PHP Manual


(PECL mongo >=1.3.0)

MongoClient::getReadPreferenceGet the read preference for this connection

A extensão que define esse método está obsoleta. Alternativamente a extensão MongoDB deve ser utilizada. Não há um equivalente deste método na nova extensão.


public array MongoClient::getReadPreference ( void )


Esta função não possui parâmetros.

Valor Retornado

This function returns an array describing the read preference. The array contains the values type for the string read preference mode (corresponding to the MongoClient constants), and tagsets containing a list of all tag set criteria. If no tag sets were specified, tagsets will not be present in the array.


Versão Descrição
1.3.3 The return value has changed to be consistent with MongoClient::setReadPreference(). The type value was changed from a number to a string, type_string was removed, and tagsets now expresses tags as key/value pairs instead of colon-delimited strings.


Exemplo #1 MongoClient::getReadPreference() return value example


= new MongoClient();
$m->setReadPreference(MongoClient::RP_SECONDARY, array(
'dc' => 'east''use' => 'reporting'),
'dc' => 'west'),

O exemplo acima irá imprimir:

array(2) {
  string(9) "secondary"
  array(3) {
    array(2) {
      string(4) "east"
      string(9) "reporting"
    array(1) {
      string(7) "west"
    array(0) {

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PHP Manual