MaxDB Funções
PHP Manual



(PECL maxdb >= 1.0)

maxdb_fetch_lengths -- maxdb_result::lengthsReturns the lengths of the columns of the current row in the result set


Estilo procedural

array maxdb_fetch_lengths ( resource $result )

Estilo orientado à objeto

array $maxdb_result->lengths;

The maxdb_fetch_lengths() function returns an array containing the lengths of every column of the current row within the result set represented by the result parameter. If successful, a numerically indexed array representing the lengths of each column is returned ou FALSE em caso de falha.

Valor Retornado

An array of integers representing the size of each column (not including any terminating null characters). FALSE if an error occurred.

maxdb_fetch_lengths() is valid only for the current row of the result set. It returns FALSE if you call it before calling maxdb_fetch_row/array/resource or after retrieving all rows in the result.


Exemplo #1 Estilo orientado à objeto

= new maxdb("localhost""MONA""RED""DEMODB");

/* check connection */
if (maxdb_connect_errno()) {
printf("Connect failed: %s\n"maxdb_connect_error());

$query "SELECT * from hotel.customer WHERE cno = 3000";

if (
$result $maxdb->query($query)) {

$row $result->fetch_row();

/* display column lengths */
foreach ($result->lengths as $i => $val) {
printf("Field %2d has Length %2d\n"$i+1$val);

/* close connection */

Exemplo #2 Estilo procedural


/* check connection */
if (maxdb_connect_errno()) {
printf("Connect failed: %s\n"maxdb_connect_error());

$query "SELECT * from hotel.customer WHERE cno = 3000";

if (
$result maxdb_query($link$query)) {

$row maxdb_fetch_row($result);

/* display column lengths */
foreach (maxdb_fetch_lengths($result) as $i => $val) {
printf("Field %2d has Length %2d\n"$i+1$val);

/* close connection */

O exemplo acima irá imprimir algo similar à:

Field  1 has Length  4
Field  2 has Length  3
Field  3 has Length  5
Field  4 has Length  6
Field  5 has Length  5
Field  6 has Length 21

MaxDB Funções
PHP Manual