Dictionary Page Tests

Tests to implement 0
Tests to validate 0
Tests OK 340
Tests failed 48
Tests total 388
Century Dictionary #0 goToPage 0 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 0
    [comment] => 0
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia601409.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/4/items/centurydict01whit/centurydict01whit_jp2.zip&file=centurydict01whit_jp2/centurydict01whit_0027.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1
            [volume] => 1
            [firstWord] => A
Century Dictionary #1 goToPage 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 1
    [comment] => 1
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia601409.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/4/items/centurydict01whit/centurydict01whit_jp2.zip&file=centurydict01whit_jp2/centurydict01whit_0027.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1
            [volume] => 1
            [firstWord] => A
Century Dictionary #2 goToPage 1000 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/century-dictionary.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 1000
    [comment] => 1000
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia800200.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/5/items/cu31924091890594/cu31924091890594_jp2.zip&file=cu31924091890594_jp2/cu31924091890594_0131.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1000
            [volume] => 2
            [firstWord] => Cidaris

Expected result:
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 1000
    [comment] => 1000
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia700400.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/1/items/cu31924091890594/cu31924091890594_jp2.zip&file=cu31924091890594_jp2/cu31924091890594_0131.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1000
            [volume] => 2
            [firstWord] => Cidaris
Century Dictionary #3 goToPage 7046 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/century-dictionary.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 7046
    [comment] => 7046
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia600200.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/11/items/cu31924091890651/cu31924091890651_jp2.zip&file=cu31924091890651_jp2/cu31924091890651_0849.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 7046
            [volume] => 8
            [firstWord] => zygosphene

Expected result:
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 7046
    [comment] => 7046
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia600407.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/17/items/cu31924091890651/cu31924091890651_jp2.zip&file=cu31924091890651_jp2/cu31924091890651_0849.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 7046
            [volume] => 8
            [firstWord] => zygosphene
Century Dictionary #4 goToPage 10000 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/century-dictionary.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 10000
    [comment] => 10000
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia600200.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/11/items/cu31924091890651/cu31924091890651_jp2.zip&file=cu31924091890651_jp2/cu31924091890651_0849.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 7046
            [volume] => 8
            [firstWord] => zygosphene

Expected result:
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 10000
    [comment] => 10000
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia600407.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/17/items/cu31924091890651/cu31924091890651_jp2.zip&file=cu31924091890651_jp2/cu31924091890651_0849.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 7046
            [volume] => 8
            [firstWord] => zygosphene
Century Dictionary #5 goToNextPage 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
    [page] => 1
    [comment] => 1
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia601409.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/4/items/centurydict01whit/centurydict01whit_jp2.zip&file=centurydict01whit_jp2/centurydict01whit_0028.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 2
            [volume] => 1
            [firstWord] => a
Century Dictionary #6 goToNextPage 7046 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/century-dictionary.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToNextPage
    [page] => 7046
    [comment] => 7046
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia600200.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/11/items/cu31924091890651/cu31924091890651_jp2.zip&file=cu31924091890651_jp2/cu31924091890651_0849.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 7046
            [volume] => 8
            [firstWord] => zygosphene

Expected result:
    [method] => goToNextPage
    [page] => 7046
    [comment] => 7046
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia600407.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/17/items/cu31924091890651/cu31924091890651_jp2.zip&file=cu31924091890651_jp2/cu31924091890651_0849.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 7046
            [volume] => 8
            [firstWord] => zygosphene
Century Dictionary #7 goToPreviousPage 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
    [page] => 1
    [comment] => 1
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia601409.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/4/items/centurydict01whit/centurydict01whit_jp2.zip&file=centurydict01whit_jp2/centurydict01whit_0027.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1
            [volume] => 1
            [firstWord] => A
Century Dictionary #8 goToPreviousPage 7046 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/century-dictionary.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
    [page] => 7046
    [comment] => 7046
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia600200.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/11/items/cu31924091890651/cu31924091890651_jp2.zip&file=cu31924091890651_jp2/cu31924091890651_0848.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 7045
            [volume] => 8
            [firstWord] => zygolabialis

Expected result:
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
    [page] => 7046
    [comment] => 7046
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia600407.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/17/items/cu31924091890651/cu31924091890651_jp2.zip&file=cu31924091890651_jp2/cu31924091890651_0848.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 7045
            [volume] => 8
            [firstWord] => zygolabialis
Century Supplement #0 goToPage 0 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/century-supplement.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 0
    [comment] => 0
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia600204.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/7/items/cu31924091890685/cu31924091890685_jp2.zip&file=cu31924091890685_jp2/cu31924091890685_0018.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1
            [volume] => 11
            [firstWord] => A

Expected result:
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 0
    [comment] => 0
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia700404.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/4/items/cu31924091890685/cu31924091890685_jp2.zip&file=cu31924091890685_jp2/cu31924091890685_0018.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1
            [volume] => 11
            [firstWord] => A
Century Supplement #1 goToPage 1 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/century-supplement.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 1
    [comment] => 1
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia600204.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/7/items/cu31924091890685/cu31924091890685_jp2.zip&file=cu31924091890685_jp2/cu31924091890685_0018.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1
            [volume] => 11
            [firstWord] => A

Expected result:
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 1
    [comment] => 1
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia700404.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/4/items/cu31924091890685/cu31924091890685_jp2.zip&file=cu31924091890685_jp2/cu31924091890685_0018.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1
            [volume] => 11
            [firstWord] => A
Century Supplement #2 goToPage 1000 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 1000
    [comment] => 1000
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia902606.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/33/items/centurydictionar12whituoft/centurydictionar12whituoft_jp2.zip&file=centurydictionar12whituoft_jp2/centurydictionar12whituoft_0260.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1000
            [volume] => 12
            [firstWord] => piga
Century Supplement #3 goToPage 1467 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 1467
    [comment] => 1467
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia902606.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/33/items/centurydictionar12whituoft/centurydictionar12whituoft_jp2.zip&file=centurydictionar12whituoft_jp2/centurydictionar12whituoft_0727.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1467
            [volume] => 12
            [firstWord] => zwitter
Century Supplement #4 goToPage 10000 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 10000
    [comment] => 10000
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia902606.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/33/items/centurydictionar12whituoft/centurydictionar12whituoft_jp2.zip&file=centurydictionar12whituoft_jp2/centurydictionar12whituoft_0727.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1467
            [volume] => 12
            [firstWord] => zwitter
Century Supplement #5 goToNextPage 1 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/century-supplement.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToNextPage
    [page] => 1
    [comment] => 1
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia600204.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/7/items/cu31924091890685/cu31924091890685_jp2.zip&file=cu31924091890685_jp2/cu31924091890685_0019.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 2
            [volume] => 11
            [firstWord] => aberrate

Expected result:
    [method] => goToNextPage
    [page] => 1
    [comment] => 1
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia700404.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/4/items/cu31924091890685/cu31924091890685_jp2.zip&file=cu31924091890685_jp2/cu31924091890685_0019.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 2
            [volume] => 11
            [firstWord] => aberrate
Century Supplement #6 goToNextPage 1467 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
    [page] => 1467
    [comment] => 1467
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia902606.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/33/items/centurydictionar12whituoft/centurydictionar12whituoft_jp2.zip&file=centurydictionar12whituoft_jp2/centurydictionar12whituoft_0727.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1467
            [volume] => 12
            [firstWord] => zwitter
Century Supplement #7 goToPreviousPage 1 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/century-supplement.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
    [page] => 1
    [comment] => 1
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia600204.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/7/items/cu31924091890685/cu31924091890685_jp2.zip&file=cu31924091890685_jp2/cu31924091890685_0018.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1
            [volume] => 11
            [firstWord] => A

Expected result:
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
    [page] => 1
    [comment] => 1
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia700404.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/4/items/cu31924091890685/cu31924091890685_jp2.zip&file=cu31924091890685_jp2/cu31924091890685_0018.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1
            [volume] => 11
            [firstWord] => A
Century Supplement #8 goToPreviousPage 1467 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
    [page] => 1467
    [comment] => 1467
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia902606.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/33/items/centurydictionar12whituoft/centurydictionar12whituoft_jp2.zip&file=centurydictionar12whituoft_jp2/centurydictionar12whituoft_0726.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1466
            [volume] => 12
            [firstWord] => zoöcultural
Chambers's Encyclopaedia (A-Pe) #0 goToPage 0 / 1 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/chambers-encyclopedia.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 0
    [volume] => 1
    [comment] => 0 / 1
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => https://ia801407.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/5/items/chamberssency01lond/chamberssency01lond_jp2.zip&file=chamberssency01lond_jp2/chamberssency01lond_0013.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1
            [volume] => 1
            [firstWord] => A

Expected result:
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 0
    [volume] => 1
    [comment] => 0 / 1
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => https://ia801407.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/5/items/chamberssency01lond/chamberssency01lond_jp2.zip&file=chamberssency01lond_jp2/chamberssency01lond_0021.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 9
            [volume] => 1
            [firstWord] => ABD
Chambers's Encyclopaedia (A-Pe) #1 goToPage 9 / 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 9
    [volume] => 1
    [comment] => 9 / 1
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => https://ia801407.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/5/items/chamberssency01lond/chamberssency01lond_jp2.zip&file=chamberssency01lond_jp2/chamberssency01lond_0021.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 9
            [volume] => 1
            [firstWord] => ABD
Chambers's Encyclopaedia (A-Pe) #2 goToPage 105 / 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 105
    [volume] => 1
    [comment] => 105 / 1
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => https://ia801407.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/5/items/chamberssency01lond/chamberssency01lond_jp2.zip&file=chamberssency01lond_jp2/chamberssency01lond_0121.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 105
            [volume] => 1
            [firstWord] => AGRIGENTUM
Chambers's Encyclopaedia (A-Pe) #3 goToPage 824 / 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 824
    [volume] => 1
    [comment] => 824 / 1
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => https://ia801407.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/5/items/chamberssency01lond/chamberssency01lond_jp2.zip&file=chamberssency01lond_jp2/chamberssency01lond_0860.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 824
            [volume] => 1
            [firstWord] => BEAUCLERK
Chambers's Encyclopaedia (A-Pe) #4 goToPage 10000 / 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 10000
    [volume] => 1
    [comment] => 10000 / 1
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => https://ia601405.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/21/items/chamberssency02lond/chamberssency02lond_jp2.zip&file=chamberssency02lond_jp2/chamberssency02lond_0009.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1
            [volume] => 2
            [firstWord] => BEAUGENCY
Chambers's Encyclopaedia (A-Pe) #5 goToNextPage 9 / 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
    [page] => 9
    [volume] => 1
    [comment] => 9 / 1
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => https://ia801407.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/5/items/chamberssency01lond/chamberssency01lond_jp2.zip&file=chamberssency01lond_jp2/chamberssency01lond_0022.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 10
            [volume] => 1
            [firstWord] => ABDOMEN
Chambers's Encyclopaedia (A-Pe) #6 goToNextPage 824 / 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
    [page] => 824
    [volume] => 1
    [comment] => 824 / 1
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => https://ia601405.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/21/items/chamberssency02lond/chamberssency02lond_jp2.zip&file=chamberssency02lond_jp2/chamberssency02lond_0009.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1
            [volume] => 2
            [firstWord] => BEAUGENCY
Chambers's Encyclopaedia (A-Pe) #7 goToPreviousPage 9 / 1 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/chambers-encyclopedia.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
    [page] => 9
    [volume] => 1
    [comment] => 9 / 1
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => https://ia801407.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/5/items/chamberssency01lond/chamberssency01lond_jp2.zip&file=chamberssency01lond_jp2/chamberssency01lond_0020.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 8
            [volume] => 1
            [firstWord] => 

Expected result:
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
    [page] => 9
    [volume] => 1
    [comment] => 9 / 1
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => https://ia801407.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/5/items/chamberssency01lond/chamberssency01lond_jp2.zip&file=chamberssency01lond_jp2/chamberssency01lond_0021.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 9
            [volume] => 1
            [firstWord] => ABD
Chambers's Encyclopaedia (A-Pe) #8 goToPreviousPage 824 / 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
    [page] => 824
    [volume] => 1
    [comment] => 824 / 1
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => https://ia801407.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/5/items/chamberssency01lond/chamberssency01lond_jp2.zip&file=chamberssency01lond_jp2/chamberssency01lond_0859.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 823
            [volume] => 1
            [firstWord] => BEATON
Chambers's Encyclopaedia (A-Pe) #9 goToPage 1 / 2 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 1
    [volume] => 2
    [comment] => 1 / 2
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => https://ia601405.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/21/items/chamberssency02lond/chamberssency02lond_jp2.zip&file=chamberssency02lond_jp2/chamberssency02lond_0009.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1
            [volume] => 2
            [firstWord] => BEAUGENCY
Chambers's Encyclopaedia (A-Pe) #10 goToPage 100 / 2 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 100
    [volume] => 2
    [comment] => 100 / 2
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => https://ia601405.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/21/items/chamberssency02lond/chamberssency02lond_jp2.zip&file=chamberssency02lond_jp2/chamberssency02lond_0112.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 100
            [volume] => 2
            [firstWord] => BERNAYS
Chambers's Encyclopaedia (A-Pe) #11 goToPage 828 / 2 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 828
    [volume] => 2
    [comment] => 828 / 2
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => https://ia601405.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/21/items/chamberssency02lond/chamberssency02lond_jp2.zip&file=chamberssency02lond_jp2/chamberssency02lond_0848.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 828
            [volume] => 2
            [firstWord] => 
Chambers's Encyclopaedia (A-Pe) #12 goToPage 10000 / 2 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/chambers-encyclopedia.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 10000
    [volume] => 2
    [comment] => 10000 / 2
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => https://ia802606.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/12/items/chamberssency03lond/chamberssency03lond_jp2.zip&file=chamberssency03lond_jp2/chamberssency03lond_0009.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1
            [volume] => 3
            [firstWord] => 

Expected result:
    [method] => goToPage
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    [volume] => 2
    [comment] => 10000 / 2
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => https://ia601405.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/21/items/chamberssency02lond/chamberssency02lond_jp2.zip&file=chamberssency02lond_jp2/chamberssency02lond_0848.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 828
            [volume] => 2
            [firstWord] => 
Chambers's Encyclopaedia (A-Pe) #13 goToNextPage 1 / 2 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
    [page] => 1
    [volume] => 2
    [comment] => 1 / 2
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => https://ia601405.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/21/items/chamberssency02lond/chamberssency02lond_jp2.zip&file=chamberssency02lond_jp2/chamberssency02lond_0010.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 2
            [volume] => 2
            [firstWord] => BEAUJOLAIS
Chambers's Encyclopaedia (A-Pe) #14 goToNextPage 828 / 2 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/chambers-encyclopedia.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToNextPage
    [page] => 828
    [volume] => 2
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Chambers's Encyclopaedia (A-Pe) #15 goToPreviousPage 1 / 2 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Chambers's Encyclopaedia (A-Pe) #16 goToPreviousPage 828 / 2 Test OK See details
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Chanson de Roland #0 goToPage 0 Test OK See details
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Chanson de Roland #1 goToPage 323 Test OK See details
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Chanson de Roland #2 goToPage 400 Test OK See details
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Chanson de Roland #3 goToPage 501 Test OK See details
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Chanson de Roland #4 goToPage 10000 Test OK See details
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Chanson de Roland #5 goToNextPage 323 Test OK See details
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Chanson de Roland #6 goToNextPage 501 Test OK See details
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Chanson de Roland #7 goToPreviousPage 323 Test OK See details
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Chanson de Roland #8 goToPreviousPage 501 Test OK See details
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Chrétien de Troyes #0 goToPage 0 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Chrétien de Troyes #1 goToPage 25 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Chrétien de Troyes #2 goToPage 100 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Chrétien de Troyes #3 goToPage 281 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Chrétien de Troyes #4 goToPage 10000 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Chrétien de Troyes #5 goToNextPage 25 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Chrétien de Troyes #6 goToNextPage 281 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Chrétien de Troyes #7 goToPreviousPage 25 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Chrétien de Troyes #8 goToPreviousPage 281 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Couronnement de Louis #0 goToPage 0 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Couronnement de Louis #1 goToPage 173 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Couronnement de Louis #2 goToPage 200 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Couronnement de Louis #3 goToPage 224 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Couronnement de Louis #4 goToPage 10000 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Couronnement de Louis #5 goToNextPage 173 Test OK See details
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Couronnement de Louis #6 goToNextPage 224 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Couronnement de Louis #7 goToPreviousPage 173 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Couronnement de Louis #8 goToPreviousPage 224 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Encyclopédie Larousse #0 goToPage 0 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Encyclopédie Larousse #1 goToPage 3 Test OK See details
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Encyclopédie Larousse #2 goToPage 1000 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Encyclopédie Larousse #3 goToPage 11827 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Encyclopédie Larousse #4 goToPage 100000 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Encyclopédie Larousse #5 goToNextPage 3 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Encyclopédie Larousse #6 goToNextPage 11827 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Encyclopédie Larousse #7 goToPreviousPage 3 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Encyclopédie Larousse #8 goToPreviousPage 11827 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Felibrige / Dictionnaire #0 goToPage 0 / 1 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/felibrige-dictionary.php accordingly
Test result:
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Expected result:
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Felibrige / Dictionnaire #1 goToPage 1 / 1 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/felibrige-dictionary.php accordingly
Test result:
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    [comment] => 1 / 1
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            [externalDict] => https://ia800206.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/14/items/loutrsordufelibr01mist/loutrsordufelibr01mist_jp2.zip&file=loutrsordufelibr01mist_jp2/loutrsordufelibr01mist_0015.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1
            [volume] => 1
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Expected result:
    [method] => goToPage
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            [page] => 1
            [volume] => 1
            [firstWord] => A
Felibrige / Dictionnaire #2 goToPage 100 / 1 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/felibrige-dictionary.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 100
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    [comment] => 100 / 1
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => https://ia800206.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/14/items/loutrsordufelibr01mist/loutrsordufelibr01mist_jp2.zip&file=loutrsordufelibr01mist_jp2/loutrsordufelibr01mist_0114.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 100
            [volume] => 1
            [firstWord] => ANGOUINO

Expected result:
    [method] => goToPage
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            [page] => 100
            [volume] => 1
            [firstWord] => ANGOUINO
Felibrige / Dictionnaire #3 goToPage 1196 / 1 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/felibrige-dictionary.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 1196
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    [comment] => 1196 / 1
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => https://ia800206.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/14/items/loutrsordufelibr01mist/loutrsordufelibr01mist_jp2.zip&file=loutrsordufelibr01mist_jp2/loutrsordufelibr01mist_1210.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1196
            [volume] => 1
            [firstWord] => FUSTA

Expected result:
    [method] => goToPage
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            [page] => 1196
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            [firstWord] => FUSTA
Felibrige / Dictionnaire #4 goToPage 10000 / 1 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/felibrige-dictionary.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 10000
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    [comment] => 10000 / 1
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => https://ia800208.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/9/items/loutrsordufelibr02mist/loutrsordufelibr02mist_jp2.zip&file=loutrsordufelibr02mist_jp2/loutrsordufelibr02mist_0011.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1
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Expected result:
    [method] => goToPage
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            [page] => 1
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Felibrige / Dictionnaire #5 goToNextPage 1 / 1 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/felibrige-dictionary.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToNextPage
    [page] => 1
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    [comment] => 1 / 1
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            [page] => 2
            [volume] => 1
            [firstWord] => AB

Expected result:
    [method] => goToNextPage
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            [page] => 2
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            [firstWord] => AB
Felibrige / Dictionnaire #6 goToNextPage 1196 / 1 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/felibrige-dictionary.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToNextPage
    [page] => 1196
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    [comment] => 1196 / 1
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            [externalDict] => https://ia800208.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/9/items/loutrsordufelibr02mist/loutrsordufelibr02mist_jp2.zip&file=loutrsordufelibr02mist_jp2/loutrsordufelibr02mist_0011.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1
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Expected result:
    [method] => goToNextPage
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    [comment] => 1196 / 1
    [result] => Array
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            [page] => 1
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            [firstWord] => G
Felibrige / Dictionnaire #7 goToPreviousPage 1 / 1 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/felibrige-dictionary.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
    [page] => 1
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    [comment] => 1 / 1
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            [externalDict] => https://ia800206.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/14/items/loutrsordufelibr01mist/loutrsordufelibr01mist_jp2.zip&file=loutrsordufelibr01mist_jp2/loutrsordufelibr01mist_0015.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1
            [volume] => 1
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Expected result:
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            [page] => 1
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Felibrige / Dictionnaire #8 goToPreviousPage 1196 / 1 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/felibrige-dictionary.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
    [page] => 1196
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    [comment] => 1196 / 1
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            [page] => 1195
            [volume] => 1
            [firstWord] => FUROUR

Expected result:
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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    [comment] => 1196 / 1
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => https://ia700402.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/16/items/loutrsordufelibr01mist/loutrsordufelibr01mist_jp2.zip&file=loutrsordufelibr01mist_jp2/loutrsordufelibr01mist_1209.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1195
            [volume] => 1
            [firstWord] => FUROUR
Felibrige / Dictionnaire #9 goToPage 1 / 2 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/felibrige-dictionary.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 1
    [volume] => 2
    [comment] => 1 / 2
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => https://ia800208.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/9/items/loutrsordufelibr02mist/loutrsordufelibr02mist_jp2.zip&file=loutrsordufelibr02mist_jp2/loutrsordufelibr02mist_0011.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1
            [volume] => 2
            [firstWord] => G

Expected result:
    [method] => goToPage
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            [externalDict] => https://ia700405.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/16/items/loutrsordufelibr02mist/loutrsordufelibr02mist_jp2.zip&file=loutrsordufelibr02mist_jp2/loutrsordufelibr02mist_0011.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1
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            [firstWord] => G
Felibrige / Dictionnaire #10 goToPage 100 / 2 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/felibrige-dictionary.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 100
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    [comment] => 100 / 2
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => https://ia800208.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/9/items/loutrsordufelibr02mist/loutrsordufelibr02mist_jp2.zip&file=loutrsordufelibr02mist_jp2/loutrsordufelibr02mist_0110.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 100
            [volume] => 2
            [firstWord] => GROS-BÈ

Expected result:
    [method] => goToPage
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    [comment] => 100 / 2
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => https://ia700405.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/16/items/loutrsordufelibr02mist/loutrsordufelibr02mist_jp2.zip&file=loutrsordufelibr02mist_jp2/loutrsordufelibr02mist_0110.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 100
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            [firstWord] => GROS-BÈ
Felibrige / Dictionnaire #11 goToPage 1148 / 2 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/felibrige-dictionary.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 1148
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    [comment] => 1148 / 2
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            [page] => 1148
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            [firstWord] => ZOUNGA

Expected result:
    [method] => goToPage
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    [comment] => 1148 / 2
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            [page] => 1148
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            [firstWord] => ZOUNGA
Felibrige / Dictionnaire #12 goToPage 10000 / 2 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/felibrige-dictionary.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 10000
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    [comment] => 10000 / 2
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            [externalDict] => https://ia800208.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/9/items/loutrsordufelibr02mist/loutrsordufelibr02mist_jp2.zip&file=loutrsordufelibr02mist_jp2/loutrsordufelibr02mist_1158.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1148
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            [firstWord] => ZOUNGA

Expected result:
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            [page] => 1148
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            [firstWord] => ZOUNGA
Felibrige / Dictionnaire #13 goToNextPage 1 / 2 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/felibrige-dictionary.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToNextPage
    [page] => 1
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    [comment] => 1 / 2
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            [externalDict] => https://ia800208.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/9/items/loutrsordufelibr02mist/loutrsordufelibr02mist_jp2.zip&file=loutrsordufelibr02mist_jp2/loutrsordufelibr02mist_0012.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 2
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            [firstWord] => GABANELLO

Expected result:
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    [comment] => 1 / 2
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            [page] => 2
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            [firstWord] => GABANELLO
Felibrige / Dictionnaire #14 goToNextPage 1148 / 2 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/felibrige-dictionary.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToNextPage
    [page] => 1148
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    [comment] => 1148 / 2
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            [page] => 1148
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            [firstWord] => ZOUNGA

Expected result:
    [method] => goToNextPage
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            [page] => 1148
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            [firstWord] => ZOUNGA
Felibrige / Dictionnaire #15 goToPreviousPage 1 / 2 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/felibrige-dictionary.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
    [page] => 1
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    [comment] => 1 / 2
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            [externalDict] => https://ia800206.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/14/items/loutrsordufelibr01mist/loutrsordufelibr01mist_jp2.zip&file=loutrsordufelibr01mist_jp2/loutrsordufelibr01mist_1210.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1196
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Expected result:
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    [comment] => 1 / 2
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            [page] => 1196
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            [firstWord] => FUSTA
Felibrige / Dictionnaire #16 goToPreviousPage 1148 / 2 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/felibrige-dictionary.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
    [page] => 1148
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    [comment] => 1148 / 2
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Expected result:
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            [page] => 1147
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Gaffiot #0 goToPage 0 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/gaffiot-dictionary/mImg/0000001.gif
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Gaffiot #1 goToPage 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Gaffiot #2 goToPage 1000 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/gaffiot-dictionary/mImg/0001000.gif
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Gaffiot #3 goToPage 1702 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/gaffiot-dictionary/mImg/0001702.gif
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Gaffiot #4 goToPage 10000 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 10000
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    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/gaffiot-dictionary/mImg/0001702.gif
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            [page] => 1702
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Gaffiot #5 goToNextPage 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/gaffiot-dictionary/mImg/0000002.gif
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Gaffiot #6 goToNextPage 1702 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
    [page] => 1702
    [comment] => 1702
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/gaffiot-dictionary/mImg/0001702.gif
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Gaffiot #7 goToPreviousPage 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/gaffiot-dictionary/mImg/0000001.gif
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Gaffiot #8 goToPreviousPage 1702 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
    [page] => 1702
    [comment] => 1702
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/gaffiot-dictionary/mImg/0001701.gif
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            [page] => 1701
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #0 goToPage 0 / 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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                    [4] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mPimg-3/01-1b1c2x2/01-1x.gif

            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 1
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #1 goToPage 1 / 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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                    [3] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mPimg-3/01-1b1c2x2/01-1x-v2.gif
                    [4] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mPimg-3/01-1b1c2x2/01-1x.gif

            [errataText] => 
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            [volume] => 1
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #2 goToPage 100 / 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0100100.gif
            [errataImages] => Array
                    [0] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mPimg-3/01-100a2b1c3/01-100aa.gif
                    [1] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mPimg-3/01-100a2b1c3/01-100b.gif
                    [2] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mPimg-3/01-100a2b1c3/01-100ccc.gif

            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 1
            [page] => 100
            [firstWord] => ADESERTIR
Godefroy / Dictionnaire #3 goToPage 792 / 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 792
    [volume] => 1
    [comment] => 792 / 1
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0100792.gif
            [errataImages] => Array
                    [0] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mPimg-3/01-792c1/01-792c-v8.gif

            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array
                    [0] => CASSETIN

            [volume] => 1
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            [firstWord] => CASSART
Godefroy / Dictionnaire #4 goToPage 10000 / 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 10000
    [volume] => 1
    [comment] => 10000 / 1
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0200001.gif
            [errataImages] => Array
                    [0] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mPimg-3/02-1b1c1/02-1b.gif
                    [1] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mPimg-3/02-1b1c1/02-1c-v8.gif

            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 2
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #5 goToNextPage 1 / 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
    [page] => 1
    [volume] => 1
    [comment] => 1 / 1
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0100002.gif
            [errataImages] => Array
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                    [1] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mPimg-3/01-2b2c6/01-2c-v8.gif
                    [2] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mPimg-3/01-2b2c6/01-2ccccc.gif

            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 1
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            [firstWord] => A
Godefroy / Dictionnaire #6 goToNextPage 792 / 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
    [page] => 792
    [volume] => 1
    [comment] => 792 / 1
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0200001.gif
            [errataImages] => Array
                    [0] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mPimg-3/02-1b1c1/02-1b.gif
                    [1] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mPimg-3/02-1b1c1/02-1c-v8.gif

            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 2
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            [firstWord] => CASTEILLON
Godefroy / Dictionnaire #7 goToPreviousPage 1 / 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
    [page] => 1
    [volume] => 1
    [comment] => 1 / 1
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0100001.gif
            [errataImages] => Array
                    [0] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mPimg-3/01-1b1c2x2/01-1b.gif
                    [1] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mPimg-3/01-1b1c2x2/01-1c-v8.gif
                    [2] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mPimg-3/01-1b1c2x2/01-1c.gif
                    [3] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mPimg-3/01-1b1c2x2/01-1x-v2.gif
                    [4] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mPimg-3/01-1b1c2x2/01-1x.gif

            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 1
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #8 goToPreviousPage 792 / 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
    [page] => 792
    [volume] => 1
    [comment] => 792 / 1
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0100791.gif
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                    [0] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mPimg-3/01-791a1/01-791a-v2.gif

            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array
                    [0] => CASON

            [volume] => 1
            [page] => 791
            [firstWord] => CASAIN
Godefroy / Dictionnaire #9 goToPage 1 / 2 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 1
    [volume] => 2
    [comment] => 1 / 2
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0200001.gif
            [errataImages] => Array
                    [0] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mPimg-3/02-1b1c1/02-1b.gif
                    [1] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mPimg-3/02-1b1c1/02-1c-v8.gif

            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 2
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            [firstWord] => CASTEILLON
Godefroy / Dictionnaire #10 goToPage 100 / 2 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 100
    [volume] => 2
    [comment] => 100 / 2
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0200100.gif
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            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 2
            [page] => 100
            [firstWord] => CHAUXUMIER
Godefroy / Dictionnaire #11 goToPage 786 / 2 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 786
    [volume] => 2
    [comment] => 786 / 2
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0200786.gif
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            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 2
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            [firstWord] => DUSTRE
Godefroy / Dictionnaire #12 goToPage 10000 / 2 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 10000
    [volume] => 2
    [comment] => 10000 / 2
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0300001.gif
            [errataImages] => Array

            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 3
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #13 goToNextPage 1 / 2 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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    [volume] => 2
    [comment] => 1 / 2
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0200002.gif
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                    [1] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mPimg-3/02-2a2b1/02-2ab-v8.gif

            [errataText] => 
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                    [0] => CASTINENT

            [volume] => 2
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #14 goToNextPage 786 / 2 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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    [volume] => 2
    [comment] => 786 / 2
    [result] => Array
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            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 3
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #15 goToPreviousPage 1 / 2 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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    [volume] => 2
    [comment] => 1 / 2
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0100792.gif
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            [errataText] => 
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                    [0] => CASSETIN

            [volume] => 1
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #16 goToPreviousPage 786 / 2 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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    [comment] => 786 / 2
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            [errataText] => 
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            [volume] => 2
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #17 goToPage 1 / 3 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0300001.gif
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            [errataText] => 
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            [volume] => 3
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #18 goToPage 100 / 3 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 3
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #19 goToPage 792 / 3 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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            [errataText] => 
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            [volume] => 3
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #20 goToPage 10000 / 3 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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            [errataText] => 
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            [volume] => 4
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #21 goToNextPage 1 / 3 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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    [comment] => 1 / 3
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            [errataText] => 
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            [volume] => 3
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #22 goToNextPage 792 / 3 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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    [comment] => 792 / 3
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            [errataText] => 
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            [volume] => 4
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #23 goToPreviousPage 1 / 3 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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    [comment] => 1 / 3
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            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0200786.gif
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            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 2
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #24 goToPreviousPage 792 / 3 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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    [comment] => 792 / 3
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0300791.gif
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            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 3
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #25 goToPage 1 / 4 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0400001.gif
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            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 4
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #26 goToPage 100 / 4 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0400100.gif
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            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 4
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #27 goToPage 796 / 4 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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            [errataText] => 
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            [volume] => 4
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            [firstWord] => LISON
Godefroy / Dictionnaire #28 goToPage 10000 / 4 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 10000
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    [comment] => 10000 / 4
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0500001.gif
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            [volume] => 5
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #29 goToNextPage 1 / 4 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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    [result] => Array
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            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 4
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #30 goToNextPage 796 / 4 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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    [comment] => 796 / 4
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            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0500001.gif
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            [errataText] => 
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            [volume] => 5
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #31 goToPreviousPage 1 / 4 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 3
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #32 goToPreviousPage 796 / 4 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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    [comment] => 796 / 4
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            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0400795.gif
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            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 4
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            [firstWord] => LIRIN
Godefroy / Dictionnaire #33 goToPage 1 / 5 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 5
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #34 goToPage 100 / 5 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0500100.gif
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            [errataText] => 
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            [volume] => 5
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #35 goToPage 790 / 5 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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            [volume] => 5
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            [firstWord] => PARSIETE
Godefroy / Dictionnaire #36 goToPage 10000 / 5 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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    [comment] => 10000 / 5
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0600001.gif
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            [volume] => 6
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #37 goToNextPage 1 / 5 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0500002.gif
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            [errataText] => 
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            [volume] => 5
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #38 goToNextPage 790 / 5 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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    [comment] => 790 / 5
    [result] => Array
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            [volume] => 6
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #39 goToPreviousPage 1 / 5 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0400796.gif
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            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 4
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            [firstWord] => LISON
Godefroy / Dictionnaire #40 goToPreviousPage 790 / 5 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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    [comment] => 790 / 5
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0500789.gif
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                    [0] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mPimg-3/05-789c1/05-789c-v8.gif

            [errataText] => 
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            [volume] => 5
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            [firstWord] => PARRIERE
Godefroy / Dictionnaire #41 goToPage 1 / 6 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0600001.gif
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            [volume] => 6
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #42 goToPage 100 / 6 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0600100.gif
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            [errataText] => 
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            [volume] => 6
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #43 goToPage 778 / 6 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0600778.gif
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            [volume] => 6
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #44 goToPage 10000 / 6 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0700001.gif
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                    [1] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mPimg-3/07-1a1c1/07-1c-v8.gif

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            [volume] => 7
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #45 goToNextPage 1 / 6 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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            [volume] => 6
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #46 goToNextPage 778 / 6 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0700001.gif
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                    [0] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mPimg-3/07-1a1c1/07-1a.gif
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            [volume] => 7
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #47 goToPreviousPage 1 / 6 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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    [comment] => 1 / 6
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0500790.gif
            [errataImages] => Array

            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 5
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #48 goToPreviousPage 778 / 6 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
    [page] => 778
    [volume] => 6
    [comment] => 778 / 6
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0600777.gif
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                    [0] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mPimg-3/06-777c1/06-777c-v8.gif

            [errataText] => 
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            [volume] => 6
            [page] => 777
            [firstWord] => REMBOUSCHIEMENT
Godefroy / Dictionnaire #49 goToPage 1 / 7 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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    [volume] => 7
    [comment] => 1 / 7
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0700001.gif
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                    [1] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mPimg-3/07-1a1c1/07-1c-v8.gif

            [errataText] => 
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            [volume] => 7
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #50 goToPage 100 / 7 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 100
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    [comment] => 100 / 7
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0700100.gif
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            [errataText] => 
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            [volume] => 7
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #51 goToPage 788 / 7 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 788
    [volume] => 7
    [comment] => 788 / 7
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0700788.gif
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            [errataText] => 
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            [volume] => 7
            [page] => 788
            [firstWord] => TRAINEGAINE
Godefroy / Dictionnaire #52 goToPage 10000 / 7 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 10000
    [volume] => 7
    [comment] => 10000 / 7
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0800001.gif
            [errataImages] => Array

            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 8
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            [firstWord] => TRAIRE
Godefroy / Dictionnaire #53 goToNextPage 1 / 7 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
    [page] => 1
    [volume] => 7
    [comment] => 1 / 7
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0700002.gif
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            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 7
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #54 goToNextPage 788 / 7 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
    [page] => 788
    [volume] => 7
    [comment] => 788 / 7
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0800001.gif
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            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 8
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #55 goToPreviousPage 1 / 7 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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    [volume] => 7
    [comment] => 1 / 7
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0600778.gif
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            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 6
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            [firstWord] => REMEMBRABLEMENT
Godefroy / Dictionnaire #56 goToPreviousPage 788 / 7 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
    [page] => 788
    [volume] => 7
    [comment] => 788 / 7
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0700787.gif
            [errataImages] => Array

            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 7
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #57 goToPage 1 / 8 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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    [volume] => 8
    [comment] => 1 / 8
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0800001.gif
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            [errataText] => 
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            [volume] => 8
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #58 goToPage 100 / 8 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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    [comment] => 100 / 8
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0800100.gif
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            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 8
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            [firstWord] => TRUMELEOR
Godefroy / Dictionnaire #59 goToPage 344 / 8 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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    [comment] => 344 / 8
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0800344.gif
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            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 8
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            [firstWord] => ZIRBE
Godefroy / Dictionnaire #60 goToPage 10000 / 8 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 10000
    [volume] => 8
    [comment] => 10000 / 8
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0800344.gif
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            [errataText] => 
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            [volume] => 8
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            [firstWord] => ZIRBE
Godefroy / Dictionnaire #61 goToNextPage 1 / 8 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
    [page] => 1
    [volume] => 8
    [comment] => 1 / 8
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0800002.gif
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            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 8
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #62 goToNextPage 344 / 8 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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    [comment] => 344 / 8
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0800344.gif
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            [errataText] => 
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            [volume] => 8
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #63 goToPreviousPage 1 / 8 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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    [volume] => 8
    [comment] => 1 / 8
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0700788.gif
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            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 7
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #64 goToPreviousPage 344 / 8 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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    [comment] => 344 / 8
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0800343.gif
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            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 8
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Godefroy / Dictionnaire #65 goToPage 10000 / 100 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 10000
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            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-dictionary/mImg/0800344.gif
            [errataImages] => Array

            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 8
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            [firstWord] => ZIRBE
Godefroy / Lexique #0 goToPage 0 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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    [comment] => 0
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-lexicon/mImg/0000001.gif
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            [ghostwords] => Array
                    [0] => AASAER
                    [1] => ABAPTISIER
                    [2] => ABARROS

            [volume] => 
            [page] => 1
            [firstWord] => A
Godefroy / Lexique #1 goToPage 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-lexicon/mImg/0000001.gif
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                    [0] => AASAER
                    [1] => ABAPTISIER
                    [2] => ABARROS

            [volume] => 
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Godefroy / Lexique #2 goToPage 100 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-lexicon/mImg/0000100.gif
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                    [0] => CONTRATENIR

            [volume] => 
            [page] => 100
            [firstWord] => CONTENTESSE
Godefroy / Lexique #3 goToPage 544 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-lexicon/mImg/0000544.gif
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            [volume] => 
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Godefroy / Lexique #4 goToPage 10000 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 10000
    [comment] => 10000
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            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-lexicon/mImg/0000544.gif
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            [volume] => 
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Godefroy / Lexique #5 goToNextPage 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-lexicon/mImg/0000002.gif
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            [errataText] => P. 2 col. 2, lire: ABOBER au lieu de ABOLER.
            [ghostwords] => Array
                    [0] => CUIVRER UNE ABEILLE
                    [1] => ABLENTE
                    [2] => ABLONDIR
                    [3] => ABNURAGE

            [volume] => 
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Godefroy / Lexique #6 goToNextPage 544 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-lexicon/mImg/0000544.gif
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            [volume] => 
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Godefroy / Lexique #7 goToPreviousPage 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-lexicon/mImg/0000001.gif
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                    [0] => AASAER
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                    [2] => ABARROS

            [volume] => 
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Godefroy / Lexique #8 goToPreviousPage 544 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-lexicon/mImg/0000543.gif
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                    [0] => YTGANE

            [volume] => 
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Godefroy / Complément #0 goToPage 0 / 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-supplement/mImg/0810009.gif
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            [errataText] => 
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                    [0] => AASAER

            [volume] => 8
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Godefroy / Complément #1 goToPage 9 / 8 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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            [errataText] => 
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                    [0] => AASAER

            [volume] => 8
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Godefroy / Complément #2 goToPage 104 / 8 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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            [volume] => 8
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Godefroy / Complément #3 goToPage 432 / 8 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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            [volume] => 8
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Godefroy / Complément #4 goToPage 10000 / 8 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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            [errataText] => 
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            [volume] => 9
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Godefroy / Complément #5 goToNextPage 9 / 8 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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Godefroy / Complément #6 goToNextPage 432 / 8 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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Godefroy / Complément #7 goToPreviousPage 9 / 8 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Godefroy / Complément #8 goToPreviousPage 432 / 8 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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            [volume] => 8
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Godefroy / Complément #9 goToPage 1 / 9 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Godefroy / Complément #10 goToPage 100 / 9 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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            [volume] => 9
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Godefroy / Complément #11 goToPage 790 / 9 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Godefroy / Complément #12 goToPage 10000 / 9 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Godefroy / Complément #13 goToNextPage 1 / 9 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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Godefroy / Complément #14 goToNextPage 790 / 9 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Godefroy / Complément #15 goToPreviousPage 1 / 9 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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            [volume] => 8
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Godefroy / Complément #16 goToPreviousPage 790 / 9 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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            [volume] => 9
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Godefroy / Complément #17 goToPage 1 / 10 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Godefroy / Complément #18 goToPage 100 / 10 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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            [volume] => 10
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Godefroy / Complément #19 goToPage 875 / 10 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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            [volume] => 10
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Godefroy / Complément #20 goToPage 10000 / 10 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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    [result] => Array
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            [volume] => 10
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Godefroy / Complément #21 goToNextPage 1 / 10 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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            [volume] => 10
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Godefroy / Complément #22 goToNextPage 875 / 10 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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            [volume] => 10
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Godefroy / Complément #23 goToPreviousPage 1 / 10 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-supplement/mImg/0910790.gif
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            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 9
            [page] => 790
            [firstWord] => IMPUDENT
Godefroy / Complément #24 goToPreviousPage 875 / 10 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
    [page] => 875
    [volume] => 10
    [comment] => 875 / 10
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-supplement/mImg/1010874.gif
            [errataImages] => Array

            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 10
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            [firstWord] => Z
Godefroy / Complément #25 goToPage 10000 / 100 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 10000
    [volume] => 100
    [comment] => 10000 / 100
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/godefroy-supplement/mImg/1010875.gif
            [errataImages] => Array

            [errataText] => 
            [ghostwords] => Array

            [volume] => 10
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            [firstWord] => ZINZOLIN
Grand Larousse #0 goToPage 0 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 0
    [comment] => 0
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k1200532b/f105.highres
            [page] => 1
            [volume] => 1
            [firstWord] => a
Grand Larousse #1 goToPage 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 1
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    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k1200532b/f105.highres
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            [firstWord] => a
Grand Larousse #2 goToPage 1000 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 1000
    [comment] => 1000
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            [externalDict] => http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k1200533r/f286.highres
            [page] => 1000
            [volume] => 2
            [firstWord] => courable
Grand Larousse #3 goToPage 6528 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 6528
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            [externalDict] => http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k12005590/f768.highres
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            [firstWord] => zygote
Grand Larousse #4 goToPage 10000 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 10000
    [comment] => 10000
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k12005590/f768.highres
            [page] => 6528
            [volume] => 7
            [firstWord] => zygote
Grand Larousse #5 goToNextPage 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
    [page] => 1
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    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k1200532b/f106.highres
            [page] => 2
            [volume] => 1
            [firstWord] => 
Grand Larousse #6 goToNextPage 6528 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
    [page] => 6528
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    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k12005590/f768.highres
            [page] => 6528
            [volume] => 7
            [firstWord] => zygote
Grand Larousse #7 goToPreviousPage 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
    [page] => 1
    [comment] => 1
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k1200532b/f105.highres
            [page] => 1
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            [firstWord] => a
Grand Larousse #8 goToPreviousPage 6528 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
    [page] => 6528
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    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k12005590/f767.highres
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            [firstWord] => zoxazolamine
Lacurne / Dictionnaire #0 goToPage 0 / 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 0
    [volume] => 1
    [comment] => 0 / 1
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0100001.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #1 goToPage 1 / 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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    [volume] => 1
    [comment] => 1 / 1
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0100001.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #2 goToPage 100 / 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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    [comment] => 100 / 1
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0100100.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #3 goToPage 482 / 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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    [result] => Array
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #4 goToPage 10000 / 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 10000
    [volume] => 1
    [comment] => 10000 / 1
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0200001.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #5 goToNextPage 1 / 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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    [volume] => 1
    [comment] => 1 / 1
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0100003.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #6 goToNextPage 482 / 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #7 goToPreviousPage 1 / 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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    [volume] => 1
    [comment] => 1 / 1
    [result] => Array
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #8 goToPreviousPage 482 / 1 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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    [result] => Array
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #9 goToPage 1 / 2 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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    [volume] => 2
    [comment] => 1 / 2
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0200001.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #10 goToPage 100 / 2 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0200100.gif
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            [firstWord] => ARANTELLES
Lacurne / Dictionnaire #11 goToPage 480 / 2 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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    [comment] => 480 / 2
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0200480.gif
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            [firstWord] => BICHETTES
Lacurne / Dictionnaire #12 goToPage 10000 / 2 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 10000
    [volume] => 2
    [comment] => 10000 / 2
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0300001.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #13 goToNextPage 1 / 2 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
    [page] => 1
    [volume] => 2
    [comment] => 1 / 2
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0200002.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #14 goToNextPage 480 / 2 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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    [comment] => 480 / 2
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0300001.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #15 goToPreviousPage 1 / 2 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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    [volume] => 2
    [comment] => 1 / 2
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0100482.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #16 goToPreviousPage 480 / 2 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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    [volume] => 2
    [comment] => 480 / 2
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0200479.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #17 goToPage 1 / 3 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0300001.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #18 goToPage 100 / 3 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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    [comment] => 100 / 3
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0300100.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #19 goToPage 480 / 3 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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    [comment] => 480 / 3
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0300480.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #20 goToPage 10000 / 3 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 10000
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    [comment] => 10000 / 3
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0400001.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #21 goToNextPage 1 / 3 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0300002.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #22 goToNextPage 480 / 3 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0400001.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #23 goToPreviousPage 1 / 3 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0200480.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #24 goToPreviousPage 480 / 3 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #25 goToPage 1 / 4 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #26 goToPage 100 / 4 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #27 goToPage 480 / 4 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #28 goToPage 10000 / 4 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0500001.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #29 goToNextPage 1 / 4 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0400003.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #30 goToNextPage 480 / 4 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #31 goToPreviousPage 1 / 4 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0300480.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #32 goToPreviousPage 480 / 4 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #33 goToPage 1 / 5 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0500001.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #34 goToPage 100 / 5 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #35 goToPage 483 / 5 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #36 goToPage 10000 / 5 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #37 goToNextPage 1 / 5 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0500002.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #38 goToNextPage 483 / 5 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #39 goToPreviousPage 1 / 5 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0400480.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #40 goToPreviousPage 483 / 5 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #41 goToPage 1 / 6 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0600001.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #42 goToPage 100 / 6 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0600100.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #43 goToPage 444 / 6 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0600444.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #44 goToPage 10000 / 6 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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    [comment] => 10000 / 6
    [result] => Array
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #45 goToNextPage 1 / 6 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #46 goToNextPage 444 / 6 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #47 goToPreviousPage 1 / 6 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #48 goToPreviousPage 444 / 6 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #49 goToPage 1 / 7 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #50 goToPage 100 / 7 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #51 goToPage 460 / 7 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #52 goToPage 10000 / 7 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #53 goToNextPage 1 / 7 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #54 goToNextPage 460 / 7 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #55 goToPreviousPage 1 / 7 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #56 goToPreviousPage 460 / 7 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #57 goToPage 1 / 8 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #58 goToPage 100 / 8 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #59 goToPage 516 / 8 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #60 goToPage 10000 / 8 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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    [volume] => 8
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    [result] => Array
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #61 goToNextPage 1 / 8 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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    [volume] => 8
    [comment] => 1 / 8
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0800002.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #62 goToNextPage 516 / 8 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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    [comment] => 516 / 8
    [result] => Array
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #63 goToPreviousPage 1 / 8 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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    [result] => Array
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #64 goToPreviousPage 516 / 8 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0800515.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #65 goToPage 1 / 9 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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    [result] => Array
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #66 goToPage 100 / 9 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0900100.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #67 goToPage 528 / 9 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0900528.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #68 goToPage 10000 / 9 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/1000001.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #69 goToNextPage 1 / 9 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0900002.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #70 goToNextPage 528 / 9 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/1000001.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #71 goToPreviousPage 1 / 9 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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    [volume] => 9
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            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0800516.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #72 goToPreviousPage 528 / 9 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
    [page] => 528
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    [comment] => 528 / 9
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0900527.gif
            [errataImages] => 
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #73 goToPage 1 / 10 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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    [volume] => 10
    [comment] => 1 / 10
    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/1000001.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #74 goToPage 100 / 10 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/1000100.gif
            [errataImages] => 
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #75 goToPage 202 / 10 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/1000202.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #76 goToPage 10000 / 10 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/1000202.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #77 goToNextPage 1 / 10 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/1000002.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #78 goToNextPage 202 / 10 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/1000202.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #79 goToPreviousPage 1 / 10 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/0900528.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #80 goToPreviousPage 202 / 10 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/1000201.gif
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Lacurne / Dictionnaire #81 goToPage 10000 / 100 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/lacurne-dictionary/mImg/1000202.gif
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Petit Larousse / N. communs #0 goToPage 0 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/petit-larousse.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 0
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    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia600300.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/15/items/PetitLarousse19061/larousse_petit_1906_a_jp2.zip&file=larousse_petit_1906_a_jp2/larousse_petit_1906_a_0014.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1
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Expected result:
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            [page] => 1
            [volume] => 1
            [firstWord] => A
Petit Larousse / N. communs #1 goToPage 1 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/petit-larousse.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 1
    [comment] => 1
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia600300.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/15/items/PetitLarousse19061/larousse_petit_1906_a_jp2.zip&file=larousse_petit_1906_a_jp2/larousse_petit_1906_a_0014.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1
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Expected result:
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            [externalDict] => http://ia700503.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/8/items/PetitLarousse19061/larousse_petit_1906_a_jp2.zip&file=larousse_petit_1906_a_jp2/larousse_petit_1906_a_0014.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1
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            [firstWord] => A
Petit Larousse / N. communs #2 goToPage 1000 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/petit-larousse.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 1000
    [comment] => 1000
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia600302.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/11/items/PetitLarousse19064/larousse_petit_1906_d_jp2.zip&file=larousse_petit_1906_d_jp2/larousse_petit_1906_d_0182.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1000
            [volume] => 4
            [firstWord] => TOUILLAGE

Expected result:
    [method] => goToPage
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            [externalDict] => http://ia700507.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/5/items/PetitLarousse19064/larousse_petit_1906_d_jp2.zip&file=larousse_petit_1906_d_jp2/larousse_petit_1906_d_0182.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1000
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            [firstWord] => TOUILLAGE
Petit Larousse / N. communs #3 goToPage 1066 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/petit-larousse.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 1066
    [comment] => 1066
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia600302.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/11/items/PetitLarousse19064/larousse_petit_1906_d_jp2.zip&file=larousse_petit_1906_d_jp2/larousse_petit_1906_d_0248.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1066
            [volume] => 4
            [firstWord] => ZOOTECHNIE

Expected result:
    [method] => goToPage
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    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia700507.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/5/items/PetitLarousse19064/larousse_petit_1906_d_jp2.zip&file=larousse_petit_1906_d_jp2/larousse_petit_1906_d_0248.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1066
            [volume] => 4
            [firstWord] => ZOOTECHNIE
Petit Larousse / N. communs #4 goToPage 10000 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/petit-larousse.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 10000
    [comment] => 10000
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia600302.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/11/items/PetitLarousse19064/larousse_petit_1906_d_jp2.zip&file=larousse_petit_1906_d_jp2/larousse_petit_1906_d_0248.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1066
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            [firstWord] => ZOOTECHNIE

Expected result:
    [method] => goToPage
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    [comment] => 10000
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            [externalDict] => http://ia700507.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/5/items/PetitLarousse19064/larousse_petit_1906_d_jp2.zip&file=larousse_petit_1906_d_jp2/larousse_petit_1906_d_0248.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1066
            [volume] => 4
            [firstWord] => ZOOTECHNIE
Petit Larousse / N. communs #5 goToNextPage 1 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/petit-larousse.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToNextPage
    [page] => 1
    [comment] => 1
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia600300.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/15/items/PetitLarousse19061/larousse_petit_1906_a_jp2.zip&file=larousse_petit_1906_a_jp2/larousse_petit_1906_a_0015.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 2
            [volume] => 1
            [firstWord] => ABASOURDIR

Expected result:
    [method] => goToNextPage
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    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia700503.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/8/items/PetitLarousse19061/larousse_petit_1906_a_jp2.zip&file=larousse_petit_1906_a_jp2/larousse_petit_1906_a_0015.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 2
            [volume] => 1
            [firstWord] => ABASOURDIR
Petit Larousse / N. communs #6 goToNextPage 1066 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/petit-larousse.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToNextPage
    [page] => 1066
    [comment] => 1066
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia600302.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/11/items/PetitLarousse19064/larousse_petit_1906_d_jp2.zip&file=larousse_petit_1906_d_jp2/larousse_petit_1906_d_0248.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1066
            [volume] => 4
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Expected result:
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            [page] => 1066
            [volume] => 4
            [firstWord] => ZOOTECHNIE
Petit Larousse / N. communs #7 goToPreviousPage 1 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/petit-larousse.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
    [page] => 1
    [comment] => 1
    [result] => Array
            [externalDict] => http://ia600300.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/15/items/PetitLarousse19061/larousse_petit_1906_a_jp2.zip&file=larousse_petit_1906_a_jp2/larousse_petit_1906_a_0014.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
            [page] => 1
            [volume] => 1
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Expected result:
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            [page] => 1
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            [firstWord] => A
Petit Larousse / N. communs #8 goToPreviousPage 1066 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/petit-larousse.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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            [page] => 1065
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Expected result:
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            [page] => 1065
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Petit Larousse / N. propres #0 goToPage 0 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/petit-larousse-np.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPage
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Expected result:
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Petit Larousse / N. propres #1 goToPage 1099 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/petit-larousse-np.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPage
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Expected result:
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Petit Larousse / N. propres #2 goToPage 1500 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/petit-larousse-np.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPage
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            [page] => 1500
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            [firstWord] => ORT

Expected result:
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            [page] => 1500
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Petit Larousse / N. propres #3 goToPage 1658 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/petit-larousse-np.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPage
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            [page] => 1658
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Expected result:
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            [page] => 1658
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Petit Larousse / N. propres #4 goToPage 10000 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/petit-larousse-np.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPage
    [page] => 10000
    [comment] => 10000
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Expected result:
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            [page] => 1658
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Petit Larousse / N. propres #5 goToNextPage 1099 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/petit-larousse-np.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToNextPage
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            [firstWord] => ABB

Expected result:
    [method] => goToNextPage
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            [page] => 1100
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            [firstWord] => ABB
Petit Larousse / N. propres #6 goToNextPage 1658 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/petit-larousse-np.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToNextPage
    [page] => 1658
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            [page] => 1658
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Expected result:
    [method] => goToNextPage
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            [page] => 1658
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            [firstWord] => ZOR
Petit Larousse / N. propres #7 goToPreviousPage 1099 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/petit-larousse-np.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
    [page] => 1099
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            [externalDict] => http://ia600300.us.archive.org/BookReader/BookReaderImages.php?zip=/2/items/PetitLarousse19065/larousse_petit_1906_e_jp2.zip&file=larousse_petit_1906_e_jp2/larousse_petit_1906_e_0000.jp2&scale=3&rotate=0
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Expected result:
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            [page] => 1099
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Petit Larousse / N. propres #8 goToPreviousPage 1658 Test failed See details Fix or remove tests/results/page-tests/petit-larousse-np.php accordingly
Test result:
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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            [page] => 1657
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Expected result:
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            [page] => 1657
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Roman de la Rose #0 goToPage 0 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Roman de la Rose #1 goToPage 117 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de la Rose #2 goToPage 200 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de la Rose #3 goToPage 329 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de la Rose #4 goToPage 1000 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de la Rose #5 goToNextPage 117 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de la Rose #6 goToNextPage 329 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de la Rose #7 goToPreviousPage 117 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de la Rose #8 goToPreviousPage 329 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Renart / FHS #0 goToPage 0 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Renart / FHS #1 goToPage 507 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Renart / FHS #2 goToPage 520 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Renart / FHS #3 goToPage 534 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Renart / FHS #4 goToPage 1000 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Renart / FHS #5 goToNextPage 507 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Renart / FHS #6 goToNextPage 534 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Renart / FHS #7 goToPreviousPage 507 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Renart / FHS #8 goToPreviousPage 534 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.1 #0 goToPage 0 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.1 #1 goToPage 359 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.1 #2 goToPage 400 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.1 #3 goToPage 402 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.1 #4 goToPage 1000 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.1 #5 goToNextPage 359 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.1 #6 goToNextPage 402 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.1 #7 goToPreviousPage 359 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.1 #8 goToPreviousPage 402 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
    [page] => 402
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    [result] => Array
            [definition] => dictionary/roman-de-renart-meon-1-glossary/mImg/0000401.gif
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.2 #0 goToPage 0 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/roman-de-renart-meon-2-glossary/mImg/0000375.gif
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.2 #1 goToPage 375 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.2 #2 goToPage 400 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.2 #3 goToPage 422 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/roman-de-renart-meon-2-glossary/mImg/0000422.gif
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.2 #4 goToPage 1000 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.2 #5 goToNextPage 375 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.2 #6 goToNextPage 422 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.2 #7 goToPreviousPage 375 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.2 #8 goToPreviousPage 422 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.3 #0 goToPage 0 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.3 #1 goToPage 385 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.3 #2 goToPage 400 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.3 #3 goToPage 439 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.3 #4 goToPage 1000 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.3 #5 goToNextPage 385 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.3 #6 goToNextPage 439 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.3 #7 goToPreviousPage 385 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.3 #8 goToPreviousPage 439 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.4 #0 goToPage 0 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.4 #1 goToPage 463 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.4 #2 goToPage 500 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.4 #3 goToPage 533 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.4 #4 goToPage 1000 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.4 #5 goToNextPage 463 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.4 #6 goToNextPage 533 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.4 #7 goToPreviousPage 463 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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Roman de Renart / Méon v.4 #8 goToPreviousPage 533 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Tristan #0 goToPage 0 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Roman de Tristan #1 goToPage 145 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Roman de Tristan #2 goToPage 200 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Roman de Tristan #3 goToPage 245 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Roman de Tristan #4 goToPage 1000 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Roman de Tristan #5 goToNextPage 145 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Tristan #6 goToNextPage 245 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Roman de Tristan #7 goToPreviousPage 145 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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Roman de Tristan #8 goToPreviousPage 245 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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Lexique Roman #0 goToPage 0 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Lexique Roman #1 goToPage 49 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Lexique Roman #2 goToPage 100 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Lexique Roman #3 goToPage 555 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Lexique Roman #4 goToPage 1000 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Lexique Roman #5 goToNextPage 49 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/roman-lexicon/lexromv/mImg/0000050.gif
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Lexique Roman #6 goToNextPage 555 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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Lexique Roman #7 goToPreviousPage 49 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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Lexique Roman #8 goToPreviousPage 555 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
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Van Daele #0 goToPage 0 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Van Daele #1 goToPage 9 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Van Daele #2 goToPage 100 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/vandaele-dictionary/mImg/0000100.gif
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            [volume] => 
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Van Daele #3 goToPage 536 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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            [volume] => 
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Van Daele #4 goToPage 1000 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPage
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Van Daele #5 goToNextPage 9 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/vandaele-dictionary/mImg/0000010.gif
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Van Daele #6 goToNextPage 536 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToNextPage
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Van Daele #7 goToPreviousPage 9 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/vandaele-dictionary/mImg/0000009.gif
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Van Daele #8 goToPreviousPage 536 Test OK See details
Test result = Expected result
    [method] => goToPreviousPage
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            [definition] => dictionary/vandaele-dictionary/mImg/0000535.gif
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                    [0] => WASCES

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