PHP Manual


Many examples exist within the Reflection documentation, typically within the __construct documentation for each class.

Example #1 Reflection Example from Shell (a Terminal)

$ php --rf strlen
$ php --rc finfo
$ php --re json
$ php --ri dom

Exemplul de mai sus va afișa ceva similar cu:

Function [ <internal:Core> function strlen ] {

  - Parameters [1] {
    Parameter #0 [ <required> $str ]

Class [ <internal:fileinfo> class finfo ] {

  - Constants [0] {

  - Static properties [0] {

  - Static methods [0] {

  - Properties [0] {

  - Methods [4] {
    Method [ <internal:fileinfo, ctor> public method finfo ] {

      - Parameters [2] {
        Parameter #0 [ <optional> $options ]
        Parameter #1 [ <optional> $arg ]

    Method [ <internal:fileinfo> public method set_flags ] {

      - Parameters [1] {
        Parameter #0 [ <required> $options ]

    Method [ <internal:fileinfo> public method file ] {

      - Parameters [3] {
        Parameter #0 [ <required> $filename ]
        Parameter #1 [ <optional> $options ]
        Parameter #2 [ <optional> $context ]

    Method [ <internal:fileinfo> public method buffer ] {

      - Parameters [3] {
        Parameter #0 [ <required> $string ]
        Parameter #1 [ <optional> $options ]
        Parameter #2 [ <optional> $context ]

Extension [ <persistent> extension #23 json version 1.2.1 ] {

  - Constants [10] {
    Constant [ integer JSON_HEX_TAG ] { 1 }
    Constant [ integer JSON_HEX_AMP ] { 2 }
    Constant [ integer JSON_HEX_APOS ] { 4 }
    Constant [ integer JSON_HEX_QUOT ] { 8 }
    Constant [ integer JSON_FORCE_OBJECT ] { 16 }
    Constant [ integer JSON_ERROR_NONE ] { 0 }
    Constant [ integer JSON_ERROR_DEPTH ] { 1 }
    Constant [ integer JSON_ERROR_STATE_MISMATCH ] { 2 }
    Constant [ integer JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR ] { 3 }
    Constant [ integer JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX ] { 4 }

  - Functions {
    Function [ <internal:json> function json_encode ] {

      - Parameters [2] {
        Parameter #0 [ <required> $value ]
        Parameter #1 [ <optional> $options ]
    Function [ <internal:json> function json_decode ] {

      - Parameters [3] {
        Parameter #0 [ <required> $json ]
        Parameter #1 [ <optional> $assoc ]
        Parameter #2 [ <optional> $depth ]
    Function [ <internal:json> function json_last_error ] {

      - Parameters [0] {


DOM/XML => enabled
DOM/XML API Version => 20031129
libxml Version => 2.7.3
HTML Support => enabled
XPath Support => enabled
XPointer Support => enabled
Schema Support => enabled
RelaxNG Support => enabled

PHP Manual