üretir:
Array ( [oauth_token] => some_token [oauth_token_secret] => some_token_secret )