PHP Manual


(mongodb >=1.0.0)

MongoDB\Driver\Server::executeCommandExecute a database command on this server


final public MongoDB\Driver\Cursor MongoDB\Driver\Server::executeCommand ( string $db , MongoDB\Driver\Command $command [, MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference $readPreference ] )

Executes command on this server.


The readPreference parameter does not control the server to which the driver issues the command; the command will always be executed on this server object. Instead, it may be used when issuing the command to a secondary (from a replica set connection, not standalone) or mongos node to ensure that the driver sets the wire protocol accordingly or adds the read preference to the command document, respectively.


db (string)

O nome do banco a executar o comando.

command (MongoDB\Driver\Command)

O MongoDB\Driver\Command a executar.

readPreference (MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference)

Um MongoDB\Driver\ReadPreference para rotear o comando, opcional. Se nenhum informado, o padrão para Read Preferences é configurado no URI de Conexão do MongoDB.

Valor Retornado

Retorna MongoDB\Driver\Cursor no sucesso.




This method does not take a MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern parameter. For write commands (e.g. » findAndModify in MongoDB 3.2+), the write concern should be included in the command document itself.

It is the caller's responsibility to ensure that the server is capable of executing the command. For example, executing a write operation on a secondary (excluding its "local" database) will fail.

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PHP Manual