PHP Manual


(PHP 5.5.0, PHP 7, PECL >= 3.0.0a1)

IntlCalendar::getActualMinimumThe minimum value for a field, considering the objectʼs current time


Stil obiect-orientat

public int IntlCalendar::getActualMinimum ( int $field )

Stil procedural

int intlcal_get_actual_minimum ( IntlCalendar $cal , int $field )

Returns a fieldʼs relative minimum value around the current time. The exact semantics vary by field, but in the general case this is the value that would be obtained if one would set the field value into the greatest relative minimum for the field and would decrement it until reaching the global minimum or the field value wraps around, in which the value returned would be the global minimum or the value before the wrapping, respectively.

For the Gregorian calendar, this is always the same as IntlCalendar::getMinimum().



The IntlCalendar resource.


Una din constantele de câmp dată/oră ale IntlCalendar. Acestea sunt valori întregi de la 0 până la IntlCalendar::FIELD_COUNT.

Valorile întoarse

An int representing the minimum value in the fieldʼs unit sau FALSE în cazul eșecului.

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PHP Manual