(PECL rar >= 2.0.0)
RarArchive::open -- rar_open — Open RAR archive
Stil obiect-orientat (method):
[, string $password
[, callable $volume_callback
]] )Stil procedural:
[, string $password
[, callable $volume_callback
]] )Open specified RAR archive and return RarArchive instance representing it.
If opening a multi-volume archive, the path of the first volume should be passed as the first parameter. Otherwise, not all files will be shown. This is by design.
Path to the Rar archive.
A plain password, if needed to decrypt the headers. It will also be used by default if encrypted files are found. Note that the files may have different passwords in respect to the headers and among them.
A function that receives one parameter – the path of the volume
that was not found – and returns a string with the correct path
for such volume or NULL
if such volume does
not exist or is not known. The programmer should ensure the
passed function doesn't cause loops as this function is called
repeatedly if the path returned in a previous call did not
correspond to the needed volume. Specifying this parameter omits
the notice that would otherwise be emitted whenever a volume is
not found; an implementation that only returns NULL
can therefore be used to merely omit such notices.
Prior to version 2.0.0, this function would not handle relative paths correctly. Use realpath() as a workaround.
Returns the requested RarArchive instance sau FALSE
în cazul eșecului.
Versiune | Descriere |
3.0.0 |
volume_callback was added.
Example #1 Stil obiect-orientat
$rar_arch = RarArchive::open('encrypted_headers.rar', 'samplepassword');
if ($rar_arch === FALSE)
die("Failed opening file");
$entries = $rar_arch->getEntries();
if ($entries === FALSE)
die("Failed fetching entries");
echo "Found " . count($entries) . " files.\n";
if (empty($entries))
die("No valid entries found.");
$stream = reset($entries)->getStream();
if ($stream === FALSE)
die("Failed opening first file");
echo "Content of first one follows:\n";
echo stream_get_contents($stream);
Exemplul de mai sus va afișa ceva similar cu:
Found 2 files. Content of first one follows: Encrypted file 1 contents.
Example #2 Stil procedural
$rar_arch = rar_open('encrypted_headers.rar', 'samplepassword');
if ($rar_arch === FALSE)
die("Failed opening file");
$entries = rar_list($rar_arch);
if ($entries === FALSE)
die("Failed fetching entries");
echo "Found " . count($entries) . " files.\n";
if (empty($entries))
die("No valid entries found.");
$stream = reset($entries)->getStream();
if ($stream === FALSE)
die("Failed opening first file");
echo "Content of first one follows:\n";
echo stream_get_contents($stream);
Example #3 Volume Callback
/* In this example, there's a volume named multi_broken.part1.rar
* whose next volume is named multi.part2.rar */
function resolve($vol) {
if (preg_match('/_broken/', $vol))
return str_replace('_broken', '', $vol);
return null;
$rar_file1 = rar_open(dirname(__FILE__).'/multi_broken.part1.rar', null, 'resolve');
$entry = $rar_file1->getEntry('file2.txt');
$entry->extract(null, dirname(__FILE__) . "/temp_file2.txt");