Paradox Funcții
PHP Manual


(PECL paradox >= 1.0.0)

px_get_schemaReturns the database schema


array px_get_schema ( resource $pxdoc [, int $mode = 0 ] )

px_get_schema() returns the database schema.



Resource identifier of the paradox database as returned by px_new().


If the optional mode is PX_KEYTOLOWER or PX_KEYTOUPPER the keys of the returned array will be converted to lower or upper case. If mode is 0 or not passed at all, then the key name will be identical to the field name.

Valorile întoarse

Returns the schema of a database file as an associated array. The key name is equal to the field name. Each array element is itself an associated array containing the two fields type and size. type is one of the constants in table Constants for field types. size is the number of bytes this field consumes in the record. The total of all field sizes is equal to the record size as it can be retrieved with px-get-info().

Paradox Funcții
PHP Manual